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Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Losing Touch
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2007, 11:25:46 PM »
"No, you shouldn\'t," she agreed with a stern frown.  "But don\'t worry," she added, her expression softening, "I\'ll take care of you.  Come on, let\'s go see what\'s in the kitchen for food, I\'m starving."  She pulled the covers back off them, meaning to jump enthusiastically out of the bed but the sudden rush of cold delayed that exit as she shivered.  The fire hadn\'t warmed the entire room nearly enough and even having all their clothes still on wasn\'t protection enough, after being ensconced in their own warm nest.

"On second thought," she said with a devious grin, her lower lip trembling with cold, "maybe I should grab one of your guards and send them to my place to bring my dinner and Matthew here and he can serve us in bed?" she giggled, but she was half serious.  Staying exactly where they were seemed preferable to getting her cloak on and travelling downstairs through a cold house to hunt out some food that they\'d likely have to spend time preparing.

Still, after a few moments, she pushed herself over and off Kysis, getting up and dancing her way to her boots in socks that no longer seemed nearly thick enough, in direct competition with his bedroom floor.

Offline Kysis

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Re: Losing Touch
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2007, 08:49:15 AM »
As soon as Lam mentioned the amount of food in the kitchen, Kysis felt the urge to inform her the lack of items in the place of food.  Rico had made a ton of food, all different kinds, to see what Alia would eat.  When Alia refused to eat all but the most bland of all the items, Rico gave the rest to the guards, leaving only a little for himself and Kysis.  Rico was too busy attending to Alia to restock their cupboards, and Kysis was clueless as to what would be needed, so… it went un-stocked.

The shivering again stopped him from moving or stating his protest though.  He wished that fire would get to its job already.  Alia’s room was sweltering… but she needed it, and her fireplace was larger, and didn’t have a window in the ceiling, which had to be killing the heat in his room.  It was a pretty window though… Kysis got his wandering mind back on track, listening to her further words, seeing that grin and worrying.  He almost lost the words over his worry.

Kysis sat up once Lam rolled over him, still contemplating it all and trying to follow her movement with his eyes.  He was still in the habit of looking with both eyes and turning his head; it was the easiest way to hide the blindness of one eye.  No one but Lam knew so far, so it worked.  He had told Lam, so it wasn’t even a slip-up that alerted her, though she would have figured it out eventually.  The signs were subtle, but Kysis had faith enough in her training to know they would have been put together.

“How about somewhere between the two.  I say we send Alex to help Matthew bring that dinner over here, but we eat in the kitchen.  While we are waiting, I can check on Alia.”  Alex was the only guard who knew English well enough to converse with the populace of Oberon thus far, though the others were still trying.  While Kysis and Lam were in Oberon, Alia had resumed her tutoring them in English.  Alex had always been the brightest of the five Liari guards in Oberon, so it was no surprise.  He was the best choice as well. “How does that sound?”

Swiveling his legs over the side of the bed, Kysis stood, having to steady himself for a moment before he was completely self-sufficient at supporting himself.  He was feeling awfully light headed.  That was probably a mixture of the stress, lack of sleep and lack of food all rolled into one.  Yes.  That had to be it.
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Lord Kysis Liari (Ένας πεσμένος ήρωας.),
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Re: Losing Touch
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2007, 11:24:59 AM »
She straightened up from getting her boots on and was in the middle of pulling her cloak around her for extra warmth when he stood up... and wobbled.  She was at his side in two swift strides, steadying him and not caring that her cloak was left skewed due to her abandoning the fitting of it around her.

Her expression was likely one of grave concern but she bit her tongue, not saying anything about his state of disarray.  She imagined that she\'d feel much the same way, were she watching her sister die... well, not really her sister, but certainly her cousin.  Her pointing out how badly he was doing wouldn\'t help matters any.

"That sounds like a perfect plan," she told him worriedly, releasing him by degrees so that she could be sure he\'d stand on his own.  "Have you got something a little warmer you can wear downstairs, though?  You will catch a cold if you go from warmth to cold without a bit more protection on you."  She looked around the room, not really seeing anything except the way he was so unsteady on his feet, playing over and over in her mind\'s eye, but supposedly seeking out a coat of some sort for him to wear.  He was beginning to make it difficult for her to concentrate.

