Author Topic: Facing Up  (Read 9369 times)

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Offline pinkroses

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Re: Facing Up
« Reply #30 on: June 02, 2011, 04:31:21 PM »
Dominik knew he should have left the night when he first tried to go, but he hadn’t been able to resist her embrace and once he was back in the warm bed with her body curled around his, everything he knew he should be doing at the office and at home just disappeared from his mind. He could tell when she was finally asleep - her breathing became more steady and she relaxed in his hold and that was when he should have gone, but no, he’d stayed, intending it to be just a few more minutes, but he’d dropped off eventually as well as he mind ran over everything he had to do, trying not to think about just how contended he felt at that moment.

This was what he wanted. To be able to go to sleep with her there and wake up finding her so peaceful and angelic. He knew there was a monster within, but she controlled it so well, and she had strength to succeed in every aspect of her life. He wondered sometimes if he should just let her go, whether he was holding her back from finding what she really wanted and needed and was just with him because he was there. They could never be really together, his life was going to be so much shorter than hers, it wouldn’t be fair to her. If they had children, they would be shifters, and could he do that to her?

Still partly asleep, Dominik gave a happy sounding murmur, his toes curling up as her foot ran over his leg and her soft cheek rested against his chest. He didn’t want to disturb her… or himself really. In the winter it would be much harder for her to wake him up so easily, he had to have several alarms scattered around the bedroom to ensure he got up.

“Mm, you got eggs? I can do eggs if you do the toast,” he replied huskily, lifting his head slightly to kiss the top of her head. “No chance of bacon in this house?” he added in a jokey voice, poking her in the side softly, but turning it into a smooth caress, enjoying being able to savour her soft shapes. This was a wonderful way to wake up every day - something he was usually only able to do on the odd day he had off.

The young werewolf Carrie was worried about had woken up early that morning and got up straight away. He had meant what he’d said the night before, he wanted to get himself somewhere. Being handed a job in a coffee shop by someone who felt sorry for him, who’d been told to look after him, that wasn’t what he wanted. But he was going to go to the Oligarchy and take his CV. Maybe he would have to ask Dom about who he had to speak to, but he was going to do this right.

He’d found a pad of paper and a pen and was writing out notes in the living room, curled up on the sofa. He intended on asking Carrie if he could use her computer a little later to type it up, and maybe ask her how to make it look professional. After all, she was the business woman, someone who hired and fired people. Sable didn’t have much experience, but he’d worked in a couple of restaurants, a coffee shop, and he guessed he wouldn’t get anything much more than that kind of work, but even that would be good enough for him. He wanted to learn more about the Oligarchy and the kind of work they did there and working there would be a great way to do that.


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Re: Facing Up
« Reply #31 on: June 03, 2011, 01:29:43 PM »
With all the maturity she\'d gained in her nearly forty years of life, she scrunched up her face and stuck out her tongue at him. "You know better," she said once the appendage had retreated to the confines of her mouth again. "I have eggs, but not bacon." As most vegetarians, she would eat eggs and milk, but drew the line at stuffing the flesh of once living animals in her mouth.

  ...Except once a month when she was tossed a haunch of meat from a once living cow to gnaw on. By that point in her transformation, though, the part that made her Carrie - her consciousness - was hidden so far away from the wolf that she didn\'t know that about herself.
She stole a kiss from him and then rolled out of bed, intending to get dressed. Carrie made a show of slowly pulling on her bra and underwear, then turned around to wiggle her ass at him, looking over her shoulder to make sure he was watching. She laughed at his expression and then shimmied her way to her closet to find something to wear for the day. Deciding on a pair of jeans and a navy v-necked shirt, she looked casual and comfortable. And happy, but that was the smile and color in her cheeks doing that.
  "Ready whenever you are," she declared. She\'d wait for Dominik to clothe himself before opening the bedroom door.

Offline pinkroses

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Re: Facing Up
« Reply #32 on: June 16, 2011, 08:34:37 AM »
Dominik stretched out on the bed, watching his lover dress with a docile expression on his face. She was stunning and all he wanted to do was drag her back into bed and keep her there - but they both had things to do and he had to have a word with Sable, help the boy find work in the Oligarchy. Once she was dressed Dom followed suit, slipping out of the warmth of the bed and dressing in the clothes he had worn the night before, but before he allowed her to leave her wrapped his arms around her, snuggling his cheek against hers.

“Come to dinner with me. Friday night, the full moon will be over, Sable will hopefully be sorted with work, we can properly relax for a while. You can stay over mine, away from the boy. More than just a few snatched hours in bed,” he murmured in a husky voice, stroking her dark hair lovingly. He wouldn’t be satisfied until he got her agreement and the two made their way downstairs.

Sable was surprised to see the shifter, but didn’t let it show on his face and Dom made no comment on it either. The Oligarch cooked swiftly and well, settling on making an omelette after eyeing up Carrie’s fridge dubiously. It would have been better with some bacon, ham or sausage in it, but he made no further comment on it. As he cooked Som and Sable talked - the boy somewhat warily, but he was pleased Dom would help point him in the right direction. Carrie agreed to help Sable with his CV, although Dom didn’t think it would be necessary. Sable still wanted to do it.

The young were took his meal separately once them had discussed what would be done and Dom and Carrie ate quietly together before the shifter had to go back to work. There was much to be done still, but, like always, Dom would get it done and afterwards he could relax with Carrie. For a short while at least. There was always another full moon to come.