Author Topic: Adrenaline Rush  (Read 9688 times)

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Re: Adrenaline Rush
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2009, 09:01:49 AM »
Jake nodded slowly. He couldn\'t imagine a world without the sun. No, worse still, he could, and it wasn\'t a world he wanted to be part of. What he couldn\'t imagine is how people survived it. I guess they forget after awhile... He thought rather depressingly.
He listened to her story with a respected silence and nodded lightly to her last comment. "I can see how you would miss it. Though, you could still walk along the beach. I\'ve actually always preferred the beach at night than during the day; lets crowds, more peaceful." He smiled, trying to lighten the mood. "Brings out the romantic me." He gave a small chuckle.
"Well," he said, unable to find another comment to her sharing of thoughts. "I believe we\'ve rested enough, shall we continue on? Who knows, we might even find ourselves on the vary beach we were discussing." He let his smile grow and offered his hand to help her up like the true gentleman he was.

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Re: Adrenaline Rush
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2009, 01:30:50 PM »
"Yeah, most just get used to it, but sometimes it\'s unbearable, and you want to just reach out and touch it..." She stopped, lost in thought.

"Oh, I see" Effie added to Jake\'s "Romantic side" comment. She giggled a little before taking Jake\'s hand. "That sounds like a plan" she said before smiling at him.

She looked in the beaches direction. A full moon shone brightly upon the ocean. The beach looked blue from the moon and the sky. The waves silently hiked up a few feet before sliding back into the ocean sending small swooshes. Like Jake said, no one was there. It was total peace and quiet.


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Re: Adrenaline Rush
« Reply #17 on: March 04, 2009, 09:33:26 AM »
Jake nodded understandingly. "I can\'t imagine how hard it must be. But, still, we all have to live on from whatever curses we may possess." He added with a comforting smile, which grew from her next comment.
He slowly led her away, in the general direction of the beach, though, tried to make it seem as though that wasn\'t his goal. He glanced up at the full moon. "Though, it truly is a beautiful night tonight, is it not?" He smiled lazily as he turned once more to Effie.

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Re: Adrenaline Rush
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2009, 02:39:36 PM »
Effie nodded once to Jake\'s reply.
 "Yes, it\'s just another obstacle that will be overcome, eventually." She smiled, looking up at the moon.

 "It\'s nights like these I\'m glad I get to see." She noticed they were being steered into the direction of the beach. Effie blushed for a second, before containing her emotion. She saw Jake slowly turning closer to her. She slowly put herself closer to Jake, enjoying his warmth again. She smiled.

 As they walked, she traced random patterns in Jake\'s palm. His hands were incredibly smooth and his skin felt like silk. Effie gently traced her find along the small lines in his hand, remembering that he was much more fragile than her.


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Re: Adrenaline Rush
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2009, 07:33:25 AM »
Jake nodded once about the obstacles, she was right about that. But, as she moved closer to him he began to grow suspicious. Even human women didn\'t get this close without less than an hour, what was she up to, he wondered.
Immediately he discovered the going to the beach was a bad idea. Alone. With a young vampire on a beach. Dangerous. Bad idea. All of his sense for survival screamed at him, but it was too late now. If he backed down he could anger her, and that would cause problems. Anger causes people to lose control, and he assumed it was the same for vampires. Best go along and pray.
"Don\'t we all." He said softly about comment of the night. Then again, she is awfully cute. Hell, what\'s the worse that could happen?
Same thing. He continued on casually, without his worries showing in any way. After all, he didn\'t really have much of a choice, so he as well enjoy the moment while it lasted. Good times never lasted long, he just had to enjoy them while the did.

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Re: Adrenaline Rush
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2009, 12:24:12 PM »
Effie kept walking with Jake. She wondered if he was worried by their close distance. She shook it off. If he brings it up, he\'d understand. Her body craves the heat it abandoned and adopted the coldness. Just being near it made her joyful, more than that, it made her bubble with happiness.

She didn\'t push herself any closer, though. She didn\'t want to freak him out. So she pushed herself away. Almost letting her hand free of Jake\'s. It was strange, she was getting feelings for this human she had just met. She didn\'t usually fall victim for \'love at first sight\'.

 She noticed the beach was completely deserted. She glanced up at Jake for a second before focusing on the beach she was slowly walking up to. She realized Jake might not want to reach the beach, he was afraid. She looked away, watching children run by, giggling and having the greatest time of their lives. So care free. So lucky.


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Re: Adrenaline Rush
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2009, 10:35:34 AM »
Jake noticed her move away, had be been that obvious. No, but the fact would have been. He debated on several things of what he should say to break the slightly uncomfortable silence. What does one say to a vampire? I think you hot, but I\'m afraid you\'ll kill me... Or worse? No!
He let loose a small sigh and turned to look at the girl. "If this silence keeps up much longer I\'ll end up going deaf." He stated lightly. "Is something bothering you?" He continued more seriously. Yeah, he was unnerved, but he was walking to a secluded beach with a young vampire, who wouldn\'t be? But, he\'d just have to make sure he played it safe and didn\'t do anything to tempt her to loose control of her hunger.

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Re: Adrenaline Rush
« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2009, 10:40:20 AM »
She thought about Jake\'s comment.
 "Sorry, just got caught up in the moment. I\'m fine. Are you?" She tilted her head slightly to look up at him, her right eyebrow raised slightly. True curiosity displayed on his face. Of course he\'s not okay... He\'s with a vampire. He\'ll never be fine with the thought that a vampire is falling for a human.
 She smiled "I\'m fine. I promise."


