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A Royal Scandal
« on: January 14, 2008, 09:29:46 PM »
HEW WAS GETTING more and more confident that he would not be discovered and less careful about when clamouring over the wall.  He\'d forced himself to wait two nights but couldn\'t bear to be apart from his new lover any longer.  There were new experiences to be had, touches and positions that would tantalise and excite, and nothing could equate to the way Phinn made him feel.  In his heart as well as his body.

He did not notice that he was spied going over the wall, nor realise that he was followed into the quarter that was reserved mostly for ruffians.  He lost his pursuer - clad in guard\'s clothing and with a panicked heartrate for this was the Prince running about on the streets without protection! - while zigzagging past commoners that knew him well enough as some noble\'s son or merchant\'s brat, slumming it with the local kids.  It happened often, except Hew was known to disappear into the building where Phinn lived.

A search was performed, as low key as possible, so as not to advertise the loss of an important young man, soon to be ruler of the lands.  Questions were asked, informants were helpful, and not quite an hour passed before they were on the right track and upon the building where Hew had already lain with Phinn and was in bed, naked, at his side, mellow and content and in love.
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Re: A Royal Scandal
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2008, 10:09:55 PM »
As low key as the search had been, it had gone on long enough that the guards had become frantic and the Captain of the Guard had been notified.  Due to the sensitivity of the matter, she\'d kept a cool head but on a personal level she was just as worried as everyone else and was on the scene almost from the beginning.

Hew\'s eyes haunted her the most.  She\'d noticed something satisfied - even smug - glinting in them ever since she\'d returned, but she\'d never had cause to question it.  Until now, when it was too late, of course.  He\'d been up to something, sneaking off to see someone, this whole time and he\'d been getting away with it, too, because he was so responsible, level-headed and trusted.

She prayed to any God that would listen (fervently and constantly, inside her own head) that he hadn\'t done something stupid to betray that trust.

Of course, by the time they\'d narrowed Hew\'s whereabouts down to this particular building, her hope had dwindled to something half-hearted.  Albert Phinneus was known to the establishment as a shifty criminal who\'d dragged himself out of the gutter (without losing any of the filth he\'d rolled in) to start running a group of chimney sweeps that paid homeage to respectability but who they fully believed were just criminals in training to this thieving mastermind.  They\'d just never caught him at it and the children gathered tightly about him in a bunch so tight-lipped and impenetrable that they\'d never been able to harvest anything either.

Wilson fervently hoped that it wasn\'t the boss Hew was here to see, but merely one of the scruffs beneath him.  She knew the prince well enough to understand that he might find adventure in exploring a world so foreign to his own but she was unable to predict what form that adventure would have taken... and so hope was all she had.

Quietly, the group of guards picked the lock and snuck into Phinneus\' house, creeping their way in a tight-knit group of five from room to room, their lanterns hooded until they were ready to flood each area with light.  The guards would find the place curiously empty on the lower floors, however, with only a few inhabitants between them and their goal (all of which they managed to subdue with brute force or by not waking them).

With every step upward, Wilson\'s gut tensed and her heart sank lower.


Phinn had encouraged Hew to sit upon him to find and direct his pleasure better, tonight.  Now that the boy was collapsed upon him and the two of them were heaving in as much air as they could amidst kisses fading in passion and urgency and roving hands that were too eager to be still, he was very glad of the idea.  As he\'d known it would, every experience together only improved their efficiency.

He was even considering letting Hew inside him, which was not something he did willingly, not since the privilege had been abused so grandly when he was a child.  Funny, how things changed when the reward at the end was so much greater.

"Mmm, even better than last time," he murmured approvingly, swiping a rough tongue up the side of Hew\'s throat as he hugged the boy to his chest.  He giggled then, amused by just how quickly they\'d fallen upon each other as soon as the prince had walked through the door, all his worry that there might be awkwardness after his revelation the last time fading instantly.  He wriggled beneath his prized lover, finding the room almost uncomfortably hot due to the large fire (the only light in the room) and the sweat they\'d worked up together.

