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Offline Saiketsu

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Re: Making Up For Lost Time
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2019, 11:30:58 AM »
He saw the flicker of amusement over her features and was thankful that that was all there was. Her consideration was the only reason he was able to search for the truth of her next question.

"Do you...want me to stop?"

What a complicated question it was. No, he didn't want her to stop. He wanted everything that she was willing to give him, including feeling his cock in her mouth, pushing down her throat. He wanted to have her catch eyes with him as she sucked on him. He wanted to feel himself burst in her mouth. But he didn't have the right to ask for such things. Not after everything she had been through. Besides, it was crude thing for women to do, wasn't it? They received no pleasure in the task and it was solely for the male's enjoyment. He didn't want something where he would be the only one enjoying it. That didn't seem right to him at all. His polite instinct was to say 'Yes, stop', but his wants - and his cock - wanted it more than anything. Neither answer felt correct for his own selfish reasons.

He hesitated again, mouthing the words without sound before the sound leaked from his throat, embarrassed and firm in conviction. "No, I don't." That feeling of needing to blush. He looked off at the corner of the room, finding her gaze too intimidating and kind. "But I... I don't want you... I don't want you to do anything... that... y-you don't... want to do."

Offline The Cedar Witch

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Re: Making Up For Lost Time
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2019, 11:38:30 AM »
Her heart was full of something like pride as he spoke.  The fact that they could have these conversations (no matter how awkward) meant so much to her.  She could tell it was difficult and wanted to shower his face with affectionate, reassuring kisses by the time he had finished.  But she was on her knees in front of him and that would definitely kill the mood.

This time she did laugh, eyes dancing and cheeks pink. 

"Oh, I want to."  Her voice was husky as she fidgeted again, squeezing her thighs.  "But only if you're okay."  While she was anxious to proceed, she was firm on giving space for him to change his mind.  Unconsciously her tongue darted across her lips, wetting them. 
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Re: Making Up For Lost Time
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2019, 11:49:17 AM »
Damien smiled and felt the feeling of a blush, trying to hide his face from her view - to no avail. It was all he could do to nod his head. Suddenly, his guilt and shame had less ground to stand on and began to crumble away as Damien's loins filled again with scorching desire.

Offline The Cedar Witch

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Re: Making Up For Lost Time
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2019, 12:51:40 PM »
There was that look again!  At his nod, a wide grin spread across her face and the mischief lept back into her eyes.  Rachel urged him to the edge of the couch with gentle tugs, unphased by any awkward stiffness in his movements.  That would all melt away soon enough.

She began with kissing the exposed skin of his abdomen, seeking the most sensitive areas and giving them more attention.  With a light hand she gripped his lower back, fingers occasionally dancing across his skin.  Intensely in-tune to his body and watching for any signs of discomfort, her lips traveled lower, moving over clothing and what lay beneath.  She teased him with her mouth, kissing him through his jeans and moving to his inner thighs and back.

Her mouth was watering.

With a quick glance back at his face to make sure he was still okay, she nudged his clothing lower, reached her hand in and pulled him out.  Her face flushed, she feathered her lips across his length, tongue darting out as she came to the tip.  She glanced back up at his eyes before gripping his hips and taking him slowly into her mouth.

It had been awhile.  Internally she made a joke about how it's just like riding a bike.  That almost made her laugh--which wasn't exactly what she wanted to do in this moment.  She had to focus a bit on relaxing her throat to accommodate him the way that she wanted to.  Gag reflex out of practice.  Or something like that.

One hand released his hip and she wrapped her fingers around the base of his shaft, hand traveling upward with a slight twisting motion following her mouth as she sucked.  Focusing on the movements of his hips, she let him guide the pace.  There was a point where her mind began to wander to places she did not want to go, but her senses were full of him and pulled her back into the present almost as soon as she left it.
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Re: Making Up For Lost Time
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2019, 09:00:48 AM »
There was no earthly way he could have been been prepared for her kiss on his hips. Her lips and tongue grazing his cool skin in such an impossibly fervid way made him forget any reason he had for hesitating. His groans were increasingly breathy and he was quickly losing control of his hips and all of his thoughts. All that was left was his want and the feeling of being present in his own skin.

