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Messages - Idrial

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Student Quarters / Re: Midsummer Night
« on: September 03, 2007, 03:25:16 PM »
"We can\'t inherit that curse."

Idrial only nodded still looking at November; his eyes for some reason had her spell bound. November cocked his head to the side and looked at her for a long time as if her was thinking of something that was almost private. He licked his lips of the blood that was left on his face; he did a good job of licking her hands clean of silver and blood.

"Come on."

He slowly rose breaking the stare; it was sort of a relief. He did not offer a hand which was fine to Idrial and she slowly rose as well watching him walk towards a mound. She walked up beside him, a question tha pondered her mind she just had to ask and boldly did so without fear.

“I must ask you November and you do not need to answer … Why did you not pick the Cruori House? The way you licked the blood off my hands without hesitation one might think it would suit you better. Plus you do have a bit of mean streak more than usual within you … at least I think.”

She waited to see what November would say, if her did not answer that would be fine. If he did, it would be a great conversation piece and maybe he would ask the same. She was trying to be friendly; she had no intention of being enemies. Hopefully he could see that.

The Grounds / Re: Unexpected Company
« on: September 03, 2007, 03:04:55 PM »
“Little girl, Or madam. Do you mind sharing this shack of yours?”

Idrial looked over to were the man was standing. Shocked to see that anyone would be here especially since this was such a secluded spot, either he had followed her here or he had knew about this spot already. Either way she was hoping not to be disturbed particularly on a night like this, still he was after all a Master and she couldn’t simply tell him to go away.

She had him form classes when she was still a student and that Georgian accent still remained. He was also part of the Eruditio house and faintly remembered his name was Iveri. She would have to make the best of things; she slightly shrugged her shoulders and plainly replied to him.

“No I do not mind, pull up a chair if you wish and grab a bottle of hard liquor if you like.”

Whether he would do it or not she did not care, she carefully took the locket that hung around her neck and gently unhooked it she. She smiled in sort of sorrowful way before opening the locket were her parents pictures were inside.

“My Parents…. It’s their Anniversary tonight of 18 years … The night they died I mean, killed by a roaming Werewolf. That is how I got bitten trying to find them in my house but they were already dead, that werewolf met his death that night too although it doesn’t bring them back.”

She felt tears coming from her eyes and quickly turned away from Iveri. She did not want him to see her cry. He was probably disgusted that she was crying especially of a woman of her status. He would probably leave; no one had comforted her why should anyone start now. It would a surprise if someone did.

Student Quarters / Re: Midsummer Night
« on: September 01, 2007, 12:07:53 PM »
Idrial felt a small whoosh of air beside her and someone had grabbed hold of her hand. She looked to her side and there was November and what she did almost floored Idrial. She was licking her hand; it felt rough yet soft at the same time and yet she did not pull her hand away this was probably less painful than digging out the Silver with her daggers.

She could almost see the pleasure within his face as he licked her hands clean of blood which he was also helping remove the Silver little by little. November grabbed her other hand and started to lick that one as well. It didn’t repulse Idrial but she found it rather odd that anyone would want to touch her let alone lick her bloody hands since she was Half Werewolf. She could feel her first hand healing and it felt good.

November finished with her second hand and had let it go, she could feel the second hand healing as well. She knew that Silver could not harm a Sidhe but Iron could and luckily she didn’t have any on her.  She smiled a little and looked into November’s eyes before speaking,

“ If I was a full Werewolf you would have been cursed but it is only transmittable at the full moon which is not till next month, but Thank you. ”

For some reason she could not pull away from this so called stare, she kept looking into November’s deep blue eyes, their were like crystal clear pools of water. Why couldn’t she look away, she had to look away. She hoped this wasn’t one of those moments were the man got mixed signals and tried to kiss the woman. She wouldn’t mind kissing those lips but she didn’t lean in, she waited for him to make the move and if he did not then she would leave it at that but she just stared at him wondering what he would do.

