Roleplay City

Infusco => INFUSCO: Enter The Shadows => The Luminary => Topic started by: Malkavian Riddler on October 06, 2019, 09:11:15 PM

Title: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Malkavian Riddler on October 06, 2019, 09:11:15 PM
When Cain woke up he was momentarily confused. Just a single moment of wondering whose bed he was in because it was dark. And then he remembered and he grinned into the darkness and stretched and yawned, rolling out of bed. He was aching all over from all the activity last night. His ass wasn't back to normal yet. It felt exactly like what had happened; that something big had gone in there, pushed itself all around, and then exited.

He felt along the wall for the lightswitch, knowing there was another one above the headboard. He ended up on his knees rubbing his palms across the wall, back and forth. He'd thought his eyes would adjust to the darkness but there was nothing. Pitch black meant pitch black, he supposed. His fingers found the switch - a lot higher up than he'd expected, and farther off centre than he'd remembered - and he squinted before he clicked it on. The diffused light didn't hurt his eyes at all and he was pleased by it.

He admired his new bedroom again before he reacquainted himself with the bathroom. His few supplies in there looked meagre, but they made the tiled room his. His toothbrush, his brand of toothpaste, his hairbrush, shaver and a few little extras in the top drawer. His deodorant, ready to apply once he stepped out of the shower. He didn't really need a shower though, just a toilet stop.

He couldn't find a clock anywhere in the room and thought he'd buy one today, or get the people downstairs to send one up. Was that how it worked? He dressed into a t-shirt and his ripped jeans, not bothering with socks or shoes. He grabbed his brush and opened up the door, seeing that Ben's and Kerr's bedroom door was still closed and that the apartment was still dark, but there was a faint blue light that permeated the apartment. With brush in hand he followed it out, wondering what it was and eye-rolled at himself. The aquarium! Of course. He so wasn't used to that.

He used the light of the aquarium to find other light switches and had them blazing. He spied a clock - a fancy, modern analog one that didn't have any numbers or dash-lines or anything. By the position of the hands he figured it was twenty past two. Wow, he'd woken up earlier than usual. And it didn't feel like daytime at all.

The roller shutters were down. He remembered being told that one of them had a button to roll it up but he couldn't remember and he couldn't be bothered hunting. He just wanted some food in him. Wasn't there a restaurant in here somewhere? He remembered that there was a coffee shop. Maybe he should just get room service, so he didn't have to wander around looking scruffy and answering questions. He had no idea who might be asking him questions but it felt safer just to chill out in the penthouse.

He found the phone and picked up the handset, trying to remember the number for the kitchens. He took so long that someone spoke into his ear without him having to dial anything.


Cain struggled to think of something to say. He blurted out the first thing on his mind. "Do you have a clock?"

"Do you mean the time, sir? It's twenty-three minutes past two."

"Thank you. I haven't had lunch." He cringed at himself. "Sorry, I don't know how to do this stuff."

"That's alright, sir. Just let me know what you would like to eat and I'll have the kitchen send it up."

"Um. Toast and jam?" he suggested. "And coffee?"

The concierge did his thing and Cain said he would see him later and then hung up, cringing at himself. Damn, everyone would think he was an ignorant hick. He had to get used to living in the lap of luxury, now that he was sleeping with vampires who were hyper-rich.

Breakfast came with extra stuff that he didn't ask for. Two strips of bacon, a poached egg, a little tub of creamy sauce that he thought might be hollandaise. Four pieces of toast with rectangles of butter, the cutest little jam holder that had four tiny jars in it and an amazing coffee. He asked what to do with the tray when he was done because he'd greeted the waiter at the lift, and was told just to put it on the table opposite. Easy.

He was making himself a list of shows and movies he wanted to watch on Netflix after setting up a profile for himself when the shutters rolled up. They whirred slowly upward, catching his attention and bringing him to the window where he could look out at the city. Seeing it like this, from this high up, made everything feel small and unimportant and unreal. When he heard a door open, he turned to see who it was coming out to greet him, but he stayed near the window.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 06, 2019, 09:23:24 PM
"Hey," Kerr greeted, smiling at Cain silhouetted against the city backdrop. He looked... young and wide-eyed. It could only have been more endearing if he had his face pressed to the glass. He also looked delicious and warm, even if that wasn't a thing that could be judged by sight alone.

Kerr walked up and embraced him - from behind, if he didn't turn, from the front and with a kiss if he did - wearing only a pair of old jeans much like Cain's, riding low on his hips. He hadn't bothered with a shirt, though. "How'd you sleep?" his voice still a little thick with the last remnants of his own slumber. "S'the bed comfortable?"
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Malkavian Riddler on October 06, 2019, 09:39:58 PM
Cain greeted Kerr with a soft 'hey' and smile, his stomach flip-flopping as Kerr drew near and they wrapped their arms around each other. This was a dream. It was like putting up posters of your favourite rock star and meeting them one day and finding out they were super nice, and then years later being invited to enter into a relationship with them because they hadn't got over you. It was so bizarre and he felt super lucky and special and tingly.

"I slept really well," he said, blushing for no good reason. Damn, he really was a hick! He covered his embarrassment with a laugh that sounded like a girlish giggle. This was going really great for him. "The bed is amaze."

He paused for a moment, thinking about what he should say and what he would like to say. "Last night was even more amaze. It blew my mind. My whole body is achey." He smiled, bewitched by the vampire in his arms.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 06, 2019, 09:50:56 PM
Kerr's head was angled back enough that he could watch Cain's face as he talked, admiring the colour in his cheeks and the dancing light in his unique eyes. It was the flush of attraction, he supposed, perhaps some embarrassment or just a bit of excitement. It was hard to tell which but it was beautiful to see, the heat pulsing off the mortal increasing as his blood moved faster. It accelerated something hungry in Kerr, though his final words were cautionary.

"Score another point for Digital and his accurate predictions then, I guess," he chuckled, thinking of Ben's reminder that Cain wouldn't heal as fast as they would so they couldn't expect to play like they had last night, every night. Except they could, really. Sharing was caring. "If it's too bad, I could help you out with it," he suggested, then thought he should clarify in case Cain wasn't aware of what he meant. "If I give you some of my blood, it'll heal you allllll over," he grinned slyly.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Malkavian Riddler on October 06, 2019, 10:07:34 PM
Cain's eyes widened - they were wide eyes already so the effect was dramatic. "Really?" he whispered. "What do I have to do?" he asked. It would be sad to lose the used feeling but at the same time he was willing to cash in on all the benefits of living with vampires.

Cain's hands smoothed the skin on Kerr's back, gradually making their way to the front, just because he wanted to touch Kerr's chest. It was hard to decide what to touch. There were muscles everywhere. He wanted to lick what was in front of him and scrape his nails down what he couldn't see, following the curve of muscles and the lines of Kerr's sexy bod.

He barely heard Kerr's response to his question.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 06, 2019, 10:13:08 PM
Kerr's grin widened along with Cain's eyes. "Just take a few swallows, ought to do it. You're good at swallowing, right?" he teased, lifting his wrist to his fangs and tearing it open before pressing the wound to Cain's lips, regardless of what he'd been saying.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Malkavian Riddler on October 06, 2019, 10:27:22 PM
Cain was delighted with the tease but horrified by the action. He gasped and was about to say something - probably 'ohmigod' or something equally useless - when Kerr pressed his wrist against his lips.

He licked, expecting a gross, coppery taste, but it didn't taste so bad at all. The texture was a bit thick but once he drank one mouthful and felt the potency that came with it, he held Kerr's wrist in place, like his wrist was a corncob, and he started sucking it down. The flow ebbed pretty quick and Cain was disappointed it hadn't taken long.

He felt incredible. The room was a lot brighter now and when he looked into Kerr's eyes to tell him so, he saw flecks of gold and a ring of black around the outside that he simply had never noticed before.

"Woooooow," he said, sounding very much like a stoner, except everything wasn't slow and dazed, it was full on and colourful and there was so much to take in. Turning his head to look out the window again, he caught sight of the couches. "Oh, I always thought they were black. They're like... midnight blue." A blue so dark and glossy that he just stared at them, enchanted by the shade of them. After a short while they started looking plain black again and Cain pulled in sharp breath. Noooo, it was fading. He quickly turned his attention outside to see flares where the lights had been - the city was super, insanely bright. With a few blinks, it became a regular city with the odd glimpse of neon lighting.

It was like getting a sneak preview into vampirism. He'd never wanted it for himself, but now he'd seen what they saw, he could understand the appeal.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 06, 2019, 10:37:27 PM
Kerr watched Cain's experience fondly, reminded of when he'd made Ichabod (moreso than when he'd made Ben, because of Arles' interference). The look of wonder on his face was gorgeous as he twisted to look all around, exclaiming with child-like wonder. Kerr slid his hands beneath Cain's shirt so that he had skin on skin contact, rubbing slowly up and down his back to focus him.

"How do you feel?" he prompted, wanting Cain to pay attention to the purpose of their exchange. It should've been enough blood but he would need to have some fresh to give him a boost if he was going to open his wrist again. More would have a longer lasting effect, too. "Are you less achey? How about your lip, is it all healed?"
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Malkavian Riddler on October 06, 2019, 10:48:38 PM
"I feel really good," he said, nodding and then testing his lower lip with his tongue. "Those little lumps aren't there anymore. Wanna feel?" Cain tipped his face upward and captured Kerr into a kiss. Any excuse. He could've sworn the sensation of kissing Kerr was also more intense. Ohhhh, what would sex be like?

He felt, in a word that he kept using the slang of, amazing. The super-vision had worn off but everything else felt so good. He had a huge burst of energy and it could be seen in the enthusiastic way he was kissing, and in the way he wanted to climb Kerr.

He was super-horny. It could've been the blood, but in truth it was probably just Kerr.

Just. Haha.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 06, 2019, 11:16:37 PM
Kerr had decided Cain's warmth was an aphrodisiac. The second he got close to him, he craved more of it, wanted to press against it, caress it and slide into it in every conceivable manner. Or maybe it was his hypnotic eyes. Or his sculpted muscles. Fuck, it was all of him. Cain was the aphrodisiac. The second he got close, Kerr's mind travelled south and it was all he could think with. Having a horny, healed Cain coming at him with enthusiasm and a tongue that wouldn't quit therefore wasn't something Kerr was equipped to resist.

Besides, Ben apparently had no problem with anything, he was happy to wait and 'see how everything would go'. Kerr had agreed.

So, right now, everything was going to go into Cain's bedroom.

Cain was eager when Kerr picked him up and Kerr enjoyed the mortal's higher angle in their kiss. His heartbeat was pounding so hard against Kerr's chest that it almost felt like his heart had started up again. It was exhilarating and he tapped into his celerity to whip them into Cain's room, placing him on his feet beside the bed so that he could wriggle out of his jeans. He was naked in no time and helping Cain get out of his clothes, kissing him all the while.

"What're you in the mood for?" he asked eagerly, swiping his tongue along Cain's lower lip before sucking on his tongue as it pushed its way into his mouth. He pulled back to ask another vitally important question before they fell onto the bed and into each other. "Do you have lube?"

He hadn't noticed Cain unpack any but he'd only really paid attention to his clothes. He hadn't seen his toiletries and, seriously, what healthy twenty-one year old didn't have his own lube? It might be in the bathroom, though. Kerr wanted to be sure. If he didn't have any, that would guide what they did right now - he didn't want to go into his room and get his with Ben waking up soon. They could just use their mouths if there was no lube.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Malkavian Riddler on October 07, 2019, 08:06:23 AM
With his legs wrapped around the vampire, Cain had a good hold when Kerr went insanely fast to his bedroom, but it frightened him because he hadn't expected it. Like if he'd been sitting on a sofa and then it randomly launched straight up, or plunged straight down. He didn't scream or anything but his heart raced for a different reason until he saw they were in his room and he laughed at Kerr and at himself. Freaky!

"I'll have one of everything, thanks," Cain said eagerly before his mouth was busy kissing and he couldn't talk. When they fell onto the bed, he chuckled but it broke the kiss long enough for him to answer. "Bedside," Cain said breathily. His bright blue bottle of lube had travelled the room, moving from his backpack to one of the drawers in the bathroom to being placed on the vanity for easy access, and then to a shelf in the main room before Cain decided that was too far from the bed and he'd placed it in the bedside drawer before putting it on top of the bedside unit but then decided, no, it was better in the drawer.

He wished he'd put it under his pillow now, so that Kerr wouldn't have to take his body away to get it.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 07, 2019, 08:44:04 AM
Kerr chuckled at the ‘one of everything’ quip, though it didn’t help him develop an immediate plan of attack. Ben always held answers back and now Cain was, except it was because Cain was too pliant. Ben definitely wasn’t. Either way, Kerr was fated to be cursed with men who didn’t give him much idea of their precise wishes.

