Author Topic: Shopping Spree  (Read 7066 times)

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Offline pinkroses

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Shopping Spree
« on: October 31, 2011, 07:52:27 AM »
William was rubbing a towel through his hair as he left the bathroom, already wearing a pair of well fitting dark denim jeans, but not shirt yet. He hadn’t quite decided what he should wear for this shopping trip - he didn’t want to make too much of an effort, but at the same time didn’t want Anna to think he didn’t care at all. Fuck, they were going shopping because she had been wearing the same set of clothes for half a month, she wouldn’t give a damn what he was wearing most likely.

He glanced across at the bed and gave a smile as he saw the redhead he’d been expecting to still be half asleep sitting upright, watching him. If anyone who didn’t know the pair could see this scene they would probably have no trouble believing Will and Indie were a couple who’d enjoyed a night of sex filled fun before falling asleep in each other’s arms - Indie certainly had the bed hair for it. But no, just a cuddle and then sleep, for his companion at least. As usual Will had barely slept a wink, although he’d stayed with Indie all night.

After waving a couple of options in Indie’s direction (not because he gave a damn what Indie thought of how he looked though, oh no) Will settled on a soft cotton black button up shirt, which was currently undone and worn over a white t-shirt. He’d slipped on a pair of supple leather boots and as always wore a silver cross hanging from a sturdy chain around his neck, although that was soon tucked under his t-shirt, hidden away.

Without thinking about it, before he left William knelt on the edge of the bed to lean over and press a quick kiss against Indie’s cheek.

“I’ll only be a couple of hours hopefully, kid. Plan something fun for us to do when I get back,” he said with a grin as he straightened up before heading out the back way into the garage. After a moment’s deliberation he took the car instead of the bike, taking into consideration how much stuff they might actually end up with and headed into the city centre.

He took almost no time to find a parking space which was in the best spot for not having to carry things too far from the shops, then headed in the opposite direction. There was no way he would have told Anna to meet him here, they would never have found each other, so just a few minutes later the blonde was in the park, stood under Anna’s huge tree, unsurprised to find he’d beaten her here. He’d always been an early riser and even with vampiric speed, his car had made the journey that little bit faster. The mall wasn’t that close to the park, but he knew the way well enough and they could get there quickly. It was easier shopping there than on the city streets where you could find yourself blocks away from the shop you\'d planned on ending up in so easily. He was planning on driving Anna home with her goods afterwards, whether she protested or not.


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Re: Shopping Spree
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2011, 05:58:38 PM »
As she neared the giant oak, she could sense that William had arrived before her. What she couldn\'t sense, though, was another vampire with him, and it surprised her. She\'d prepared herself for the inevitable presence of the redhead - given all his talk of we and us - and had decided to ignore him if he showed. Now that it didn\'t seem as if he would, she wouldn\'t have to bother, and it triggered a rare smile that she still possessed when she stepped into the clearing.

"I am here," she announced needlessly, coming to a stop in front of her sire. She was wearing exactly what she had for all the months she\'d lived near the city. At this point, she couldn\'t remember exactly where the tank top, jeans and hiking boots had come from, but she figured she\'d scavenged them like she did most things in her possession. Her hair was tied back in a braid, though a few strands had come loose as she ran and she tucked them behind her ears as she looked at William.

"Where are we going?" she asked, tilting her head to the side like a curious owl.

Offline pinkroses

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Re: Shopping Spree
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2011, 08:01:55 AM »
“So you are,” William replied with a smile and a slight bow of his head to his fledgling as she appeared before him. He’d felt her approaching but had stayed where he was, wanting her to feel like they were on her ground - for a little while at least.

“We’re going to the shopping mall, I didn’t think you would want to linger over shopping and that has everything we would need all within easy reach,” William explained, gesturing for him to walk with him as he headed off, setting a good pace.

“Have you fed yet? I don’t mind waiting for you to drink if you want?” he asked as they moved, looking sideways at her, pleased that she seemed to be a good mood tonight.


