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Soldier Boy
« on: January 26, 2019, 03:58:59 AM »
Continued from Prey.

“This is a huge mistake,” Lisa-Joe Hampton yelled. She was still dressed for combat. She wore tight but stretchy jeans, with combat boots and military style body armor. Her dazzling red hair was styled in a single long braid, ending at mid back. Her makeup and nail polish hinted at a softer side, but those present in the room wouldn’t see anything that could remotely be described as soft. Her hands were placed on her hips, and her face expressed a tidal wave of anger.

“That’s not your decision to make,” Jake McCloud said back, his tone seeming much calmer than his Brujah companion. He was tying rope absentmindedly, only half present for the conversation.

“Well it may not be mine to make hun, but you sure are fucking us over by not listening to me,” she spat back. “You two made quite the little scene with your screaming and crying. I had to wipe thirteen humans memories.”

“You didn’t wipe anyone’s memory,” Jake observed. “You don’t have that skill.” He kept tying ropes. His tone was petty and shallow. He threw a length of cord over a steel chair and wrapped it around back. The individual being tied up was unconscious.

“Oh, so you want to pull that high clan bullshit, because you know that there is zero logical reasons to bring that thing in here.” She pointed at the thing, and Jake narrowed his eyes hatefully as she did.

“If you’re not going to help me get out,” Jake said softly. He was no longer calm with her, and there was a certain shakiness in his tone that said he too was moments away from screaming.

“And leave you alone with the monster who nearly killed you,” she said in disbelief. “As if I’d listen, and you wouldn’t dare Dominate me little boy.” She was right. He wouldn’t dare try, and more important than that he knew that she knew he wouldn’t try.

“And besides your rope skills are garbage your highness. Get out of my way.” Lisa-Joe took over tying up the captive. Her skills with knots were much better than Jake’s, and she added enough layers to hold down even most Kindred. This guy wasn’t going anywhere, and if he tried he’d rub himself bloody. Lisa looked satisfied with her work, and stepped back to take it in.

“He’s a human you know,” Jake said, looking at the monster of snaking ropes and complicated knots. His youthful face looked at Luke with sadness and regret. He wasn’t sure if Luke was going to wake, or if in his arrogance he’d damaged him beyond repair. He felt an impulse to hug him, to get wrapped up in his arms. Why did he care so much?

“I think you are forgetting that this human just cleaned your clock in under five minutes. Spar with me more chump.” Only one person could be this flippant with Jake, and Lisa knew it was her. Her own anger at him was coming out in barbs, but she had to admit she was curious about this man. Jake had told her very little, but anything or anyone that had the ability to affect her leader the way this man had was worth knowing more about. “Sam and Scott coming,” she asked.

“Sam is on her way. Scott has been informed. I’m unsure if he’ll be here. He’s been having trouble adjusting to a life without Conner,” Jake responded, letting the chump comment pass for now. He was already planning to jump Lisa in an alleyway when he got the chance. They had a very special kind of friendship.

“You men and your feelings,” Lisa-Joe hissed. “At least with Sam there will be two sensible people here.”

Jake heard his friend speak, but said nothing in reply. He was in his own head again. The lab, the men wearing masks, the pain, they were all still in there. Jake had joined him in that pain for a few brief seconds. He realized that for Luke it must’ve gone on much longer than that. He looked innocent, all tied up. Before his current moment, he’d been showered and placed in new clothes. A simple t-shirt and comfy shorts replaced his rags. He wore socks but no shoes. All cleaned up, he was even more handsome. Jake wanted to tell Luke how sorry he was. As to what he was sorry about, he wasn’t exactly sure. He hadn’t made that vault. He hadn’t broken his mind in the first place. However, he had made it worse, and he wanted to apologize for that very much indeed. He had changed into simple age appropriate clothes. He wore blue jean shorts and Converse. A tight blue T-shirt with the words “Ptown” written in a fun form of calligraphy completed the look.

Wake up Luke
, he thought, eyes looking at the captives face.     
Be a sadist. Now matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them — in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Jake Benny Kyle Lisa-Joe James/Jimmy Tess Tyler Apep Ari Lacy Mithras

Offline CowboyBlonde

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Re: Soldier Boy
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2019, 08:57:51 AM »
Scott was surrounded by cardboard boxes in his apartment.  Within the two weeks of being back from the most recent war, he had decided that it was best to leave the memories from this apartment behind.  Conner was gone and he wasn't coming back, that was more than clear now.  Scott hadn't seen Jake, Sam or Lisa-Joe since he left The White Rabbit two weeks ago.  Sam and Jake had called, but Scott ignored them.  Lisa-Joe didn't care enough to call.  Scott was stuck in a blackhole of self pity, scratching at the walls.  He'd decided it was best to pack up and move elsewhere.  The apartment he had shared with Conner was too much to handle.  There was no other way to move on.

