There was a flare of... something between them and, very suddenly, Kerr was highly aware of Jake as a person. As a man. The meaningfully-spoken words that Jake was at Kerr\'s disposal and he was really glad they were working together - complete with a touch and a squeeze of his hand - didn\'t miss their mark and the Luminary\'s eyes were very suddenly open to what was happening.
Jake was coming onto him. He probably thought that he was being propositioned himself, considering the way Kerr was sitting close, looking at him intently and touching his leg in the first place. He removed his hand as casually as he could, shifting around on the seat so that his left leg became tucked beneath his right and his left elbow was resting on the sofa back. this way, he could face Jake more directly, his right hand kept in his own lap. He hoped it appeared a blasé move and not too calculated, but there was now a modicum of space between them now, rather than their legs brushing and Kerr leaning in. He\'d just got too excited about the offer he was making, that was all, he hadn\'t meant anything by it.
Of course, now that he\'d been alerted to the fact that the Ventrue was interpreting his enthusiasm that way, he\'d be more careful; still, a flutter of awareness and guilt tingled its way down his blood bond to Ben and he knew his fledgling would be aware of what he was feeling. He was ruffled, flattered, embarrassed and inexplicably nervous all at once, knowing he was crossing a line but unsure when and how it had happened.
He didn\'t even think of Jake that way! Well, he hadn\'t until this moment. Now, he couldn\'t help noticing how kissable the man\'s lips were, how pretty he was, really - even if he was a bit too skinny for Kerr\'s liking. It was more his persona that Kerr was attracted to and making him aware of the younger vampire on a physical level (that certainly brushed shoulders with sexual) only confused him. That would\'ve been communicated to Ben, too, and he knew he had to stop it before his embarrassment increased tenfold and his fledgling came out to see what the fuck was going on. What had Jake even said?
"Uh... no problem," he smiled, laughing a little because he couldn\'t even remember what Jake had asked for, only that something inside him said it wasn\'t a problem and he should just agree. "I\'m glad we\'ll be working together, too, I\'m really keen to strip off all the excess this place is carrying and get back to important things. Your world and way of doing things may not be what I\'m used to, but with the very real threat you opened my eyes to, I\'ve realised the Oligarchy can\'t afford to remain ignorant - without you, this city could already be lost and we\'d be back where we were in the Apocalypse," he finished grimly, his lips thinning as he pressed them together, thinking about Lazarus and his influence back then.
It had been the reason he and his family had come to the city, but it hadn\'t really turned out the way they\'d hoped, in the end.
"When do you think you\'d be ready to get familiar enough with the process to start? I\'m planning to walk you through everything personally, so you know how I coped, and my old office is yours, if you want it - we\'ll find you a room you prefer, if you don\'t. In fact, if you want to live here (I know your place is excellent, though), you\'re more than welcome to. The office has a bed I occupied more than once when things ran over time, though, and that\'s all you\'ll likely need," he chuckled and then stopped himself, feeling paranoid about mentioning a bed. Would Jake think he was implying something? Oh, God! Another burst of guilt flared through him and if he\'d fed recently, he would\'ve flushed.