Author Topic: Halflight Rules  (Read 4741 times)

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Halflight Rules
« on: May 07, 2007, 02:36:55 PM »

1) General RP Basic Rules
Respect your fellow roleplayers.  People are different, it\'s not a hard concept to grasp, and the  administrators/moderators will not tolerate abuse of any nature.

Respect also goes with the administration. Administrators and moderators have the final decision.

If you have more than 2 people roleplaying, give everyone a chance to respond. General courteousness applies.

2) Characters
Use the Character Sheet to build your new character. Post your new character into the Character Application section. Once the character has been reviewed, you will receive a PM stating whether they have been approved or not. If they haven\'t been approved, we will explain what you will be required to change before you\'re allowed to play them.

No, your character can\'t do everything.   No, your character doesn\'t know everything.  No, you  can\'t move the sky and the earth.  No, you can\'t just wander over and kill  someone with one look, one move, one word.  No, your character won\'t guess what the other characters are thinking.  No, your character can\'t know what you know about someone else because you read their character sheets.

Please, do everyone a favour and be credible in your roleplay interactions, because it makes everything more fun; and you won\'t  annoy other members half as much.

Perfection doesn\'t exist so no perfect characters.

Quoted from a master: "Flaws make a character interesting."

There\'s no point in someone  who can do everything well, and is the best at everything. It doesn\'t make  decent roleplaying, so think about flaws and characteristics properly,  please.  Perfect characters will not be approved for roleplay.  This is a form of godmoding.

4) Literate RP only please.
Opening paragraphs of a topic should  be of a substantial length to describe such things as; the surroundings, the atmosphere, the weather, the time of day/night, what your character is wearing, what your character is doing, what your character is thinking, where your character has come from, where your character is going and what your character is saying (if applicable).   No one-liner  replies.

Any posts that completely overlook punctuation, capital  letters and contain chatspeak words will be deleted as soon as they are found.

5) OOC to be done on the OOC  boards
OR if it really has to be done in topic, then please type your OOC in  brackets and defined as OOC. It saves confusion for the admin, the people reading your  posts and the other roleplayer. We prefer not to have OOC conversations in the middle of a  roleplay if a PM or two will do.

7)  Content
The content of your roleplay isn\'t restricted.

As long as it fits within the setting well, and you\'re not adding things that have impact on the setting (such as RPing a massive war throughout the entire forum, because the other roleplays are not going to coincide with yours).  We want continuity.  If you\'re going to roleplay something that\'s going to affect the setting (such as starting fires in the Academy, or starting a riot in one of the Halflight cities) you HAVE TO TELL ADMIN.

You can\'t tear buildings down, you can\'t  kill characters that aren\'t yours.

1. No Advertising
Not in a thread, nor in a signature or profile. Nowhere.
2. Signatures
You must have a signature which contains a link back to your character sheet. No huge signatures. If it\'s two lines, there shouldn\'t be a huge space between those lines. Keep it simple.
3. No Slander Will Be Tolerated
Should you ever disagree with anybody on this board, then discuss your opposing view in a responsible manner. Any remarks that the admin deem unncessary and/or childish will be deleted. This goes for racism, homophobia, religious and political differences, and so forth.
4. Admins
If you have a request, comment or question, PM either Existentially Odd or Satyr on the site. Do not PM the RPC Admin account.
5. New Threads
If you start a new thread for someone to join, please post a link in the new threads forum, in the General area.

(edit: Satyr)