The Grounds / Unexpected Company
« on: August 29, 2007, 08:56:13 AM »
Idrial gently pushed the door open to her home, the smell of blood rushed up her nostrils. Something was terribly wrong. Blood was splashed all over the house and her parents could not be seen. She quickly searched the kitchen and living room in a frantic state calling their names.

“Mama!  Papa!”

She opened that bedroom door with flying force almost falling over, their on the floor lay her father his chest ripped open with his guts to the side of him. She slowly looked up to see a werewolf chewing on her mother’s corpse. She tried to back up and slipped on the bloody floor. The werewolf suddenly turned and saw Idrial their and attacked her. She let out a piercing shriek and held her arms up to her face.

Idrial bolted straight up from her bed; she was sweating profusely her clothes stuck to her dampened skin. The nightmares were getting worse; the descriptions were becoming clearer and more detailed and this dream was the clearest of them all, depicting that treacherous night were her parents were killed by the roaming werewolf who also met his death by her hands that same night.

She let her eyes wander towards the night table; it was in fact June 22 the night her parents died. Their was no way she would able to sleep again, the nightmares would only return.  She slowly got out of bed and quickly changed into something drier. She slipped on her daggers as well as strapped her bow into her back. She then fastened her cloak on and knelt on the fool and lifted up a loose floor board. Their was five hard liquor bottles and she took two but decided to take three instead and concealed then under cloak and headed out her dorm. The hallways were bare and she quietly slipped out of the academy into the outside world. Their was a dark moon out no light was emitted from it, she was glad.

She silently crossed the grounds and passed through the Arena, it was quiet and not a person in sight or not that she could see or hear. She looked back to make sure no one was following and headed up the path in the forest, one could get lost if they did not know their way in here. She picked up her pace a little and made many twists and turns along the way going deeper into the forest, minutes later she came upon an old shack from the forest clearing. She had found this years ago and spent many of her academy years here in solitude, no one had found it yet at least not to her knowledge.

She gently pushed the door open and stepped inside, their were only two rooms in the small shack one that once served as a kitchen now served as a study, the other room was a bedroom with a fireplace. She stepped through the makeshift study and towards the bedroom. She saw their was still wood and plopped some wood into the fire place and poured a little liquor onto them, lighting a match she threw it in and immediately ignited.

She unclipped her weapons and set them close to the bed within reach, the bed was still as he remembered firm but somewhat soft, she leaned her back against the wood while sitting on the bed somewhat up to her chest and uncorked a bottle of liquor and drank deeply staring into the flames of the fire, hearing nothing but the crackling of the fire. She heard a faint creak from the outside door her hand slid to her daggers. It was probably nothing but she was being careful, she would not be caught off guard.

Student Quarters / Re: Midsummer Night
« on: August 28, 2007, 10:43:59 AM »
November stepped forward towards Idrial, she could here that the Fae were angry, and they probably thought that she was the one that took Kalieena captive only to bring her back to save her own skin from the Courts which was not true.

"And just how long have you had her captive, Idrial?"
Many seemed ready to kill her in an instant; luckily she was a guest in the Realm unless November gave then the signal to kill her. She had better explain quickly or it would an early death for her, something she would not let happen.

“If you are getting at that I captured Kalieena within this cylinder you are wrong I am only merely bringing her back to her rightful place, would a Fae that I captured be sitting on my shoulder? I think not.”

Idrial’s hands burned, the silver that was burned into her skin would not let her wounds heal, and the blood ran down her hands in a stream, dripping off her finger tips. She ignored it and continued to speak trying not to show pain within her voice.

“Kalieena was taken by a Fae Thief, one who travels within the realm and steals Fae of any kind. They either sold to people for blood letting until the Fae dies or are killed for their blood instantly usually in gruesome ways. I and was only trying to save her from that fate.”

She knew now that she had gotten the Fae attention and some of their anger faded.

“Kalieena is a special Fae; she is the descendent of the very first Fae that inherited this Realm calling it their own.  Her blood has unknown properties and is worth millions. Her fate probably would have been Blood Letting, a fate worse than death. I have no mean’s to keep her as she is now free and back were she belongs, I hope you can forgive me November for not telling you this earlier but I am not a person to give out such information.”