He’d make it up, as per usual.

As his kisses moved away from Cain’s mouth, along his jaw and to his throat, Kerr used telekinesis to open the drawer. Taking a quick peek, he saw where the lube was located and brought it to his open hand while he began working his way lower, sliding down Cain’s body gradually.

Cain hadn’t made his bed and although Kerr usually liked room to move and stripped covers off, there was something sexy about working himself beneath them now, ensuring they were completely over him and Cain had something to grip at his chest. He liked the idea that Cain could pretend he didn’t know who the lump under his bedclothes was as they kissed him and rearranged themselves with silent swishes around his body. Kerr didn’t have to breathe and it wasn’t too dark for him to see what he was doing, plus, Cain’s body heat turned it into a cosy cocoon of warmth.

When he’d had his fill of titillating with unpredictable kisses occurring all over Cain’s body (Cain’s reactions pleased him inordinately), Kerr settled between the mortal’s legs on his stomach and got down to the business of preparing him.

Using his mouth on Cain’s cock to enhance pleasure (or detract from any possible pain), Kerr worked on the tedious process of stretching Cain enough to be able to take him. It involved extended minutes of tripod fingers holding his tunnel open while Kerr’s tongue teased his erection enough to keep things exciting without progressing him into climactic territory. It was a delicate balance and Kerr strove to make it enjoyable.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Malkavian Riddler on October 07, 2019, 10:16:35 AM
Cain was in bliss. Was that a place? It must've been because he was there. Kerr was a master, playing Cain's body to perfection. He moaned and sighed and clenched, shifting his hips, bucking into Kerr's mouth. His hands twisted the covers as Kerr worked him. He didn't think he'd be doing this again so soon after last time, but here he was again and there were no aches, just the lingering after-taste of Kerr's blood that didn't taste like... well, blood, not like Cain knew it. It did and it didn't. Hard to define.

"OHmigod, oh yesssss," Cain shifted his hips upward. "I'm ready, aren't I? Just use lots of lube, I want you, I want to feel you, oh... oh..." he sighed and gasped and pushed himself onto Kerr's fingers even though he wanted them out and replaced.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 07, 2019, 10:54:49 AM
Cain's writhing and begging beat at Kerr's senses like moth wings against a light bulb, getting his cock hard and body thrumming. The unrelenting enticement became too much once Cain started trying to impale himself on Kerr's fingers like a wanton slut and Kerr surged up onto his knees. The move yanked the covers out of Cain's hands and Kerr flicked them behind him, where they pooled around his ass. He smeared lube along his length then squirted some on Cain's, watching the mortal with a hungry gaze.

"I like your dirty mouth," he purred, shifting position so he could lift Cain's hips and line himself up properly with his hot hole. "I like the way you beg for my cock in you," he added while guiding it into Cain. His eyes closed and he groaned as that delectable heat encompassed his girth, feeling like it was sucking him in. He paused a moment to let Cain settle around him, deliberately not all the way in because he intended to lever his upper body forward and kiss Cain while he fucked and milked him. His size allowed him all sorts of wonderful positions average men couldn't accomplish.

Once Cain had himself set, Kerr got into position also, balancing his elbow near the mortal's shoulder so that he could keep up three heady points of contact. He moved - tentatively at first, to be sure he wasn't going to slip out - and established a steady rhythm they could both enjoy for a lot longer than they had last night. He kept his hand stroking Cain's cock at the same pace, allowing him to use his own hand if he preferred - that would leave a hand free for Kerr to grab at Cain's hair, so he certainly wouldn't mind (though he'd swap arms because that hand was sticky with lube and he didn't want to put that in Cain's hair).

The kisses they shared were deep and needy but regularly broken by Cain's need to breathe. Kerr found the hot wash of air over his throat or shoulder enticing enough to make him shiver. Whenever they broke apart so Cain could gasp in air, Kerr would lean down and whisper something in his ear, telling him how greedy or tight his ass was, how good his cock felt squashed between them, how his hot hole made him feel like his cock was on fire and other such filthy messages he hoped would get Cain as hot as it got him. It backfired on him, really; it got him so horny he was ready to cum much quicker than he'd intended to be. Damnit. He'd meant to make it last.

Goddamn irresistible aphrodisiac mortals.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 07, 2019, 11:14:30 AM
Ben had been awake for a while - around the time Kerr had greeted Cain at the window and the answering reply. He didn't pull himself out of slumber immediately, but when they started fooling around in Cain's room, he got out of bed and disappeared into the walk-in robe to get dressed. He didn't bother brushing his hair or teeth, he just got out of there. Kerr was still under the covers prepping Cain, making him plead and beg when Ben passed their doorway. He glanced in even though he hadn't meant to, knowing Cain hadn't seen him because his eyes were screwed tightly shut.

The elevator doors opened immediately and Ben rode the lift down. On the way to the basement he realised he didn't have his car keys so he jabbed the button for the lobby instead. He would go do that walk in the Brazilian Quarter that he'd been meaning to do for a while. It would give Kerr and Cain all night to play with one another. Nothing squeezed his heart like he'd thought it would. He found he didn't feel anything about it one way or the other. Not like last night, when he'd been self-conscious and underconfident until the opportunity arose to take charge. He didn't want to feel that way again. What had Kerr compared him to?

Little bird. Fuck, that had grated.

So let them get each other out of their systems. It might take a week, a month, whatever. Then things would settle down. He thought about Gabriel and Charlie, and how he'd wanted to go back to Gabriel because he hadn't done everything he'd wanted to do with him... but Kerr had been testy about it so he'd decided to leave it. He thought about Win and how the other vampire had been so lusty for him, indicating that Ben had all the power between them... but Kerr had declared Win a no-go because of Ichabod. He thought about Saraekiel and how Kerr had lost his shit over it, so much so that Ben had been scared they were finally, really over.

It was time to call a spade a spade. He had a jealous boyfriend. Ben hoped Kerr's time with Cain would demonstrate that being with someone else didn't lessen the relationship he had with Ben. It had been hard watching the two of them, but that had been because of his own insecurity because Cain was older, bigger, better looking. He had benefits Ben no longer did; he was warm, could be drunk from. And the real drawcard, he was intensely attracted to Kerr. Ben was the secondary.

Ben pulled in breath just to sigh it out as he headed out towards the Quarter.

With regard to Kerr and Cain, he would see what happened.

Interlude: The Brass Quarter (
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Malkavian Riddler on October 07, 2019, 08:30:00 PM
Once he and Kerr were finished soon after that round, Cain was all for cuddles and softly spoken compliments and feel-good phrases. It was nice, being tucked up in bed with Kerr. It had been nice being drunk from last night but he wished he hadn't been, just so it could've happened now. Never mind. After a month he should be good to go again, and it was something they could look forward to.

"Have you got any plans for tonight or are you going to spend time with me?" Cain asked, hopeful but also realistic.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 07, 2019, 09:34:59 PM
Kerr was chagrined to realise Ben had just left without saying anything to him. It felt... reproving, though he tried to tell himself he was imagining it. Like he'd told himself to listen to Ben last night, when he'd avoided talking about anything having emotional impact on their relationship, in favour of waiting for it to work itself out.

Lying in bed being smothered in affection from a mortal that barely knew him made the chasm between he and Ben feel that much wider. As much as Kerr appreciated Cain's ability to make him feel better, he wasn't the one that he needed to make him feel better. He was torn, though. What was the point of bringing it up with Ben again? He'd just shut him down, unless Kerr openly stated his theory that Ben didn't approve of him spoiling Cain and wanted him to stop.

His heart felt crowded and he was fucking sad. Why the fuck did it feel like his only choices were fight or flight?

There was no point worrying Cain with his problems, though. He smiled and cuddled the mortal, deciding they should shower and go shopping for the clothes and food Kerr had promised he'd buy. The night was still young, plenty of shops were open late and it would be a fun (distracting) adventure. He left Cain to shower separately from him - even Cain had to admit that was a wise decision, in terms of efficiency - and got dressed in some black slacks, a blue button up shirt and dress shoes. He also went around the apartment collecting the discarded clothes he hadn't bothered to pick up. They must have annoyed the fuck out of Ben but the fact that he'd left them there and apparently stepped over them spoke volumes, too.

It was soon apparent that he was going to be able to dress Cain anyway he wanted. He had no personal style and a disturbing preference for everything in blacks or greys. He rarely accessorised and never bothered to coordinate with either of his eyes, despite them being his best - well, one of his best features. The first shop they went to was a men's store with quality merchandise and a vast array of apparel choices. Kerr enjoyed Cain modelling the clothing he picked for him, smug when the colours he chose made Cain look young and sexy. The button ups they picked would look even better once they were tailored to fit snugly around Cain's torso - his shoulders were so broad he needed a large size to fit them but the shirts swam around his sculpted waist.

Their next stop was a high-end suit shop, where Kerr had Cain fitted for four suits and handed in all his new shirts to be tailored along with them. He looked incredibly sexy in the suits he tried on (technically, three and a tuxedo), prompting Kerr to get a little frisky with him in the car on the way to their third stop - a sex shop, for some toys. There was a lot of giggling and some more kissing as they made far too many selections (including a leather outfit that would not be worn on his bike) and left. The grocery store was quite an anticlimactic final stop before they went home.

Once they got back to the apartment, there was a little more dressing up - followed by some undressing and another shower, together this time - and then some well-behaved unpacking. The wardrobe looked much healthier, as did the kitchen cupboards. They were snuggling on the couch finally finishing the movie they started the night before when Ben came home.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 08, 2019, 11:47:56 AM
The elevators dinged softly before they opened and Ben returned. He'd had an interesting night but it wasn't over yet. He could hear a movie playing and was in the middle of its huge action scene. When he saw it, he recognised what was going on and knew there wasn't much left to play.

Ben unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt to give the fabric some room to move so it didn't sit so stiffly on his shoulders, and dropped himself onto the couch adjacent to where Cain and Kerr were cuddling.

"Hey," he greeted, but didn't want to make too much of a noise because Cain looked rapt in what was happening on screen. Mostly Ben met Kerr's gaze, if it was sent his way.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Malkavian Riddler on October 08, 2019, 11:57:44 AM
Cain tensed a little when he spied Ben. In reality he hadn't thought of him all night. He'd certainly not asked where he was or what Kerr thought he was doing. That was their business. He was glad Ben had been out for a little over half the night, though, because he'd had a really nice time with Kerr. They'd done so much and Cain enjoyed being around the darker vampire. Ben was trickier to get a read on. Cain just didn't click with Ben like he clicked with Kerr.

"Hi," he said in return, looking at Ben before turning his eyes back to the tv. The movie was super exciting. All the twists had been revealed and now there was a train and helicopter having a chase.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 08, 2019, 04:03:09 PM
Kerr disentangled himself from Cain once he realised Ben was going to the other lounge. He curled up against Ben instead, wrapping his arms around him and giving him a kiss. He was warm, thanks to having been wrapped around Cain for so long, back to wearing only his old ripped jeans and no shirt.

"Hello," he smiled, then switched to mental communication so as not to disturb Cain's viewing (plus, the special effects sounds were really loud). He'd seen the movie before and was more interested in talking to Ben than in watching. Where'd you get to? How come you didn't say anything before you left or send me a text?
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 08, 2019, 04:50:52 PM
Ben opened his mouth to tell Kerr he didn't have to come to him but he shut it. Of course Kerr didn't have to, but he wanted to. Ben grinned up at him and then shifted so that they could both be comfy near one another. Kerr smelt strongly of Cain, but so did the whole apartment now. A mingling of them and the mortal.

I didn't say anything because you were busy, and texts work both ways, Ben replied, his tone a little edgy but the smirk on his face softened his words. I went for a walk around the Quarter.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 08, 2019, 07:17:34 PM
Kerr wrinkled his nose and pushed his face forward at Ben's reprimand that texts work both ways, a smile visible despite his mock 'nyeh' look. It was a fair call. He'd allowed himself to become distracted by Cain to forget how upset he'd been at the start of the night and it had worked (probably too) well. Ben being home now just made him incredibly happy - even though he was still somewhat worried that he'd be judged for his behaviour with Cain.

Sorry. The Quarter! How was it? Any epiphanies?
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 08, 2019, 08:05:24 PM
A lot of the supes there are young or poor. It's a high crime neighbourhood but most of them are humans. More people in that neighbourhood are aware than not. I did see some gang-tags that made me think of weres. I might ask-

His thought just stopped, but Kerr would've seen a flash of the dark angel's face in Ben's memory before he shut it down. Ben lowered his gaze, knowing Kerr would've seen it.

Sorry, I didn't mean to picture him. Anyway, it might be a symbol he recognises which means it's migrated down from the north but I'll ask the Ward if they have any information about the tagging, if they've seen it elsewhere or whether it's connected to any gangs. I don't like the idea of territory being marked out or if a bunch of werewolves are... I dunno, unionising.