Scott sat on his leather sofa, scrolling through old pictures on his phone, debating which ones to delete when he suddenly heard a screech from the radio in his bedroom.  He kept the hand held radio next to his bed on his nightstand.  The walkie-talkie looking device was given to him by Jake shortly after they returned home from the recent war.  Sam and Lisa-Joe got one as well.  It was a direct line to Jake incase there was ever any trouble.  The thing was practically a dust collector until now. 

Scott was somewhat startled by the static and rushed into the room and stared at it.  Then Jake's voice came clear from it's speaker, "City bus depot, twenty minutes," was all Jake said.  What the hell does that mean? 

Scott knew he wouldn't be much help in a hostile situation.  He had locked up his entire weapon collection in a vault downtown.  He was serious that he was done with violence after this war, though he had yet to let anyone know this.  He stood there thinking for a moment as Lisa-Joe's voice came from the speaker as well, confirming Jake's words.

Scott was feeling pulled, he knew he had to support them in any way he could.  He'd decided he would meet them at The White Rabbit, assuming that's where they would end up if everything went according to plan.


Scott ran through the front door of The Rabbit and looked around.  Sam was no where to be seen, perhaps she was upstairs running the books?  The place was surprisingly empty and the music was low.  Jake must have made everyone leave.  What the hell is going on?

Scott suddenly heard the voices of Jake and Lisa arguing like a married couple.  Scott rushed towards the noise and stumbled upon the two of them tying up an unconscious man.  Scott was very surprised as this was the last think he might have expected.  The aura around this fair haired man was dark, omitting grief, confusion, and rage. Scott tore his attention to Jake and Lisa, they were dressed in armor.  Scott felt a flashback hit his brain like a crashing wave, seeing the three of them dressed like this on the battlefield. Scott did not get the memo as he was dressed in his usual, black skinny jeans, work boots, and a fitted white henley under a red unbuttoned flannel.

"Jake what the hell is going on?  I heard your call on the radio."  Scott pointed his chin to the prisoner, "and who the hell is he?"
INFUSCO: Scott / Blake / Parker
ZOMBIE MANIA: Christian / Joel

Offline Idrial

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Re: Soldier Boy
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2019, 10:03:48 AM »
Jake's demeanor over the phone concerned Sam tremendously, she had never heard him so upset. She was at the temporary location for the Academy. Doing up a lesson plan and using a few resources when she got the call from Jake. Sam immediately left without hesitation, packing her things with haste she left to be at his side. Having no clue if Scott was going to show up or not. The lump in her throat would not go away, this was just like last time when that damn Assamite entered town. Only this time was different as Jake was distraught over this encounter. Jake was nearly killed by a human, it made no sense. How can a human like creature best a vampire? Quicking her pace in the side alleys, she could get there faster than any car or public transit. Careful not to violate the Masquerade along the way.

Entering the club in a brisk jaunt, her white shoes silent across the floor. She noticed the club was quiet as she took off her jacket revealing a light blue tank top. That was never a good sign. The low music gave off an weird feeling as she crossed the floor. There was not a patron in sight. Something bad must have happened for them to clear out the bar. Reaching out to Jake through their bond as she rounded her way to the back. What she was about to see put her in an uneasy mood.

The arguing had since ended and she was pleased to see Scott had arrived. Giving him and Lisa-Joe a brief nod, as Scott asked what had happened. However her attention was turned to the strange man in the room. Bound in a chair with sophisticated knots tying him down Sam remained silent as she took in the situation, seeing the human like creature had yet to awaken. Walking over to Jake she put her hand lightly on his shoulder.

Jake...are you hurt at all? Speaking through their bond. She could not see any physical damage but she worried about his mental state. Sam was trying her best to stay calm for Jake. Lisa-Joe was frazzled and on edge. Sam could tell just by the way she held herself. Lisa-Joe was less affected by this experience than Jake but she was still on edge.

Offline Black Philip

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Re: Soldier Boy
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2019, 10:29:19 AM »
It wasn't true that Lisa didn't care about Scott. She thought herself his right and proper Auntie. She just had a funny way of showing love. That was the problem. A punch in the arm, sharing a drink, eating out a box; those were the ways she showed love. Words, comfort, sympathy. That was Toreador. Brujah solved most arguments by beating each other unconscious, so all things considered she'd grown quite a bit. This perception of her own growth caused her to be confused when Scott walked through the door looking like he hadn't showered since the last time she saw him. She couldn't be sure of course. She should say something helpful.