He ached when her warm lips left his skin, taunting him through his clothing. When she finally released him from his clothing, Damien smiled into the couch cushion. His body made no attempt to hide the impatience of his writhing, his full-fledged desire. But it was her mouth on him that gave him the stillness he needed to enjoy. As she ran her lips and tongue up and down his length, Damien's hips slowed in their eagerness to match her focus, her hands feverishly warm. The flat of her tongue running over ever ridge and vein of him, that tongue darting against the underside of him. Damien ran his fingers through her hair as he groaned his pleasure.

The moment Rachel took him in, he gasped her name and gave into the sensation of her. It was something he had only imagined, wondered at, and was nothing like the reality of it. Soft lips gripped at his girth as she slid him further in (she had surprised him with the depths she could withstand), and hugged every curve of him. Tighter than being between her thighs, more pressure as she engulfed him, sucked on him deliberately. His jaw lay slack with the echo of his pleasure. A coil of tension was pulsing in his thighs, humming in his loins, but the attention she paid to his details had too much of his focus. Swept away with the intensity of the event, Damien placed eager grips into the roots of her hair. With unchecked yearning, he moaned her name.

He began to build, his erection growing stronger, harder, tension filling his groin. She teased him deliciously and he was surprised by how fast he was approaching his own pinnacle - mildly embarrassed by it, actually. Thoughts returned to him rapidly as he ascended closer and closer to coming, unacceptable thoughts of filling her mouth with his seed, thoughts of enjoying those thoughts. Sinful, selfish thoughts. He battled with himself for the briefest of moments, buying himself enough time to grapple onto Rachel's hands on his hip bones that pulled his body farther into her mouth, and give her the most hesitant of pushing pressure until she stopped. "Rache," he moaned concerningly, the pressure in his lower abdomen coiled like a spring, his voice thick with a forgotten accent usually well hidden. Hopefully, she would stop in time before he made too much of a fool of himself.

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Re: Making Up For Lost Time
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2019, 09:42:12 AM »
Each time he gripped her hair she let out a moan--through a mouthful--and continued with earnest.  Enrapt with the writhing, moaning, and thrusting, Rachel did not want to stop.  At the light push he gave her, she did stop, pulling her mouth off of him with a kind of gasping-pop.  The lust did not leave her gaze, but she was mindful of his hesitation.  Not knowing why.

"What is it?"  she asked softly, looking past where her mouth had been occupied, up into his eyes.  Her hands remained on his hips, a gentle grip.  It was difficult to keep her eyes on his, wanting to get to know every inch of him.  "Are you okay?"  She was very concerned about that, fighting against her own arousal to give him space as he needed it.
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Old things have strange hungers. - Catherynne M. Valente

Offline Saiketsu

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Re: Making Up For Lost Time
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2019, 09:56:09 AM »
When she released him from her mouth with such suddenness, he realized his mistake and smiled cautiously. His erection bobbed between them and Damien, despite his need to be considerate, very much enjoyed the view of his naked body sloping down towards her with a slick, throbbing cok near her wet, reddened lips. The lack of mouth on him was uncomfortable and his need for immediate orgasm was lessening by the second, slipping away from the edifice.

Once again, he was forced into that awkward place where a blush would have bloomed brightly on his cheeks. "I'm... close." She stared at him with a contained impatience and confusion. "I don't... I didn't want..." He stumbled, trying to express precisely what he meant without being awkward about it - and failing miserably. "If you keep going... I'm going... I'm..." He huffed in annoyance at himself with that feeling still in his cheeks. "I won't be... able to stop."

Offline The Cedar Witch

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Re: Making Up For Lost Time
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2019, 10:04:24 AM »
Oh, was that it? 

It was cute to watch him fight to speak while flustered.

"So?"  She planted one small kiss on the tip, maintaining eye contact, and her tongue darted out and traced a small circle.  "Do you not want that?"  Her voice was breathy and she kept her lips lightly against his shaft, moving with each slow-spoken word.  "Because I want that." 