Forming a union was meant to be a joke but the symbol had worried him. Kerr would see it in his head - a wolf's head with a person's stick figure where the brain should be inside a circle. Ben had seen it three times on his walk, marking a few walls. He'd smelt dog around there too, but there were too many strays hunting in the garbage between alleys for him to be totally sure.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Malkavian Riddler on October 08, 2019, 08:14:10 PM
Cain whooped when the bad guy got what was coming to him, in a marvellous display of pyrotechnics. Explosions galore! He could feel the sound reverberating in his chest and he bounced onto an upright position, glancing over at the couple as they sat silently. He thought maybe they were talking in their minds to one another. They didn't look upset or anything but there were a few twitches of expression that flitted on each of their faces.

He looked back at the screen, a little more subdued even though the movie was awesome. It was winding down as well. The end of titles would be on soon, and he hadn't decided if he would seek out attention or make himself scarce. He'd just have to feel out the atmosphere in the next few minutes.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 09, 2019, 09:40:10 AM
Kerr felt a flash of scorn at seeing Saraekiel's face in Ben's mind, only because there was a worrying puzzle involving werewolves that likely had a lot to do with his crowd of constituents. With the dark angel's very loose definition of governance at play, Kerr doubted very much that there'd be answers from that idiot. It wouldn't surprise him in the least if it turned out the marks were there because of that conspiracy-theorist nutjob, in fact. Going to the Ward to ask questions was certainly wiser and Kerr felt a spiteful triumph in knowing that the North's District Leader was a failure at doing the only job he had.

He didn't love the idea of were gangs any more than Ben did, though, and his concern superseded his smug gluttony regarding Saraekiel's potential undoing.

Ben's contrition warmed him. Kerr smiled and reached over to thread his fingers through Ben's and kissed his cheek. It's okay, you have to think of him. I wouldn't put it past that imbecile to condone such behaviour, though I guess he did take exception to Jake's invasion in the west - ruining people's free will and all that - so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for the time being. The Ward should have more information, hopefully. If they don't, I guess it's something to confront Saraekiel with, Kerr shrugged and rolled his eyes to demonstrate how much he didn't want that to happen but the degree to which he was resigned to it. He smiled wryly as he did it.

He had zero respect for the dark angel but even he understood the necessity of Ben working with him in the future. Ben hadn't made it easy on himself by succumbing to his mind-obliterating lust for the fool but he'd have to lie in that bed. Kerr trusted it wouldn't be literally, at least. He was just thankful that when Ben pictured him, he was clothed. If it was more personal... Kerr would find that more difficult to forget. Just because he'd come to terms with Ben's attraction to and need to work with the fuckwit didn't mean it was any easier for Kerr to overcome his burning resentment for the ignorant, biased insults Saraekiel had delivered him that night.

Kerr squeezed Ben's hand and pushed his sour thoughts away, allowing love and appreciation for Ben's consideration to flow through him instead. Either way, I'm proud you went there to start figuring out what your leadership is going to look like. Charon will be pleased, also. Did you formulate any plans? Ways you can help them? It's really curious that you say more people in the area are more aware than not - does that mean Jake's not policing stringently enough? Or is it more endemic than that? Is it a holdover of the Oligarchy's failing? I often thought we were set up to cure rather than prevent, Kerr mused, gnawing on his tongue stud as he watched Cain sightlessly, his thoughts his focus.

He sighed after a moment's contemplation, turning his gaze back to Ben. Perhaps it's just chasing my tail to consider such things anyway. However it happened, you'll inherit the situation as it is. How can we fix it?

Maybe it was naive to think in terms of 'fixing' also but he believed Ben would affect true, positive change and he was keen to be part of it. Was it simply a matter of throwing money at the problem? Education? Relocation of people and resources? It was a huge undertaking but, he was forced to admit, he relished the thought of tackling it alongside his love. Without the shackles of propriety he had holding him back as Luminary, was there a limit to what they could achieve?
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 10, 2019, 08:53:54 AM
Ben listened as Kerr outwardly mused about Saraekiel. The dark angel wasn't as good at assembling his ideas and communicating them as Kerr was, and his sire was seriously unforgiving about that. Ben had had a taste of Saraekiel's hard-to-follow speeches in the District Leader meeting, when he'd tried to dethrone Jake and put Ben in his place just by them all voting at the meeting. It hadn't turned out that way, and his statements had been really difficult to understand with all the vague inferences and such... but Kerr had felt slighted and Ben had been too forgiving and then there was the sex and the mark on Ben's chest and that pretty much ended that. There was no defending Saraekiel to Kerr now, events had moved too far along for that.

He was pleased Kerr agreed with him about the Ward - they were always Ben's first thought. He was about to answer Kerr's questions but they were shot at him too rapidly for him to answer. Ben waited them out and then replied, hoping he'd answered all of them but really there were too many to capture in one go. He really didn't like it when Kerr did that but his sire had always done that, there would be no changing a four-hundred-year-old habit now. When Ben had first met him, he'd thought the rapid-fire questions had been cute. Now they were just exasperating.

Okay, so get this, I always thought the Brazilian Quarter was a nickname because of the amount of Latinos that live there, but I never stopped to think why Brazilian? Most people think of Mexico, right? I found this plaque on a building which says that the four blocks were called the Brass Quarter, named after this guy Peter Brass. He was trying to fix homelessness by making this charity that housed them all, and he got four blocks worth of residential area built for them to live in rent free, and then for cheap rent, just enough to cover building maintenance and stuff. That was in the 1920s! But then the charity went belly-up in the seventies, I know because my mum grew up in one of the buildings and her family was kicked out because rent went up when the building was sold. It's still cheap rent because the buildings are so rundown but it's no longer a haven for the homeless, it's been taken over by people just scraping by but there were also buildings filled with thugs and druggies - sort of closer to the west side of the quarter where the streets are really narrow. I didn't see a single police car but I did see two pairs of Ward officials patrolling on foot. There are also people trying to do good in there. There was a free clinic - I spoke to a nurse inside it, he recognised me - and there's also a soup kitchen. I don't know that the BQ has a solution. I think it needs some cleaning up, sure, but anything drastic in there is just going to attract resentment. I think smaller things are best that can help people if we're going to do anything to begin with, until we come up with a plan... if I'm elected.

There were other people he'd talked to but he would let Kerr respond to that, first.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 12, 2019, 01:06:27 AM
Kerr found the story of the Brass Quarter fascinating. It was the way of the world, he supposed - change being the only constant and all that - but it didn't matter how old he got, there were so often delightful little surprises such as these to be found. The casual mention of Ben's mother's history interwoven with it was so natural it almost didn't make Kerr's heart feel like it was enclosed in an icy grip.

Ben never mentioned his parents. In fact, Kerr yelling at him about them six nights before was the only reference that had occurred in years. Kerr wondered guiltily if that night had anything to do with Ben's mother being mentioned now. He hoped it did, because it meant processing was happening. The icy grip warmed with love and although he didn't say anything about it, Kerr registered the reference and was filled with pride.

Fascinating, his mental voice murmured, the Brass Quarter sounds so strange after all these years of knowing it as the Brazilian - though it makes so much sense, too! Did you talk to the Ward patrols? What did the nurse have to say? Kerr wondered if Ben had had much time to 'press the flesh' with supernaturals in the area and take their temperature with regard to him and the election. He was keen to know if any of them had offered viable solutions for the Quarter's improvement; advice would be more valuable, coming from those that lived there.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 12, 2019, 02:19:38 PM
I did talk to the Ward patrols but I want to talk about the nurse first, Ben replied, his mental tone cautious. Ben's gaze flicked to Cain and then back to Kerr. When Cain looked their way, Ben looked at him again and then back to Kerr once more. He knew about vampires and supernaturals because they've come to the clinic where he works. He figured it out, about vampires, werewolves, all of it. He shared a lot of information with me, he's been working in the Quarter for years. He was keen to experience the bite, he's heard rumours about it. He asked me if I would, so I invited him to come to Luminescent after his shift.

Ben shifted to face Kerr more fully, ignoring Cain if he moved again because this was for Kerr to answer.

I'd like his experience to be mindblowing. Something he won't forget. I don't know exactly what he wants right now because I was going to talk it over with him at Luminescent but if he's keen on me, and I think he is, would you be okay with me having sex with him?

He wondered if Kerr would resist.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 12, 2019, 03:46:41 PM
Kerr automatically mirrored Ben's move to face him, drawn to reflect him by instinct and smiling as he did. His expression shifted to one of gradual surprise as Ben kept talking, describing giving some nurse an amazing first bite experience. His wide eyes soon became a frown and some blinks as he glanced at Cain and then back to Ben again.

Well, sure, that's fine - that's what an open relationship means - but... what about Cain? You don't want to play with him? he queried, bewildered by Ben choosing to give attention to someone other than his pet. His earlier anxiety rose again, reminding him of how he'd felt when he realised Ben had walked out without saying anything. He gnawed on his tongue stud briefly, tasting the next, more difficult question he needed to ask.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 12, 2019, 03:53:17 PM
Ben didn't follow Kerr's gaze to their pet.

Not tonight, no. I'm more interested in Harm. I have no idea why he's called that, I didn't ask.

Ben could feel the tension rising in the air. He didn't need an open blood bond with Kerr to sense it coming.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 12, 2019, 04:01:54 PM
Kerr frowned briefly at the reference to Harm but didn't comment on it, gearing himself up to ask his question instead.

Are you... unhappy with the way I treat Cain? Do you think I spoil him? he asked nervously.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 12, 2019, 04:30:56 PM
The question confused him.

What? Treat Cain however you like. Isn't that the point? He certainly likes it, anyway, Ben mused, turning to look at Cain momentarily before looking back.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 12, 2019, 05:08:58 PM
Kerr still looked troubled, shifting uncomfortably as he expanded on his thoughts.

I just... it feels like you disapprove or something. You're... distant. Staying away from him... and me meI'mtoomuch. I thought maybe you were mad at me because you wanted me to treat him more like a pet, like you do he'sforyounotevenmine. To be used but not... lovednurtured coddled, he explained, his expression strained.

It was odd to share his thoughts with Ben yet be so reticent. His fledgeling would likely have been subject to the spinning wheels of synonyms and extra information going through his mind as he carefully chose his words.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Malkavian Riddler on October 12, 2019, 05:14:46 PM
Too many looks had been thrown his way. Lowering the sound while the credits rolled and music blasted, Cain got up and approached the pair. They were sitting close but facing each other. Cain instinctively wanted to go to Kerr but knew that would be the wrong move because Ben had only just come home. Unsure about the blonde's reaction but thinking it wouldn't be too bad since both vampires were together, he knelt before them, between them, one hand on Kerr's knee and his other hand on Ben's knee but that one didn't stay there. It shifted then snaked up to his inner thigh, intending to press and knead Ben's crotch.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 12, 2019, 05:19:40 PM
I woke up and you were already in his room. I needed to get some stuff done so I left you to it. He and I will take longer to get used to one another, we don't have the attraction that...

Ben's thought was interrupted when Cain drew nearer. He watched as the mortal lowered to his knees between them and Ben waited for him to say something. Obviously actions spoke louder than words. Ben's gaze flicked from Cain to Kerr quizzically before he looked back at Cain when the human's warm hand massaged his groin, instigating a firmness there.

Did you ask him to? Ben sent to Kerr.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 12, 2019, 05:26:52 PM
Kerr's eyes widened in startlement and he shook his head sharply. No way would he have asked Cain to interrupt them, it was the worst timing as far as Kerr was concerned. He was hanging to know what the end to Ben's sentence was.

You're not attracted to him? he queried, disappointed by the thought. It was the other concern he'd had, of course. That Ben's distance would mean Cain's dismissal from their home.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 12, 2019, 05:41:15 PM
Ben reached down to take Cain's hand, gently moving it off him (even though it had felt really good). "Not right now, Kerr and I are talking," he said, as softly as possible. Rejection of any kind always sucked.

He waited for Cain to acknowledge before he looked back at Kerr.

Not what I was going to say. Yeah, I do find him attractive, especially when he's on his knees, Ben smirked, but right now I feel like... you should play with him until the shiny wears off and then we can both figure out if we still want him around, you know? There's no point making a decision about him when you're still in the honeymoon period. You've both been desiring each other for a long time. I... I get it.

Ben looked back at Cain again. He also doesn't look at me the way he looks at you, and that's okay with me. I kind of like that I have some competition for your attention. It makes you... even sexier, I guess.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Malkavian Riddler on October 12, 2019, 05:44:19 PM
Cain realised he'd fucked up and read them wrong. They'd seemed relaxed with one another, like there wasn't a mental argument like he thought there might be. When they'd turned and faced one another, glancing over at him, he'd thought it meant they were discussing what they wanted out of him. He thought he'd prove that Ben had his attention too.