Offline Kysis

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Re: Losing Touch
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2007, 11:42:38 AM »
Kysis was happy for the help, but cursed himself mentally for allowing the weakness to show.  Tiberius would be yelling at him by this point, telling him he was a large, flashing target fresh for the hitting.  Of course, Tiberius did not have a sister to be worried about, having left his family long ago for a life of traveling and high adventure.  Kysis was glad the plan was a sound one, forcing a smile, quietly reassuring Lam he was alright.  He wasn’t, which was obvious by just looking at him, but at least Kysis did not crack while saying it.  His voice was low and calm, enough to reassure himself in this matter.

As for a cloak, “Yes, that cloak Tiberius gave me before we left.  I thought I would never have a use for something so warm…”  With that Kysis went fishing for it, finding it in a still unpacked saddle bag.  It was of thick cloth, with arm slots and a nice brass hook, all lined with fur.  It looked like wolf, not that Kysis would really know.  He had just heard descriptions of what the majestic creatures looked and acted like.  Kysis clipped  the cloak on, straightening it.  A hand was run through his hair as well, the platinum strands falling neatly about his shoulders.  He needed to get his hair trimmed…

But first getting everything rolling.  Kysis led the way out of the warmth of the room after giving Lam a quick kiss (he had been wanting to do that for a while now), moving slowly down the stairs as to not lose his balance again.  In the main room they split ways, Kysis going into Alia’s room with a soft knock.  She was sleeping fitfully again, Rico sitting beside her bed, holding her hand.  The Retainer looked up as he entered, sighing before staring back at Alia’s tormented face.

“How is she?”  It was a whispered question, but Kysis knew Rico heard it.  Rico seemed to hear everything Kysis said, whether it was intended for his ears or not.

“She went back to sleep not long ago.  She wanted me to sing a lullaby for her.”  Rico squeezed her hand and she seemed to settle for a moment.  It was like she knew the care and comfort she was being given even in her sleep.  That, and she could appreciate it more when she was not putting up airs.  Kysis walked to the bedside and looked down at her, Rico continuing with his report, “I think she may be healthy enough for that trip to Adora’s Sanctuary in the morning.  She really wants to go.”

Kysis nodded.  It would probably be good for her to go, to get out and breathe the fresh air, remove herself from the suffocating death of the room.  The smell was hard to ignore.  He did not know how much longer he could bear being in there. “If you can, you should.  I think she would like that…”

“Is the Captain staying?”


That was the end of that conversation, Rico’s lips pressed into a thin line.  Rico would not look up any more, stroking Alia’s hand softly, keeping her calmed for the most part.  Kysis had done the most checking up he could, turning on his heel, having to pause a moment when his head felt like it was spinning again before heading out the door.  The young lord planned to check in again, probably at morning considering how tired he was, but for now, that was it.  He did not feel welcome anyway.

As quickly as he could, Kysis made his way to the kitchen, where he expected to find Lam or be met by Lam.  Either was fine.
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Lord Kysis Liari (Ένας πεσμένος ήρωας.),
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Re: Losing Touch
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2007, 12:06:05 PM »
Lam had taken a little longer to locate Alex, hesitating outside the guard\'s quarters before she entered, simply because it felt like she was broaching privacy without warning.  Kysis had been fairly certain he would be here and after a hesitant knock, she was fairly certain it was Alex\'s voice she heard beckoning her in, in Greek.

Once she stepped in, the feeling of invading someone\'s inner sanctum oly grew, because she found the large, usually-animated man sitting sadly on his bed, staring off into space in much the same way Kysis had been when she\'d first come upon him.  When he glanced up (slowly) and saw it was her, his aspect changed dramatically and he leapt to his feet, looking as awkward as she felt.