"You look like shit Scott," she informed him. Good. Now he could go shower and change, and she was sure that would improve his mood. She prided herself on being on a model aunt. As to his question, she decided to let her dear friend Jacob answer. After all, this was his shit show. She finished a few final knots as Jake and Scott talked. She liked tying knots. It was strangely peaceful. She thought back to where she'd learned it.

She had to know how to tie ropes and knots. She had to clean the glasses. She had to make the beds. She had to lie on the beds.

She made a mistake, and cursed. "Goddamn shitty rope." She resumed her final spot check and as she did took a look at this little gift Jake had brought. She wasn't much for men, but he did look rather handsome. She may have been a lesbian but objectively she still knew a good looker when she saw one. She also happened to notice that he was Jake's type, as much as he had one.

If he's doing this for dick, I'll cut his off, she thought, backing up from Luke. Her face conveyed how annoyed she was. She'd had a very nice night of bar tending before this. Now that the Sabbat had been abolished on the west coast, and the Camarilla had their tails between their legs she could finally focus on her bar. Sam had done a good job, and was still doing a good job. But she was back now, and she decided that life as a bar mistress was exactly the life she wanted. Jake had even decided to make her Keeper of Elysium. The Keeper ran the show inside the venue, making the White Rabbit, and the subterranean headquarters below "her house." However, this little science project came along, and now she was once again policing the supernatural. When would she ever stop having to deal with this shit?

Sam's entrance was like a breath of fresh air, and she greeted her with a hug instead of the nod. "I'm so glad you're here," she said as Sam crossed to meet with her sire. Lisa-Joe turned back to Luke and as Sam, Scott and Jake discussed the events of the night Lisa decided to take it upon herself to wake their newest subject. She could slap him. That worked most of the time. No. Jake wouldn't like it, and princess was sensitive tonight. She placed a slender hand upon her chin. Her face was resolute and thoughtful. As usual she left the room without a word, unsure if anyone in the room would notice her exit.  She went to the bar and grabbed a large beer mug and filled it with ice cold water and returned.

"And then he was on top of me," Jake recounted. He didn't even see Lisa-Joe walk right over to Luke and pour the ice cold water directly on him. She slapped him too, just for good measure. She turned with a smile.

See, I'm helping.
Be a sadist. Now matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them — in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Jake Benny Kyle Lisa-Joe James/Jimmy Tess Tyler Apep Ari Lacy Mithras

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Re: Soldier Boy
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2019, 02:06:46 PM »
Luke had been awake for… well, basically since the loud one had started yelling. He was not a fan of the yelling. Whatever had happened to him had left him with the equivalent of a low-grade migraine, and her brash voice sent a constellation of needle-sharp pain throughout his skull. He kept his eyes closed and let his body continue to sag in his chair while doing his best to take the deep, steady breaths of an unconscious person. Keeping his eyes closed had the added benefit of shutting out light, which seemed like it would be very unpleasant in his current state, and the breathing was almost meditative, helping him keep the headache at bay.

Skirting around how much it hurt to think, he started making a tally of what he knew. For starters, he had clearly lost the fight. The last thing he remembered was looming over the kid with his organic blade against his throat, and then… nothing. He wasn’t sure how he’d gotten here, or where here was for that matter, but that was less important.

There were two people in the room with him, at least at first. One was his erstwhile opponent. The other was the loud woman. One of them was fumbling at securing him to a chair while they argued. Judging from the tone, the boy was the shot-caller and the woman was, what, an advisor? It seemed unlikely that the dissent he was hearing could really be capitalized on, but he made note of it anyway.

His chances of escaping decreased dramatically when Lisa-Joe took over with the ropes. Jake’s attempts might have allowed him enough leeway to get free quickly enough to defend himself, but the woman knew what she was doing. He could escape, no problem - tying up someone with an arm that could turn into a prehensile polearm wasn’t particularly possible, never mind easy. He couldn’t keep them from having their way with him while he escaped though, and from the sound of it, this Lisa-Joe was the muscle. Two-on-one was not twice as difficult as a single opponent; it was exponentially more difficult. He tentatively removed “breaking my bonds and fleeing” from his direly short list of options.

The boy’s tone interested him. There was something like regret in it, and it sounded earnest. He was reasonably sure they still thought he was out, so unless they were going really deep on some kind of mind game, the concern was real. The operative him was ready to use that emotional vulnerability to his advantage, but Luke, or at least, the jumbled mess that he thought of as Luke, was a little touched. He’s a human you know. Sometimes he had doubts about that himself.

He stowed that line of thought and went back to gathering information. There were two more players: Sam and Scott. The loud woman, who didn’t seem entirely sensible, considered the former (a female Sam, not a male Sam) sensible (Luke decided that was a bit of a wash and that he needed more data to make a determination). The latter was apparently having some kind of relationship issues (Luke filed that under “potentially useful”).

