Author Topic: Liam Henley  (Read 3579 times)

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Liam Henley
« on: June 14, 2007, 08:07:13 AM »
Full Name and Title: Liam Henley (Commoner)

Age: 13

Birthday: May 12th

Occupation: Thief/ Trainee Apothecary

Religion: Talon

Unlike his older sister Liam took after his mother and his hair is black and straight, but a layer of dirt dulls down the colour a bit. It usually sticks up all over the place and the length is very choppy, with longer tufts sticking up in random places, most of it is a couple of inches long.

Eyes: His eyes are a very dark brown colour and look overly large on his thin face.

Nose: His nose is bent from being broken many times and never straightened properly.

Lips: Liam’s mouth is usually down-turned into a scowl and a scar runs from his cheek down to the left side of his upper lip.

Skin Color: He’s quite pale, and like Mia he has a multitude of freckles, but these are usually indistinguishable from the layer of dirt on his skin.

Height: 5 foot 5

Weight: Liam is very thin and lanky and his whole body has a drawn appearance due to a lack of proper food when he was growing up. If you ever see him without a shirt it is easy to count the ribs in his chest.

Physical Attractiveness: If he smiled a little more it would make Liam look a lot better, but he usually looks constantly angry at the whole world. The scar on his face also takes away from what could be quite a handsome face if he lightened up a bit and his face filled out. His voice is quite deep and husky, it changed dramatically after he was punched in the voice box, but actually still sounds quite nice.

Clothing: Liam usually just wears whatever he can get his hands on. His clothes are usually dirty and torn, ones that he stole from the dustbin when his uncle chucked them out, and so are too big for him and add to his drawn appearance.

Mother and Father: His parents died of illness when he was a toddler, so he and his sister went to live with their uncle. He knows nothing about them but is angry that they ‘abandoned’ him to try to survive with his uncle.

Siblings: Liam was raised by his older sister, Mia, but after she ran away he lost contact with her because she stopped coming to visit him.

Childhood: After the death of their parents Liam and Mia were given into the care of their Uncle. He didn\'t like having the children around, and Mia had to take care of him until he was old enough to do it himself. Liam witnesses his sister being beaten and raped by their uncle, but there was nothing he could do about it as he was too young and weak and when he did try to intervene it only served to earn him a beating as well.

When Mia ran away from home their uncle turned his rage on the young boy and rarely a night went by when the wouldn’t go to bed with a new bruise or the mark of a whip. But unlike Mia this didn’t turn Liam into a scared little boy, instead it made him angry and gave him the urge to fight back, but it never did any good.

Mia would come to visit him once a week when their uncle was out of the house, but then she stopped coming and Liam never knew why. This was the final straw and after that one good thing in his life was gone he too ran away as soon as he got the chance. Now he lives in the city, stealing what he needs to survive and sleeping on the streets.

Education: None at all. He can’t read or write, his cooking skills are very basic and they are only because if he didn’t cook for his uncle he would just get another beating.

Personality: Liam is a very distrustful and angry boy, who doesn’t like people getting too close to him. He’s more likely to lash out than cower if someone gets too close to him or is violent towards him. He does what he can to survive, and doesn’t care who he steals from, believing that he has just as much right to survive as they do so he would take someone’s last few coins even if they had nothing else. Survival of the fittest and all that as long as he doesn‘t actually physically hurt them in the taking. He believes that they could do just the same if they really wanted to.

But despite having this mind set if he sees someone being mistreated he will try to do something about it and enter into fights to defend other people, or himself, without a second thought, but he will either get beaten to a pulp or disappear straight away again. He hates that his sister left without him and then stopped coming to see him without any explanation.