It took a little while for her to apologise for interrupting him and explain that she had a favour to ask of him (in Greek).  He agreed willingly enough - before he even knew what she wanted - and she got the feeling that he was actually looking for something to do with himself, beides sit around and think about Alia passing on (at least, that was what she assumed he was thinking about).

After receiving his agreement to help, it then took Lam a little while to explain where her house was and what she wanted Alex to say to Matthew.  She had him repeat her request back to her, smiling despite herself at his accented voice rolling out, "Lam would like you to bring lots of food for her and Kysis and a change of clothes."  When she was sure he had it - and his handsome face was beaming a far more reassuring smile at her - she watched him get his outside cloak on and followed him out towards the front of the house.

Figuring Kysis would likely look for her in the kitchen, she headed there next, surprised to find him already there.  She walked up and wrapped her arms around him with a smile, hoping everything was alright and not sure if she should ask.  She supposed he\'d tell her if it wasn\'t.  "Okay, we should have some food here in about ten minutes, I imagine.  I\'m pretty sure Alex will deliver the message just fine," she declared, amused by the thought that the Greek guard might get flustered and bring Matthew here in a panic, bearing only a pot and some clothes for her to wear.  Belatedly, she thought she should\'ve asked him to bring her ring, but that would likely have been too much for Alex to remember.

"Do you suppose we should build up the fire in here, in case Matthew needs to heat anything up?" she asked, pulling away from him and looking thoughtfully about the kitchen, trying hard to remember what Matthew had said would be her dinner that night.  It was usually a meat and vegetables but she thought he\'d said something about broth.  She could\'ve been wrong, of course.  "Or even cook it," she amended, now looking curiously at Kysis.

Offline Kysis

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Re: Losing Touch
« Reply #20 on: November 25, 2007, 12:18:56 PM »
Kysis jumped a little when Lam entered the kitchen, but returned to leaning back on the counter immediately.  The hug was given back, as warmly as he could manage.  His cloak did a damn fine job of keeping him warm, so the shivers had gone. Those feet of his did not feel all that firm yet, though, Kysis sipping at some water in hope that it helped.  The water was cold from the air, but helped.  At least Kysis felt like it did, which was what mattered in the end.

"Ten minutes... ok."

Alex had been strangely effected by Alia\'s illness.  He seemed detached and aloof.  Rico explained it as Alex missing his English lessons, nothing more.  Such defenses came quickly, too quickly.  Kysis had not thought on it much, figuring that since Alex was Alia\'s personal guard, he would be closer to her, so he would be effected, just from day-to-day contact.  Yes.  But Alex was a good guard, loyal, and knew enough English to survive.... maybe.  That was questionable though.

Instead of confirming that the fire would be a good idea, Kysis went straight into the wood chest, stoking up a flame in its cooking hearth.  Kysis thought to warm up some water as well, putting a small pot over the fire.  He had gotten coffee specifically for the fact that Lam would be moving in soon, or at least staying over more.  Coffee sounded really good right now.

"Alex will probably try to make it here quicker.  He checks on Alia almost as often as I do."
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Lord Kysis Liari (Ένας πεσμένος ήρωας.),
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Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Losing Touch
« Reply #21 on: November 25, 2007, 12:36:02 PM »
"Yes, he seemed quite pre-occupied when I found him in his quarters - I felt like I was intruding, but he seemed glad of the work once I explained what I wanted from him," Lam murmured, watching Kysis\' actions closely.

Truthfully, she was paying more attention to him and his actions than to the conversation, but it came to her easily enough.  He seemed to be steadier and that was a plus.  Steady enough for her to hoist herself up to sit on one of the kitchen benches to watch him potter around, anyway, believing he wouldn\'t topple again.  Her feet hurt from walking the boundaries of the Keep today and it was a shame to put them back in boots only to have to stand around for a little longer, waiting for everything to fall into place.

Waiting.  It seemed it was all any of them were doing and it was more torturous than being flogged, for it was so ephemeral and hard to fight against.  None of them could rush fate or life along, no matter how they wished it were possible.

"Is that coffee?" she asked, perking up when his actions finally registered, drawing a broad smile from her and stopping her long legs swinging nonchalantly against the bench beneath her.