And the way Ben spoke down to him, about how the grownups were talking, it was embarrassing. He was thoroughly humiliated but he stayed where he was, holding both their knees, not wanting to go because it might look like he was leaving in a huff. Behind him the music played on and he wished he'd stayed on the couch.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 12, 2019, 06:07:21 PM
Kerr was flooded with relief that Ben genuinely wasn't upset with his treatment of Cain, though he was mortified why. His heart leapt with shame that Ben thought he'd ever have to compete for his attention. It was flattering but embarrassed him that he'd make the man he loved think that way. He picked up Ben's hand, squeezing it between both of his as he looked intently into his eyes.

I'm ashamed you think that way. I mean, I love that you're so calm and okay with it and that you're willing to wait and give things a chance to settle with Cain but I never want you to doubt that you're the most important thing in my life. I think... would it be okay if we made it... a rule, I guess that we start and end every night with just us? Leave time for us to be just us, together, to make love, to make sure we stay connected? he asked hopefully.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 12, 2019, 06:22:21 PM
Ben thought on the rule, glancing down at Cain and at the fact he'd remained where he was instead of going back and doing his own thing. It seemed... needy, somehow. Devoted and loyal and weird. Kerr's desire for him was pretty big, Ben had felt it and seen it, and Ben had found him easy to get along with, but Cain's nature was difficult to understand. Ben would never have given all of himself. He'd even been tested for it. He'd given his body when others demanded it, but not his mind, not his heart.

How about start every night together? One of us might like spending the night with him, or both, whatever. I know sometimes you're in the shower when I wake up, but that's different to being in the middle of... someone else.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 12, 2019, 08:24:56 PM
Kerr nodded eagerly, leaning forward to press his lips to Ben's to seal the deal. He was smiling gently when he pulled away.

Done. Every night starts with just you and me. No being distracted by anyone else. After that... pets, nurses, work, whatever comes we'll deal with, he grinned, finally turning to look at Cain, still kneeling at their feet. He reached out and pinched Cain's chin between his thumb and index finger, smiling at him. I took him shopping tonight. Bought him lots of nice clothes, ordered some suits and got a pretty sexy leather collar and leash I thought you might be interested in, he shared with Ben.

"Ben's going to go out soon. Do you want to start the next movie in the series? I'll join you when we're done," Kerr smiled at Cain, lowering his fingers from Cain's chin to cover his hand on his knee instead.

Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Malkavian Riddler on October 12, 2019, 08:40:44 PM
When his face was taken by the chin, Cain's eyes lifted to Kerr. "Alright," he replied, grateful for the chance to move away. Before he left, he looked at Ben, a lingering stare.

He didn't know how to feel about Ben's cool detachment. He would've preferred cruel treatment over this nonchalance and dismissal, because at least he would have some worth to the vampire. This nothingness was new and difficult to comprehend. Maybe Ben was super-busy, but he didn't seem to really care what was going on with Cain - or even Kerr and Cain. He thought it was peculiar to have brought him in as a new pet and not want to play with him straight away.

Instead of dwelling, he accepted, and loped back over to the couch. He navigated to the second movie in the mix, identifying which one came next by the year it was made. They were pretty old now, but he'd liked the first one and was pretty sure he'd like the rest.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 12, 2019, 09:28:08 PM
Mmmn, I haven't figured out what I want out of him yet. I thought I knew but he's different to what I expected. I'll have to spend time with him first to figure it out. If I can't think of an angle I'll just make him walk around naked until I'm in the mood.

He was joking, but only barely.

And that was when his phone buzzed that he'd received a text.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 12, 2019, 11:10:07 PM
Kerr's heart was warmed by Ben's honesty about Cain. It reassured him on many levels, suffusing him with peace. A soft smile grew at the image of Cain walking around naked until Ben figured out what he wanted to do with him.

I should sympathise with your dilemma but that's fucking sexy and I wanna see it, he murmured, leaning forward to nuzzle kisses against Ben's lips. He paused before he got all the way there, hearing Ben's phone receive a text. He raised his eyebrows, grinning as he pulled back slightly to give Ben room to pull his phone out. Is that him? Is it time to play vampires and nurses? he teased.


Harm had finished work at the clinic five minutes before midnight and took the time to shower before he left. He always carried a change of clothes in his backpack but most nights he didn't bother changing out of his scrubs. Tonight, he made the effort.

Wearing jeans, a black long-sleeved shirt with a round neck and a few buttons at the chest (two of them open) and a grey hoodie, Harm left the clinic at five after the witching hour. The ride to The Luminary went by pretty quickly; he did it on autopilot because he couldn't stop circling around and around what was about to happen. He was excited but he was terrified, too.

Once he reached the hotel, he locked his bike to a nearby rack and zipped his helmet into his backpack. He walked into the lobby trying to look everywhere at once. He spared a smile for the folks behind the reception desk then headed straight for the elevators. Once he was inside the lift, he hit the button for the twenty-first floor then spent the entire ride up fiddling with his hair in the mirror (he'd kept his hair dry in the shower so he'd look his best), trying to make it perfect. He had no idea why. Ben was interested in his neck, not his hair.

Luminescent stopped him in his tracks just inside the doorway. He closed his mouth and tried to look a little more suave as he moved in and found a seat, smiling nervously at anyone that looked his way. They seemed kinder than most clubs but Harm still felt like he was being weighed, measured and judged as he gravitated towards a table and pair of stools by the huge windows. The view was stunning, the lights twinkling and the music catchy but unobtrusive. The vibe was really chill but holy fuck, what was he doing? Swallowing down his nerves, he pulled out his phone. Of course he'd already taken the time to put Ben's number in it, so it was easy enough to open up the contact and choose to send a message.

Hi there, this is Harm. I'm in Luminescent. OMG this view is the shit! Amazing :smile: See you soon?

He shrugged out of his backpack and tucked it under the table, sliding onto one of the tall stools, the balls of his feet balanced on the bar at the bottom. His right knee jiggling, he flipped his phone over and over in both his hands, forearms balanced on the edge of the table. He stared out the window, mostly watching the reflection in the glass rather than the skyline beyond.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 12, 2019, 11:25:38 PM
Ben sent a text ahead of himself: Great! Give me 2 mins.

Ben changed his shirt to a short-sleeved electric blue button-up. It was too bright for business but caught the lights at Luminescent nicely. He'd used a tiny bit of cologne for Harm's benefit.

He dawdled into the club, waved at the bartender Marcel and cast a quick gaze around the open room, spying Harm fairly quickly. The place was about a third full. Not too empty, not too busy. It was a nice vibe, everyone away in their nooks chatting quietly, just as Ben imagined it (though he'd pictured it two thirds full not empty).

"Hey," Ben greeted, settling onto the stool beside Harm. "I'm really glad you came. I figured fifty-fifty you'd chicken out," he admitted. "You can still back out any time, no hard feelings, okay? This is your night."

Even as he said it, he knew he'd be disappointed if Harm didn't go through with the bite but there was no sense forcing it. If Harm felt good about it all the way through, he was more likely to get the desired outcome. It had been a long time since he'd been in this position.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 12, 2019, 11:40:10 PM
"Hi," Harm smiled as Ben sat with him, his gaze lowering to take in his change of shirt. Damn, the guy knew how to accessorise with his eyes after all. Harm's gaze lingered over the way it fitted the vampire's shoulders before he looked up into said eyes. He swallowed, feeling fifteen times more nervous just because Ben was talking about him chickening out. Geez, he hadn't even considered it until now.

"Thanks. I appreciate the... back out offer," he huffed a nervous laugh, "but I'm good. Thanks for taking the time to see me. This'll... just be between us, right?" he asked hopefully, swishing a finger in Ben's direction and then back towards himself. He doubted very much that Ben was in the habit of drinking and then telling - especially to anyone in his opponent's camp, making it super unlikely word of this would reach Luke before he got the chance to tell him in person - but he wanted to be sure.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 12, 2019, 11:58:10 PM
"Of course. Discretion's good for me, too," Ben said, nodding.

Now that Harm was dressed normally and in a different light, Ben reassessed him once again. He looked both older and more innocent, which was an odd combination. Ben liked his strong jaw, his heavier brow, and also his nicely lined lips, as though a talented artist had painted them onto his face. His face was an odd mix of mostly masculine with a light touch of feminine while Ben skirted the line of masculine androgyny. Both blonde and blue-eyed but that was where the resemblance ended. They were not similar types at all. Ben's gaze drifted down to Harm's chest and then up to his lips before his gaze lifted again back to his eyes. He spoke of discretion but his once-over of Harm was not discreet - at least not to Harm.

"Before we go further, do you know anything about the most common reactions to the bite?"

Ben listened as Harm related a rumour he'd heard about the bite being good but there were no details to be had. Ben continued as though Harm knew nothing at all, because he pretty much didn't.

"Okay. Yes, a willing bite is... really good. Good enough that people get addicted to it. There are two main reactions. You won't be able to choose, it just happens. One reaction is that you'll zen out. You become totally relaxed, like you spent all day in a spa. It's like a magic way to de-stress. The other reaction, which was how I reacted, is like you get plugged straight into your sexuality. You get excited, horny, the bite becomes really erotic and that reaction does tend to lead to other things. I mean, it was the main reason why I only wanted to be bitten by only one vampire. I was... at his mercy, during that time. So you have to trust who you're with. Either reaction, you have to trust who you're with, okay?"

He waited for Harm to process that. If the guy was going to back out, now would be the most likely time. "Do you still want to go ahead? Do you want me to?" Ben left the question open and deliberately sexually charged.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 13, 2019, 03:12:16 AM
While Ben talked, Harm fidgeted. His knee was still jumping, he rested his elbow on the table and fiddled with his hair, he nibbled his lower lip. Being completely de-stressed sounded amazing. The second type... that was what he'd heard implied by another nurse at the hospital. He was a guy that Harm didn't know all that well and he'd spoken about it to someone else. Harm had overheard, the message full of innuendo and insinuation that Harm could decipher only because he knew about vampires. He hadn't understood all the details until tonight.

Looking over at Ben now gave him completely weird vibes and he blushed furiously at what he'd done. This was about way more than just flirting with monsters that Luke would object to him seeing. This was likely to become sex. His blush only deepened every time he looked at Ben and met his intense gaze. It was like he was willing him to say yes and Harm had to admit he was sorely tempted. This was a chance for an easy, uncomplicated fuck, where no-one had to be ready to lock themselves behind a bathroom door if things got out of hand. Everything with Ben wouldn't have to progress at an excruciating pace just in case things got spaced-out and rapey when the touching got too yummy.

Honestly, he was sick of caution and being with someone so unwilling to take risks because of potentially hurting him that they barely touched. He was a tactile guy. He craved contact. The way Ben had looked him over a moment ago had definitely been a visual touch-up... and he'd liked it. He wished desperately that Luke could be so easily persuaded.

"Yeah, I do," Harm admitted quietly, lifting a hand to wipe his brow with his thenar eminence - the swell of flesh below his thumb. All his blushing and his nerves - coupled with being indoors in a hoodie and a proclivity for having a high core temperature - had him sweating mildly. He shoved both his hands and his phone into the pocket on his jumper. His full, pink lower lip pinched between straight, white teeth before he spoke next. "But, just to be clear, I didn't know that was what I might be asking you to do when I asked you to bite me. I'm not... I wasn't coming onto you like that. I don't want you to think less of me. You were just the first vampire I've ever got close to (that I know of) and I didn't want to miss my chance to get bitten. You were just a means to an end," he joked, though his message was serious.

He'd thought Ben was sexy (who wouldn't?) but not in a c'mere-and-fuck-me-right-now way. He'd only been interested in his fangs - which he still hadn't got a good look at, despite trying since they'd met - not his dick. Apparently they were a package deal. The longer Harm thought about how it all might go down, the cooler he was with it. Nobody'd ever find out. Harm glanced over his shoulder at the intimate crowd of people sprinkled throughout the pretty club they were in, his heart leaping at the thought someone from Jake's entourage might be here... but that was stupid. It was exactly the reason he was safe here; this was Ben's home turf. Why would his opponent's camp have emissaries in it? They wouldn't. Harm's little foray would remain his secret.

Harm's gaze shifted back to Ben. He was becoming more fascinating and getting better looking every time Harm looked at him. Those eyes; motherfucking vampire eyes. "So I gather, because I might be the second type, we're not going to do it here? You have somewhere for us to go?" Harm hinted, licking his lips as the reality of the situation stepped up again and he instigated the escalation. Now that his decision was made, he couldn't wait to get started and he trusted Ben implicitly. He'd been nothing but upfront and honest with him, after all.