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Re: A Royal Scandal
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2008, 10:22:16 PM »
"And the next moment will only be better than the last," Hew completed, feeling romantic and dreamy, filled and aching with a kind of satisfied and thrumming pleasure.  He shifted his legs but didn\'t move away from Phinn, trying in fact to get more of their skin to touch.  Yes, it was hot and stifling in this room, and the smell of lubricant and sex was strong, but it only served to make Hew feel more like he belonged here, like he was welcome, wanted, desired, loved.

He turned his head to seek a kiss from Phinn\'s lips while twisting and shifting atop him, moving so that he was now facing his lover, draped in such a way that deep kisses were now easy to obtain.  His smile was easy and his heartrate was calming, heavy lids - bedroom eyes, Phinn had mentioned to him at one point - looking through dark brown lengthy lashes at the man who\'d taught him more about the real world than any advisor or tutor could possibly.  Some strands of his hair was stuck to his face but he only moved the bothersome ones - near his mouth - so he could kiss and bite gently upon Phinn\'s chin.
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Re: A Royal Scandal
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2008, 10:43:40 PM »
Phinn knew his house and he was fully aware of the fact that there were only four of his scallywags present in the building tonight - none of which should have been climbing his stairs and making them creak like that - but the noise registered subliminally.  He dismissed it because the playful gnawing upon his face was far more delightful, the mischief in those blue eyes too alluring to ignore.

He wove fingers through Hew\'s hair, holding him down for another hard kiss, his other hand cupping his ass and pressing his lower half tightly to his, leaving no part of them separated, nothing to the imagination.

Unfortunately, Wilson was the third person to enter the room and find them in that position, for she didn\'t have her armour on, just her uniform, and didn\'t have a weapon drawn.  They\'d gathered outside the only room that had light flickering out from beneath its door, as soon as they\'d reached the top floor, signalling to one another about who would go in first.

Macintosh and Daley had that honour, both of them with their shortswords drawn.  They entered low and split off, moving forward so that they were the front, dominating the room.  The captain walked in between them, followed by the other pair, who flanked her shoulders, hands on their longswords.  They were positioned perfectly, so that they all had an excellent view of the two occupants of the bed and knew exactly what was going on - especially since there was that excruciating, drawn-out moment of realisation where everyone looked at one other and held their breaths while comprehension set in.

"Oh shit," Phinn said first, having turned his head and frozen in position as his bedroom was stormed.  He was just about cut off by the tall female\'s immediate cry.

"Out!" she bellowed, stare centred on Hew and that sinking inside her now becoming a rock that made her ill by dropping to the bottom of her gullet.  Her guards turned to stare at her uncertainly, which prompted her to drag her gaze away and look at them instead.  Her green eyes were wide, like a horse scenting a snake slithering into its stall.

After another couple of racing heartbeats, she broke from her still position and started shooing the four men with her from the room, her protective instincts driving her to remain loyal to her young charge over them.  "Out!" she insisted, bundling the four adults from the room quite unceremoniously - since they were obviously torn between gawking at the prince and following her orders, she did a lot more shoving than they did moving, but they were soon out of the room.

When it was just the three of them, she spun on her heel, leaning back against the now-closed door, her chest heaving and staring at the two naked males silently.  Now she was lost for words.

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Re: A Royal Scandal
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2008, 10:54:38 PM »
Hew was utterly and completely stunned.  The sinking in his belly could\'ve rivalled that of Captain Wilson\'s own, except his was one borne of guilt and an impending sense of doom.  When given the order, Hew was flummoxed.  Out?  What could she mean?  That he was to dress and leave this instant?  Then she delivered the same order to the men at her side and understanding dawned on Hew.  He took the opportunity to quickly tear himself away from Phinn, throwing a sheet over some of his lover\'s nakedness while he grabbed his drawers from the floor and pulled them on as quickly as possible.  It wasn\'t quickly enough for as he turned in his underwear he saw the Captain staring at him and Phinn with her back to the closed door.