Offline Kysis

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Re: Losing Touch
« Reply #22 on: November 25, 2007, 12:51:29 PM »
Waiting was terrible, and so was the silence.  Kysis went back to leaning against the counter when he got everything going for coffee.  The best thing he could think of doing was talking, and that would drown out the coughs that might come from Alia’s near bedroom.  Kysis did not want to hear her cough.  Please, Adora, Thanatos, whoever was there, don’t wake Alia up and make her hurt more.  That was all Kysis could really think, so he set back to trying to make conversation, even if it was scatterbrained.

“Yes.  Coffee.” Kysis forced a smile, watching the little pot of water with its coffee.  He’d asked Matthew how to make it once, and actually remembered, which was a surprise.  However, it was something Lam really liked, and something Kysis had grown to like through Lam, so… why not?  It was better than just waiting.  Coffee and waiting sounded much better, as feeble as that sounded.

“The other guards are not as worried as Alex is…”  Perhaps he was dwelling on that too much.  Probably.  Kysis did not know why he was worrying.  As far as Kysis knew, Alex was a eunuch, part of the reason Kysis had wanted the gentle giant as Alia’s body guard.  Yes, he was being paranoid.  It had to be the lack of food in his system, making his brain act so weird. “Rico says congratulations, by the way.”
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Lord Kysis Liari (Ένας πεσμένος ήρωας.),
Fenwick Baldor (Song, wine, and a bit of trouble),
Calista Liari (Θραύσματα Ομορφιά)

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Re: Losing Touch
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2007, 01:00:15 PM »
Lam snorted indelicately, raising her eyebrows as she looked down at Kysis, leaning on the counter beside her.  "Rico congratulated us on our engagement?" she asked skeptically.  "Yeah, right," she scoffed sarcastically, knowing that even if he had said it - and she doubted it - that he didn\'t mean it.

Rico wouldn\'t be glad she was marrying Kysis, not since he wanted Kysis all to himself, even if their relationship would never get beyond spending time together.  "As if he would be glad that I\'m going to be moving in here and taking you away from him," she muttered, trying not to sound bitter that he had even some rights to resent that.

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Re: Losing Touch
« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2007, 01:09:52 PM »
"I didn\'t say he meant it.  I just said he said it." Kysis nodded, thinking back over his words for a moment to make sure they even made sense.  Maybe?  It did in his head.  Well, if Lam did not untangle it, she would probably ask, then there would be an explanation, then everything would be better, like there was no misunderstanding to begin with.  So, Kysis took a deep breath, leaning over to better see the pot and see if the coffee was ready yet.  Not quite yet.  Damn.

"He has not argued with it once." That did get a smile.  Rico had been very offensive in his attack plan when he first came to Oberon, and made his opinions loud and clear to Kysis about how he wanted things.  That had not worked.  Rico lost, and he knew it, so it looked as though he was resigning to whatever fate would throw at him next rather than continuing to pursue Kysis, which was completely futile.

"And Alia asked if she could see the ring some time.  She has not told me what she thinks of us yet, but... it\'s a start."  Kysis had not thought Alia\'s approval would mean a copper to him, but now that she was on her deathbed, it did mean something.  Kysis craved her approval in this.  He also approved Lam\'s father\'s approval. "And I would like to garner permission from your father.  I... it is just tradition, and it feels wrong not to and... oh, I don\'t know."

Kysis was a bit flustered.  His mind was not as coherent as it had been a little bit ago.  He was tired, his whole body in the throws of fatigue, he wanted sleep and food and his brain to just shut off and wait for a while.  That would work, clear the slate, let the stress build up again from zero upward.  Why didn\'t it work that easily?
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Lord Kysis Liari (Ένας πεσμένος ήρωας.),
Fenwick Baldor (Song, wine, and a bit of trouble),
Calista Liari (Θραύσματα Ομορφιά)

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Re: Losing Touch
« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2007, 01:26:26 PM »
Lam leaned over and took Kysis\' hand, pulling on him so that he turned and was facing her, standing between her dangling legs, her feet hooked beneath his backside.  She ran the fingers of her right hand through his hair as she looked at him, very serious all of a sudden, her left hand atop his shoulder.