There was a false sort of innocence in the look she gave him.  She squeezed her thighs together.
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Old things have strange hungers. - Catherynne M. Valente

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Re: Making Up For Lost Time
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2019, 03:25:38 AM »
He couldn't maintain eye contact with her, feeling a flood of things that forced him to look away and enjoy her praise to his shaft and head. Her words pushed another wave of arousal through him that made his thick member twitch against her tongue. He surprised himself with how affected he was by her statements. Each kiss was a tease and tentatively Damien allowed himself to want more.

She was still looking up at him when her lips slid down over his head and pulled on him with a moan the reverberated deep into his groin. He gasped and Rachel continued her frenzied rhythm again, building him to the edge of the peak where he had been before. There was still a part of him that didn't feel right about doing this to her, and yet every time he went to go tell her this, the eagerness and focus on her task - along with those fiery eyes filled with want - told him to simply enjoy her handywork. Damien arched his hips into her face, relishing how much deeper he went when she let him go deeper into her mouth. he returned his hands to her hair and found it a good place to pull. She responded with more passion, stroking his cock until he plumped and his balls pulled in to his body, tight. Damien groaned his pleasure with a hiss through sharp teeth. He wanted her blood badly and his breath was becoming stuck in his chest as he neared his peak.

It was her hand pumping him that coaxed his release, her lips wrapped around the head, licking and suckling. As he spilled, she drank him, moaning again into his throbbing, oozing member. As he felt the ripples of orgasm begin to slow and dry up, she dragged her lips back off of him with a sound comparable to a slurp that made him want to fuck her. Damien opted for catching the breath that he didn't need and hiding his smile in the couch cushion that had been dislodged in his furious coping.

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Re: Making Up For Lost Time
« Reply #24 on: June 11, 2019, 03:35:26 AM »
When she had finished, Rachel leaned back on her heels with a smile on her face.  She watched him hiding for a minute and fought back against the small laugh trying to find its way out of her mouth.  Instead, she popped a sticky finger into her mouth and sucked it clean, watching him intently to see if he would look at her. 

Her body felt hot and electric now, waiting for attention.  She rose from her knees and climbed into his lap again, legs on either side of him.

"Hey,"  Her voice was playful as she ran her fingers through his hair. "Why are you hiding?"  Part of her, way in the back of her mind, she was concerned that he was not okay.  She nudged his ear with her nose, lips playing lightly with his flesh.   
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Old things have strange hungers. - Catherynne M. Valente

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Re: Making Up For Lost Time
« Reply #25 on: June 11, 2019, 03:56:08 AM »
His body was warm as she climbed on him again and proved that she was hotter, her thighs pressed against his naked figure. He stiffened as she placed her sex so close to his and hunger shook his jaw. As her lips neared his ear, he took the initiative to show her how Thirsty he was, nipping sharply at the soft flesh of her neck, scratching with elongated teeth but not breaking her skin just yet. The desire to have her blood pouring onto him from above threatened his control and made the quaking sharper. He was aware of that heart beating just beneath her ribs, her mouth smelling of his seed - a testament to his claiming of sexual territory.

A possessive feeling rumbled in his chest and made Damien want to sink his nails and teeth into her flesh and drain her dry. Instead he planted savage little kisses and nips against her neck and collar bone, making his way to that mouth that smelled like him. He kissed her deeply, enjoying his taste on her lips, soaked into the soft tissues of her mouth. Damien bit down harshly onto that luscious bottom lip and suckled the drops of blood that bubbled to the surface. A little cry erupted from her, a moan mixed with pain that made his cock throb. He could feel that damp heat that his fingers had explored and rubbed in the car pressing against the base of him and Damien grunted his pleasure, a new need pulling at him in a deeper way.

"Fuck, you're warm," he growled lowly, breaking that powerful kiss to rock his hips up into her, frustrated with the lack of freedom to enter her.

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Re: Making Up For Lost Time
« Reply #26 on: June 11, 2019, 04:29:51 AM »
They fell into a frustrated rhythm again, her mouth paying sweet devotion to his neck and jawline between shaky breaths.  She sucked lightly at his skin, reflexively flinching away at his bit-back hiss and returning to provoke it again.  The fact that she was flirting with danger didn't seem to phase her in the slightest.  No, she trusted him with every inch of her body and knew just how far she could push him. 

Well, she liked to think that anyway.

