Author Topic: Zane Maleficent  (Read 2798 times)

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Zane Maleficent
« on: May 22, 2007, 10:27:51 AM »
Name: Zane Maleficent
Age [appearance]: 14
Age [actual] : 14
Gender: Male
Species: Human

School: Riverflux Academy (see history)
House: Nile House (Placed informally in Purificio)
Title: Won\'t take part in ranking system (labeled as 6)
Occupation/Job: Activist and revolutionary

Overall: Zane is an average-body boy of five’ four with ember-orange eyes and dashing tan skin which only help compliment his medium brown hair. His choice of clothing—ranging from sleeveless hooded shirts and cargo pants to a bedspread draped around him in the fashion of his choice—makes it seem as though his clothing was chosen by the heavens, for they do nothing but compliment his body and looks.
Hair: Zane’s hair is straight and medium brown. It falls to the base of his neck, though it is cut so that it does not fall into his eyes too much. It has something of a shine that denotes oily hair, though it is not concentrated in one spot so it only enhances the sheen.
Eyes: Zane’s breathtaking irises are dark ember-orange jewels that are set right in the middle of his eyes. They do not glow in the dark, but they seem to intensify as the lighting around him is dimmed.
Frame: Zane is of average size, though he has the physique of someone who exercises regularly.
Tattoos/Distinguishing Marks: His eyes

Personality: Zane is very intelligent and has growing mastery of the concepts and practices in the fields of psionics. While one might think he’d be all uptight and snobby about his skills, he is actually quite the opposite. He is mellow and free-spirited, usually choosing to allow the world to live out its way and not restricting it into categories and such.
His thoughts are usually very far out. He thinks with no point of reference to anything else and somehow always gets the right answer. He has been referred to as the zenith of creative thinking through his infamousness in his hometown and the surrounding countryside so much that there is a running joke about those in the field of psionics having to bone up on their knowledge before talking to him.

History: Zane Castillo-Maleficent was raised in a lifestyle that presented him no challenges whatsoever. He had no need to struggle for anything he wanted and he had no need to need, for everything he could ever want was presented to him; the perks of old money meeting new money.
His nature, however, made it so that he challenged his unchallenged status and found ways to strengthen his will and remain unspoiled whereas any other child would have given into the vast monetary and material wealth he possessed. This self-catalyzing ability of his triggered the rest of his mind until the point where he did not even accept reality as reality; that he just existed and his surroundings were all in his mind.
As he accepted this, his power began to grow. He could make things happen through only his thoughts—or so he believed (and since he believed, it became—a paradox). He transcended beyond the known level of psionics (even though its existence was still a mystery to the general public) and pushed it further than anyone of his age had—the Mozart of Mental Magic, as it were.
“Absolute power corrupts absolutely,” was the quote his hundred-year old grandmother quoted to him. It was the only thing that truly got to him. Despite his upbringing, Zane was a humble, generous, sacrificing individual. He was so afraid that he would be the total opposite if his power were allowed to run him that he sealed a great amount of it within his subconscious, leaving him with more conceptual skill than power—which was totally acceptable in psionics considering it’s how much more you can do with what you have, not necessarily how much you have.
He actually hates his last name because it represents that which he wants to get away from. He does not want to be associated with the stigma it creates—especially since it is used in most first impressions.
His schooling life is actually quite short, considering he was sent there for a type of ‘disciplining’. His father, a schizoid with a family history of psionic abilities, considered his son’s surpassing him in psionics as a form of trickery and evil. He sent his son away in the hope that he would be killed during orientation. (He only knew of the school through his brother’s wife’s paternal lineage.)
Being at the Academy was not Zane’s plan. He is not a killer and refuses to kill, hurt, or in any way harm anything. In fact, he goes about trying to help people. He does not consider himself a part of the Academy and has, in turn, created his very own in which only he is a part of: Riverflux Academy. While it is not recognized by the school and he still lives in Academy dorms and eats Academy foods and goes to Academy classes, he still refuses to be called an Academy student. He does not participate in school work or any other type of work having to do with the school—though, he rarely turns down a duel considering he is usually defending himself in the only way he can without being killed.
His teachers have recently taken to threatening him with the summoning of obnoxious, spoiled children (whose thoughts are notoriously strong and erratic). This has, after a few trial and error efforts, proved to be a great annoyance to him and has gotten him to at least take tests. It is just a shame that his teachers, for the most part, don’t know that his abilities are not magic in nature, but psionic and can therefore be turned off. Of course, Zane won’t tell the instructors that he usually drowns out the children by living their surface-thought fantasies (some of which are so disturbing that he simply takes the punishment of the loud-thought children).

Family: Lenora Maleficent = Paternal Grandmother
Marisol Castillo-Maleficent = Mother
Hector Maleficent = Father
Xayden Maleficent = Brother
Yordin Maleficent = Brother

Likes: Flowers, earth colors, passion, sexuality (expressed in a non-degrading way), free expression, creativity, intellectualism, spirituality (free-will spirituality, that is), and movement.
Dislikes: Oppression of any kind (with the exception of his sealed away power), predators (animals are an exception), tyrants, and maliciously-indented people.

Strength: Great psionic skill (both in variety and in strength to use the abilities), vast knowledge in the field of psionics, charming personality, even temper, and perfect memory. He also has a mental encyclopedia of spells/rituals and their properties even if he can’t perform them, per se.
Weakness/Flaw: Using humor to get away from otherwise detrimental feelings on certain topics—and considering he hears the ill-feelings of the dead and the malicious intents they harbor, it might be a good thing that he doesn’t sink into depression. He also cannot turn his ethereal-body projection off, only limit how much of his mind wanders there. In order to deal with this, he has faceted a small part of himself into the other realms so that it wont continuously try to swallow him up. He is most vulnerable to unintended travel during his sleep and when he is unconscious or dazed.
Other weaknesses include his memory and tendency to milk it. When he meets and remembers people, he tends to read too much into the way they acted or what they said and possible implications of it. While it shows a keen eye for detail, it often leads him into suspecting the worst about people’s intentions—even if he knows it is not in their nature or if he uses telepathy to discover their intentions.
He also cannot use magic. He seems incapable of it whatsoever. While he can more than compensate for this using his psionics (which he can easily pass off for magic—and often times, he does) he is simply lost when it comes to spellcraft and wizardry.

Interesting Facts / Quirks: Zane’s racial and ethnic background (along with his brothers’) is unlike anyone else’s in the world; it has the potential to create a full-racial replica via the child with whatever race/ethnicity the mother is. It’s such a shame he is gay—but in his place are two bisexual brothers who might consider having sexual relations with women.

Favorite Food: Salad with tangerines, dumplings and pasta, warm noodles with light oils. Ever since his first telepathic contact with animals, he has found it rather hard to eat them.
Favorite Color: He says there is a color that he only sees while traveling to other planes of existence that he loves. He cannot describe it, but he has never seen it in this plane.
[/b]Hobby/Hobbies[/b]: Visiting interesting people in other realms; he can always find whatever type of person he needs to talk to there—be it with an objective or subjective personality.

Sexuality: Gay
Relationship Status: Open dating

Weapon: He uses densely packed telekinetic force to hit from a medium to long-range distance. In close-combat he uses it to enhance any of his attacks—primarily his claw-cut fingernails (the only thing natural enough  to be accepted by his non-killing self).
Magic: None. He can make average potions at any rate, but that\'s not real magic to him.