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Messages - MementoMori

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Old Roleplays / Re: A Birthday Surprise
« on: April 09, 2006, 09:46:09 AM »
Arutha echoed Micah\'s goodbye\'s to Kevla, watching her leave and shut the door behind her. He then looked back at his fiance with a warm smile. "Yes." He gave Micah a quick kiss in return before the other stood. He had honestly no idea what his fiance had gotten him a present. And so with curious eyes, he watched Micah as he pulled out something small from the top drawer of the dresser, seeing a sliver of dark as he moved. He raised both of his eyebrows as Micah turned around to him, looking thoughly baffled and curious at the same time.
It was not until that his love got down on one knee that he realised what it was. His eyes widened, letting out a quiet gasp as the ring was revealed, looking up at his face with happy tears shining in his eyes. "Yes... Micah I will even though technically I already said yes before." he babbled a bit. "Oh Micah..." he said, sliding out of his seat in order to hug his fiance tightly and kiss him.

Old Roleplays / Re: A Birthday Surprise
« on: April 07, 2006, 08:59:47 AM »
Arutha laughed a little as Micah gently kissed the side of his neck, feeling his breath tickle his skin. "Mmm... I dear mister insatiable..." he lightly teased as he tilted his head to the opposite side, giving him more skin to kiss in the process.
Turning his head to look at his sister, he smiled warmly. "You know that you look great as usual." he said before chuckling goodnaturedly at his fiance\'s question.
Kevla simply smiled, letting out of a laugh of her own. "I don\'t think so, but I will keep your idea in mind should I have to," she grinned. "Well now I will be off. Have fun tonight you two." she said, grabbing her purse before heading towards the door.

Old Roleplays / Re: When work and fun collide
« on: April 07, 2006, 07:49:59 AM »
Declan gave a small nod at Keith\'s confiding words, having glanced over at Torin and the large man guard before he went to intervene on Tynan\'s behalf. "I couldn\'t agree more, Bridge. There is no doubt that things are about to get all the more interesting," he murmured back. As he looked back and forth between the guard and Tynan, the image of a fly swatter and a fly came to mind.
He removed his hand from the thinblood\'s shoulder before taking a neat step to the side just in case Digital decided to jump off the table quickly or something. Interesting people such as the Malk tended to do equally as interesting things, not to mention that they tended to be unpredictable. And soon enough Digital did, though giving some warning this time. He gave a faint nod, glancing over at Keith to see what his answer was going to be."Shall we?"
Declan looked back over at the guard. "We also have important matters to discuss with him, even though he asked to see only Digital here," he countered smoothly.

Old Roleplays / Re: A Birthday Surprise
« on: April 04, 2006, 05:02:14 AM »
Arutha shrugged a bit at his love\'s words, though still smiling. "Maybe I won\'t. And then again maybe I will find out." he said, a mischevious glint in his eyes.He looked over at Micah thoughfully, seeing the look inside of his eyes. He then glanced back over at Kevla. "They are from the both of us." he said out of the blue, smiling. He was talking about the stack of cds, not wanting Micah to feel guilty over forgetting. It was also a bonus that it just sounded better this way.
Kevla grinned, letting out a laugh of her own." Don\'t worry about that. I will let Arutha do the majority of the spoiling." she said, lightly ruffling Micah\'s hair as she walked past them, heading towards the bathroom. "Now if you don\'t mind I am going to get ready for later on tonight. Since I am going to let the two of you have your own celebration."
Her twin smiled, half leaning against Micah, feeling his fiance\'s arm around his shoulders."I couldn\'t agree more. This has been absolutely fantastic, thank you so much." He pressed a kiss again his cheek.
Kevla reemerged from the bathroom about twenty minutes later, all done up. She twirled about, smiling from ear to ear. "How do I look?"

Old Roleplays / Re: Back at the cabin
« on: April 02, 2006, 12:47:06 PM »
"Yes, I do." Arutha replied, seeing the interest in Tyran\'s eyes. "And I sort of know how it works. It is seems to be tied into strong emotions. Good or bad, it doesn\'t matter. The stronger the emotion, the more force can be created. It can be draining simply because like the muscles in your body, it takes strength directly from your body, much like your muscles do," he explained.
"And before you start wondering why I don\'t normally use it. It is simple that both my sister made a pact in order to use it only when we have to, a last resort sort of thing." he said, looking back and forth between Tyran and Dresdin to see their reactions to what he had said.
((ooc: It is alright. *hugs* I am just glad that you are back.))