He almost frowned when he realized they’d changed his clothes, but he managed to keep his features placid. Between that and Jake’s remorse, he felt like he understood less about the situation now than when he’d started to work it out.

Scott arrived, Sam arrived. He began to develop the sense that this group was more akin to a family than anything else based on what passed. A dysfunctional family, surely, and at least partially a non-human one, based on the way Lisa-Joe and Jake had been talking. Humans didn’t tend to call other humans “humans”, after all.

He did his best to listen to everyone’s movements and place them in the room, but that proved beyond his migraine-addled mind. Every time he tried the pain began to swell, and eventually he just gave up and listened as Jake recounted their battle. He was listening intently to the tale when he heard some advancing on him quickly. He was ready for being hit, stabbed, branded with an iron… but not a glass of freezing water to the face.

His hazel eyes shot open, locking on Lisa-Joe’s. He would have sworn he saw a small, cruel smirk twist her lips just before she slapped him across the face. She was definitely stronger than her boss. His head turned to the side with the blow, which conflagrated his low-grade migraine into a cranial explosion. If he’d eaten anything worth noting in the last day, there was a good chance he would have thrown up. He managed to keep from making a sound- he wouldn’t give her the satisfaction- but he couldn’t mask the agony contorting his features. He took several quick, sharp breaths through his nose and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to manage the pain as best he could.

“Can I maybe just drink the next one, instead?” he asked through gritted teeth, his voice hoarse and guttural. “Ibuprofen or stronger would be great too.” They hadn’t killed him, and they’d made some effort to make him comfortable. It couldn’t hurt to ask, could it? Slowly he opened his eyes, and looked from Lisa-Joe to Scott to Sam, and then finally to Jake. Hurt was still etched into those handsome, scruffy features, but his expression was otherwise neutral. No defiance. No fear.


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Re: Soldier Boy
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2019, 02:48:01 PM »
"He's awake," Lisa-Joe said, happy with her work. The water had done the trick. The slap, well, she had to remind him who was in the room. She moved back as he asked for water and ib- whatever that was. She moved close to Sam, and placed herself right behind Jake. One eye could still be seen by Luke. It was a kind of eye he's likely seen before. With only a look she managed to say, I'm watching you.

Meanwhile, Jake tried to hide his surprise, shock and joy at hearing the man named Luke form whole sentences. His face mostly obeyed, but there was a little relief in the eyes, and the mouth curved up into a tiny smile. His face relaxed and reformed into a more professional and grave expression. "Sam, do we keep those kinds of things in the bar," he asked his daughter. He didn't look at Lisa-Joe or Scott for their reactions but instead moved closer to the man.

"I am having someone try and find you some painkillers," Jake said politely. "Now, who are you and what are you doing in my town?" He had thought he'd heard the name Luke, but with all that going on he wasn't sure. He wanted to help, but this guy had attacked him. He needed to know he was safe first. He needed to know that this man was someone he could be alone with.   
Be a sadist. Now matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them — in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Jake Benny Kyle Lisa-Joe James/Jimmy Tess Tyler Apep Ari Lacy Mithras

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Re: Soldier Boy
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2019, 03:17:46 PM »
Luke appeared to ignore Lisa-Joe. His attention remained fixed on Jake. He was obviously their leader, and at least thought he had some kind of claim to the city. He had a passing notion that the supernatural denizens of the city were somewhat organized. Could this teenager really be that important? What exactly had he got himself caught up in?

There was no need to ham up his pain for sympathy. The woman had hit him hard, amplifying the effects of his headache to the point where it was hard to keep his thoughts straight. He focused on Jake’s features, or rather, tried to keep them in focus as he formulated his response.

Whoever these people were, they definitely weren’t part of the place he’d run from. He wasn’t remotely close to trusting them, but he had to admit, not killing him while he was completely helpless was a step in the right direction. They could just as easily be torturing him right now as chatting with him. The situation was worth exploring, in the very least.

There’s something about his eyes. The thought came to him unbidden as he held the Ventrue's gaze. He blinked, not quite sure what to do with it, and then tried to remember what he was doing. Right. Answering Jake.

“Luke,” he murmured. “I’m Luke.” He frowned. “There are people after me. I’m trying to avoid them. And I grew up here, for the record. At least, I'm pretty sure I did." He wasn’t sure how relevant that was, but something about the kid calling it his town rankled Luke and made the distinction feel necessary. “I’m not sure who they are,” he offered slowly. “I’m not sure about much, honestly.”