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Re: Shopping Spree
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2011, 05:35:08 PM »
With humans and even some vampires, she\'d found she could detect their surface thoughts with some effort. Mostly, they appeared to her as fragments of thought and images, but combined, they usually gave her a strong picture of what the person was thinking about. It was incredibly useful when they made reference to something she was unfamiliar with (but also vastly confusing when someone said one thing, and was thinking another).

However, when she reached out to brush against William\'s mind to get an idea of what a shopping mall would look like, she encountered nothing but an impenetrable wall. She wasn\'t surprised by it, per se, just made curious. Like a child told not to go touch the bucket of Halloween candy until after dinner, she wanted to know what William had hidden behind  his wall. What was he truly thinking when he spoke to her?

She dragged herself away from her contemplations when he asked her whether or not she\'d fed yet, and she nodded. "Not tonight, but last night," she clarified, then offered him an image of the young man with purple hair who\'d stopped beneath her tree to light a cigarette that smelled nothing like tobacco. "It made my head fuzzy," she ruminated with a grin.

Offline pinkroses

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Re: Shopping Spree
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2011, 05:58:50 PM »
William had put up his mental blocks to keep people from searching his thoughts instinctively, they were always there, ready, even when no one was around. He felt the tiny brush from Anna, trying to find out something, but didn’t try to find out what or give her anything. If there was something she wanted to know she could ask, and she gave up pretty quickly so he guessed it wasn’t all that important.

He was happy to accept incoming messages though, and gave a chuckle at the image she presented him with, complete with that delicious scent.

“You’ll be hunting out people who have been shooting up next,” he said, smiling himself at the look on her face. It was nice to see her branching out a little, even if it was in the tiniest way. She was here tonight though, and going to an area he bet she hadn’t visited yet so that would all be little steps.

It didn’t take them long to reach the mall, the crowds growing steadily thicker as they grew closer and  William lead Anna into the huge building filled with shops of varying sizes. Three floors of fake marble floors, dancing fountains, busy coffee shops and people who couldn’t seem to talk at a normal volume. There was the smell of food, perfume, musty clothes, people at varying degrees of freshness. At least at this time of night there weren’t all that many children being dragged around.

William paused after guiding Anna off to one side so they weren’t blocking the entrance to the shopping mall, his grey eyes fixed on her, wondering how she would react to all this. William loved being near crowds, watching everything that was going on, but they were going to have to get into them here.

“What do you think?” he asked softly.


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Re: Shopping Spree
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2011, 08:21:28 PM »
Her good humor had started evaporating as they ventured farther into the mall. It\'d been one thing to visit Risk, where she\'d been almost totally focused on her anger for her sire, but quite another to be forced to actually contend with all the noises, smells and sounds that went along with being in a crowd.

She leaned into William and peered at every passerby like a suspicious dog taken out for the first time. She at least had the decency not to sniff at them.

"There are so many of them," she said, awestruck (and more than a little overwhelmed) by the gathering of humans. That was another difference. There had been equal numbers of humans and supernatural creatures at the club. Here, they were outnumbered. Greatly so. "It\'s like a farm. Cattle, sheep," she observed with a growing smile. "Easy pickings."

She\'d already forgotten what they were really there for.

Offline pinkroses

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Re: Shopping Spree
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2011, 06:03:36 PM »
The blonde slipped his arm around his fledgling’s waist as she huddled close to him, guiding him towards a shop he saw a few young women walking out of clutching a pile of bags. It had a few promising looking mannequins  in the window as well, tall, a bit too skinny, but the clothes weren’t all incredibly fancy.

“You’d think. Not in a place like this though. Too many people and not enough places to sneak off to with your sheep,” he said with a grin across at Anna. “The city as a whole though, it is all incredibly easy. No need to go hungry,” he said, remembering a few times they had struggled just after she had been sired. A few nights he’d let her drink from him, just to keep her from going crazy whilst they tried to find people, when all the animals seemed to have disappeared for the cold seasons. Yes, it had made her stronger, but what she had needed then was quantity, not quality. They had survived though, they were both here now.