Secretly, he hoped he was the second type because he wanted it all and he wasn't sure Ben would follow through if he was just zoned out. That kind of sounded like the vampire version of Rohypnol and Ben wasn't a creep.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 13, 2019, 08:55:00 AM
Just a means to an end

Ben could totally relate. He'd been in exactly the same situation as Harm once-upon-a-time, but the end Ben had wanted to reach was not the bite but being sired. Kerr had been the means to an end at one point and then he'd become something else very quickly, because of how charged the bite had been and how gentlemanly Kerr had behaved. Their slow burn had turned into something far more extravagant and complicated than mortal-seeking-sire.

"That's what I like most about you. So many groupies ready to throw themselves at me, there's no chance for discovery or... seduction."

Harm's question was cute: Did he have somewhere for them to go? Had he not noticed they were in a hotel? On the way down to meet Harm while in the lift, Ben had texted reception for an empty VIP room. He'd been given 2404.

"Yeah, I got somewhere and it's not too far." Ben slid off the stool and moved around Harm, his hand drifting lightly along the mortal's waist and back as he went past, breaking contact to turn and face him so he could offer his hand to lead him out of there.

They wound back through Luminescent, Ben not making eye contact with anyone else. He walked a little ahead of Harm, their connected hands trailing behind him until they were out and he walked side by side with him to the lift.  - the one that could take him to the penthouse so it was there as soon as he pressed the button. He didn't say anything more but going inside it was easy just to scan his thumb and press the button for the 24th floor.

When the doors closed he looked at Harm, knowing there wasn't enough time in the lift for a stolen kiss or even if Harm wanted that yet. He was giving off an excited but also nervous vibe - though the latter was dampening in obvious chunks. That was good. He remembered how he'd felt when Kerr had led him into the back rooms for a bite. A sense of calm had stolen over him. Perhaps that was happening with Harm now.

The lift opened with a soft ding. Someone exited their room at the same time as Ben and Harm stepped out of the lift. Win. Ben's hand twitched in Harm's hold before he walked them past the other vampire, who glanced over and did a double-take at the two blonds.

"Hi Win, have you been enjoying your stay?" Ben asked as they passed very close.

"Yeah, thanks. You still good to hang out sometime?" Win prompted as Ben and Harm passed him. Ben didn't miss the way Win checked out Ben's catch.

"Soon," Ben said, but that word could mean anything at this point. It had a lot to do with Ichabod.

Room 2404 was around the corner and Ben and Harm were out of sight before Ben and Win could say anything more to one another. He preferred it that way. It wasn't fair to look at Win when he was hand-in-hand with someone else. Maybe he and Win would 'hang out' and maybe not. He found, to his surprise, that he didn't mind which.

"This is us," Ben said outside the heavy hotel door. He dropped Harm's hand to fish out his wallet and his keycard, one that could open every door. He moved inside first and held the door open for Harm to follow, and would let him decide where he wanted to go in the room.

Ben shut the door behind him and hung back, watching, and getting a thrill from how things were going so far.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 13, 2019, 10:23:01 AM
Harm's blush intensified as Ben told him what he liked most about him. He hadn't realised he was being seduced until it was said so bluntly but an odd thing happened; once he acknowledged that seduction was part of this whole thing, he felt calmer. It was like he gave himself permission to enjoy whatever came because he understood the consequences. He'd accepted their form so now all he had to do was experience the content and he'd walk away satisfied on multiple levels. Easy.

When Ben got up, Harm followed suit, pausing to reach down and pick up his backpack. When he straightened, he found there was a hand for him to hold. It would be the first time he'd actually touched a vampire. As he settled his pack on his left shoulder and grabbed the strap to hold it there, he slid his hand into Ben's. Harm ran so hot that Ben's hand felt like velvet-covered ice, at first. He shivered, mostly from imagining how more of Ben would feel pressed against more of him. He followed behind the vampire feeling like a bright beacon of heat and desire, as if what he was about to do was a scarlett contract written on his face for everyone to look upon and know him for.

Hardly anyone looked at them but it didn't seem that way to Harm. He felt empowered by his decision but weakened by his ignorance. When they stepped into the lift, Harm's thumb and fingers continued to trace the extremities of Ben's hand where they contacted. His heat was being siphoned by the vampire. He felt Ben's gaze and turned to meet it, smiling automatically. It felt like he'd been tuned to exactly the vampire's frequency, aware of his every movement and conditioned to respond accordingly. There was thought of a kiss; Harm was glad it didn't come. He didn't want to kiss Ben. Kissing was the one thing he and Luke did a lot of and it felt sacred. Kissing was sweet and intimate and it was their thing. Hookups usually didn't go in for kissing. He'd avoid it whenever he could.

The casual conversation in the hallway startled Harm out of the confident groove he was falling into. Ben's twitching hand had him tensing in response and then he was looked at by the brown-haired guy in a way that felt... predatory. It was the final puzzle piece that convinced Harm he was a vampire; his pallor was the first. Was he developing a sense for them, now? Like gaydar but for vampires? Vampdar. Yeah, that wasn't nearly sexy enough to reflect the wonder and ego boost that swelled inside him as he realised he was in the company of two vampires. What would he start noticing out on the streets now?

Harm crossed the threshold of the room with the brevity of a virgin on their wedding night. It was what the moment deserved - and the room, for that matter. "Holy fuck you guys have an amazing place here!" he cried reflexively, glancing briefly at the lounge area and kitchenette but gravitating towards the dining table near the huge windows. He pulled a chair out and deposited his backpack on it as he admired the view. When he looked down and saw the huge gift basket on the table, its contents had him raising his eyebrows. He took his hoodie off and dropped it on his bag (using the sleeve to wipe the sheen of perspiration off his brow as he did), hoping that would regulate his temperature. After a brief hesitation, he yanked his black shirt off too and put it with his stuff as well. It was just efficient. He shucked his shoes and socks while he was at it then turned to approach Ben with only his belted jeans on.

He had two questions; the first inspired by the view, the second by the contents of that gift basket.

"Those windows - well, walls, really - can anyone see in here, with the lights on?" he asked with a growing smile. The room was intimately lit by unobtrusive lamps and scattered, singular downlights placed expertly. The effect was soft and effusive but it would still reveal their actions to anyone who happened to be watching from any of the other tall buildings around them - unless the glass was treated with something that reflected everything, like a two-way mirror.

Harm was surprised to find that he liked the idea of people being able to watch what he and Ben would do, anonymously. It gave him a secret thrill to think of people getting turned on by watching them, touching themselves in the privacy of their own places. Or their offices, whatever those buildings held. That was even naughtier. His chest was flushing with heat and colour now, as he let his imagination loose and asked his second question once Ben had a chance to answer his first.

"So... vampires can't give or get any diseases, right? You're completely clean because nothing would survive in your bodies, correct?" he queried, looking Ben over and thinking of the lube and condoms in the gift basket. He had such supplies in his backpack, out of habit - along with an array of feminine sanitary products, and a first aid and a suture kit - but it had only now occurred to him that the prophylactics shouldn't be needed.

As a twenty-six year old gay man, condoms were an annoying way of life. Where there was sex, there was protection, it was automatic for Harm. But that reflex didn't have to engage tonight, he was pretty sure. Vampires were not truly living, so nothing should survive in their system long enough to propagate. The thought that neither of them would have to wear anything while he was with Ben thrilled him in deeply-buried, secretly delicious ways. He'd never actually had a guy cum in him.

Imagining fucking Ben bareback added another element of fantasy that bordered on fetish for Harm. Did vampires even cum like normal guys? He fucking hoped so because he planned to smear it all over his body, if he could. His jeans got noticeably tighter as he stared at Ben and imagined dipping fingers in his own ass, pulling them out covered with his vampire cum, stroking his cock with it, shoving it in his own mouth, four cum-coated fingers at a time.

Harm closed his eyes briefly and took a deep breath to calm himself down. He backed away from his filthy-nasty-sexy thoughts and concentrated on listening to Ben instead. If he didn't, he was going to cum before anything even happened. Talk about seduction. He was pretty damn sure he wasn't supposed to be seducing himself, though.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 13, 2019, 10:57:17 AM
Ben watched as Harm headed for the dining table. He took a few steps after him, just so he wouldn't be so far away, but there was still distance between them. Ben thumbed his jeans pockets and shifted weight to his left leg, his chin lifting a little as he continued watching Harm's reaction. The Mona Lisa smile was back as he regarded the other's inspection of the goodies basket before he turned around and... stripped?

It was a bold move and one Ben hadn't expected. Hoodie off, sure. Shirt off was a surprise. Shoes and socks, okay. Ben's gaze followed Harm's hands until he realised that the rest wasn't coming off. Okay, good, that would be a bit odd. He'd wanted Harm to take his hoodie off but he'd also wanted to slide his hands beneath Harm's shirt. Guess they were skipping that part.

His stare shifted to the wall of windows and he nodded. "There's a film on it that dim light doesn't penetrate from inside but bright lights will show people outside everything. There are people with telescopes on the other side because they're residential buildings as well. This side there's only offices. That's why most of those windows out there are dark."

A few were bright, and if they looked, they would see cleaners moving through the offices.

Ben started moving forward - prowling, it felt like - when Harm spoke again. Ben paused, not wanting to advance when Harm was talking shop. Trust a nurse to mention that; though it was also what groupies like Cain meant when they said they were 'clean'. They only ever slept with vampires.

"Anything that could harm my body is immediately healed away," he said, then advanced again, talking softly as he did so, keeping his stare intent on Harm. "No diseases, no toxins, no scars." He was right near Harm now, a tiny bit of space between them. He could feel the heat pouring off Harm, hear his heartbeat, almost taste him in the air. Ben's right hand floated to the topmost fastened button of his shirt but he didn't undo it, wanting Harm to instead. "Nothing bad," he continued, "just me." His left hand reached out low, moving past Harm's waist and pressing his lower back but not pulling him close, not yet. Ben's right hand left his own shirt and he trailed light fingertips down Harm's chest, seeing where they travelled over light muscle before he leant forward and pulled Harm close at the same time, slow enough that Harm would have to meet his kiss.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 13, 2019, 11:26:01 AM
Harm was mildly disappointed by the idea that they wouldn't have an audience but Ben's approach was a distraction from it. He was sorry he halted him with his second question but that feeling disappeared in the miasma of fascination and desire being roused in him as Ben continued forward. Harm felt wanted in a unique and primal way. Intellectually, he knew Ben had to be mostly interested in his blood but he was a very convincing seducer because Harm felt completely coveted, blood, body and soul. Ben's eyes were liquid pools of blue and he wanted to fling himself at him. He didn't even care if he drowned.

Ben's hand at his button drew Harm's gaze but the hand at his back caused him to gasp, tense and then relax with a little sigh as the cool of the vampire melded with his heat. His lower back was extremely sensitive and his eyelids drooped, his breathing becoming more erratic as his erogenous zone was awakened. He reached up to start undoing Ben's buttons as his chest was stroked and then he met Ben's mouth with his own. It didn't feel as wrong as it should've and guilt followed the delightful sensation of a circuit closed with their mouths and hands on each other. Using the excuse of undressing Ben came naturally as Harm broke contact with Ben's mouth to trail kisses along his jaw and to his throat, tugging Ben's shirt free of his pants before his nimble fingers finished with the buttons and he could part the material.

He wanted to be close to that coolness, to feel it against his chest and stomach, to rub his erection against Ben while he wrapped his arms around him. He didn't know when this had become about sex, rather than the bite but only a very tiny part of him thought to question that and it was easily suppressed.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 13, 2019, 11:41:59 AM
Ben's hands travelled up and down Harm's back while his shirt was being unbuttoned. When Harm neared the penultimate one, Ben left one hand on Harm's lower back - only learning the affect it had on the other blond when his hand stroked there a second time - and he buried fingers in Harm's hair, lengthy enough to grab. With the mortal at his throat, he wanted to shift that around but only did so once he felt his shirt opening. Twisting his fingers and getting a tighter hold now, he tipped Harm's head back, pressing him close and changed it around so that he was the one teasing Harm's neck with kisses and dragging teeth.

They were both rock hard and brushing against one another. The denim wasn't letting enough sensation through. Ben scraped his nails along Harm's lower back before moving his hand around to the front, undoing Harm's belt, hearing the clicks and jangling as it was pushed apart, button and fly going next before he pushed his hand beneath, going inside underwear so he could touch and then stroke Harm's hot, pulsing cock with his cool hand.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 13, 2019, 12:04:38 PM
Harm was so overwhelmed by the thought that he was about to be bitten when Ben's lips moved to his throat that all he could do was cling to the vampire, holding his breath. Even the helpless undulations of his body reacting to Ben's hands on his lower back stilled in anticipation. When the bite didn't come and a hand delved into his pants, Harm released his pent air in a loud rush, gasping unsteadily and noisily, moans and squeaks riding the waves of air rushing in and out of his throat.