His heart sank.  Now he felt the same heavy stone in his gut that the Captain had, for he knew that his secret was out and these meetings were over.  No more would he have the opportunity to meet with Phinn, no more would he sneak out for these secret meetings, it had ended so soon because he hadn\'t been careful and now it was over, they were done.  He felt like collapsing on the floor and bawling but he did no such thing - he was the Prince and he would act accordingly.

Except he was just as speechless as the Captain he faced and so he looked to Phinn for support.
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Re: A Royal Scandal
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2008, 11:06:51 PM »
In true Phinn style, the man took the situation in stride, grabbed the sheet tossed at him and held it at his muscled abdomen as he slid up the bed.  He had time to casually fluff a pillow at his back before he leaned upon it in a half sitting position, running the fingers of the hand not holding the sheet through his hair to straighten it out.  There was a confident smirk upon his face that he didn\'t truly feel - was it a dungeon-worthy punishment to have sex with the prince regent? He thought it might be - but he pulled it off convincingly enough.

"So," he murmured, looking from Hew to the captain - whom he recognised.  "In\' this a lovely pickle?"

Phinn\'s words spurred Wilson into being able to talk herself, but she didn\'t acknowledge the man left in the bed, she only had eyes for Mayhew.  "What the hell is going on here?" she demanded through gritted teeth, taking two steps away from the door but stopping short of the bed.  Her hands were held in fists by her side and there were beads of sweat forming beneath her fringe, across her forehead.  She wished her heartrate would slow down; it was thudding hard enough to choke her.

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Re: A Royal Scandal
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2008, 11:13:26 PM »
At her question, Hew felt both devastated and strangely filled with calm.  Funny how a bad situation and looking at the face of anger was making him feel.  No matter how angry the captain got, she was nothing when it would come to his father\'s wrath - however, Hew cared about her enough to feel ashamed, but not for seeing Phinn, rather for sneaking around in general.

His expression declared his inner thoughts.  Do I really have to say it?  It was obvious what was going on here, and her rage was only making him feel more defensive.  Phinn was helpless, really, when it came to the King\'s guard.  A majestic man, to be sure, but his cleverness and wiliness wouldn\'t carry him far if Hew didn\'t speak up, and fast.

"He\'s my lover."

He hadn\'t meant to say it so blatently, but there it was.  He said it with confidence that would\'ve carried quite well, had there not been a light tremor in his voice.  There were dark spots dancing on the sides of his vision as he imagined his world ending.  Imagine how Phinn might feel.  At least he knew what Hew was and this wasn\'t the way he\'d found out.
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Re: A Royal Scandal
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2008, 11:21:07 PM »
Wilson exhaled harshly, flipping a hand towards the man between them irreverently.  "Well, I can see that," she responded hurriedly, feeling the need to spin on her heel and pace from one side of the room to the other - which was a far more Kysis thing to do, but perhaps she\'d picked up some of his habits unwittingly.  Either way, she felt the need to move, her hands unfisting in order to fret at her pockets as she walked and spun, walked and spun.

"I just... I didn\'t realise you liked men!" she eventually admitted, giving Hew a non-plussed look as she paced, wanting to understand how she could\'ve missed that about him.  She had, in fact, once had the notion that he had a crush on her, but she\'d obviously been wrong about that and wasn\'t about to declare it now.  "Why\'ve you never said anything?"

Phinn stayed quiet, eyeing off the pacing woman to his right and wondering if he should be getting dressed in order to be dragged down to the guardhouse or something - since she was pretty much pacing over where Hew had seen fit to toss his pants once he\'d dragged them off him, he couldn\'t begin to do that just yet, so he simply watched.

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Re: A Royal Scandal
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2008, 11:26:14 PM »
Hew frowned, looking at Phinn and then back at the Captain, watching her move about like a caged animal. Hew had once visited an exotic animal zoo - a large travelling carnival that kept their beasts in big cages upon wagons.  Those animals had never stopped pacing and growling in agitation.  She reminded him eerily of them now.