Old Roleplays / Re: A Birthday Surprise
« on: April 02, 2006, 12:27:30 PM »
Somehow I think that you know more about the contents of that bag then what you are letting on." Arutha glanced over at Kevla faint suspicion in his eyes before looking back at Micah. He then nodded slowly, pouting a bit unknowingly as the trust he had in Micah won out over the suspicion of his sister and what she might have put inside of the bag. "Alright, I suppose that I will wait then." he replied with small mock-resigned sigh."And just to let you know your present is somewhere in your mountain of stuff. Where only Kieran or I would think to hide it."
Micah\'s next words made him give him a loving smile, giving his hand a squeeze before giving him a gentle peck on the lips. "I am sure that I will like it, whatever it is."
Grinning.Kevla immediately went over to her stuff, started rifling though it and about 3 minutes later found it. It look like a short, but wide box, neatly covered with wrapping paper, along with a small note attached to it. It read \'It took you this long in order to find this?\' Laughing, she ripped it open to reveal a stack of some more of her favorite cds, holding them up so that Micah could see what it was too. She then walked back over to the table, smiling from ear to ear. "Thanks bro." She gave him a one quick armed hug. "Just wait until it\'s your turn, Micah. We will spoil you rotten." she said with a grin.

Old Roleplays / Re: A Birthday Surprise
« on: April 01, 2006, 08:10:26 AM »
Arutha snorted softly before he started to chew the next piece of cake Micah fed him. He had honestly no idea that his fiance had gotten a ring. It would be interesting to see his reaction to it. Though almost assuredly it was going to be a positive one. At Micah\'s toast, he lifted his own cup up, touching it gently to his with a soft smile on his lips. "To best friends and to love." he echoed, gently intwining their arms so that they could drink for each other\'s cup.
At approximately the same time, Kevla raised her cup up. "Cheers." she said before she drank. "Ok, now is time for presents." She clapped her hands together gleefully going to fetch the goodie bag that she had gotten. "What I got you this year is actually several things that that you and Micah can share all packed into this neat looking bag. I will ask that you don\'t look inside until I leave." she said, setting the bag on an empty space on the table.
Arutha raised an eyebrow curiously at Kevla\'s words. "Ok...?"He then turned his head to look back at Micah to see if he knew what was in there.

Old Roleplays / Re: A Birthday Surprise
« on: March 31, 2006, 02:00:52 PM »
Arutha had just barely finished swallowing the piece of cake that he had been fed. It was then that he found himself being kissed out of the blue by his fiance, feeling him gently sucking on his upper lip. It was obvious that he did not realise that he had had that snudge of icing on his lip in the first place, judging from the slightly surprised expression that appeared on his face as Micah pulled away. "Oh," he said with a light chuckle, smiling softly. "Speaking of missing a bit, that reminds me of when we first met." He then turned his attention over at Kevla with the champagne, wincing at the sight of her attempts. Seeing her trying to open the champagne bottle was almost like watching a carwreck in progress. At least to him it seemed that way.
Kevla stopped swearing and looked over at Micah before finally she let him take it from her. "Thanks." she said. "And of course it opens easily for you, but with me it was acts like a stubborn mule." she said with a slight pout as he handed the now opened bottle back. She padded back over to the table and started to fill up cups for each of them.
Her brother let out a sigh of relief as he saw his love take the bottle away from Kevla. Arutha did try his best not to laugh as he saw the insuing pout on his twins features, not very successfully.

Old Roleplays / Re: When work and fun collide
« on: March 29, 2006, 02:07:54 PM »
Declan smiled amusedly at the inventor\'s confiding words, having leaned over the table a little bit himself. Though his eyes held a more thoughtful glint inside of them.

"How ironic. The both of us here to see him at the same time," he said. "Might I inquire as to the reason why you need to see him? Since my reason is quite obvious." He gesture faintly to the folder that rested on the table, close the wall.
Leaning back on the roomier side of the booth, he glanced over at Digital and Tynan. Digital reminded him of the saying about there being a thin line between insanity and genius. Even though he had met other Malks before, he had never really sat down and talked with one like this, which was saying something. If he remembered correctly it was the classical hollywood composer Oliver Levant who said just that shortly before saying that he had erased it. He inclined his hed a bit at Tynan\'s casual answer.
He nodded slightly, agreeing that they would simply have to kill a short amount of time there that is if they were lucky. Seeing Keith squirm, Declan raised an crimson eyebrow at that, waiting to see if he was going to something in order to relieve his discomfort. It was only a matter of time. And so a moment later, it was proven correct as he watched the Advisor squrim and disappear underneath the table and then situated himself in the empty space between himself and the wall.
Declan snorted softly, giving him a small wry grin. "I understand the feeling totally. Since I have it also, though I have to admit not in such a degree that seem to have."
It was then that their brightly attired companion decided to climb up on the table, point to someone and the icing on the cake crying out the word, \'Defausted.\' He had to move swiftly to grab his folder in order to avoid in getting stepped on. It had to mean something of interest otherwise this gruff looking individual wouldn\'t have come over and grabbed Digital\'s ankle so that he wouldn\'t get away. If he had to make a guess he would have to be the owner\'s bodyguard.
He gave a slight sigh as he watch Tynan step infront of the bodyguard and placed a hand over the hand that held Digital\'s ankle. Declan then smoothly stood and calmly moved behind the thinblood, laying an long fingered hand on his shoulder. "Kindly remove your hand and sit back down, Tynan. He is only doing his job." he said in a almost gentle tone of voice, before he looked over at the guard calmly assessing.