Held in place by an erotic grip in his hair and the delirious sensation of his cock being stroked (awkwardly, he wished there were no pants between them so they had complete freedom), Harm's hips rocked helplessly into Ben's hand, his knees threatening to buckle beneath the delight of the sensations bursting through him.

"Please," he whimpered, his eyes closed and his fingers kneading Ben's waist compulsively. He wasn't entirely sure what he was begging for, there was so much he wanted at that moment; to be bitten, to be nude, to be horizontal before he collapsed, to be filled by Ben's cock, to be able to think clearly enough to participate properly. He was off his usual game and completely out of his depth, deferring completely to the vampire.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 13, 2019, 12:16:13 PM
Ben grunt-murmured a reply, wanting to do as much to Harm as he was being begged. The plea called to something deep and predatory inside of him, the way it resonated with need. He heard a rich, full timbre in that word, broken by all kinds of emotions that only he could hear because of the kind of being he was.

Vampire. This was what he wanted; predator and willing prey, mutual desire and an individual succumb, sex and blood and danger beneath a blanket of safety. Why would anyone hurt their victim when they could have this instead?

"The bed," he growled, pulling his hand out of Harm's pants, releasing the hold on his hair and pressing a cool hand on his chest to keep them apart. He wasn't shoving, but he wanted Harm to get himself on the bed, get himself naked if he would, but Ben didn't say anything about that, figuring he would anyway. Ben's gaze searched the basket of goodies and he grabbed the lube bottle, turning to see where Harm had gone. If he hadn't gone anywhere, Ben would grab his hand and lead him to the bedroom. Otherwise he would go there himself, ripping the plastic seal off the bottle as he went.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 13, 2019, 12:41:09 PM
With his belt undone, Harm didn't have wide enough hips to hold up his jeans. They dropped and he simply stumbled out of them as he headed for the bed, feeling dazed and horny. The brief respite away from the vampire's intoxicating influence cleared his head enough to refocus him on his purpose. He could feel his mouth twisted in a smug smile though, because he certainly wasn't getting anything he didn't want.

He hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his blue boxer briefs and shoved them down over his thighs as he walked, expecting to step out of them just as smoothly as he had his jeans. Unfortunately, they caught on one calf more than the other, resulting in his feet getting tangled and he stumbled. Luckily, he was close to the bedroom doorway and he caught himself on the jamb, leaning against it while he stomped to get his feet free of the restricting material. He hoped Ben hadn't noticed but he didn't look back to check, he moved forward into the bedroom with as much dignity as he was able.

The bed was enormous. He wasn't sure a size above king existed but if it did, he was pretty sure he was looking at it. Without thinking too hard on it, Harm grabbed the cover and top sheet and yanked, finding The Luminary's service staff to be exceptional at their jobs because he had to really work hard at turning down the covers. The bottom sheet felt like silk, it was such a high thread count. Because Ben was right behind him, Harm simply knelt on the edge of the bed, sitting on his heels and followed the vampire with his gaze.

"How should I be, for you to bite me?" he asked, expecting it would come next. He had visions of staying where he was, tipping his head back to lean on Ben's shoulder so he could drink from his throat and stand behind him, fucking him at the same time. The vision caused such a wash of lust to travel through him, his entire body was suddenly puckered with goosebumps. Compulsively, he grasped his twitching cock and stroked it lightly.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 13, 2019, 12:52:09 PM
He barely registered Harm's stumble and stomping because Ben was fixated on task. He was feeling primal and exceptionally lusty. Everything he'd expected to feel upstairs with Cain had tumbled into Harm's lap instead. Ben didn't really care which mortal he was with - they were both attractive, both desiring the vampire bite, but Harm's newness to it all made it extra appealing. Ben wondered if there was something to corruption - that it was introducing Harm to this part of his world that made it so fucking thrilling.

Ben did what Harm couldn't. After tossing the bottle onto the bottom sheet, he took care of the rest of the top covers, ripping it out from being tucked in and letting them fall to the floor. He didn't have to because Harm had got them mostly out of the way, but Ben had wanted to grab and wrench and better the covers than Harm himself. He was getting rid of his jeans next when the question came.

"I was going to do it after," he said, his voice low. He wanted to sell the idea to the mortal, make him want it, too, instead of taking the risk that he might zen out and they'd have to stop. "Extend your orgasm, maybe."

His gaze dropped to what Harm was doing, and he advanced.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 13, 2019, 01:25:47 PM
Harm's gaze lowered to take in Ben's body as he got rid of his clothes and he was both relieved and thoughtful.

He was relieved because Ben had a lovely tight body, a normal dick that made Harm want to feel it at the back of his throat, nothing monstrous about him at all. Just those fangs, really. Harm ached to see them, to feel them in him somewhere and he supposed there was something pretty wrong with him because everything unnatural about Luke turned him on, too. Even as he thought about his own wrongness though, he rejected it. That part of him was also what made him accept everyone, embrace their differences and appreciate them for themselves. He was proud of that, not ashamed of it. The shame was Luke's opinion haunting him.

He was thoughtful because biting afterwards made this about sex first and the bite second. No-one would ever know, but he would. If he agreed to the bite second, then he'd come to Ben to satisfy his sexual frustration more than his curiosity and there was guilt in that. Not enough for him to stop this but enough that he felt it twist his gut and momentarily override the lust. It was an admission of Luke failing him, more than anything, failing to trust himself enough to let go. It was a fine line between pleasure and pain with Luke and tonight Ben offered him the same but in a much easier way.

Ben started towards him and Harm's heart leapt with excitement, dismissing his misgivings. If he was here for sex first, so be it. The rest of it would be important, too, he believed.

"Whatever you think is best," Harm complied, sliding off the bed onto the floor, kneeling before Ben as he rounded the bed. He would embrace this entire experience in whatever order it came... but he wished to start with Ben's cock in his warm mouth and see where that took him.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 13, 2019, 02:11:13 PM
Once again Harm changed what Ben was hoping would happen. Just as he'd skipped a step for them in taking off his shirt, so too did he skip receiving oral from Ben by offering it. He'd wanted to get to Harm, push him back on the bed, crawl over him and then settle between his legs, showing what it was like to receive from someone who didn't have to breathe. He'd wanted to blow Harm's mind by blowing him. So much for that. He wasn't too upset - hell, he wasn't upset at all, not once that hot mouth was around him, sliding wet over him. He moaned his pleasure, unable to contain his voice, stroking fingers through Harm's hair while he did it, relishing every time Harm looked up at him. It took Harm some time and work before he brought Ben to the brink. He was so close, he could feel it. His balls were tightening and there was a sensation of something coiling deep between his legs. He didn't want himself out of action before they'd properly started.

"Stop, stop," Ben gasped, pulling Harm off his dick by the hair. He wasn't being rough but there was something inherently violent about the motion that somehow turned him on even more. He actually was aching to bite, which wasn't what he'd expected. Looking down at Harm while the mortal was looking up at him, he touched the tip of his tongue to his fang, doing it open mouthed so Harm would see it. "Get on the bed," he said, removing his hands from Harm's hair. "All the way on it. On your back."

He was going to risk it. It would be an incredibly erotic experience for Harm if sex and the bite happened together, and if he was the other kind that zenned out, well, hopefully he would be relaxed enough and grateful enough to want Ben after he came down from his high. If he didn't, Ben could take out his frustration on Cain upstairs and then that pressure and obligation would be dealt with. It was a win/win situation.

He followed Harm fairly closely, crawling over him like he'd wanted to do initially. He paid attention to Harm's dick in return, swallowing it and pulling out all of his tricks to get Harm to moan and writhe. After some more minutes of that, Ben nabbed the lube bottle and knelt up, coating his fingers with it and setting the lube aside again. His fingers explored around the outside of Harm's puckered hole before he finally pushed a finger in. After finding the bump inside him and stroking it, he added a finger and then knelt over Harm, working him even as he kissed his collarbones, nibbling along his shoulder, licking and dragging teeth along his neck.

With his fingers circling and pumping in and out, Ben found Harm's strong pulse - beating so hard in his neck that it was almost jumping out to meet his fangs - and murmured a few words of gratitude before settling his fangs on it and then breaking the skin, drinking the warmth that came and paying close attention to Harm's reaction - the movement of his fingers slowing.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 13, 2019, 03:25:28 PM
Harm was an instinctive sub, compelled to please his partner in everything. Tonight, that partner was not just a man, but a vampire. Harm relished the feel of his cock on his tongue, swallowing the tip as far down his throat as he could get it, wanting to confirm that what he knew of men also applied to vampires. Of course it did. Every time his dark-ringed aquamarine eyes looked up into Ben's face he saw lust and joy and passion, wrought by him. The pleasure of it throbbed between his legs, squeezed by his own hand when his own need for contact became too much.

When his head was yanked off Ben's dick, he was hypersensitivity aware of how it exposed his throat and his pulse leapt in anticipation. Ben wasn't rough but his hold was assured and his orders gruff. The needy, frustrated thing in Harm that suffered every time Luke pulled away from him relished Ben's treatment, wishing for more, to be squeezed and moved and flipped around. To have his strength used instead of quelled. The sight of the fang being tongued held Harm transfixed with wonder, rising up on his knees to get instinctively closer.

He scrambled eagerly onto the bed, on his back as instructed, expecting Ben to bite him. In a way, he did, but the fellatio blindsided him. Harm slid into a warm pool of bliss, gasping and crying out every time Ben changed tempo or pressure on his cock. He clutched at the sheet, finding it too smooth to get a decent grip on so he played with Ben's head instead, brushing fingers through his hair, cupping his head (but not pressing it onto himself, as instinct cried out for), caressing his ears and feeling his jaw work beneath his cheeks.

When Ben's fingers got involved, Harm did a lot of swearing. He writhed helplessly, fighting the build to make it last, touching Ben and begging him with whimpers, sighs and moans. In between the begging came the encouraging, the declarations of how much he liked Ben fingering his ass, wishing for his cock instead, commending him on the things that made Harm zing. He bucked his hips as little as possible, trying to think about... well, anything, really. It was surprisingly difficult to do. When Ben's mouth reached his neck, his mindlessness knew a single focus: the bite, here it comes, the bite, here it comes...

At first, there was the sting from the punctures but that faded into a wash of warmth travelling along his artery to his chest. It was insubstantial yet undeniably there and Harm was fascinated by the sensation of it being drawn to his heart before it was pushed out and into the rest of his body. It took Harm's focus away from the fingers in his ass. In fact, it took focus from everything as it suffused his veins. It felt like Harm's whole body ground to a stop, like a reset button had been flicked and Harm powered down, aware only of the heat of his own blood pumping through his veins, sustaining his life in a suspended moment of nothingness.

There was a moment of complete stillness and sublime peace and Harm languished in the lull.

He had time to mourn the fact that he was the first type after all when something strange happened. He realised quickly that he had it wrong when the calm ebbed away. The reset that caused his body to lag was less of a frozen moment and more of a gathering of power. The reset was, in fact, the kind of preternatural stillness that precedes a natural disaster, that moment of tension filled with such imposing potential that birds are silenced, animals hide and the world itself seems to hold its breath.

Harm sucked in a huge breath himself, his eyelids flying open and his body arching rigidly beneath Ben as the tsunami crashed inside him. He spasmed at the height of his arc, his body seizing beneath the force crashing through him, obliterating anything even close to peace. Electricity and desire surged through him, lighting up every cell in his body as he exhaled loudly and dropped flat onto the mattress again. He sucked in another breath just to cry out, a guttural, feral noise of lust so loud they would have heard him in the next room. "Fuck!' was the word his cry rode out of his lungs on and with that exclamation, his body was released from its stupor.

"Fuck me, oh please fuck me," he begged, clawing and writhing and grinding deliriously on Ben's fingers. His blood had turned to crawling ants and they were setting fire to his veins. He couldn't be stilled, he was driven wild with the urge to impale himself, to be filled and have his cock encased at the same time, the desire stronger than anything he'd ever felt in his life. He panted and reached blindly for his dick, pumping it manically unless Ben could sort himself out to get there first.

He was a writhing, seething, boiling exposed nerve, mindless in his desire to be smothered and pierced and doused because the fire of Ben's mouth at his throat, sucking his blood was everywhere, leaving him gaping and empty in a way he hadn't even known was possible. "Please, I need you to fuck me, please," he panted, his heels drumming wildly against the backs of Ben's thighs as he tried to shove him into him, his ass grinding downwards brutally and his back arching again as he reached for his cock. He needed Ben more than he needed air.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 13, 2019, 03:42:59 PM
Jesus fucking Christ.