Kalieena flew off her shoulder and began to converse with other Fae near her, she seemed happy to be back and Idrial was glad.  She felt her face going pale spoke a word or two of healing, it did not work not that she expected to, her magick did not work here. She smiled and tightened her hands in a fist to put pressure on the wounds. It seemed to slow but only a little. She looked at November and spoke in a humorous tone.

“It seems that my healing magick does not work here."

Idrial would have to wait it out; she knew that her magick would not work only sidhe magick would work her and did not see November helping her at this point, even if she had brought a Fae back to the Realm. No one would touch her, many thought her blood was tainted but it only became transmittable at the full moon and the full moon would not come until next month. Besided she had gotten herself into this mess and she would have to try and find a way out.

Still this was November’s night and she would not take her away from it so soon. The blood still ran in a river from her hands. She staggered back a bit her back meeting the trunk of a tree. She leaned against it and spoke with a sort of pained tone as she looked at November.

" Don\'t worry about me enjoy your night, I have had far worse wounds that this."

She waited to see what November would do and on the utmost likely chance she would join her Fae friends and let her suffer, although it would a surprise if he did help but she didn\'t give hope to that thought.

Student Quarters / Re: Midsummer Night
« on: August 27, 2007, 08:57:02 AM »
November stared at her for some time before smiling, but it was not a warm smile. It almost seemed she was thinking of something disturbing while she smiled. Idrial did not know what to think, this was an immortal that was highly unpredictable and dangerous. Though it was nothing Idrial could handle for she had faced far worse but still he could inflict some serious damage. Lost in her thoughts she almost did not hear him speak, his voice was heated with a dark tone.

"It doesn\'t matter if he\'s dead, I\'m glad he is, though."

Idrial’s blood went to a boil; he was treading on thin ice with that remark. She wanted to hit November but she knew it would do no good if she wanted to get into the Realm. He slowly turned his back and walked into the woods. She followed with silent steps; she had to be careful and remained on high alert while they walked through the forest.

"What\'s your name?"

Idrial lifted her head. He wanted to know her name, did she hear right. Undeniably you would think he would be content in calling her she-wolf. Not that it mattered to her what he called her but maybe this was his more friendly side, she doubted that though. She decided to answer in case he was trying to be friendly, she answered in a simple tone.

“My name is Idrial.”

He did not reply and she was content with that, for she did not see him speaking to her after she had enforced herself to go with him on this special night, she too would be mad as hell. She kept her head to the ground, her hands under her cloak; she gently stroked the cylinder that she had kept hidden.

There was a loud laugh that made her look up, it was wild and seemly dangerous. There was a loud screech that made Idrial winch, but their lay the opening to the Fae Realm. Fae of all types were within the Realm, they were all so beautiful in there own unique way. November moved off to the side, know that she wanted Idrial to enter first; she was not so sure, was this a trap to lock her in the Realm. Pondering on this she decided to enter ready to jump back if she had too.

She quickly entered the Realm, November right behind her and stopped at the side of her. She stopped and stared, many of Fae folk were looking at her. Mostly with confusion, she had to do this for Gaboriau. She gently undid her cloak and let it fall to the ground, she held the cylinder in her hand, and it was warmer than usual. She looked at November and plainly spoke.

“Tonight you shall witness something very special November, I hope you enjoy it.”

With that she set down the cylinder on the ground and spoke the words that Gaboriau had taught her before he died. The Cylinder began to glow bright blue then turned to bright silver, this is the part that would hurt her most. She quickly grasped the cylinder and held it within her hands. The silver burned her hands intensely, blood ran from her hands but se did not left go, she ignored the pain. The cylinder began to turn to a dark blue, it cracked into two.

Out came a the silver Air Sylph, a rare type of Fae.  It landed on Idrial’s shoulder; with her hands burned and bleeding immensely she managed to speak.

“Welcome Home, Kalieena.”

She turned to November to see what he would do or say. She would probably have to explain what just happened.

Student Quarters / Re: Midsummer Night
« on: August 25, 2007, 11:59:08 AM »
November stared at her for quite some time, Idrial was getting impatient either he would take her or he wouldn’t but that did not mean that he had to play games with her, just one of her pet peeves.

