Arjan wasn\'t certain about this boy. Sometimes he seemed expressive and interested in things, other times he was very calm about things, as if he couldn\'t care less. If Arjan wasn\'t watching him closely, he couldn\'t be certain about anything the kid said or did. He liked seeing the boy relaxed and pleased more then he liked Liam acting as if he were to grown-up for some situations.
Once in the room, Arjan had no qualms about stripping off most of his clothes, stopping the boy before he laid down. "Not with yer clothes on. Y\'can keep on anerthing that ain\'t covered in dirt an grime, iffen y\'dun\'t have any an y\'want t\'wear clothes, I cin lend ye a pair o\'pants. Took me years t\'make the feathers in this bed outnumber the straw. I dun\'t want t\'dirty \'em to much." He explained quickly as he held up a hand to Liam before pointing to his bed, then to his own pants to illustrate what he meant.