Well, how to begin this.
A few of us have been talking for a while now about having universal events happening throughout the city. Things all characters would be aware of, events that effect everyone, et cetera et cetera. Villains and heroes and protagonists and antagonists, all very dramatic and such.
After extended discussion with (read: harassment of) the admins, we reached a conclusion. That is, such events would not be necessarily suitable for the whole of the forum, but it might be fun. So, this is what we\'ve come down to.
There shall be an alternate-timeline Infusco in Experimental. If it becomes a successful endeavor, some structure will be added to Experimental for the Alternate. This is, of course, partially dependent on several factors, those being:
- Storyline - This alternate storyline is just that. It\'s a storyline that includes all the participating characters. We\'ll need to get mutually agreeable plot points worked out for all those playing Alt.
- Participation - The three of us that spawned this can, of course, play amongst ourselves. But the more people who play, the better the play will be.
- Quality - The quality of writing in RPs that have an effect on everyone must, by their nature, be higher than the quality of an RP that only one or two players need to understand. Godmoding, for example, must be extremely carefully watched.
- Clarity - Also part of Quality, everyone playing needs to be able to understand the events and storyline of the Alt threads. After all, each of these will effect the ultimate conclusion at the climax of the arc.
The Alternate Infusco will be starting after the conclusion of the Sabbat War arc in the Canon Infusco. This arc begins with
Old Acquaintances, then
Fitting followed by
Culling. These events precede a character development thread for
Jake and
Conner, where they bond in
Reflection. The invasion of the Sabbat Warehouse is subsequently written by
Billiam in the short story
The Flesh Crafter\'s Secret. At the conclusion of this storyline, the antagonist gives a vague and easily-dismissed warning of a forthcoming "she."
Briefly after this point, we are breaking the Canon("real") Infusco from the Alternate Infusco. In the Canon Infusco, characters experienced an isolated uprising and then went back to their normal lives. In the Alternate Infusco, something else is indeed coming. The ripples of the Sabbat War manifest in everyone\'s lives, meaning that Jake becomes Vampire Oligarch, among other shifts in the Oligarchy. Conner moves permanently to the City. Other characters get the news of the uprising and political shifts. That settles a bit. Then we break.
So if you\'re interested, let\'s sort some ideas, shall we?
Billiam currently has an idea that I\'d be interested in pursuing. However, if anyone has any ideas about who or what "she" could be, let\'s hear them.