“In here,” he said, guiding the fledgling into the shop, which seemed even more packed than the walkways outside. Here the people were squeezing past each other, past rails crammed with clothing. William glanced at Anna again, eyeing her up and realised he had no idea what size clothes she would need. As a worker wandered past straightening the racks Will’s hand shot out and he grasped her upper arm gently.

“We need a personal shopper. One who can follow an instruction, who won’t offer more opinions than they’re asked,” he said in a firm voice. He girt stared at him for a moment, he could see she was going to tell him they didn‘t have personal shoppers here (which they didn‘t), then she nodded and scurried off to find the manager who she was sure would find someone to do the job well. Someone asking for a personal shopper would probably be spending quite a bit.

This wasn’t the kind of shop William was used to - he liked designer clothes, or outfits made just for him. But Anna wouldn’t care about a label - if they had trouble finding things to fit he could take her somewhere more expensive where they would tailor things for her, but they could try here first.

“He’s here to help, be nice,” he murmured to Anna as a young man with a broad smile appeared beside them.

“I understand you need a bit of help, Sir?” he said cheerily, probably just relieved to be off the tills for a little while. William sized him up for a moment, human, not too bright, but very enthusiastic. And judging by the shoes which were the only item not regulation uniform, he had good enough taste.

“My friend here needs some clothes, whole outfits, nothing dressy, every day where, but we’re both a little clueless when it comes to dressing women, or what sizes she will need,” William said, using the arm around Anna’s waist to guide her forwards, giving her a little squeeze before releasing her so the young man could see what he was dealing with. William knew Anna might not like being gawked at like a piece of meat, but they both wanted to get out of here quickly/ The human’s mouth dropped open slightly upon noticing her height, but the look of surprise was quickly replaced by the grin again.

“We’ll see what we can do,” he said, heading for the racks and gesturing for the two vampires to follow him as he began picking seemingly random items and draping them across his arm. William followed at a more sedate pace, content to let him get ahead.

“Do you see anything you especially like?” he asked his fledgling, wondering if she’d even bothered to glance around at the clothes.


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Re: Shopping Spree
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2011, 06:47:02 PM »
Instead of glowering at the boy like William might\'ve feared, she stared at him with her eyebrows drawn, wondering how on Earth he could possibly be of any use to them. There\'d been talk of personal shoppers and how she needed clothes, but it wasn\'t until she dipped into his mind that she fully understood his purpose. He was picturing her in everything he passed, dismissing things as too this or too that, judging the style and coloring in such a rapid-fire manner that she had trouble keeping up with his thoughts. The things he believed would work for her went onto his arm, and then he was off again.

Anna was so entranced by his behavior that she nearly missed the question William asked her. "No," she answered, because she hadn\'t looked around except to inspect the racks the boy had swept past already. She didn\'t have an opportunity to do so, either, because their personal shopper approached them with his arms full and then directed Anna toward a fitting room.

She hesitated, looking back at her sire with a puzzled expression, but with some encouragement from them both, she went inside and closed the door behind her. Although William hadn\'t given him credit for being very bright, the lad was good at his job, and everything Anna tried on fit. She took a particular liking to a red silken shirt that buttoned up and a pair of dark blue jeans, wearing them out with a pair of black boots. They wouldn\'t be nearly as functional as her hiking boots, but William promised they\'d find some to replace the ones stuffed in a bag with her old clothing.

"You should not have given me all this," she said ruefully after they left the store, lifting one of the many bags she\'d hung on her arms. There was no way she\'d be able to wear every outfit William had purchased for her over the course of two weeks, and it seemed unnecessary, but her sire had insisted. She\'d eventually agreed that the more they purchased now, the less likely it was they\'d have to come back to the shopping center, but for a woman who\'d worn the same thing for several months - it was a difficult thing to swallow.