It was probably unwise for her to mention the other Cait Sith she had met in the highlands. At least she did not mention his name; he was probably the only true friend she had ever had in her life. Now Gaboriau was gone, He had told her much about their kind and in return she told all she could about hers. They were both seekers of knowledge.

Although he was dead he told her much about the Unseelie Courts. They were usually trained to frighten and sometimes if necessary destroy mortals, and one should never offend them for their punishments are worse than torture itself, and sometimes you would offend them in the littlest of ways.

When he was alive his name was too kept in secret, when he was to die he did not care if she used the name or not, maybe she could use it as leverage here.

November cocked his head and ran his tongue over his canines, they were smaller than Idrial’s but they could be just as deadly if used in the proper way no matter what size. Bite the neck in the right place and you could choke on your own blood, not a fitting way to go but it was silent.

"Why? Why do you want to go? Especially when you\'re on duty... It\'s not very befitting of an Apprentice, is it?"

Idrial kept her lips in a straight line, and softly answered.

“Why? Because, for years I have always wanted to see the Fae Realm, to give something back that my friend can’t do since he is buried six feet under ground. This is the only night that I can do it for the conditions are just right or else I will have to wait another 500 years.”

Idrial smiled before she continued.

“I am not like other Apprentices I know what is important and what is not, I am not those were I live by the rules like it is religion. Besides rules were meant to be broken. You let me come I will give you the name of my friend, it will save you a great deal of guessing of who the Sith was and that he is no longer is a threat to your precious Queen.”

Idrial waited, time was running out and they needed to go now.

Student Quarters / Re: Midsummer Night
« on: August 24, 2007, 01:31:47 PM »
November jumped back as if he was pricked by some unnatural force of some kind. His eyes were wide and his ears were flat against his skull. He was not suspecting that she could hear the Fae Realm. Anger filled his voice as he spoke towards her  

"How can you hear them? How do you know anything about us at all?"

His tail flicked back and forth with fury, he was angry. For them Midsummer Night was a private occasion for them. Something to which they fortified with relentless concealment.

Idrial smiled at his rage, she was a person to which in her just beginning to live immortal life has obtained much knowledge about others and their ways of life. One of them was those just like November and their special holidays. She strapped her bow to her back and spoke in a soft but convincing voice.

“Of all of the immortal’s a Cait sith should know the answer to that, especially one that is connected so closely to the Fae Realm.”

Idrial paused and looked at November, it was not wise to provoke him when he was in state of rage for she had seen what he could do to people if they were not careful, but she continued to speak.

“The Fae Realm is tied to the world of the supernatural, some ties stronger than others. Those born with their blood flowing through their veins like you, have the strongest ties next to being a Fae like Blue.”

Idrial knew she had November intrigued by now and continued to speak.  

“Neither a werewolf nor shape shifters have the ability to hear then for there ties are not strong enough, but if you combine them their ties to the Fae Realm change and become stronger thus now I am able to hear them but only faintly. It only sounds like a faint hum or whisper, I cannot hear their words unless I am up close, but that is all I can do for do not have the ability to tear into the Fae Realm.”  

Idrial knew that she had answered November’s question as to how to hear them and now she was going to tell him were she had learned about them something she did not want to reveal, for were she went was hers to keep secret.

“As for knowing about your kind, when I left the academy I met a Cait Sith like yourself only much older than you or your brother. We became good friends but I am sorry to say he got killed in a fight his opponent soon died after because of the poison that entered his body.”

Idrial looked at November, with satisfaction in her eyes, hoping now that he would take her instead of wasting the night away with dim-witted questions.

“May we go?”

She waited for him to lead her into the woods, to the world of the Fae.

Student Quarters / Re: Midsummer Night
« on: August 22, 2007, 08:30:43 AM »
November stopped abruptly and slowly turned around, surprise was surly noticeable on his face no matter how hard he tried to cover it up. Rage was visible within his eyes, he was not planning on being caught especially on a night that was his birth right.