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Re: Adrenaline Rush
« Reply #23 on: March 08, 2009, 10:47:52 AM »
Jake laughed at her question. What a silly question to ask somebody in his position. Happy, yes, scared, no, fine... How the hell should he know? He wouldn\'t know that for a while yet. By then, if he wasn\'t fine, it wouldn\'t make any damn difference; he\'d still end up dinner.
 "I guess that depends on your term of \'fine.\'" He said after a moment. "If you asking if I\'m scared, the answer is no. Like I said, I\'ve known vampires for a long time, you\'ve long since stopped scaring me. If you\'re asking whether or not I\'m nervous, the answer is yes, but on a great many different levels." He smiled again. "If you asking whether or not I\'m having regrets about some recent decisions, the answer is no."
His smile grew a little as he gave her hand a squeeze, not allowing her to finish letting go and pulled her a little closer. Not enough to be disrespectful in any way, but just to prove that he was scared of her. He wasn\'t.

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Re: Adrenaline Rush
« Reply #24 on: March 08, 2009, 11:07:21 AM »
Effie smiled, satisfied with the answer.
 "Sounds good. I was worried I was terrifying" she giggled, wondering how a such a small vampire could be scary. "I understand if your nervous, but I could never eat you" She smiled even wider, pleased with the fact that he was somewhat comfortable.

 As she was pulled closer, she blushed slightly. It was gone as soon as it came, though. Something she was happy for.

 The beach was a few yards in front of them now. Laughing at her in the face. This seemed like a test for her resistance. The smell, the solidarity was all so tempting. But no, she wouldn\'t even dare. No matter what happened, the thought would not turn to reality. She could bet all her money on that.


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Re: Adrenaline Rush
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2009, 01:28:25 AM »
Jake smiled gently. "Of course you\'re terrifying!" He protested lightly. "Any being as beautiful as you are is more terrifying than the eldest vampire." He continued with a humorous twinkle in his eyes and his voice.
We\'ll see. He made sure he didn\'t say so aloud, though. If she said she wouldn\'t, they he wouldn\'t contradict her out in the open, but he had to admit, he was no longer afraid of it, nor did he really think she would.
He looked around the quiet beach, bringing in the moment, as he always did. Then, being the flirt he was, he removed his hand from hers to put it around her shoulder, causing them to walking closer together. He was walking on very thin ice, and he knew it, but hey, if he was going to die tonight, might as well enjoy it as much as he could. No sense fearing the future.

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Re: Adrenaline Rush
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2009, 07:38:57 AM »
Effie giggled. Terrifying. Such a silly word she thought. She knew she didn\'t have much to worry about, until Jake pulled her closer. His scent, warmth, his heartbeat. It was beginning to overwhelm her. I have control. I have control... she kept repeating in her mind.

 She looked over at his chest. Right where his heart would be. She shunned the thought of feeding on him, and looked away. The only problem was, she couldn\'t turn the sound of his heartbeat off. His heart beat steadily, loud thumps thundering in his chest. She let out a small sigh, inaudible to human ears. This night just got a lot more complicated.


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Re: Adrenaline Rush
« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2009, 10:36:58 AM »
Jake felt her body tense up and slowly lowered it his arm with a small, uncomfortably laugh. "Sorry." He muttered quietly and shoved his hands in his pockets. What was he thinking? But Jacob didn\'t know the answer, he was just so used to not worrying about anything, or anyone hurting him. I mean, he was practically a giant, but this small girl could snap him in half; it was just unbelievable.
He looked towards the ocean, smelling the beautiful sea-smell that always seemed to intoxicate him. "If you wish we can head back." He said soberly. He had been stupid to come here in the first place, but she was so nice. How could she hurt him? He knew the answer this time.

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Re: Adrenaline Rush
« Reply #28 on: March 10, 2009, 11:25:49 AM »
Effie sighed.
 "I\'m sorry. I wasn\'t expecting that. I didn\'t realize it was all too tempting." She pulled closer to Jake, but keeping her distance as well. She didn\'t want an incident like earlier to become reality. She\'d have to be extra careful tonight.
 "If you want to go to the beach, we can" she said quietly. She looked at the beach, only 10 feet or so ahead of them. She bit her lip, thinking if it was a good decision or not.


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Re: Adrenaline Rush
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2009, 06:00:27 AM »
((OOC: Sorry it took so long to reply... I thought I already had ><))
Jacob offered a soft smile. "It\'s alright, I shouldn\'t have done that. I won\'t do it again." Why had he done it? Why had he been so stupid? Jake doubted he would ever be able to answer those questions, nor did he think it really mattered. He just hoped that he hadn\'t completely ruined the evening with his stupidity.
"I\'m afraid that answer depends entirely on you." He replied to her second statement. "I don\'t want to tempt you again, so I\'m afraid you must decide. If you believe it wouldn\'t tempt your vampiric nature, than why not? But if you don\'t trust it, than I don\'t want to tempt again. I\'m sure you don\'t wish to drain me of all life, and I don\'t really desire to die just yet." He gave a small shrug. "If not the beach than I\'d be happy to return to the park, ride another thriller and spend the rest of the evening with you in public, where you most probably won\'t be tempted." He added, not wanting to ruin the entire evening.