Author Topic: Ransom Clarke  (Read 7269 times)

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Offline skeggsismad

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Ransom Clarke
« on: July 19, 2011, 02:52:08 AM »
Name: Ransom Huckleberry Clarke, but because he is ashamed of his unusual name he goes by Eric

Age [appearance]: Anywhere from the age range of 18-22. He looks like a young adult, matured from teenagehood but not quite up to par with the physical standards of someone middle aged, and a bit too youthful-seeming to look 25 or 27.

Age [actual]: 22, born September 8th, 1990

Gender: Male

Sex: Male

Occupation: Freelance painter and odd jobs

Species: Non-preternatural Human

Awareness of Supernaturals:


Injury: Yes

Turning/cursing: Ask.

Killing . Ask, but this isn’t off-limits. Obviously being a new character and my only character I want to keep Ransom in the game for a while, and there are plenty of things that could be done to him that are just as bad as death without outright killing him, but if you have a brilliant idea don’t hesitate to pass it by me, regarding anything really.

Appearance: Ransom has a small frame and distinctive eyes that are partially sunken in appearance. He looks like he is tired frequently because of the ‘bags’ under his eyes, but it is mostly just because of the shape of his face. He has high cheekbones and thick, pouty lips. Ocean blue eyes pop out from his face and he’s often described as ‘boyish’. Thick, curly auburn colored locks flow down to just above his shoulders and he keeps his facial hair cleanly shaven. His expressions are hollow; he doesn’t smile often and isn’t animated when he communicates other than flustered blushes and his clumsy attempts to hide it behind lockets of hair. His voice is of a higher pitch than most men but still within normal range.Sometimes when he speaks, Ransom slurs his words together in mumbles and sounds as if he’s stoned; mostly, though, he\'s just hoping the other person won\'t hear what he\'s saying due to his immense fear of saying the wrong thing. Apparel is cheap and plain for him; Ransom doesn’t try to dress fashionably, but what he does wear generally looks presentable and clean. He is always carrying around a knapsack with his sketchpad and drawing pastels/pencils. When he has been out painting he’ll often have a roundish large carrying case where he keeps his folded up easel and paint, and on these occasions, he’s often holding the canvas in his other hand with a lightweight black cover to protect it from any external dirt and decay.

Height weight ratio: 5’9/147lbs.

Personality: Right from the moment you meet him you can tell that Ransom is a nervous fellow. He blinks a lot and is twitchy when you get too close to him. Although he is learning to get over his phobia of being touched from experience, he is still rather awkward about the simplest platonic hug.

Ransom’s passion lies in art and he’s rather excellent and what he does. Ransom paints mostly people and surroundings and doesn’t like to dabble much in the experimental sorts of paintings that are just colors and shapes. There’s a different side of him that comes out when he is painting, as he can come off as much more confident and chatty because he is in a peaceful, freer place. Ransom believes that painting is the one thing he is good at and prides himself in it; it offends him if someone tries to insist otherwise because he pours all that he is into his work in an almost childish way. To sustain this hobby of his he will do nearly anything; lie, steal, trickery…Ransom has done countless things to retain his one joy and will continue to act immorally to salvage it if necessary.

Elsewise, Ransom has no real motivation to misbehave or act out of the bounds of normal behavior. If anything, the young man craves to be normal and tailors his actions to whatever seems the most appropriate at the time. When other people behave out of line he is often embarrassed by their actions as if he were the one committing the faux pas. Ransom holds a rather strong philosophy of blending in and not drawing any attention to oneself in any circumstances, and can become shaken if he’s put in a position that requires him to do so. Heaven forbid that anyone dare to criticize or assert that a behavior of his isn’t quite typical besides his artistic skills, or the persons suggesting so is likely to be met with a rather volatile and standoffish reaction when Ransom insists he is completely normal.

