Kerr smiled at Vomas as he sat down on one of the two comfortable chairs opposite him, positioned on the other side of his desk. Although it was quite a formal situation, Kerr wasn\'t in a formal mood and this was evidenced by the fact that he was wearing jeans with a teal-coloured button-up shirt tucked into them. And no shoes. In fact, his right leg was tucked in against his bottom and his left foot was resting on the base of his executive chair, too.
He and Ben had been out on their weekly date (he always made a night for Ichabod and a night for Ben, to keep it balanced) when they\'d got home and he\'d got a message from Jake. It\'d seemed urgent so he\'d wandered down sans shoes to listen to what had got his Oligarch so het up. Jake had just left the offce after telling him, so before he went back upstairs to Ben, he figured he might as well share it with Vomas and had called him in. It was almost three in the morning so he counted himself lucky to catch his other Oligarch before he retired for the night.
"Hey, thanks for coming," he smiled his greeting as Vomas got comfortable. He glanced down as he spoke, for there was paper and a pen in front of him, where he\'d made some notes that he was going to speak from now. "I got a call from Jake and wanted to give you a heads-up. Apparently, the city is currently playing host to some sort of big-wig vampire council from Russia, as of tonight. I don\'t know which ones, exactly, Jake seemed all excited and if you wanted more details about their clan, ask him," he said wryly.
No longer needing his notes, Kerr sat back into his chair, causing it to bob comfortably back and forth as he began using his hands to talk, moving them around lazily to punctuate his continuing information.
"Anyway, the gist of it is that he wants us to host something for them - some sort of nice dinner or something. They have an entourage of mortals, familiars, lovers - the lot! Jake feels it\'s imperative we impress them by hosting something a little special here, in four nights\' time. If they\'ll come. Something... buffetish, for the humans, with some donors from here mingling, as well as some warm blood on offer, to impress them with our generosity. Everybody should be nice and friendly, dressed to impress and doing our best to understand Russian, from what I gather," Kerr said airily, rolling his eyes as he recalled Jake\'s very particular reference to etiquette and doing things the \'right\' way.
"Bah," Kerr then scoffed, giving a laugh, "it might well be something stuffy and boring, or it could be entertaining - either way, I figure it\'s a good chance to network so I want all of us there, me, my two oligarchs and their partners. I\'ll bring Ben and you can bring Sam - though I think we\'ll have to be sure to sit between them!" he chortled at his own joke, before he sobered and gave another dismissive shrug. "I dunno\' who Jake\'ll bring. Anyway, sound acceptable to you?" he queried blithely, looking expectantly at Vomas.