He stared at her intently, his head cocked to the side almost in a inviting way, if she had not seen the tail violently lash to one side she would assume it was safe to approach November. Now she knew it was one of those false invites of safety. She stood were she was her hand still on the arrow, ready to pull on her bow and scare the Cait Sith if she had too, knowing that his first reaction would be to teleport. They were masters at that; it was in their blood after all.

His lips curled upwards and a small chuckle escaped his lips before he spoke once more addressing Idrial directly.

 "He would be taking me himself, she-wolf in man\'s garb."

Idrial knew that title; she was addressing her in the old way, a way that she had not heard for a long time. The title had always meant something to her, even if she was only half werewolf. She almost had to smile but she kept her face emotionless and blank. She looked at the Cait Sith and stared at him, she saw him shiver a little. She could hear a faint hum laced with tiny whispering, one not from this world. She knew that the Fae realm was opening and that November would want to leave soon. He spoke in a soft voice that was edged with eagerness.

"Do you intend to stop me from going?"

Idrial only looked at him and stared intently, wondering what he would do next. Would he put up a fight or would he run. He spoke once more this time in a whisper.

"I don\'t think you could stop me..."

Idrial now had to smile, she let her lips curl up a little and spoke directly to November.

“You be surprised what I can and cannot stop. I be young in my years but that does not mean that you should under estimate me.”

With that she transformed into her werewolf form, to show him what he had under estimated. Idrial stepped forward and stopped, then transformed back into her human form.

“You are partly right; I am a she-wolf but only half. I was born a shape shifter but I was bitten by a were-wolf when I was ten.”

Idrial was not one to give out information but she left out her parents’ being killed that was info that nobody knew and would never know.

“I will let this slide if you take me with you to the Fae Realm, for I can faintly hear they are starting and I know it is a shame to keep you waiting from your birth right.”  

Idrial paused before adding, “What do you say?” She hoped that November would allow her to come. She waited, not knowing of he would teleport in front of her eyes and leave her their or invite her to the Fae Realm.

Student Quarters / Re: Midsummer Night
« on: August 11, 2007, 01:33:16 PM »
Idrial had been only back for a week and it had been very dull for her at the least. She spent most of her time within the library, reading about whatever caught her eye. Though tonight she would be baby sitting as she would have called it, others would have called it a responsibility. Although for being a High Apprentice she did not agree with this statement. Then again it would give her a reason to be outside not that she needed one.

She quickly dressed in her black pants along with her black shirt, one that stuck to her skin, she then quickly swung her cloak over her shoulders and grabbed her black daggers and fastened them to her side. She grabbed her bow and her quiver as well, there would be no need for them but just in case trouble would arise, which she highly doubted that her twin daggers wouldn’t do the job but she felt naked without it. She quickly pulled on her leather boots headed down the hall outdoors were she was to be stationed as a precaution.

A precaution to what?

She wondered this with great interest. As she reached the entrance doors she quickly stepped put and shape shifted into a wolf, it was much easier to cross the grounds and escape prying eyes. As she crossed the grounds with great ease she then stopped to were she was suppose to be station, she looked around and saw a tree all by itself it was wide enough to hide her body yet close enough to were she was suppose to spend most of the night. She shifted back into human form and gracefully walked over to the lonely tree.

She kneeled on one knee and concealed herself with her cloak, knocking her bow. She took a look at her surroundings, a forest was near by, and it was thick and full almost in a good way. Looking up she saw a window with a shadowy figure going back and forth. Suddenly it stopped in front of the window for several seconds then disappeared only to reappear a few feet away, he started to giggle.

She knew who it was, His name was November and she had only seen him a couple times during her training. They were both in the same house but she really paid no attention to him during her training she was not interested in making friends at the time. He suddenly stopped giggling and silently moved toward the forest. She let him go a few steps forward before revealing herself.

Quietly she rose from the knee she was sitting on and spoke in a voice in a most pleasurable voice.

“What would December say if I had to bring you back and show him what you are doing when you should be in your room at this time of night."

Idrial paused for a second before adding in a amusing tone.

"Even if it is your birth right."

