I like it.
Also, Idrial... a pathogen is a harmful microbe. Did you mean pantheon?
Freya is a widely recognized term... perhaps if we use more of her warrior/dark side, it would fit better? I\'m cool with Valfreya or some variation.
The nice thing about Freya is that she\'s known for something that fits with this idea. She assumes different names and guises, searching for her long-absent husband. She has associations with death, war, beauty, and the afterlife. She leads spirits of death, war, and peace in the afterlife[Valkyries]; she\'s deep, but will go to great lengths for a shiny object; also, she\'s frequently pursued romantically by giant nature elemental spirits.
I know too much random crap.
[edit] I think I\'ve finished making all the stickies and rules and such and so forth and and and.... I think I\'m going to go to bed :S If anyone sees anything about the Parallel stickies that needs to be modified, fixed, improved, reformatted, removed, reorganized, explained, clarified, expanded, cut back, or otherwise messed with, PM me.
It doesn\'t look like much, but a lot of thought went into it. Stop looking at me like I\'m crazy.