He didn’t follow up with any questions of his own. He didn’t have any leverage or power here. Four entities of unknown abilities had him bound to a chair with a nearly crippling migraine. Posturing wasn’t going to do any good, so it was better to play nice.

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Re: Soldier Boy
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2019, 05:45:51 PM »
Sam listened to Jake's story of his fight, this time in more in detail. He was only brief on the phone. This fight was more nasty than Sam realised and it put a lump in her throat. Looking over at the man tied to the chair, eyes still closed. You could have taken Jake away, she mentally sighed. Not letting Jake into her thoughts, just letting him talk as she remained silent. On one hand Jake did not bring this male in for no reason after their fight. Studying Jake's facial expressions and his concerning posture, something was up with this male. Whatever glimpses of memories he had seen it had shaken Jake to his core. She could fault him for wanting to help and giving into his softer side.

On the other hand yes it was not the best plan to bring him. Even the ropes tying the man down put her on caution mode. That wasn't going to stop him if he bested Jake. Even with Lisa-Joe being here to help they knew nothing about this guy, maybe he could beat Lisa-Joe? As soon as that terrifying thought entered her head it exited just as quickly. Lisa-Joe's actions shocked Sam as she threw water on the stranger. Yes let's the poke the bear in the room, she thought silently.

Sam had a clear view of his eyes, hazel eyes that were rigged with pain. He asked for water and painkillers. Sam didnt need to answer Jake only nod as she whisked herself off to find the first aid kit. Sam sometimes had humans working at the bar so a first aid kit was vital. Not only that she had her first aid kits made special by Maria. Dire emerganices only. It was good to have a healer as a friend who knew her way around the body; both human and supernatural.

She grabbed Toredol it had a quick onset effect along with a anti-nausea medication. She even got cold and hot pads, cold for his temples and hot for his neck. Grabbing a towel too for the now wet man, bundling everything together she stopped in the main staff room. Grabbing a bottom of water from the fridge she stopped for a moment. She took a huge sigh, she wanted to stay calm for everyone. Even though she wanted to be angry about the man almost killing Jake tensions were already running high, someone besides Jake needed to step up. To show this strange man some compassion and Sam would do just that. For as long as her patience would allow it.

Turning on a dime she made it back to the room just in time for the man to say his name. It was Luke, now he had a name to a face. Stepping inside she held no fear for Luke, by passing Lisa-Joe and standing closer than Jake. She looked Luke in the eyes, luminous silver and dark grey flecks gazed at him. And just like Jake she had soft look in her eyes.

"I have Toredol Luke and some anti-nausea medication for you," she stated softly. She held out her hand so he could see the medication. Showing him this was no trick and she meant him no harm.

"After you take this I'm going dry your face. Then I am going to put a hot pad on your neck and a cold pad on forehead. It will help with the pain." Giving him strict step by step instructions as so not to scare him at all.

She gave him the medication and tipped the water to his lips letting him drink as long as he liked. She then did exactly what she described, being this close may not have been a good idea. Sam got the feeling if he wanted to kill them he would have done it, not asked for pain medication. Nor explain his reasoning for being back in the city. She was putting her trust in a complete stranger being so close as she held the hot and cold packs to his forehead and neck.

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Re: Soldier Boy
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2019, 11:52:01 AM »
Lisa-Joe was right, Scott did look like shit.  His hair was disheveled and his beard was longer than he had ever let it grow.  He usually kept a short stubble, but this was getting to full beard territory; the hair a glistening blonde.

Scott didn't respond with words, just a look of distain even though she was right.  Scott watched as Lisa moved over to the man in the chair to tie more knots.  Jake then pulled Scott aside to tell him the story of the fight.  Scott peeked over at the human as Jake spoke.  How could a human over power Jake? Scott thought.  Then Jake got to the part about mystery man's arm, causing an eyebrow to raise.  He looks human, but he's clearly something more.

Scott could barely get a word out after Jake had finished before feeling a splash on water against his leg.  Lisa-Joe had completely drenched the guy awake.  When the bound man had finally opened his eyes is when Scott noticed his beauty.  He was clearly Jake's type.  Maybe that's why he was here instead of lying in a puddle of blood at the bus depot.


Watching Sam care for Luke could've warmed Scott's heart if it were still beating.  She could be so compassionate; of course she was following Jake's lead.  Scott wasn't so sure though, especially after Luke's response.

