As I\'m sure many of you have seen, I have a new forum called The White Rabbit. Its purpose is to offer an alternative to Club Zero and Risk. A bar for supernaturals and humans, The White Rabbit is modeled after the growing indie music scene. At the same time, the bar can be very rough, and fights are common. The clientele is a mix of confused Emo/Punk kids, and old mean bikers. I plan on using the club to propel its owner, Lisa-Joe Hampton, into Infusco, and provide a rough hangout spot for tough characters that\'s not focused on feeding like Risk. I am writing a detailed description as I have time and plan on posting a launch thread soon.
Officially, we\'ll say the Rabbit has been open for about a month, and is doing well. I encourage all players, once the club\'s description is completed, to start RPs there. Any people who have characters in bands, please PM. The Rabbit has live music seven nights a week. If you have any questions concerning the rules, NPCs, music, or anything else, please post here so everyone can read.
Hugs and Kisses,