Introverted, he does best when he is alone and rarely spends time around people outside of getting money or using them as subjects to paint upon. He has never had a real romantic relationship and as for friends they have been at surface level. In his adult life he has known more acquaintances than he has anything else. When he talks about subjects he tends to talk about things that are happening in the present or future- rarely does he talk about his own past willingly. To others who question his history he wipes it off with the simple phrase such as ‘I can’t remember’ or ‘I don’t know’. Ransom doesn’t like sharing his past with others and will go to great lengths to hide it from people, no matter how close a relationship gets, perhaps out of an subconscious fear that were he to confess the truth to another person, they wouldn’t believe him just like his mother didn’t, and any faith in himself he’d built up might quickly disintegrate after that occurred.

When he is forced to interact with people outside of his hobby, a funny thing happens: you can see through Ransom as if he were wearing an invisibility cloak. It’s impossible to hide his sort of nervousness and mental disturbances. Once someone sees it, if they know how to handle someone who’s likely heading for a mental breakdown, they might be able to break through the surface and have a DECENT conversation with him. Decent doesn’t mean necessarily normal…but Ransom’ll let on quite more than he feels comfortable with when he’s under pressure.

Furthermore, whenever an uncomfortable subject presents itself and Ransom feels like he has no other choice but to confront it, the human can get erratic. Outbursts of fury in an attempt to intimidate the threat and get the person the hell away from him often occur, but they are more verbal than they ever are physical. If you do something he doesn’t like, he won’t communicate it to you in a clear way until he absolutely cannot stand it anymore and as a result he freaks out about it. Ransom can’t seem to control it and feels a substantial amount of guilt and shame for it afterward, but still fully expects that the person DOESN’T do that ONE thing again that bothered him. Rather than to solve an interpersonal conflict, Ransom is more apt to leave and part for clearer, people-free waters where he doesn’t have to answer to anyone. Certainly he grows tired and lonely of this after great lengths of being alone, no matter how high his tolerance is for being in solitude- and yet he still has a hard time admitting to himself and others that every once and a while…he does need a friend.

Often, Ransom is self-centered, thinking of others only when it would benefit himself. It's possible that due to this, Ransom is entirely incapable of real love, since any attachments he does have to people tend to be about how they make him feel and not necessarily about their wellbeing. He also chronically fails to take responsibility for his own mistakes and actions, preferring to shuffle things under the rug than to own up to them.

Offline skeggsismad

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Re: Ransom Clarke
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2011, 06:48:34 AM »
History: He grew up in a single parent family unit with two brothers and one sister in Colorado Springs, Colorado; Ryker was five years his elder, Truett was four years his elder and Griffin two years younger, making Ransom the middle child. His mother, Emily Clarke, was an alcoholic for the good first five years of his life, and because of this they were poor…dirt poor. The only way that it was managed for them to survive was the assistance of neighbors and kind church folk. Ryker would take care of his siblings and every Sunday they would attend church to get the hand-outs of clothes and food they needed to sustain themselves. They were taught about God and the thought of it all gave Ransom hope, but this was set out like a dying cigarette when Truett explained to him that if there was a God, things like their life wouldn’t happen. His faith was shattered there and he realized that even though he wanted to believe, it wasn’t true. Religion and spirituality was lost on him.

His home life was always hectic, mostly attributed to his mother’s neurotic habits. As Ransom grew he became more and more ashamed of who he was, and how odd his family was; he was always that stinky kid in the back of the room that hadn’t showered for days, in filthy clothes who never talked and that none of the kids liked. Emily would go through the boys’ bedrooms and look through all of their stuff drunkenly…there was never any privacy, never any moments alone; that may have been what triggered Ransom to become so introverted and develop a loner mentality. He has always felt uncomfortable in crowds or if he is being stared at…most times Ransom would try to find somewhere quiet to be and hide from his mother’s loud incoherent drabbling. He had strong beliefs as a child that helped him zone out of his life into a fantasy world; for example when he was four years old he recalls thinking that he really could levitate if he thought hard enough about it. It never worked, but he could sit in a corner and try for hours and hours.

Ransom always wanted to be an artist- he liked to paint and would take the coloring books that would sometimes be handed out on Christmas and draw outside of the lines, creating what he felt were masterpieces. No one really explained to him that it would be impossible for him to ever make it as an artist due to the background he came from and the lack of money, so he really believed that he would achieve this someday. This skill of his was one of the only things teachers at school would emphasize was a ‘good’ trait of his, and so he began to grow on the idea that in order to be good he had to be good at painting, which ultimately led to his perfectionist tendencies.