"I will show Alia the ring tomorrow," she promised, thinking that if Matthew thought to bring it tonight, she would do it sooner but unable to make that promise - especially if the frail girl was going to sleep through the night.  There would be no disturbing her if that was to be the case.

"But listen," she told him gently, "we are not going to see my father so you can get permission to marry me.  We have my aunt and uncle\'s blessing and that is enough, trust me.  Daddy is unlikely to be sober, let alone give you permission - or it\'ll be the opposite, and he\'ll shove me at you willingly, telling you what a vile and hateful being I am and wondering how you could wish to be cursed with me.  It wouldn\'t be pleasant, he\'s a foul and twisted man and... " she sighed, looking into Kysis\' beautiful blue eyes sadly, "it\'s the last thing you need right now.  Or at all."

She watched him hopefully, certain that he had to realise what a horrible mistake seeing her father would be.  It didn\'t occur to her that calling him \'Daddy\' implied affection, for it had been the only thing she\'d called him as a child and she\'d not spent enough time with him to make the transition to \'Dad\' or \'Father\' - or anything even slightly affectionate.  Daddy was what she called him - usually in a high-pitched, despairing tone - and it was all she knew him by (for what little she did know of him, anyway).

Offline Kysis

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Re: Losing Touch
« Reply #26 on: November 25, 2007, 10:22:02 PM »
Kysis listened carefully to her argument against asking her father, sure he had heard similar things just in narrative form before.  Of course, she may not have gone into that much detail before, or just not clumped it all together in such a tight and organized manner.  Either way, her objections were laid.  Now it was his turn to say, though Kysis was a little distracted by the fact the coffee was ready and he was being held into place by Lam’s legs.  Closeness to her was still comforting, so he would not lodge a complaint.

“I never got the chance to ask permission from them, though.  They just welcomed me into the family and left out the whole permission part.  I mean…” Kysis sighed, frustrated by also distracted by what Lam was doing.  Play with the hair did not have the same effect on Kysis as it did on Lam.  It calmed Kysis considerably.  It also made him realize now was definitely not the time to talk about it, nor was it the time to broach it with the person he wished to.  From all the stories, Kysis knew it would be unpleasant.  Neither of them wanted further tarnish to their coming marriage joy.

“The coffee’s ready.”  This was used as a way to change the subject.  Kysis was obviously letting it go for now.  It would be brought up later though, his brain needed more sleep to power it before he felt comfortable making any sort of care for anything. “Hopefully Matthew and Alex will be back soon?”
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Lord Kysis Liari (Ένας πεσμένος ήρωας.),
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Re: Losing Touch
« Reply #27 on: November 27, 2007, 05:16:52 PM »
She gave him a wry look and grunted in his general direction, allowing him freedom to get to the coffee by unhooking her legs.  Her heels drummed against the wood of the bench beneath her as she watched him hurry off, marvelling at his finicky ways.

He was somewhat exasperating, but she loved that he didn\'t argue directly with her.  Rather, he took the more arrogant route of haughtily announcing that there was a reason for him to be crossing the room and it was more important than debating things for now.  She knew it would come up again in future (and, frankly, she loved that about him, too, that everything had to be done so properly), because that was how fussy he was, but she hoped it wouldn\'t be the near future.

Visiting her sole living parent was a joy both of them could wait months for.

She\'d slid off her perch and accepted the mug of coffee by the time their expected visitors arrived.  Lam could only grin at the way Kysis moved away from her (even though she had him up against the bench) when she was rudely interrupted during her taste test; she was trialling whether the coffee tasted better coming from Kysis\' lips than it did her cup.  Still, he was tired enough that Matthew walking into the kitchen asking if the two of them should be upstairs for that sort of thing - in a very indulgent way - flustered him a little.  With a dreamy sigh and a reassuring squeeze to her fiancé\'s waist, Lam began moving again, too, and joined in the dinner preparations.