Scott turned away from Luke and flanked Jake's shoulder, "this could be dangerous, Jake, his aura is all over the place," Scott whispered.  "If someone is looking for him, there is probably good reason.  We don't need anymore blood on our hands."  Luke was hurting Vampires for some reason, he came with baggage, Scott could feel it.
INFUSCO: Scott / Blake / Parker
ZOMBIE MANIA: Christian / Joel

Offline Black Philip

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Re: Soldier Boy
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2019, 03:45:46 PM »
Lisa-Joe looked at Scott with a new respect. The boy knew what was what. She had crossed her arms across her chest, eyes still directly on the problem generator sitting tied up in her former office. Scott may have used to been a hot head, but it looked like killing feral vampires and nearly getting beheaded by the Camarilla had made him realize the importance of not inviting trouble. She should say something supportive again. He deserved it.

"First good idea in a while Scott," she complimented, voice musical and sugary sweet. She watched as Sam tended to Luke, and couldn't help but smile. She was kinder than most Kindred. That's because she was young. It would fade, but for now Lisa revered her for it. She didn't move from her position. She didn't need to. The prisoner was restrained. As to what he was saying, she was getting these Winter Soldier vibes from the whole affair. That meant governments. Governments meant hunters.

He had to go. It was clear to her. She'd have to speak to Jake about it first of course. He was a huge security risk, and he had to be put down.

Jake listened as Luke recounted his limited self knowledge. He moved even closer to the chair, now within reach of a kick if Luke got his leg free. He avoided eye contact, fearful that he'd damage Luke further. He still hadn't moved past it yet. How could he test him to see if he was okay?

Jake watched with appreciation as Sam did her work. She knew how to take charge in situations like this, and Jake had heard her mention a friend she had that was a healer. It seemed she'd picked up a trick or two. Jake knew almost nothing about human medicine so the very limited effort looked masterful to him.

Scott's interjection made Jake take a really good look at him. He really did look awful. Jake had thought Lisa-Joe was just being cruel, but Scott seemed to be having more trouble than he thought. Then there was the terrible fact that Conner hadn't left alone. "Scott, I think this man is a victim and I want to help him. You heard that he's lived here his whole life. He has supernatural abilities. That makes him our subject."

The logic was solid. It was diplomatic. It was valid! Besides, Jake knew what was best for his district, and despite the heat he was receiving from Scott and Lisa, he was determined to get to the bottom of this. He decided he and Scott needed a boy's night, and made a mental note to pencil one in. For now, he returned his gaze to Luke.

"How long have you been wandering around like this," Jake asked. As to what "this" meant, he was leaving that up to Luke. The damage in his mind was extensive so it didn't shock Jake Luke's memory was fried.
Be a sadist. Now matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them — in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Jake Benny Kyle Lisa-Joe James/Jimmy Tess Tyler Apep Ari Lacy Mithras

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Re: Soldier Boy
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2019, 05:46:12 PM »
Lisa-Joe was agreeing with Scott, which was rare.  Scott shot her a look without words, almost thanking her.  They had just come back from a war and now it seemed Jake wanted to step into someone else's.

A victim?

How could a man of his strength be a victim?  Scott wondered if Luke was making the whole story up, to get released from his binds.

Scott stepped away from Jake and pulled up a chair and placed it at a diagonal, about four feet from Luke.  He flipped it around and sat backwards on it, resting his arms on top of the chair's back.  He was in interrogation mode now.  His police training was kicking back in after years.  He let Jake ask his question but Scott jumped in with a second one before Luke had a chance to answer.

"And why are you hurting Vampires?"
INFUSCO: Scott / Blake / Parker
ZOMBIE MANIA: Christian / Joel

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Re: Soldier Boy
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2019, 03:20:03 AM »
Given that it felt like someone had filled his brain with so much glass that it was swelling against his skull, Luke wasn’t about to turn down anything Sam was offering. When he met her gaze, his eyes betrayed a mix of pain, gratitude, and curiosity. She was the only one of his captors who didn’t have a clear position regarding him, which made it hard to gauge her actions. How much of her compassion was natural, and how much of it was predicated on her loyalty to Jake? Did she really care how he felt, or was she simply following orders?

It mattered in the long run, but in the short-term, she was his salvation. He nodded his consent weakly as she outlined her treatment plan and then cooperated completely, tipping his head back a bit to make swallowing the pills and water both easier on both of them. The pain had eclipsed everything else, and the instant he drank his stomach lurched. He drank slowly and carefully, taking a full thirty seconds to sip down half the glass before he pulled his head away. He didn’t want to press his luck and risk puking up the meds before they could have an effect. It might have been the placebo effect, but just taking them and the water had already taken some of the edge off.

As she ministered to him, drying him off, he decided that kindness like this couldn’t be manufactured. He closed his eyes and did his best to remain still, but as the pain receded he found himself choking up. Raw emotion had begun to bubble up from a reservoir that he seldom tapped into, and he found himself fighting to keep it restrained. When she touched the hot and cold compresses to his skin, a weak, involuntary moan escaped his lips. The relief was real and immediate. For the first time since he’d woken up, he wasn’t in agony. His head tipped forward, leaning into the warm pack; Sam would actually find herself having to support the weight of his skull a bit.