"It\'s not men, it\'s... Phinn," Hew said, thinking his explanation was rather lame though oddly fitting.  "I... don\'t really wish to discuss this now, with you."

He had the feeling though, that she would be making him.
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Re: A Royal Scandal
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2008, 11:35:19 PM »
"Phinn," she snapped mockingly, glaring at the man she\'d never been formally introduced to, though she was aware he went by his surname, rather than Albert.  For some reason, hearing Hew shorten that name in such a familiar way pained her and she took it out on the one who didn\'t matter instead of the one who did.

"At your service, m\'lady," the blonde answered smartly, with a dip of his head that was meant to be charming but which the redhead obviously only took as antagonising, for her green eyes glinted angrily as they narrowed upon him.

"Don\'t," she snarled warningly at the man, not wanting him to interfere now.  She held an imperious finger out towards the criminal - which had him dipping his head once more, this time in a far more contrite manner - but lowered it when she turned to pace away, shoving the hand back in her pocket.

The thought that Hew might side with his \'lover\' over her only occurred to her in that moment, with that harsh action, and a pang of mourning struck her (as many parents might feel when their offspring began to step away from the nest and spread their own wings).  Hew was only sixteen, though.  "You\'d rather discuss this with your father, then?" she demanded, looking back at the prince now.

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Re: A Royal Scandal
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2008, 11:46:30 PM »
"Not so much that I\'d rather," Hew said to himself beneath his breath before allowing her the decency of a response.  "I\'m sure my father will want to express himself," Hew supplied to the Captain, and both of them knew exactly how his father would take this foray.  Not very well indeed.

Hew\'s gaze constantly travelled back to Phinn, drinking in the sight of him as much as he was able, committing to memory as much of him as possible.  There was a pang of regret that he\'d ventured into this man\'s bed so slowly.  He wished he\'d had less inhibitions, so that he\'d experienced more of Phinn\'s intimate side - though the relationship between them would likely not have been the same, Hew realised in a fashion that was a great deal more mature than his sixteen years.

"I wish to get dressed," he said, for he was still standing in his underwear on the opposite side of the bed to the Captain, though all his clothes were at his feet, rather than Phinn\'s which were at hers.  The bare-chested teen figured there was no point sending her out of the room for she\'d seen more than he\'d wanted her to already, and there would be no undoing of that.  His cheeks coloured now, belatedly, at the position she\'d found him in.  Shock had delayed his embarrassment, but now he had time to think on it.  

And now he made the most adult order of his life, knowing that this would drive the finality of his relationship home, knowing that once he was out of this room there was nothing for him.

"I shall allow you to escort me back to the Palace, with all of your guard.  Phinn shall remain here."

He wasn\'t so naive to misunderstand the justice system would be rather unjust with how they dealt with Phinn.  It would be easier on him to claim he\'d been seduced and no doubt people would talk - it was their nature - and enough guards had seen him here that word would travel.  This didn\'t bother him in the slightest.  It was the fact that Phinn might suffer for his over-confidence, that he would incur the wrath of the Kingdom because Hew had wanted more out of life than his scrolls and studies.
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Re: A Royal Scandal
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2008, 12:02:46 AM »
The words stopped Wilson from pacing at last and she gave the prince a searching look, knowing that his wishes would only be followed so far.  They both knew that as soon as they got to the palace the king would order her back here to retrieve the man who\'d soiled his son (she\'d always thought Morgan\'s views on men who preferred the company of those of their own sex to be uncharacteristically severe, for he\'d made it clear numerous times that he despised the custom); Phinn likely would greet the dawn in the dungeons, though he\'d committed no crime.

