((Reserved for Shadowstorm ))
Well, it was more important then sleep to Venorik anyways. He spent much of his time in the library, or in his room reading up on thins he rented from the library. He was the very definition of an Eruditio student to letter, so, naturally he considered studying to be more important then sleep. With any luck, Ilvarion would end up with the same mentality. Of course, such diciplne would take time, but Venorik already believed that the child had the potentional.
"This, is our library. The most important place in this academy, and the place where you will learn everything you could ever want." He said softly as he entered the area, his voice respectfully subdued. Turning to look at the boy, Venorik smirked, his enjoyment of the place clear in his light, springy step, and the light in his eye. Of course, that light could just be the faint glow of his infrared vision, but let\'s just pretend otherwise for now.
As much as he loed the place, and he certainly did, the pair could not linger there forever. He had to show Ilvarion around, show the boy his room, gie him a very brief tour. He would leave the child in the library if distracted, but his teachers would be most displeased with him if he did that.