Powers/Abilities: Tess is a powerful witch who uses a few different schools of magic. Her main school of magic is Necromancy. Below will be a list of Tess's most common abilities and signature spells. This is not every spell she knows or can learn but should give people who play with her an idea of what she can do, including her limits and weaknesses.
Schools of Magic: Necromancy, Touch of Mirage, Enchantment, Divination, Pyrokinesis, Movement of the Mind
Pyrokinesis - The power to start, manipulate and control fire. She can summon a fire ball about the size of her hand but still has to connect it by throwing it. This is her one and only defense against vampires, and finds merely creating the fire is enough to deter attack. She can also extinguish fires, and manipulate current flames by color, size and shape.
Weakness: Tess struggles with this school of magic the most as fire is a form of life. It is the igniting of energy, and due to her deal with Lucifer she will only have limited potential.
Movement of the Mind - More commonly referred to as telekinesis, movement of the mind allows Tess to use her force of will to move objects with her mind. A very common form of magic, telekinesis is considered the "bread and butter" of Thane magic. At her current skill, Tess can move objects up to 200lbs, so a person or so. In her bag of tricks is a set of knives she loves to throw at people. She can use movement of the mind to levitate herself about six feet off the ground.
Weakness: Telekinesis is a very physically taxing magic, and too much use leaves Tess physically weak to attack. Also as with all her magic, the more she uses the more shattered her mind gets. She must pick and chose when to use this gift.
Divination - Divination is the ability to see into the past, present and future. Often called second sight, Divination involves a combination of divine intervention and the ability see into other words. Common ways Tess practices Divination includes Tarot cards, runes, receiving visions (premonitions), and fire seeing.
Weakness: Divination is unpredictable and her visions are often cryptic and have multiple meanings. It also requires time and effort, and can depend on how in favor she is with whatever deity she is invoking. Premonitions also exert a horrible physical tole including nose bleeds, convulsions and sometimes she can even stop breathing.
Touch of Mirage - The touch of mirage is more commonly thought as the magical practice of creating illusions. Illusions can be made to affect all five senses, so sound, sight, taste, touch, and smell. Illusions can be large, or very small. The more complicated the illusion the more of Tess's power it takes to project it. Tess can also make her illusions do damage, and someones weapons in this way.
Weakness: She can not make large illusions corporeal in this way. The scope of this power is vast, but limited in use as illusions can only affect things so much. Characters who had Auspex, Divination or another form of astral sight can see through her illusions. They also require a huge amount of power, leaving Tess drained and vulnerable to attack.
Enchantment - Enchantment is a delightful form of magic that can charm, intimidate, mind control, seduce, or fear. The basic principle of Enchantment magic is the aura of beings. Similar to the vampire Discipline Presence, Enchantment involves altering the caster's aura to produce effects, and also altering the auras of others.
Weakness: Enchantment spells require a large casting time, and lots of ingredients. Material components are sometimes hard to find, and if the spell is interrupted the time is wasted. Beings with Auspex, Forditude, or other forms of supernatural sight or resistance can have limited resistance based on age, skill level, etc.
Necromancy - Necromancy is the practice of interaction and matery over death, the dead, and the forces that connect this realm with much darker ones. Necromancy is learned in a variety of cultures and is not always a malevolent practice. However, Tess gains her Necromancy from Lucifer, and so it a dark art for her. Necromancy is Tess's most powerful and diverse form of magic and will be broken down by paths. There are many more paths than Tess currently knows, but as she learns new paths might appear.
Path of Spirits - the ability to see, interact with, and control spirits, wraiths, and ghosts. Tess can summon spirits from the afterlife as long as they are not in Heaven and bind them to her service for a period of time. When she casts any spell in this school her entire eyes turn black.
Path of Bones- the ability to raise the dead. This is not to be confused with resurrection as this is undeath and a perversion of life. Typically these spells make zombies, or skeletons. Tess can raise one or many. The more she raises the more power she needs. Souls of those in Heaven are unaffected.
Path of the Hidden- The ability to see into realms beyond the material. Hell, the void, the shadows are all realms that can be seen with this ability. This is also how she communicates with her patron.
Path of Rot- The ability to drain the life force of a living person, or plant and use that energy to cast spells, heal herself (grievous injuries require her to kill), or destroy the target. On mortals it causes aging. Fae and demons are immune. Dark angels age but only temporarily. Vampires rot. It will heal but requires time.
Path of the Screamer- This path channels the necromagic of fallen beauty. Even models become bloated, sunken in corpses, and so beautiful voices becoming terrifying ones. Also called the power of demon speech, Tess can manipulate her voice in a variety of ways, including a hyper sonic banshee scream.
Weakness: Necromancy puts a black mark on Tess's soul, letting powerful seers sense her dark nature. She had spells to hide this from all but the most powerful vampires and magic users. Dark Angels are resistant but not immune to Necromancy.