Old Roleplays / Re: A Birthday Surprise
« on: March 29, 2006, 01:17:40 PM »
Arutha met his love\'s gaze with a soft smile on his lips, his eyes having been automatically drawn to Micah\'s as he looked back up from the cake. "Ok, I will as long as I get to fed you a bite as well." His own smile widened slightly, shortly before opening his mouth in order to take in the piece of cake his fiance fed him. As he moving his mouth away from the fork, he gained a small smudge of frosting on his upper lip.
Meanwhile, Kevla served up herself a slice, almost forgetting about the champagne until after she was just about to bite into her slice. "I almost forget. The piece de resistance." she said as she went and picked up the bottle that she had gotten. Now she was currently trying to open it, \'trying\' being the operative word here along with swearing quietly under her breath. At the rate she was going, it was likely that she was going to get a faceful of champagne.

Old Roleplays / Re: A Birthday Surprise
« on: March 27, 2006, 01:05:54 PM »
Kevla nodded, "Ok, one big slice it is." she said just before she started to cut out a goodsized slice for them and a small one for herself.
At his fiance\'s answer, Arutha smiled over at him, letting Micah intertwine their fingers together. It was almost like he had anticipated what he wanted before he had even had a chance to answer. It never ceased to amaze him just how in sync they seemed to be, knowing each other on a level that normally takes several years at least. "Are you sure that you didn\'t just read my mind?" he teased lightly, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. He then pressed a kiss against Micah\'s nose at his question before grinning mischeviously. "You know that I can\'t tell you. Otherwise it won\'t come true. There is one thing that I can tell you. It is something that I am sure that you will like, love."
His twin choose that moment in which to slid their plate and a fork on the table. "Bon appetite, boys." The cake was truely something unusual at least in it\'s appearance. It had a checkered pattern both on the frosting and also in the cake itself, a perfect blend of chocolate and vanilla cakes. The words \'Happy birthday had been spelled out in candy.

Old Roleplays / Re: When work and fun collide
« on: March 23, 2006, 12:32:37 PM »
Declan had already deduced that the unnecessary invading of the inventor\'s personal space had been a test of sorts, something that was designed in order to pull an immediate reaction from the both of them. Test or no rest, it did not mean that he had to like it.
He found it extremely annoying when someone deliberately fishing for information like that. It was even worse then when someone did it with words, at least in his own opinion.At least with words, they can be easily twisted back and changed, but with a physical action like that it was harder and considerably more volitile depending on one\'s company.
Keith had once again neatly defused what could have been a unpleasant situation. The dark look that had wrinkled his features faded somewhat at The Advisor\'s question.
"Right, Bridge...I do." he replied, shifting his gaze back over to Digital, other wise known as the walking talking sudoku puzzle. When you figured out one small portion, the rest was a chaotic mess of numbers.
"Yes, I am one of the representatives for our kind in the Oligarchy. There is one other but he is currently out of town." he replied. "In fact that is that is who I was about to inquire after. Since it would only be good manners to go through him" he said inclining his head slightly. His pale beryl gaze looked back over at Keith."Do you know where I might find him?"
He raised an eyebrow at Tynan\'s words for it raised an most interesting question as to where the source of the interesting oddity of the Malkavian\'s mental conversations. His instincts told him that it was likely to be a case of schizophrenia, but not quite considering the flashes of incredible insight that he had. His curiousity had been obviously peaked by that. "Voices?"

Old Roleplays / Re: A Birthday Surprise
« on: March 23, 2006, 06:53:06 AM »
Arutha gave a small chuckle as he listened to them sing, happily looking up at Micah and then over his sister. He then closed his eyes and blew out the candle.
"Make a wish, little bro." Kevla echoed Micah\'s whispered words with a slight grin on her features. She gave her brother\'s fiance a small nod in return before clapping a bit. "Now it is time to dig into this delicious looking cake." she said, gently removing the candle from the cake. "Did you two want two individual slices or share one really big slice?"
At her question, he glanced up at his fiance to see which one that he wanted to do, even though he would simply like to share one big slice with Micah.

Old Roleplays / Re: Back at the cabin
« on: March 22, 2006, 06:24:30 AM »
"Well before he starts worrying any more," Arutha murmured back as they started to head back. He could tell that Dresdin still needed to rest some more before even contemplating trying to walk on his own.
He gave Tyran a smile in return as he helped Dresdin back over to the bed. "Yup, we\'re back," he said.He only let go of him once he was sure that he was situated as comfortably as he was going to get on the edge of the bed. "Now I can give you the explanation that I promised. Both my sister and I have slight telekinetic ability."

Old Roleplays / Re: A Birthday Surprise
« on: March 22, 2006, 06:13:51 AM »
Arutha let himself be led further into the room with a happy smile on his features. He simply couldn\'t help but smile. He then kissed Micah\'s cheek just before he sat down in the pulled out chair, looking over at his twin.
Kevla nodded with a grin, having lit the single candle that she had put on the cake. "Yes, we shall. On the count of three." After she had counted, she started singing a rousing rendition of \'Happy birthday\' though adding an \'us\' at the end instead of \'you.\'

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