At about sixteen, Ransom couldn’t take living in his house anymore so he ran away and married an older woman (she was about 25) whom he had met online. He knew that by doing this his mother wouldn’t be able to control him anymore, and because she wanted to get rid of him she did sign the parental consent papers. He played the woman and tried to keep her happy while moving on to step two of his plan- he wanted to get settled in a different city so they moved to the nameless city and she bought them a tiny penthouse together. He was able to start his career as a painter here and began selling custom portraits, though a bit unsuccessfully.

The downfall of the relationship was that Ransom wouldn’t sleep with his wife. He had problems with physical intimacy and even though she would cheat on him continuously Ransom pretended not to notice. He was using her for a place to stay and support so her seeing other people didn’t really bother him, but once she caught on to his lack of interest she filed for divorce and roughly two years of ‘marriage’ or rather, playing house, he was on his own again with little money and no place to go.

He kept trying to paint and live by that, moving in with several middle aged couples in a crammed apartment which was all he could afford at the time. He was forced to move out after the couple split up and has spent the past couple years jumping from room mate to room mate, encountering more and more problems as time wears on.

Awareness of Supernaturals: Vaguely aware of a 'paranormal' presence in town. He's not had much direct contact with supernaturals, and even in the few situations he did, he was quick to dismiss his suspicions and bury any knowledge of another world.

Offline skeggsismad

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Re: Ransom Clarke
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2011, 06:51:33 AM »

Thread Tracker
This thread tracker is ordered chronologically, with the first thread labeled number one and continuing from that point on. The thread tracker is NOT ordered by the date that the thread was made or concluded.

1.TITLE: The Carnival of Animals
PLAYERS: Ransom Clarke (Skeggsismad) and Isabella; NPC ( Satyr)
SYNOPSIS: Ransom visits Heartfelt Antiquities empty handed and after chatting with Isabella, leaves with the possibility of a future client.
STATUS: Completed

2.TITLE: Under the bridge downtown
PLAYERS: Ransom Clarke (Skeggsismad), Isabella (Satyr's NPC) and  Helena Cavalier (Satyr)
STATUS: Completed

3.TITLE: Take me all the way
PLAYERS: Ransom Clarke (Skeggsismad), Isabella (Satyr's NPC) and  Helena Cavalier (Satyr)
STATUS: Discontinued

4.TITLE: The If the floor could swallow
PLAYERS: Ransom Clarke (Skeggsismad) and Samuel Taylor (Existentially Odd)
SYNOPSIS: Ransom chats it up with a stranger waiting for the train touching on some topics that eventually leaves him in tears and alone on the bench.
STATUS: Completed

5.TITLE: Blackout
PLAYERS: Ransom Clarke (Skeggsismad) and Reeves (WorstEvangelist)
STATUS: Discontinued

6.TITLE: Patient Confidentiality Indeed
PLAYERS: Ransom Clarke (Skeggsismad) and Brianna (Idrial)
SYNOPSIS: Ransom's therapist gives him an envelope with instructions on a time and a place to meet Brianna, a woman who promises an alternative therapy treatment to his woes. They get to know each other through a trust exercise and arrange to meet again at a later date.
STATUS: Complete

7.TITLE: Dark Was The Night
PLAYERS: Ransom Clarke (Skeggsismad),  (Annalas) George Mitchell  and Tom (Thomas) King (Annalas)
SYNOPSIS: Ransom is abandoned by a client at the club Pompei. He is approached by Tom and his boyfriend Georg and after a brief conversation he is offered a ride home.
STATUS: Complete

8.TITLE: Cold Was The Ground
PLAYERS: Ransom Clarke (Skeggsismad),  (Annalas) George Mitchell  and Tom (Thomas) King (Annalas)
STATUS: In progress

6.TITLE: Same Deep Waters
PLAYERS: Ransom Clarke (Skeggsismad) and Brianna (Idrial)
SYNOPSIS: Ransoms meets Brianna at the library to see what is next in his alternative therapy.
STATUS: In progress