"Oh I'm aware of what his 80s hits are, not many request that Era from him however. Jut he's usually attached to those who like Elton John, Billy Joel, and other artists who can have a 70s feel to their music sometimes, even if he did start out in 66 with his music getting recognized, it had gotten a feel for the 70s before the 70s really arrived with certain tracks of his. It seems as if everyone just knows Space Oddity and nothing else sometimes. It's a shame really, he has a lot of good stuff and has done a lot more the how music has developed over the year than most people realize," He explained a bit, not expecting someone to point out that Space Oddity wasn't an 80s hit, "Figured I would give them a different song of his thats not only better, but still invokes the feeling of traveling the mystery that is space." And it was with that last thing he spoke where the scent of Drew's Drink caught him a bit off guard and threw him for a loop. The look on his face would have a mild perplexity to it, it didn't quite smell like an alcoholic drink but one that smelt metallic, it was a vague scent he normally smelt around this place, but now talking to someone who was drinking such a thing, made it more noticeable as a drink here for sure and not quite just a generic small of the bar.
Something seemed to click in his mind, he knew Vampire DNA was an option in the facility in ways of them discussing the pros and cons of what DNA they could try and use to give him his sight back and make him even a little bit more strong, he was also aware of the myths that everyone was in regards to what media showed to be a vampire, but he didn't actually think much of them being common or too terribly real, until now. He figured that was just the name the facility gave that DNA as a way to describe what it can help or harm with. From perplexed, to a realization, to sudden calmness. Drew had that 'off' feeling he noticed more often with people at nighttime than at daytime. He wondered something but wondered how to appropriately go about asking it.
"You know what? I can call off tomorrow, I rarely use sicks days anyway, is your offer for a drink still on the table?" He seemed to change his mind, he knew he was about to be more bold than he usually is with this man, and didn't want his nerves to get in the way of this, "By the way, I'm Dreki, whats your name?" Introducing himself seemed to be a good start on what to do next. Figured if an exchange of information was going to happen then knowing eachothers names would be a great start. He seemed to put a headphone in one ear of his as he quickly shot off an email on his phone, then removed it, putting both that and his phone in his pocket.