Again, Kerr\'s jaw dropped slyly and his tongue tip prodded a canine as he considered Ash, taking the bait hook, line and sinker. "Cramped," he grunted, his mind whirring as he contemplated how he could get his friend back for the insult. The notion of taking him to the five storey beach house did occur, but he was happy to keep it on Capital terms for the time being.
"Well," he shrugged, his brown eyes lighting up as he sauntered towards the D end of the pool table, like he believed it was his right to break, "I guess I\'m just used to squashing things into tight spaces; it\'s a habit I had to learn early on and a skill I\'ve perfected through the years," he said airily, transferring his cue to his right hand and reaching out to fondle the white on the table, flipping it around on the spot as he looked expectantly at Ash.
"I don\'t have anything to compensate for, so I don\'t really need a place this big. It\'s good that you\'re comfortable here, though," he said condescendingly, his expression one of mocking comfort. "My break?" he finished brightly, finally positioning the white ball, hefting his cue and looking ready to go ahead with the game all in one smooth movement. He wondered if he should be wagering something on this game... their rivalry was only growing, the more time they spent together. He relished it.