He was holding back tears. Among his fractured memories, there were very few that included kindness. He had spent the time since his escape on the fringes of society, ignored or avoided or even outright antagonized. Sam’s sure, gentle touch nearly undid him. He barely trusted himself to speak, but he did breath a gratitude-charged thank you so raw and soft that she might be the only one able to hear it. He shuddered slightly, letting both cloths dull the pain until the drugs took effect. He was so wrapped up in the process that he didn’t bother paying attention when Scott moved to whisper with Jake.

The drugs began to kick in, settling his stomach and dialing the pain from an 11 to about a 6. He finally lifted his head a moment later, opening his eyes to meet Sam and nod an I’m okay sort of nod and offer her a weak, sad smile.

Jake and Scott tugged at his attention. I think this man is a victim and I want to help him. He has supernatural abilities. That makes him our subject. That confirmed some of what he’d been trying to put together through the haze of pain. Jake was some sort of leader, not just of these three, but of some portion of the city- maybe even the whole city? His gut said that the operation was smaller than that, though. These people weren’t professional. They were bleeding a lot of information they didn’t need to. Still, that meant that Jake had some measure of power, and he was claiming he wanted to help him. Luke really wasn’t in any position to turn down help at the moment.

As it stood, it seemed like the room was divided. Lisa-Joe and Scott didn’t want him there. Jake seemed to feel duty-bound to at least hear him out. Sam was something of a wild card, but he got the sense she was at least sympathetic. Two for, two against- all he had to do to keep breathing a little longer was maintain that status quo, since it seemed like Jake’s vote counted the most.

Luke looked more present when he regarded Jake once more. There was more intelligence in his eyes, and most of the misery had been washed from his features. He took a deep breath, casting his eyes upward as he did some math. “Maybe a month and a half? Not more than that.” He almost stopped there, answering the question minimally, but if there was a chance they were going to help him, maybe he should play ball. “I’ve been moving around a lot. Crashing here and there. No real incidents, before tonight anyway.”

Cop. There was something about Scott’s body language as he dragged the chair over and swung into it that made him think of police officers. There was a familiarity to it that he couldn’t quite place, but for some reason, it actually made him respect the man a little more. It was hard to say which of the two of them looked worse at the moment, but now that he could actually focused, Luke gave him a more thorough appraisal. His gaze darted from Jake to Scott, resting on the unkempt man.

Scott’s question made several things click into place. The vampire he’d interfered with the other night must have been one of Jake’s subjects too. That was why he’d come after him- which was interesting. In the human world, leaders didn’t tend to strap on their armor and charge into the fray. They delegated, safe behind a wall of bureaucracy. His attention strayed back to the apparent teenager whose appearance who completely belied everything else Luke was coming to learn about him.

He needed to answer Scott though. He wet his lips, and managed what would pass for a shrug from someone who was tied to a chair- sort of just moving his shoulders forward and then back as much as Lisa-Joe’s ropework would allow, which was minimal.

“You say hurting a vampire. I say protecting an innocent girl.” He made direct eye contact with Scott, not challenging, but still a little intense. “If her attacker had just been a human, how would you feel about me messing him up? Is that something you’d want me punished for?” The question was largely rhetorical, because he didn’t wait for an answer before letting his gaze pan the assembled vampires- since he was pretty sure that was what he was dealing with, based on Scott’s line of inquiry.

“You folks have me dead to rights here. It was stupid on multiple levels for me to get involved, but I’m pretty sure I did the right thing. My conscience is clean. You want to play catch and release? You’ll never see me again. Let me know where your territory or whatever is and I’ll stay the hell away. I have enough problems, and from the sound of it, so do you.”

His attention ended up on Jake, and he seemed to be earnestly studying the man. “While I have the floor, I have a question. You said you want to help me. Why?” He already had one answer - the fact that he was choosing to group Luke in with his subjects and responsibilities - but he was curious if there was more to it. If he really was able to protect him, it was worth exploring.

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Re: Soldier Boy
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2019, 08:37:09 AM »
Everyone in their own way was right, this was dangerous and worse they were in the dark. They had no clue what they were dealing with and from what Luke described they would come for him. It was not a matter of 'if' but 'when' these people would come. At the same time they were duty bound to help the man, but the situation had gotten complicated. With Lisa-Joe's exemplary action she had contained the situation. The fact one so serious had happened put Sam on edge.

