Samuel wasn\'t entirely sure what he was doing here. He shouldn\'t have arrived early - just to ensure he could get the table he and Gene had originally sat at - because, although his intention had been honourable (and he\'d successfully nabbed the corner table and made sure it had two stools at it), it had allowed him time to get nervous. And feel guilty.
Vomas didn\'t know he was here and that was eating at him. As much as Gene hadn\'t been the cheating type when they\'d first met and he\'d scorned that, now he was in a similar position and he understood it completely. Well, a similar position, but not exactly the same. Three nights before, Vomas had come to his aprtment in the Chambers and told him that they no longer had to sneak around and pretend they were nothing to each other. His boss had even slept in his bed with him through the day, which he\'d never anticipated happening. But they weren\'t in an official relationship like Gene had been with Orias.
When they\'d awoken, there\'d been more kisses (Sam wasn\'t sure he\'d ever get tired of those) and a casual sort of comfort level that had, oddly, made him more nervous than he\'d ever been in Vomas\' presence. It had been sweet and nice... but nothing concrete had been said. After they\'d finished work that second night there\'d been no contact either, and it made Sam question what the hell was going on. Vomas wasn\'t mad at him, for he\'d smiled at him when they\'d passed one another in the hallway and Sam had felt a gush of emotion so intense he\'d likely looked like a hopeful puppy when he returned it... but no visit, no phone call. He wasn\'t sure whether he should instigate the next step, whether he should ask exactly where they were situated, whether he should just let it ride.
Two nights later, however, he\'d made an unusual decision and called Gene as soon as he\'d woken up. They\'d talked for a little while and Sam had asked Gene if he\'d be able to meet him at Sticks and Stakes for a drink. There\'d been a hesitant silence, into which Sam had promised nothing untoward would happen, it was just one southerner inviting another out for a chin wag and a beer and Gene had agreed with a smile in his voice. Just thinking about that smile had caused Sam to begin doubting what he was doing, but he\'d gone ahead with it anyway.
A shower, some cologne, a pair of blue jeans, brown boots and a white T-shirt with a V-necked caramel cashmere sweater over it later and here he was, sitting and waiting for his friend to arrive. To talk. Thing was, he wasn\'t sure what he would say; "Hey there, Gene, I\'m sort of in a relationship with a vampire I have a huge crush on but I really like you, too and I just wanted to see which one of you I liked more before I went ahead and committed to him," wouldn\'t exactly cut it! Essentially, he was there just to establish that he was doing the right thing in risking his heart with Vomas, by being sure that letting Gene go was the right decision, but how would he know? A kiss? A bite? Sex? He certainly couldn\'t imagine himself doing any of that with Gene (which ought to have told him more than he wanted to know) but he had to be sure.
Vomas was a vampire, which meant that they automatically had a better prospect for a long term relationship than he did with Gene, but part of him had called the mortal tonight to spite that. He and his boss had had plenty of chances to progress and they hadn\'t (until two nights ago... sort of) and Sam had been thinking a great deal about Gene for a long while now. It didn\'t seem fair to give up on the mortal without being certain that it was the best decision... and as he spied the gorgeous blonde weaving around the pool tables and heading towards him at last, he smiled and stood automatically, suddenly thinking that it wasn\'t.
Gene appealed to him as someone with a familiar background and on some very fundamental levels - he had an intellectual adoration and respect for Vomas, whereas Gene made him lust just by smiling at him and he instantly wanted all sorts of dirty things he doubt he\'d ever even describe to the very proper Vomas. It was hard to resist that kind of pull and as Gene approached, murmuring his greeting, Sam got off his stool and stepped into the mortal\'s space, winding an arm around his waist and leaning in to kiss his cheek, inhale his scent and pull back slowly, with an intimate smile.
"It\'s good to see you again," he said honestly, still pressed shoulder to toea gainst Gene and reluctant to leave his personal bubble too quickly. It didn\'t help that he\'d been too caught up in his own head to drink anything tonight - and last night he\'d mostly spent organising a very expensive and dashing suit for the Russian dinner that was going to occur tomorrow night... in fact, he hadn\'t drunk anything in about four nights, now that he thought about it. No wonder Gene\'s blood smelled as good as he looked, just then. "You look gorgeous." He gave his compliment time to register and for a response to come before he reluctantly untangled himself and released Gene in order to go back to his stool.