"I can\'t do that!" he blurted out, not giving himself time to think about it. He blinked rapidly, realising that the thinking part would have to come now or he\'d look like a complete fuckwit. "I..."
I\'ve told you that I don\'t work because I\'m so suave and rich, I get to live off my wealth. So I\'ve told you, in essence, that I have nothing whatsoever holding me back from spending time with you 24/7... oh, except for the fact that I\'m a vampire who must stay away from the sun, or the alternative, more insulting notion that I don\'t want to spend time with you 24/7, which is not true...
His mind raced like a rabbit ahead of a slavering pack of greyhounds. What had he done? Why had he boasted like that the first night they\'d met? So what if he\'d never considered they\'d ever meet again when he\'d said it, he should be better prepared for such eventualities! What could he say to make this right now? Only one thing came to him, and even then he hesitated to bring it up...to bring those feral bitches up. But it was his only chance at keeping Mandy at arm\'s length throughout the daylight, without making her feel like he didn\'t want to be with her. Which he did. Very much, it seemed, considering the lie he was about to spill, the topic he was about to broach.
The worst part was that with Sawyl back, they\'d find out about everything he said here, too. He put that horrid contemplation aside for later attention; he couldn\'t allow such thoughts to sway him now, when there seemed no other choice.
"I c-care for someone during the day, you see. Twins. Uh... conjoined twins. Their... heads are," he made circling motions with his right hand around the crown of his head - then stopped when he realised that, in his panic, he still held his glass of sun tea, "joined. They need assistance with... things. They\'re... friends of mine... in a manner of speaking. That\'s why you\'ll generally only see me at night. When they sleep. They sleep alright alone. All night long. So I can get away for a while, then. But uh... only at night, unfortunately. Pretty much as soon as the sun sinks, though. Sorry," he finished with as cheery an apology as he could muster, feeling like he was flushing with embarrassment. There was still blood in his system from his feed the night before, so he very possibly was blushing.
It was only half a lie, really; he did have to help the demon women with their food and occasionally with getting about the place (though their furniture was all specially modified and they were strong enough to do everything for themselves, given that their bodies would never fall prey to human frailty). Yes, it was best to stick as close to the truth as possible, even if not telling everything, he figured.
"But hey, as soon as it\'s dark, I\'m all yours. If… if you like," he offered and, in keeping with his smooth, coolheaded image, he hastily slurped at his drink for want of something better to do.
Unfortunately, he ingested too much too fast and spilled some over his mouth and down the shirt he’d taken so much care with laundering for this evening. Luckily, it was only a dribble, as soon dried as it was spilled, but it did leave a very obvious line from his chest down to his abdomen. He brushed ineffectually at it with the hand not holding the dangerous glass of liquid, and told the potential stain; “Fuck.” With a shrug, he looked back up at Mandy, wondering if she did, indeed, wish to meet up with him sooner in the next evening. It then occurred to him that he was obviously rattled, for he\'d made a major mistake and sworn in her presence. His eyes widened slightly as he stared at her, cursing a lot at himself... internally.