Both Matthew and Alex were heavily burdened.  Alex bore a large steel pot filled with a thick and steaming broth (the chunks of meat floating in amongst the vegetables and the smell of the two combined set Lam\'s mouth to watering instantly) that Matthew directed him to put over some heat for a little while.  The fire at home had burned low before he pulled it off, he said, and the walk through cold streets wouldn\'t have done much for its temperature, so he wanted to heat it before serving.

When leaning over the fire stirring the broth, Matthew also privately informed Lam that he wasn\'t completely sure of her instructions, as relayed by Alex, and he gave her a chiding look that clearly stated she should have known better than to send a learning English speaker with such a complicated message.  He was tactful enough not to say anything out loud, however, for Alex appeared very pleased with himself in getting Lam\'s servant and food to the manor, as per her instructions.  Lam quietly reminded Matthew that it was good practise for the Greek guard to use his English... and then asked if he\'d got the part about bringing her some clothes out clearly.

With a grin, Matthew nodded towards the bundle he\'d walked in carrying.  Some of it was freshly baked bread to go with the broth and an apple pie for dessert, but mostly it was an overnight bag with a change of clothes for the next day.  She just about clapped her hands when he assured her that her ring was in the bag (he was fully aware that it was the first thing she put on when walking into the sanctuary of her home each day or night, so he wasn\'t about to leave it at home) and went over to get it out immediately.

She felt better once it was on her finger again, and sifted through the bag to see whether or not she approved of everything else he\'d brought (naturally, she did).  By the time she\'d put the bag out in the hall for taking upstairs, Kysis had organised plates for them all to eat off - Alex was invited as well, naturally - and places set at the informal kitchen table.  Butter was found for the bread and it all placed out.  The discussion turned to what would be happening in the way of food the next day and, as they all sat, Matthew offered to simply start preparing meals in the manor, if that would suit Kysis.

Sitting on the the lord\'s right - as per usual - Lam turned worried eyes towards her love, unsure whether this would be too much at this time, considering Alia\'s condition.  A quiet seemed to descend the table after the offer was voiced, in fact.  Matthew was fully aware of how delicate the household\'s balance was, and promised he would be as discreet as possible, he was just thinking that it might free Rico up from preparing his, Kysis\' and all the guards\' meals and then all the Lord and his retainer would have to focus on was getting Alia better (though Matthew, of course, referred to her Mistress Dinaris).

"If it\'s too much of an imposition... just say so," Lam added once Matthew was done talking, her left hand on Kysis\' thigh, giving it a squeeze.  Of course, if Matthew was in the manor, preparing meals, Lam was sure to follow but... she really didn\'t know if Kysis was ready for that, even if she and Matthew were fairly low maintenance and could make themselves scarce if that was desired.  She fretted that he felt he was being forced into accepting them in long before the marriage, though it didn\'t have to be permanent.  "We can just arrange to have things sent over if that would be better?"

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Re: Losing Touch
« Reply #28 on: November 28, 2007, 02:15:33 AM »
Kysis liked busying himself, even if it was getting their coffee ready.  Keeping his hands busy kept his mind busy, thoughts not allowed to wonder, to trail about.  He offered her the coffee hesitantly, not wanting to part with something that kept his mind off other subjects.  However, hearing the front door open immediately took that hesitance and tucked it away for later, knowing there would be something he could help with in a matter of moments.  Kysis hurried immediately to help Alex with the pot, aiding in the lifting of it up over the fire.  He also did whatever Matthew said was needed perhaps jumping too quickly to do it, talking too little.

Once they had finally sit down for their meal, Kysis was more relaxed, focusing on eating, on trying to ignore the death ravaging through the room not too far away.  The question posed made him pause, spoon hovering in the steam laden air above the broth.  He stared with dark eyes down into his own reflection, noticing how much hell he really looked like.  It was a lot of strain, just having himself and Rico to do all work around the manor, and run the shop, and take care of Alia.  All the guards were doing (other than Alex) was guarding, as they were expected to.  They did not do anything else, nor were they paid to, so the brunt of everything fell on Kysis and Rico (which Kysis was not exactly approving of.  He wanted to rely on Rico less, until he was no longer even needed, and Rico knew it).