Ben was the proud owner of a hot, writhing, sexual mess. Fingers still trapped inside Harm and being ground against, his other hand had quickly moved to press Harm's upper body the fuck down. He drank one more mouthful and then healed the wounds, hastily withdrawing fingers and positioning himself into place. He entered Harm's body a little more quickly than he would've ordinarily, usually giving his partner time to adjust to his cock, but Harm was pushing back on him, and his hand was blocked from taking care of himself.

Ugh, this was the wrong position for the intensity of Harm's reaction. Ben scooped him up and swivelled them around so that Harm's shoulders were now up against the wall of the bed and he could be more active. Ben pumped into him while Harm pushed back, and Ben could feel that the angle was super-fucking-amazing. With each shift of Harm's legs it brought new sensations and ripples of pleasure as muscles clenched and held onto Ben's cock inside. He thrust hard and fast, spurred on by Harm's yells and scratches and clings and movement. With a hand on the wall and the other pumping Harm's dick, he doubted either of them were going to last long because it was exceptionally intense, but he didn't think Harm would care. As long as they both arrived at their peak he could call it good.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 13, 2019, 04:12:59 PM
Harm had never been known to be a particularly rough lover, he was generally submissive to a fault. Apparently, the many nights of getting worked up next to Luke but never quite getting the treatment he desired had fuelled an oasis of need inside him so potent he was out of control. Or maybe it was the vampire's bite and some strange chemical reaction exploding in his body. Either way, Harm relished what Ben aroused in him.

With his shoulders anchored against the soft headboard of the bed and Ben pumping into him, he was pretty secure in taking his pleasure in a way he never had. He tried bracing his feet flat on the mattress and squatting onto Ben but he kept fucking up the rhythm and every dissonant stroke pissed him off with such force that it was an instant backlash inside him. He wrapped his legs around Ben's waist instead, stretching his arms along the top of the headboard to better brace him and arched his body into Ben's.

It was fucking sublime. Harm's head fell backwards and occasionally bumped against the wall but he didn't notice. His every atom was centred on the gathering storm below his waist. He squeezed and clenched his ass, tilted and circled his hips with such fervour that his prostate was stroked every time and he tasted oblivion. Ben's hand on his cock was his completion and he leapt into his orgasm with a sense of wonder and trepidation. Since the build had come back after that weird lull at about eighty percent, it had taken next to no time at all to climax.

Harm bucked and spasmed helplessly as he came, his eyes squeezed shut almost as tightly as his ass was. The wash of Ben's orgasm in his ass was even better than when he'd bit his throat and Harm relished the sensation, unable to tell who'd cum first; it'd felt like the same time, which was even sweeter. His climax made him feel strong and wild and insane, the intensity of the emotions washing through him tearing at him in fundamentally disturbing yet satisfying ways. He screamed, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" with all the fervour of a porn star, bucking and writhing until the last iota of energy he had was spent, then he sagged onto Ben, silently encouraging him to lay them down - or he'd slither down in his own time if Ben just pulled away.

Wiping sweat out of his eyes and off his forehead with the back of his hand, Harm struggled to get air into his lungs. "That was... fucking amazing," he panted, drooping rapidly. His stomach chose that moment to rumble loudly, reminding him that he hadn't eaten recently and he needed to fuel his body if he wanted to continue. He giggled sleepily. "Sorry."
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 13, 2019, 04:29:15 PM
After their shared orgasm, Ben did help lay Harm down, pulling him away from the headboard before he'd finished shrinking inside Harm's body, and only when they were flat on the bed with pillows within reach (but which had been knocked aside in their fervour), did Ben withdraw from Harm's body. The smell of sex was pungent in the air and Ben relished it, the animalistic aroma of it. He lay on his side, an arm draped over Harm's waist as the human caught his breath.

"It was, yeah," Ben said, amazed once again by Harm's reaction now that he had a moment to focus on it. "Intense," he added before Harm's stomach grumbled and there was a giggle and apology following it. "Hey, I'll get some food sent up for you. Give you back some nourishment," he said.

Ben removed his arm to roll away to the other side of the bed where the hotel phone was at. He picked it up and dialled for the kitchen.

"Hey, this is Ben... Yep, fine, thanks. I'm using room 2404 at the moment with a, uh, donor. Can you send up a range of food in the next five?... Uh huh... whatever you have is fine. Thanks."

He hung up and rolled back to Harm on his side, resting his head on his hand using his elbow to prop him up. His other hand drifted up and down Harm's chest, feeling the difference of texture now that it was slick with sweat. They would smell like each other, now.

"Feel free to use the shower if you like, or the room if it's too far for you to go home. No charge." Ben rolled his eyes at himself before grinning. He got the urge to lean down for some kissing and he followed his instinct.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 13, 2019, 04:49:02 PM
Harm dozed, his eyes closed and his body more relaxed than ever. When Ben ordered a range of food through room service, he smiled at the ceiling, hoping like hell there'd be a big, greasy burger of some sort in the range (but knowing he'd eat everything anyway, regardless). The sensation of cum leaking out of his ass was strange and fascinating and he wriggled occasionally just to feel his ass cheeks slipping against each other. It made him giggle dopily.

The offer of a shower was welcome, the complimentary room a surprise. It was tempting... but so was his own bed and waking up at midday surrounded by his own stuff. Still... the room was spectacular. Not as much fun alone, though. He wondered idly just how big the argument would be if he rang Luke and invited him to share it.

"Chinatown's not far," he murmured but was stopped from saying any more by Ben's lips descending on his own. The rush of adrenaline that spiked through his body woke him up pretty quickly, his eyes opening wide as he stiffened. When Ben's tongue touched his lip, Harm turned his head sharply to break the contact. His heart rate picked up, fed by nerves and adrenaline. He licked his lips and then pressed them together, the air between him and Ben suddenly tense.

Should he say something? He really didn't want to explain his whole deal with Luke, Ben would just think he was pathetic; still clinging to the love of his life despite claiming to be over him, accepting any scraps of affection he tossed his way instead of just ending it, claiming to want one thing but doing nothing to find it. Yeah, he'd rather not.

"A shower sounds like a good idea, actually," he murmured, glancing warily at Ben and offering him a timid smile. "I've never been this messy before. Spoiler alert: no sordid Bukkake parties in my background," he laughed, trying to lighten the mood as he inched towards the edge of the bed, intending to slide out of it and head into the shower.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 13, 2019, 05:01:47 PM
At first he didn't know why Harm was so against kissing him. It felt like a smack in the face; good enough for a hard fuck, not good enough to share anything soft. And then, while they stared at one another and Harm tried putting some distance between what had happened and the current conversation, Ben remembered.

Harm was seeing a guy. Not just any guy but Luke, the paranoid, overly controlling Sheriff of Dickheadland. The reason why Harm had been so appealing in the first place before his newbie-ness in second place overtook the main reason. Ben and Kerr had an open relationship. Luke and Harm had something Harm couldn't even define.

Seeing someone. Not 'boyfriend' or even 'dating someone'... just seeing them.

He ignored all that nonsense about Bukkake parties - though the idea of it was interesting to Ben.

"It's okay," he said, sitting up on the bed and speaking just as Harm slid off the mattress. "We don't have to kiss. No insult. I'm pretty happy with how things went down. You?"

He wanted Harm happy enough to come back for another round.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 13, 2019, 05:14:43 PM
Harm tensed when Ben sat up, expecting a reprimand or to be told to come back. He sagged with relief when Ben let him off the hook about the kissing and even managed a breathy laugh as Ben checked in to see how Harm thought everything had gone.

"Uhhh, yeah," Harm grinned, with a pointed roll of his eyes. "Can you say best orgasm of my life?" he laughed. His ass was throbbing but everywhere else on his body felt like it'd been kissed by sunshine and bathed in moonlight. "I guess I'm the second type, after all," he blushed, his fingers flicking towards the bed where they'd discovered that fact. Like Ben could forget it. "Now I know that guy wasn't kidding when he said being drunk from was good," he laughed again, running fingers through his hair and resetting it compulsively.

He was intrigued how Ben dealt with crazy, horny humans like him every night, when he had to drink blood just to survive - but he wasn't game to ask. That would seem ungrateful or something. It wasn't his place to question the vampire's lifestyle. Still... he couldn't help wondering if maybe Ben hoped for the first type every second night just to give him a break.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 13, 2019, 05:23:16 PM
And just like that the tension was gone, like it had been on Harm's breath and had just evaporated into the air when he'd breathed it out. Ben quirked his head to the side and smiled knowingly.

"Guess you are," he said. "Do you want your own shower or share? The food'll be set up even if we're not here to collect it," he shrugged, indicating it wouldn't bother him either way. His eyes were fixed on Harm like he was reading a really good book.

Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 13, 2019, 05:41:51 PM
"Wow, all this and you'll wash my back?" Harm quipped, moving around the bed closer to where Ben was. "Sounds too good to pass up," he grinned, reaching forward and using a fingertip to smear one of the globs of his cum that had landed on Ben's belly and not fully dried yet. "You could use a shower as much as me," he nodded sagely, his lips pooching momentarily as he nodded with affected seriousness, regarding Ben's sticky front, "someone's done shot cum all over you and you should wash it off before I eat. It's not very hygienic otherwise," he lectured grabbing Ben's hand and dragging him towards the shower.

The fact that he smeared his cum over his own muscled abdomen as he walked - and got a delicious thrill from recalling the method by which it had got there - was beside the point. When they got into the bathroom, Harm wasn't surprised to find it was almost as large as his whole apartment and that the shower had two heads. He turned them on and while he waited for the water to heat up, he continued to rub cum all over his body, one hand moving down to stroke his flaccid cock with it, the other reaching around and sliding his hand between his cheeks to collect some of Ben's. He lifted his hand to his nose to smell it, too, intrigued that it smelt just like cum, even though it'd come out of a vampire. He let go of his cock and turned his body to check the water temperature, sneaking his tongue out to taste Ben's cum as subtly as possible.

He did all of this while twisting and turning, attempting to hide what he was doing from Ben but unfazed by him seeing it. It was his one opportunity to be close to a vampire and get answers to all the questions he had. He wasn't going to let it go, even if Ben thought he was particularly weird for playing with his cum. The last thing he did with it before he reluctantly stepped under the spray was to stroke it along his cock, getting a lusty thrill from using vampire cum as his lube - to the point where he had a semi by the time the water was ready.

Herm unwrapped a soap from the basket between the double basins - a large, proper sized cake, no less! - before he stepped under the spray, keeping his hair out of it as much as possible. The soap had a heady floral scent that gradually overcame the smell of cum as Harm worked up a lather on his stomach. He was kind of sorry. "So... do you actually live here? In a hotel?" he asked Ben incredulously.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 13, 2019, 06:03:36 PM
Ben watched the unusual display of smearing and sniffing and smelling. Because werewolves were on his mind, Ben imagined Harm's behaviour was what a werewolf would be like. He knew that Harm was no such thing because he'd been around the weres the night they'd checked themselves out of the holding rooms. They'd commented on the upgrades, saying that they liked it was more like a room and less like a jail cell, and that there was more room for them to move around. Weres had a smell like an undercurrent of dog. Other than that, he didn't know much about them.

Once they were in the shower and helping get each other clean, Harm's question was voiced and Ben replied without pause. "Yeah, I live in the penthouse with my sire. The building belongs to him. It doesn't feel like a hotel up there so much as a large apartment. These rooms feel like apartments as well. I brought you to the VIP area to make everything a bit more special. There are rooms that feel like hotel rooms below us, but it's not all hotel. The Ward's headquarters are here. The Academy operates out of here too as a secondary campus. We have donors living here as well, for us and for guests. That's why there's a kitchen even though we don't run a restaurant."

While he talked, he cleaned. He could hear the light knock on the door and a muffled 'room service'. Then there was a sound of a food trolley being pushed in and the sound of the door closing afterwards.

Ben finished washing Harm's back and nipped his shoulder when he was done. "Food's here," he said.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 13, 2019, 06:33:51 PM
Harm hadn't actually intended for Ben to wash him, it'd been a joke, but he didn't stop him when the vampire took the soap from him and ran his silky hands all over him. The shower cavity resonated with his happy sighs as he was pampered with gentle, attentive touches. They aroused him, his body wishing to do something about the gratitude it felt but he ignored it. Once they were clean, it seemed gauche to refer to sex again. He'd lost enough blood that he knew he shouldn't lose any more too soon or he'd be lightheaded and they weren't here for anything but the bite. He anticipated he'd eat and they'd part ways.

The information he received about the hotel interested Harm on a few levels. He was pretty sure 'sire' meant the vampire that had made Ben a vampire but Harm was also reeling from the information that Ben didn't live alone. Perhaps their relationship was platonic? Or like his and Luke's, undefined. Either way, he got a weird vibe because he'd assumed Ben was single and now he was having to adjust that belief. The man had brought him to a VIP room to 'make everything a bit more special' but he lived full time with another guy? Odd.