It was a huge conundrum and she could tell Jake was getting too emotionally evolved. Lisa-Joe although seemingly calm she was angry and it was clouding her vision. However her heart was in a good place, she wanted to protect them. So did Sam. But she wanted to find a better solution that would suit them all. However she knew little of the man before her to make a decision, at least not yet anyways.

It was then Luke's small groan escaped his lips, she could see a wave of emotion cross his face. Sam cradled his head as it slumped forward, she caught him tightly closing his eyes. Tears must of been welling up as he tried to hide it. How long had it been since he had experience true genuine kindness? His small sigh of gratitude escaping his lips. Opening his eyes at last offering a weak smile and nod that we was doing much better. Sam gave him a grin and a gentle nod. Sam sympathetic towards him but still unsure how to feel about the man.

Sam and Scott were the only ones with a neutral position and while Scott agreed from Lisa-Joe she did not blame him. Scott could see things Sam could not when it came to auras and she trusted in his ability. Sam was not taking a side rather gathering information, Scott had training in interrogation techniques. She admired her brothers level-headed charge of the situation. She stayed quiet Luke's actions was one of pure ignorance, it seemed he knew very little of vampires. However he did have some knowledge of supernaturals, this was apparent as he was not freaking out at the word 'vampire.' However that was not an excuse. But when Luke asked why Jake wanted to help her ears perked up, awaiting Jake's answer.

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Re: Soldier Boy
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2019, 12:14:34 PM »
Luke had some balls.  Scott scoffed and let him ramble on.  If Luke was afraid of being killed by the four vampires, he sure wasn't showing it.

Scott had the thought of just ripping the ropes off himself and letting Luke walk out of here.  But it could be a huge mistake to do so.  No one knew if Luke had been aligned with anyone else.  It's very possible that if Luke were to walk out of here, he could bring a hailstorm of hurt back to them at The White Rabbit.  It's possible he could have an army of his own.  Scott wasn't sure he was willing to take that risk. 

But what if he was telling the truth?  If someone was after Luke, what would stop them from going through the vampire family to get to him.  Either way, Luke seemed more and more like a risk.

We don't feed to kill, we feed to live. Scott thought to himself.

Scott turned his head to Jake, "Yes why do we want to help him?" Scott asked.  The ball was in Jake's court now.
INFUSCO: Scott / Blake / Parker
ZOMBIE MANIA: Christian / Joel

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Re: Soldier Boy
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2019, 04:18:12 PM »
Well maybe they wouldn't have to kill him. That was a comforting thought. As long as he left with his memory wiped and in his original clothes they'd have no problems. She wouldn't even hit him again, even though he'd deserved it. This guy had hurt Jake, physically and emotionally. Lisa-Joe couldn't have that, and not from so broken human.

She moved from her position to cross to Luke, possibly to untie him. However, Jake's hand stopped her. He obviously wasn't ready to let this guy go. Fine. She could wait till Jake was satisfied, as long as he didn't end up staying. She tried to lock eyes with Sam and Scott. To convince Jake to drop this guy she'd need both of them to agree. She had Scott, but like everyone else in the room to Lisa-Joe Sam was a wild card. When Luke played his whole wanna be hero shtick, she laughed cruelly.

"We don't go around murdering people you know," she chastised. "And besides, do cows have a right to tell you not to eat them? I don't think so. It's all about the food chain. You're lower. Get over it."

"Lisa-Joe Hampton shut up or leave," Jake yelled, for the first time truly angry. Everyone was convinced he'd made the wrong decision. Scott and Lisa-Joe kept barking it and through the bond he sensed doubt coming from Sam. This was utter bullshit. He would deal with his "family" a bit later, but tried to focus on Luke. Luke was the reason he was putting up with all of this.

The pain he'd been in when Sam was helping him had made Jake melt. He knew it wasn't all his fault but he felt like it was. He hadn't decided if he'd wipe his memory yet or not. He needed to know more, but he knew one thing. He was not going to let him run off and get killed by those horrid bastards who'd broken him. The thing he didn't get was why Luke couldn't understand why he'd want to help him. Didn't Luke realize how wronged he'd been? Someone had to make it right. Jake also feared that humans getting supernatural powers through science meant that the hunters were closer than he thought. Perhaps Luke could be useful in helping Jake determine that. See, this wasn't personal. It was business.

"I think the people who hurt you are part of something bigger and that if I help you you'll lead us to that something." His tone was factual and attempted to be devoid of emotion. However, his eyes betrayed him to the man that this was not the only reason he was helping him. Jake stared at Luke, his eyes searching for the strange man's.

Why do I care so much about what they did to you?
Be a sadist. Now matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them — in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Jake Benny Kyle Lisa-Joe James/Jimmy Tess Tyler Apep Ari Lacy Mithras