Speaking of Rico, he had apparently entered silently through the office just before the question, standing paralyzed in the door, staring at Kysis, waiting without breathing for the answer.  Kysis did not notice him, back faced towards him from where he was seated.  It was Kysis’ decision anyway.  He did not need to see the fear painted on Rico’s face, did not need any pity tainting the decision over what was needed.

And it really was.

“Now that you suggest it, that would probably be best.  We have been so busy in this whirlwind that we’ve been unable to even take care of ourselves…” Kysis sighed, dipping his spoon into the bowl, stirring it around a little but not eating any as he brooded over it. “If you are willing, we would gladly except any help we can get in that manner.  As you have probably seen, our kitchen is rather barren and we are running around like chickens with their heads cut off.”

There was a little more silence following that.  Anyone who looked at Alex could tell he was trying his hardest to figure out what everyone was saying, nose a little wrinkled, eyes narrowed on the broth.  His English was not yet good enough to catch the metaphors Kysis used, or a lot of what he was saying even.  Alex kept trying though.  Rico made a move though, coming to stand at Kysis left, leaning over with his hands planted firmly on the table, eyes determined.  It was obvious from the strain in his voice that he was fighting to keep all emotion out of his voice in this, though an amount of hurt still tainted his every word.

“What about me?  Yes, I have to care for Alia, but this is completely undermining my purpose here.  You won’t let me help with the shop, you hate my singing voice, you won’t take my advice, and now you are giving away my position as cook?  What, are you going to send me back to Greece next?!”

Kysis swallowed back the snappy comment he was going to fire right back, closing his eyes, jaw kept taut.  Yes.  As soon as Alia dies, I was going to send you back to Greece.  You aren’t welcome here.  Ever.  Of course, these sentiments were only thought, not spoken.  If he had spoken them allowed, Rico would have rushed into Alia’s room crying, and then there would be hell to pay, because Alia would be awakened, hear Rico’s side of the story, then use the last of her strength to scream up a storm about why Kysis should not abandon Rico after all they had shared and done together, going into more graphic detail that he was comfortable with anyone knowing, especially not the guards and Matthew.

This was a precarious position, and Kysis did not want to answer quite yet.
Μεταξύ λάμψη και τρέλα

Lord Kysis Liari (Ένας πεσμένος ήρωας.),
Fenwick Baldor (Song, wine, and a bit of trouble),
Calista Liari (Θραύσματα Ομορφιά)

Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Losing Touch
« Reply #29 on: November 28, 2007, 08:59:41 PM »
Lam\'s wide-eyed gaze went from Rico to Kysis, noting the strain and deliberate biting back of a comment on her fiancé\'s behalf.  Although she didn\'t particularly think it would be appropriate for Rico to stay in the manor after they were married - nor even healthy for the man to pine that much - she didn\'t expect him to be sent completely out of the country.  If she read Kysis at all correctly, though, he wanted to say something about that, it just wasn\'t the right time.

"No!" she cut in, gaze flying back to Rico and a sense of despair in her voice.  "You won\'t be going back to Greece, Rico, we want you here."  She supposed it was bad taste and would likely not be welcomed that she spoke on hers and Kysis\' behalf - Rico wouldn\'t pay her much mind anyway, in her opinion, because he likely didn\'t want to acknowledge the power she had over the man he loved.  Still, she had to try.

"I don\'t see how I could replace you, anyway," Matthew added calmly, drawing Lam\'s eyes in his direction.  He was watching Rico with a rather endearing expression on his pleasant face, a soft smile dancing around his lips as he gazed up at the man leaning on the table opposite him.  "I can\'t cook nearly as well as you, nor make the meals you can.  I\'ll never please the Greek palate like you do.  I\'d just like the chance to help you all out a little, for the time being," he said sincerely, hoping to appease the overtired Retainer.

Lam\'s gaze swung back towards Rico again, also hoping that this peace offering would be accepted.