She leaned against the tree waiting for what he had to say, her hand still one her bow just in case.

Accepted Character Profiles / Idrial Senya WIP
« on: August 09, 2007, 04:48:47 AM »
Name: Idrial Senya
Age [appearance]: 19
Age [actual]: 24
Gender: Female
Species: Shape Shifter/Werewolf/Witch
Place of Birth: No longer exists

House: Confuto
Title: High Apprentice


Hair: Idrial’s hair is a deep Midnight Black colour that hangs just below her shoulders. She keeps it mostly tied up in a single braid that along her back, the shorter pieces hang around her face which somehow never gets in the way of her eyes. When she leaves it down it almost seems light and featherless but this is rare.

Eyes: Her eyes are blue-grey in colour but they also have a sort of orange flecks around her pupils that cannot be explained. When she starts to let\'s her werewolf side take over they turn a dull orange colour. When she truly lets it take over and turns into her werewolf form her eyes become an all orange and they are very luminous colour.

Skin: Her skin is smooth and somewhat of a tanned colour that lightens during the winter and darkens during the summer. Her hands and feet are somewhat rough due to the nature of her profession.

Height: 6\'0\'’

Weight: 125 lbs

Frame: Idrial’s frame is graceful and somewhat slim but don’t let that fool you, it may not look like it but she is quite muscular and powerful for a girl her age. She has lived most of her life on the road, which helped her to keep fit. Her skin has a glowing sheen, which makes her look younger than she actually is.

Tattoos/Distinguishing Marks: Her Blue-Grey eyes are the first thing that people notice and that what tends to keep them staring at her with them realizing it almost like a spell. She also has medium-sized canines that are visible when she smiles but that is rare; they are usually shown in anger or rage.

She will always bee is seen wearing black along with a black cloak that she uses when out on a mission or an assignment. She has never worn a dress and has always stuck to pants. Sometimes she is seen wearing a nice top but it is usually just a plain tee shirt that is stuck to her skin.

She has three scars on each of her forearms, due to a werewolf attack that killed both her parents. Her ears are also slightly pointed due to the werewolf blood that runs in her veins. Which many people mistook for her being an elf until they see her canines.

Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity (if applicable): Solonor Thelandira


Idrial is a person who is quiet, instinctive and observant, somebody who watches from the outside. Not only has she survived but has excelled in her work due to her insatiable curiosity and brutal honesty. She has little time for polite niceties and even less for lies.

She is a woman of few words, with a strange and dark sense of humour. Even outside of her work she is most comfortable on the fringes of society, keenly observant but still somewhat removed. She is uncomfortable around many people and tends to be a loner absorbing herself in her work.

History: Idrial was born among the poorest of the poor. Every day was a struggle for survival, but a dark secret was kept within her something that if it was revealed would have gotten her family and herself killed in the area that was she lived. She was a Shape-Shifter; her parents both were and taught her the ways of how to shift properly within getting stuck in mid-shift form was she found that her type of shapeshifting was in an animal form which was rare within her families bloodline.

Her mother was also a powerful witch that was an expert in hexing, cursing, healing spells but her specialty was reversing curses. Idrial was taught at an early age and still has her mother's book in which she still read through once and a while. It wasn\'t until later in life during her stay at the that she was highly skilled in majick. She literally has the blood of majick flowing through her veins thanks to her mother and her family line of witches.

For years she had at night travelled the countryside in animal forms while in the day time learning her mother's majick. At the age of 10 she ventured out one night and as she returned home only to find her family slaughtered by a werewolf that was feasting on her mother. She stood frozen within the doorway and the werewolf turned and attacked her and while she was defending herself she got bitten. Only when did she shapeshift into a bear did she somehow kill the werewolf. She fled that night never to return as she knew that questions would be asked and answers would be found sooner or later. Her fate would have been dead if she stayed.

She almost immediately felt her body go under change, she was stronger in her human form than she had ever been before, wounds would heal themselves, and her senses became more acute. She also found that she could shapeshift into a werewolf anytime she wanted too without the pain of bones and organs moving within her body. She also found now that when was even near silver it made her stomach turn violently, almost to the point where she wanted to vomit. When it came in contact with her body it burned her severely and it would take several days to heal rather than several hours. She also found out that now she was apart of the supernatural she could also touch magick she also was able to shapeshift into different animal forms as well, not just her wolf form. 

