BEN HAD MADE IT BACK to the Chambers long before Kerr returned home, wihch was a relief. It gave him time to think, however, of how their conversation could have gone should he have come back late with Kerr already at the penthouse, and when faced with a simple question of; What did you do tonight?
Kerr was by no means a jealous boyfriend, and not terribly possessive, but he wasn\'t as trusting as he could\'ve been by now, thanks to the slippery slope they\'d climbed to finally get here, in this romance they now had. Ben trusted Kerr completely, for he was the kind of man to be loyal to a fault. He\'d been loyal to his \'family\' of Sawyl and his mothers, that band of merry misfits who\'d abused him no end. He\'d then been loyal to Ben, even though there\'d been many a problem, to the point where Ben had been co-sired by another vampire - who he didn\'t remember.
It was probably best, then, to confess his whereabouts when Kerr returned. He\'d visited Ichabod, and he was going to say so. He had a suspicion that he\'d made Ichabod angry enough at the end to have texted Kerr with the fact Ben had shown up uninvited at the apartment. Maybe he hadn\'t done so, but Ben could still see such a thing happening. It made sense, therefore, to beat him to it. Ben would tell Kerr what he was up to, before he was \'caught\'. It was a gift for Kerr, that Ben would try and repair the relationship with himself and Ichabod, but because things had ended badly, he would be better off giving the concept of his gift tonight.
It would free Kerr up to visit Jenna every week, he thought. Or Cain, if she wasn\'t available, Ben figured with a hint of tartness.
He was on the lounge when Kerr came home, stretched out and reading. When Kerr entered the apartment proper, Ben sat up and peered over the back of the lounge, the book closed on his lap.
"Hey, how\'d your night go?" he asked, careful not to call it a date.