Frankly, the line of rank between her and Hew was thin.  Technically, though, she decided he could command her to leave Phinn behind, for the royal family were her superiors.  All of them.  Common sense dictated that Hew was acting like a moonstruck child and that she, as an adult, was the more rational one at this moment but... she felt she\'d let her charge down, somehow.  Maybe it was spending all that time away from him, maybe it was her imminent retirement - which she hadn\'t had time to explain to him fully yet, for she\'d been busy with talking with the king and burying her sister-in-law - whatever it was, she felt responsible for this matter and decided she\'d do him one small favour.

"Very well," she responded austerely, lifting her chin and staring steadily down the length of her nose at Phinn before looking back at Hew.  "We\'ll do things your way, Prince Kestrel," she told him meaningfully, her gaze softening imperceptibly as she looked her noble pupil in the eye; he looked more regal in his underwear, giving her orders, than he ever had in his full armour, atop his steed and she loved him beyond her duty\'s requirements.  Enough to give him something else.

"I\'ll wait outside until you\'re dressed," she finished softly and then, with a final glare at Phinneus, she left the room and pulled the door quietly closed behind her, moving her men to the bottom of the stairs in order to start ordering them to keep what they\'d just seen to themselves (for what that was worth).

When she was gone, Phinn turned his cocky grin towards Hew, giving a soft whistle as he did.  "Bit intense, in\' she?" he scoffed, not able to appreciate the depth of teh trouble he was now in.

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Re: A Royal Scandal
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2008, 12:10:46 AM »
Hew felt he was standing on stilts for all the strength in his legs right now.  They seemed thin, sticklike and fragile as he moved to the bed once the Captain closed the door behind herself.  He was ever so grateful for the favour she\'d bestowed him and knew the importance of such a deed.  She was giving them not only a chance to say goodbye, but giving Phinn a chance to get away.

Once Hew crawled onto the bed again, he was a little boy lost in Phinn\'s arms, tears rising unbidden to his eyes and falling without his consent.  He didn\'t wail or blubber, merely sniffled as his passages were clogged with the force of his silent weeping.

It\'s over, it\'s over, it\'s over, his mental voice repeated constantly to him, and he wished it would shut up but it didn\'t.  It seemed to pound in his heart with every beat, and he could hear himself whispering wet apologies against Phinn\'s chest.  "I\'m sorry, I\'m so sorry, I was too careless, I\'m so sorry," and more of the same.  He felt like he\'d be told off for such a ridiculous display but he couldn\'t help himself - his world had just come apart.  "I love you.  I love you," he said softly now, through tears and pain, holding onto Phinn\'s body whatever way was possible.
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Re: A Royal Scandal
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2008, 12:14:08 AM »
Phinn frowned, holding the sobbing boy to his chest and conjuring a laugh that didn\'t feel completely sincere.  The way the boy was acting, it was like he\'d just been sentenced to death - but the captain had just agreed to leave him here... hadn\'t she?  She followed Hew\'s orders... right?

"There, there," he said awkwardly, kissing the top of his head.  "I love you too, no need to be so upset, it\'s not the end of the world."

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Re: A Royal Scandal
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2008, 12:35:53 AM »
"I\'ll never see you again," Hew said, meaning it was the end of his world in this respect.  It was certainly the end of them.  He pressed his face into Phinn\'s chest and breathed deeply, though with hitching breaths, smelling the familiar smell that was Phinn and wanting to hold onto that forever somehow.  It was dramatic, he realised, how he was behaving, but he couldn\'t stop himself.

He had to, however, convey the importance of what the Captain had done for them, for he sounded too light for the situation.

"The Captain doesn\'t have to listen to me," he explained, pulling back from Phinn so that he could stare into his eyes.  He was aware that his own eyes would be red-rimmed, puffy and ugly from crying but he didn\'t care.  "She could haul you away with the knowledge that the King would want such a thing.  Anything my father says would over-run any orders I dare make, do you understand?  Do you understand now?  You have to leave.  I can never see you again, or... or..." he felt his face crumple so lowered it away from Phinn\'s sight.  It was now he was far less regal and more like a child.  "If I wasn\'t his only son and firstborn, I think I\'d be in the dungeon for this," he whispered in a fashion that sounded more like a croak.
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