"No," Kerr answered lightly, his voice rising to an airy octave as he remained determinedly casual. Part of him was certain that Jenna was more interested in Sebastian than she was letting on - the slowing down of her body now that she was left with just him was testament to that - but most of him wasn\'t sure he wanted confirmation.
It was silly, really, and selfish, too - he recognised it on a conscious and very logical level. He had Ben and Ichabod in love with him, how fragile was his ego that he wanted to retain Jenna\'s emotions, too? It made complete sense for her to move on, since they were no longer together... but their weekly outings - even after a two year break - felt so natural that he was comfortable with the thought that she hadn\'t. He was certainly still smitten by her and loved her, why shouldn\' she continue feeling almost the same, as he did?
Still, he couldn\'t resist digging, his mouth spitting out words that his brain hadn\'t had a chance to screen and approve before they were out there and spoken aloud. "I only just met him while I was waiting for you - thankfully you missed my instinctive bowing to him. It\'s just my first impression that he\'s nice. He\'s certainly enthusiastic about the world and the city, which doesn\'t always happen in beings who\'ve been around two thousand years."
He deliberately dropped Sebastian\'s age at the end for effect, to see if he could draw her out with that little tidbit, eyeing her off in his peripheral vision. He wasn\'t sure of the ancient\'s true age, of course, just that he felt extremely old. Very much like Lazarus, in fact, whom everyone could label as two thousand and eleven, given his creation story.
Sebastian felt to be that old to Kerr, though he didn\'t think any older. It was a difficult thing to judge, however, for beyond the age of a thousand, most vampires felt the same to him - to be revered and worshipped, regardless of their personality, simply because they were so aged.