She sought out to find the Academy for beings like herself.

Once she had found the Academy almost three years later she embarked on a long journey to becoming an Apprentice. She rose quite quickly in the Academy, working hard and had no intention of making friends along the way. Many said that she was a promising student and it was no surprise that she had reached the Ranks of High Apprentice in less than 15 years.

Family: Mother (Cassia) Father (Ratio) Both Deceased

Silence, Being Alone, Darkness, Perfecting her skills, Moonless nights, Being sarcastic and Expressing her Dark humour.

Dislikes: Light, Close-minded people, Polite niceties, Being lied too, People who don’t know when to shut up, People picking on someone weaker than them and Stupidity.

Strength: Her skill with her bow as well as her agility. She is a quick thinker and light on her feet. She can usually assess a situation and figure out how to tackle it in the best way possible. She also sees things that others would ignore or pass off as unimportant. She is also has a natural talent for Hand to Hand Combat and Archery.

Weakness/Flaw: People in general, she has a tough time getting close to people as she has lived a solitary life. She hasn’t even been able to call someone a friend.

Interesting Facts / Quirks: Loves animals with a passion. If she sees someone hurting and animal she will go into a rage wounding the person. She is fine with hunting as long as it is quick and clean. She also knows a fair amount about herb lore and knows what plants are used for what illness or injury.

Favorite Food: Rare Steaks with good red wine.
Favorite Color: Black
Hobby/Hobbies: Hunting, Shape-Shifting into different animals, Listening to music, reading, writing creative stories and learning new types of Magick.

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)
Relationship Status: Single

Current Financial Status: She is quite wealthy due to her reputation to always kill the person she is assigned to kill. This leaves much of her customers exceptionally satisfied with her work and gets paid the big bucks. 

Carried Weapons: She owns two weapons that are silent but deadly. One is her daggers which are double-bladed which is all black and fit perfectly into her hands. Though she only uses them when she is in close quarters with her enemy when they are alone. Usually seeking up behind then and slitting their throats, swiftly and cleanly. Although she recently acquired the same kind of blades when she accompanied November to Mid Summers Eve. They have powerful majick properties in which she is still trying to unlock. They have a slight blue area around the blades. They are always tipped in a poison of some kind. She also has a pouch of potent sleeping powder that she uses on occasion.

Her favourite weapon though is her bow, small and compact. It may seem like a toy to others but it is a deadly weapon capable of a 60-pound drawback. She is usually seen mostly practicing with this weapon most often. It’s pure black which helps when she is hiding in the shadows.

Known Magick: She studies the magic that concern manipulating shadows and masking sound. She has a natural talent for it. If she is not practicing her weapons she is usually in the library practicing new spells that have to due with manipulating shadows. One spell renders her invisible for a short period of time when she is moving and for long periods of time when she is stationary. Another is for making sounds in a place far from her so that people will go and investigate, she came to move around more easily without being revealed. The Third allows her to move from one place to another just by stepping into the Shadow. It comes in very handy when she is making a quick escape or trying to get into a place that is heavily guarded.

She also has a talent for practicing elemental magick such as Earth, Air, Fire and Water though she usually only does this in her spare time when she is back from a mission and back at the Academy. She also knows a fair amount about healing Majick which comes in handy when she has hurt herself. She also has extensive knowledge of witchcraft thanks to her mother, she had taken after her mother and is specialized in reversing curses and has taken a slight interest cursing those that deserve it. 


Climb - Natural
Concentration Natural
Disable DeviceEducated
Disguise Natural
Escape ArtistNatural
Gather Information Both
Handle AnimalNatural
Heal Educated
Hide Natural
Intimidate Natural
Jump Natural
Listen Natural
Move Silently Natural
Open Lock Natural
Search Natural
Spell craftBoth
Survival - Natural
Spot Natural
Tumble - Natural

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