Author Topic: Face To Face  (Read 20067 times)

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Offline pinkroses

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Re: Face To Face
« Reply #45 on: March 02, 2013, 08:34:37 PM »
Murphy gave a small smile as Ben stroked his cheek, although he was still regretting blurting out his thoughts. Ben’s shock dissipating helped his own panic start to fade, although he was a long way from the calm he’d reached a few moments earlier.

“No, you’re… you had other things, there were loads of reasons why not and I just never thought we’d… y’know, it wasn’t right.” He gave a small sigh, lowering his gaze to a spot on the pillow between them.

“But then you mentioned it and I just thought… I feel safe like this. I trust you completely and with this you want someone you can trust, cos it’s… it’s a big thing.” Something of an understatement perhaps, Murphy knew, but in his haze he wasn’t feeling particularly eloquent and he knew Ben would understand. And Ben had said he could. If he didn't want to sire him at all then he could have lied, he could have said he didn't think he was strong enough.

Offline Trillian

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Re: Face To Face
« Reply #46 on: March 03, 2013, 08:17:38 AM »
It was true, there used to be lots of other things getting in the way of his siring Murphy - and the fact he hadn't yet seen ten years as a vampire was the one that persisted.  Siring someone when he'd been a vampire for only eight years would've sounded ridiculous to him, if he'd heard it about someone else.  Being in this position though, it made sense to him.  He had nobody else that was close to him anymore - his sire and true love was dead.  He was facing eternity alone, and he'd believed that he would sire someone when he found the right person and was at the right age - but look at Vincent.  He'd had to wait six centuries before finding Owen, and not for lack of looking.  Vincent had made a passing comment that had implied to Ben that he'd been looking for someone to spend eternity with, a companion had been his word, and it was a word that suited Murphy.  Murphy was the perfect companion, and if he didn't sire him, there was a possibility that nobody else would, and he would watch his friend age, and die.  Worse, Murphy's mortality might strike at any time with a stupid accident, and then Ben would be alone and filled with regret.

"I always thought I would eventually sire someone," he began, needing to convey his thoughts out loud, because he respected Murphy to present him with the whole idea.  "And I realise that it's always going to be a gamble.  The timing isn't great right now, but I might never find someone else I connect with as well as you.  I might never find someone I want to share this connection with.  When I was looking for a sire, I didn't get it.  I was young and craved independance, but being sired takes independance away.  You become this baby bird, and you need someone who cares enough about you to look after you.  I would do that for you, I really would.  I want to.  My mental powers are shit right now, though, and even if I got permission to sire you, I'd have trouble training you.  But!" he said, lifting up his pointer finger between their faces.  "This academy I'm funding, it would help.  It would be clever to set up a class for fledglings who've lost sires, or with sires that left them without finishing their duty.  Or those with sires too young to properly train someone.  You and me both."

He paused to take in more breath, not to breathe but to finish speaking.

"We have to wait a couple of years though, for a few reasons," he said with a tiny smile, "the Academy needs to be set up and working.  I'm going to ask for permission now, for me to sire you down the line, so the powers that be can see that I'm not rushing anything, and... and I need time because... because Kerr died and I have to... I can't just jump into this.  I'm not ready for that," he said, stumbling over his words and hearing the tremor in his voice.  Sometimes, even he couldn't sound calm and collected depending on the nature of the emotion nipping at him.
INFUSCO : Ben : Hugh : Lan Bao : Mick : Todd : Vincent : Win :
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Offline pinkroses

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Re: Face To Face
« Reply #47 on: March 03, 2013, 08:22:57 PM »
Murphy returned his eyes to Ben’s to watch him as the blonde voiced his thoughts, taking it in and giving a small nod in the right places. They would have regretted doing it tonight, rushing into it like that. It was a bad time for both of them and running away from things to tumble straight into more problems wouldn’t help. But if Ben went and asked for permission, that would make it feel more real, give them time to prepare for it, knowing it would happen rather than it being an ‘if’ or a ‘maybe’.

“A couple of years sounds perfect for us,” Murphy said with a warm smile. It made sense for so many reasons to wait; getting help with training, letting Ben was more advanced himself, even just giving them both time to get used to the idea. And of course, Ben was still mourning. He would always mourn the loss of his sire and the man he loved, that would never go away. But with time, it would get better, little by little.

Murphy ran his fingers along Ben’s cheek, then into his hair, curling softly as Murphy leant forwards to brush a kiss against Ben’s cheek. He hated seeing anyone upset, but when it was Ben it was all the worse. Not just because they were so close, but also because Ben was so practised at hiding his emotions, seeing him let them slip out was unnerving.

“I know it’s hard, of course you need time,” he said softly, laying his head on the pillow beside Ben’s again. “You know I’m here whenever you need me. You’ll be alright. I promise, you’ll be okay. But it’s alright for you not to be right now. It’s normal.”

Offline Trillian

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Re: Face To Face
« Reply #48 on: March 03, 2013, 08:56:26 PM »
"Thank you," Ben whispered, feeling grateful and relieved, and all the better for talking about his future.  A future with his friend.  A future that didn't have to be lonely.
INFUSCO : Ben : Hugh : Lan Bao : Mick : Todd : Vincent : Win :
HALFLIGHT : Graille Min Sayer :