It certainly wasn\'t what Arjan had expected. The young man suspected that Lee had some rough times, but then agaion, being a peasent, who didn\'t hit a rough patch every once in a while? He didn\'t expect that the poor kid, along with his sister, had things that badly.
Frowning when Lee mentioned his uncle\'s use of Mia as a private whore, Arjan suddenly understood. Now it made perfect sense why she seemed to frightened and nervous when he had offered her a place to stay, he felt bad for startling the young woman as badly as he did now that he knew why she was scared.
When the child finished, Arjan nodded and set his fork on the table. "men like that\'re bastards. They should b\'killed, but I\'m afeared that it\'d offend Talon t\'take their souls." He said, trying to make a small joke as he looked over at Lee, unable to help but want to help. Even though he prayed to Talon, the small healer liked helping people. He believed that any person he could save, Talon didn\'t wish dead at that time. And considering Talon had to do with death, not how people lived their lives, Arjan enjoyed making peoples lives better. It helped to make up for his own short-comings. Licking his lips and runing one hand through his hair, Arjan sighed heavily. He wanted to help out Lee, but considering his life, he was afraid that Lee would merely spurn any help. Arjan suspected that Lee was the type to either spurn pity, or be suspicious of people to a fault. Perhaps both.
"I might b\'able t\'hep yfind yer sister." He said a few moments later, seriousness stealing back into his face. He wanted to let Lee know that if things got to bad at his uncle\'s house, Arjan\'d be willing to let Lee camp out at his shop. He always liked company, but didn\'t dare. "An are y\'livin with him now? Or does\'e not letcha get proper clothes an food?"