When his shoulder was bitten, it sent tingles and goosebumps across Harm's flesh, causing him to look somewhat hungrily at Ben. It made him think of the bite, which made him think of the sex, which made him even harder. "Cool," he announced, shutting off the water and getting out onto the opulent bathmat. He dried himself quickly - motivated by the proximity of hot food - and wrapped the towel around his waist to go eat in. He took a moment to check his hair in the mirror ( and then headed out towards the other half of the suite. His feelings towards Ben were getting confused the longer he stayed with him so it was best he eat and leave.

The gift basket had been moved into the kitchenette to allow room for the food to be spread across the four-seater dining table. There were so many choices, there was no room to comfortably eat there but Harm decided he'd go eat on the luxurious couch anyway. He took the giant cheeseburger and fries, the bottle of ketchup, the glass of cola soft drink and the silver milkshake cup. It was chocolate. Delicious. He juggled it all against his bare body, placing it carefully on the coffee table before he sat and started eating enthusiastically, pouring some extra ketchup onto the burger and for the fries to dip in. "This is a good burger," he enthused when Ben joined him, trying to eat with decorum, even though he was starving. He usually was after he finished a shift. A long shift plus a vampire bite and sex clearly equalled ravenous eating.

"So, you and your sire live together in the penthouse?" he asked Ben after a few bites and swallows of burger had filled the gaping cavity inside him enough for him to concentrate. "And you have your own donors living here to choose a different one each night?"
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 13, 2019, 06:44:15 PM
After dressing, Ben joined Harm in the lounge, though sat adjacent to him on the armchair to not crowd him.

He smiled when Harm complimented the burger. That was good to know. He couldn't really taste it himself though he hadn't heard of any complaints from the donors. Harm also brought them up in conversation shortly after asking about Kerr.

"Yeah, he's up there now. We don't usually drink from the donors here, we leave them available for guests. We don't like them losing blood too often so they're on a roster. We don't have so many that they can also provide for me as well. I have to drink twice a night, more if I'm training my powers."

He figured Harm would ask about them so he gave him the option to chase that up as well. It would be interesting to see what line of questioning he pursued.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 13, 2019, 06:53:57 PM
Harm was stunned that a vampire had to drink twice a night - more if he was training. That was a lot of blood. It was a wonder they even got enough donors to supply the hospitals with the blood needed for transfusions in this city, if each vampire needed that much blood every night. No surprise the clinic kept what they had in the vault.

"So you need about two litres of blood a night? How long have you been a vampire? Does the amount of blood you need change over time?" Harm enquired, fascinated.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 13, 2019, 07:07:36 PM
"I didn't take a litre from you," Ben said, making a 'pfft' sound, not liking the idea of Harm thinking he was so careless when he drank. "I don't like leaving donors groggy or weak. A lot of what I drink is animal blood and everything provided here is that as well. With a club like Venture available that's full every night with willing people, it's not hard to find a consensual drink." He was thoughtful for a moment, watching Harm take another bite out of his burger. "I'm thirteen years a vampire and yeah, it does change over time, but not that fast. I'll probably need to drink a couple of pints a night for the next ten years before I notice a difference. But I've come a long way from my first year. I was drinking every couple of hours."

He couldn't talk about the emotional impact of it because it was a movie-memory, and a confusing one. He'd been bouncing between two sires and had been grumpy as fuck to both of them. He wondered if all newly-made vampires experienced mood swings or if that had just been Ben 1.0's manner.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 13, 2019, 08:20:12 PM
Harm blushed at Ben's correction, embarrassed to have assumed more blood went out of him than it had. It'd felt like a wild gush, pulling from his core so he clearly had no idea what had gone on. If he'd stopped to think, he'd know he hadn't lost nearly that much blood. He didn't like the thought that he looked foolish to Ben, whom he wanted to impress. Ah well. He'd be dismissed as an ignorant human no doubt, and there was nothing he could do about it. He'd just need to learn not to care.

The idea of a club filled with willing donors didn't surprise him nearly as much now. Now that he'd been bitten. Again, a flush of memory washed through him, stirring his body to life. He wondered how long he'd take to get over that.

He stared at Ben when told he'd been a vampire so long. His little brother hadn't even been alive that long. Harm almost choked on the bite sitting in his mouth when told young vampires drank blood every few hours. With a little cough, he swallowed and then took a sip of his soft drink to be sure it washed down. "That's a lot of blood. And sex," he smirked, looking Ben over thoughtfully. He couldn't have had sex with everyone he drank from but Harm could see why vampires would have their pick. He blushed, filled with giddy pride that Ben had picked him tonight. He doubted Luke and his employer would see it in such a kind light.

Harm frowned as he finished his burger, thinking about his situation. He took the remaining fries back to the dining table, interested in swapping the less interesting food for the ones he'd seen that had been more appealing; a basket of chicken wings and a large slice of cheesecake with whipped cream. He brought them back to the coffee table, still debating asking his question. He wasn't sure it wouldn't upset Ben. He wasn't sure he wanted to know. But it was the perfect opportunity to ask.

"I've been wondering something," he preluded his question, sucking sauce off his thumb after he finished the first chicken wing. His tongue slid across his teeth as he looked at Ben steadily. "And you don't have to answer me if it's none of my business. I get that I'm a nobody in all of this. But... are you the reason Jake told Luke he wasn't allowed to come visit me in Chinatown anymore? Are the delicate political relations to do with your election? 'Cos, like, I'd really like to know how us hanging out affects vampire politics," he asserted, sounding genuinely angry and indignant by the end. He deeply resented the only time he could get with Luke being stripped away indefinitely and although he couldn't do anything about it, he thought it'd really help if he understood why.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 13, 2019, 08:45:16 PM
Ben's demeanour changed at Harm's question. He didn't close off and it was subtle enough that Harm would probably only sense that there was a shift, but what had happened was Ben's interest in the conversation rose intensely. He'd just been sitting here, happy to answer questions, and then an unexpected prize of information had been dropped into his lap, just like that.

So; Jake was keeping his people out of Chinatown - more importantly, he was keeping his Sheriff out of Chinatown. The implication behind such a move was huge. It meant Jake was setting up Lan Bao to self-manage. He knew from Charon that Jake had asked the others to assign her District Leadership and been refused. His runner-up prize to her was obviously keeping his nose out of her business.

So what did that mean for the Ward? That they'd have no backup in there if shit went down? That was a big fucking deal. He would have to talk to the Captain and ask if she knew and if she didn't, that meant he was risking her Wardens. Oh... that would be a really, really bad thing for Jake if that information came out.

"Um, no, not because of me," he said to Harm, shifting in his seat because he was suddenly full of energy. "It'll be something to do with the Kuei-Jin and their hierarchy."
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 13, 2019, 09:06:21 PM
"Oh," Harm sighed, feeling deflated. It wasn't as if he'd have been able to change the situation even if it had been Ben's fault, though he realised only in hindsight that he'd been willing to try to tug on the connection he'd made here tonight to see if he could maybe swing things in his favour. That it had to do with the Kuei-Jin made much more sense. He took a breath and smiled at Ben, pleased that he wasn't involved after all. His initial impression in the clinic still counted for something; Ben was a rare, honest politician, interested in changing things for his people.

Harm admired him. He didn't admire Jake McCloud but maybe that was just because he didn't know him. He'd have to give him a chance before the election, so he could make a fair decision between the two - rather than basing it solely on who'd given him the most outstanding orgasm of his life. Instinctively, his gaze found its way to Ben again, noting how bright his unusual eyes were and thinking about the fangs he hid rather well behind his pink lips. Damnit, there went his dick again, eager for another round. He blushed and shifted his towel around, using it to wipe his sticky fingers after he'd sucked the sauce off them, hoping to cover up where his thoughts were straying.

"You know, you don't have to stay here watching me eat," he told Ben shyly, feeling pinned beneath his stare. "I get it if you want to go upstairs to your sire - that does mean the vampire that made you a vampire, right? Have you lived with him all fifteen years?"
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 13, 2019, 09:41:02 PM
Ben realised that maybe he was outstaying his welcome when Harm suggested he leave but then more questions came and he felt he should answer them.

"Yes, the word 'sire' means the vampire who created me. Most of the thirteen years, not all. Kerr and I have had an off and on relationship. At the moment we're on, but we're open. He knows I'm here with you, doing what we're doing. Well, not watching you eat, anyway." He smiled, though lightly. "I can go if you like but I thought I'd hang around and answer questions for you. Up to you. If you want to spend some private time here and process everything that happened, I can leave. I guess I'm comparing your experience to mine. I had so many questions both before and after I was drunk from." He shrugged but continued to stare at Harm, paying close attention to see whether he was squirming uncomfortably with the desire to ask Ben to leave or if he genuinely wanted Ben to stay.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 13, 2019, 10:21:02 PM
Harm stopped eating and looked at Ben, his mouth working as he moved food around inside it with his tongue, preparing to answer him but thinking about what he'd say first. He appreciated Ben's generosity and he was sincerely flattered by his attention but how could he tell him that too much was a temptation he didn't need? It could be insulting, if he phrased himself incorrectly.

"I'll probably think of a million questions later but, for now, you've answered all the burning ones I have. The rest will probably just be boring - is being a vampire like being surrounded by a smorgasbord twenty-four seven? Just what powers do you train? - or none of my business - do you need to have drunk recently to attain maximum sexual function? What's that burn on your chest, I thought you could heal?" he offered, gesturing towards Ben's chest with the hand holding his fork.

"But the biggest problem I have with you hanging around is familiarity. You're really lovely and kind and good looking and you treated me amazingly, giving me this spectacular experience and... I'm already thinking about wanting to repeat it. But I'm just fooling myself with the illusion of it. The indulgence. If you hang around much longer, I'll want to indulge in you again and I know myself. I'm a sucker for kindness and physical contact and you've got that in spades, man. You're sweet, you're hot and you're fucking amazing in bed. You're easy and everything else I have is complicated and nowhere near as satisfying. So if you stay, I'll start thinking of you as an option. But you're just not," he chuckled, grinning at Ben as he shook his head at him, like Ben had made a cheeky offer he was reluctantly refusing.

He fell quiet, hoping Ben understood. Hoping he hadn't offended him.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 13, 2019, 10:40:57 PM
Ben laughed until the question about the burn on his chest and then his laughter faded away. Huh.

"I don't think about people as food. Being gay is more like being surrounded by a smorgasbord twenty-four-seven than the vampire thing," he said with a grin. "But seriously, the thirst has to be pretty compelling before I look at necks before looking at people. I might've done that a few times in my first year but I'm well beyond it now. Sex works the same whether I've fed or not, it's about passion. I might be rougher if I'm thirsting? I don't know, I haven't tried that out and I'm not really keen to. The burn is from, uh... vampires can be hurt by other supernaturals in a way that doesn't heal. I got a little too close to one of them. Supes like dark angels, fire demons - any kind of fire-related being can hurt me."

When Harm spoke next it roused a bunch of mixed feelings in Ben. He took a moment to answer. "No, you're right, I'm not an option in terms of a relationship... but I can be an option as a respite from your everyday complications." He smiled here, though it was calculating. "I want you for your blood and sex

and friendship
but you're right that any relationship would be complicated
even friendship
because you're 'seeing' a guy from the enemy camp

"so keep my number and if you ever call me, I promise I won't be as nice next time. I'll just use you."

His smile widened, but he meant it.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Existentially Odd on October 13, 2019, 10:52:30 PM
Harm's grin widened and he tilted his head coyly towards his shoulder, taking a playful swipe in Ben's direction with his hand. "Ohhhh, you!" he teased, "knowing just what to say to get my little heart racing!"

After a twittery giggle, Harm put his fork down on the plate on the coffee table and leant back against the incredibly soft, enveloping rear cushion of the couch. He pulled his legs up and crossed them tailor fashion, making sure his towel was modest (even if there was a lump that wouldn't go down because now he was thinking of all the ways Ben could use him before he left). His head lolled and he looked seriously at Ben.

"Thanks," he smiled, assuming Ben would take his leave now. His gaze lowered for one last hopeful look, his hands clenching his thighs through his towel a little more firmly. "I appreciate it." Ben's offer was too good for him to take up. He knew he was better off forgetting his number as soon as he could.
Title: Re: The Lapdance of Luxury
Post by: Trillian on October 13, 2019, 11:01:06 PM
Ben stood, wishing there was something more he could say but it would spoil what they'd already said. It was enough. Harm's experience was over and Ben was hopeful that the other would be addicted to the bite enough to seek him out again.

Before leaving, Ben moved past the back of the sofa Harm was on and briefly touched his shoulder where it almost met his neck, before heading out, closing the door behind him. He didn't see anyone on the way back to the lift and he was a little sad that this might be the last time he was ever with Harm.

The elevator dinged his arrival back into the penthouse.