Somewhere between kissing and grinding her hand had moved between them.  Rachel shifted the fabric of her dress out of the way and pushed aside the wet black lace keeping their skin apart.

Much better.

Her movements slowed to an agonizing pace.  She gripped the back of the couch and moved higher, holding herself just out of reach of his cock.  She trembled slightly with the effort as she moved back and forth, lowering herself only to slide across his length.  It was as much a tease for her as it was for him, and her lips returned to his in earnest.   
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Old things have strange hungers. - Catherynne M. Valente

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Re: Making Up For Lost Time
« Reply #27 on: June 11, 2019, 05:07:52 AM »
He groaned her name as she slid those plump lips up and down the length of him without letting him in. The roughness of the lace brushed him with every stroke of her body and they were becoming wet together. He could hear and feel the echo of heavy breaths in her lungs and he wanted desperately to flip her and give her his passion. He cupped a handful of her breasts in each hand, returning the nipples to their hardened state within seconds, filling his mouth first with one and then the other. She moaned her enjoyment into the air of the living room and the sound fell all over him, fuelling his need for her.

Damien dropped his clinging hands to her ass, now bare through her panties and gripped her tightly, digging his nails into her flesh with a sensual bite. He reached out mentally and latched into her thoughts again, establishing a more intimate connection to her - like a hand on her hips or the small of her back. She reacted with a shiver and pulling herself closer, that musky mouth sliding into the base of his cock and into his mound of hair, desperate. With supernatural strength, he lifted her as he stood, maintaining most of their connection, though they did separate where it mattered most. He felt the coolness of air suddenly on his hips, slick with her musk and wet.

He kissed his human again and his intention was to put her feet on the ground and take her by her hand upstairs into their bedroom. Instead, Rachel wrapped her legs around him and Damien found the nearest wall to press her against, supporting her where the wall could not. A gasp escaped her again and a devious smile met a passionate kiss from the vampire, his naked hips rocking and rubbing against her soft skin. He reached between them and pulled her panties to the side, running his hand over the length of his girth to ready himself for entry. Distracted by her lips, Damien plunged himself deep into his human companion with a loud grunt of pleasure and a gasp against her cheek. 

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Re: Making Up For Lost Time
« Reply #28 on: June 11, 2019, 05:41:18 AM »
Rachel gasped with him, ending in a soft desperate whine.  She was acutely intuned to his every sound, every breath sending shivers through her.  Pressing her mouth to his, she gripped his hair at the roots with both hands and quivered as each thrust pressed her back hard against the wall.  She struggled to make any sort of cohesive rhythm with his hips for a few moments, her body possessed by a frantic need to release what had been building since they were out of the house.  Her kisses became rougher, sucking in and nipping at his bottom lip.  When she was rewarded with his increased fervor, she started to whisper "Guillaume" close to his ear, interrupted halfway by a moan.

Wrapping her arms around his head, she pulled his mouth to her neck, craving his teeth.  She whimpered in frustration when met with only hard kisses.  Her legs began to tremble, from excitement or fatigue it was difficult to say.  Part of her wanted to dissolve in his arms and take whatever he was willing to give her. 

The other part of her wanted to get back down on her knees again and let him fuck her throat.

Instead, she shifted, legs unwrapping and pulling away from him so their connection was broken when her feet touched the floor.  She pushed him lightly away and gave him an intense look as she caught her breath.  This whole 'needing to breathe' thing was a pain.  He moved forward, pressing her against the wall cheek-to-cheek as her breathing slowed.  "Bedroom?"  She murmured heavy in his ear.
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Re: Making Up For Lost Time
« Reply #29 on: June 11, 2019, 06:14:44 AM »
Her moans pushed him into ecstasy. Every tug at his hair, pull on his lips, desperate, smoldering gaze she gave him as he fucked her made him want to thrust hard, kiss her deeper, give her everything. There was a modicum of control that he knew he needed to maintain - she wasn't indestructible - and despite his pleasure and her heat, he couldn't cross that line and hurt her. Somewhere there was still that worry that he would do something to cause her pain, but every step forward in the roughness of their venture had been met with nothing but pleasure. He wanted to keep it that way always.

When she moaned his human name into his ear, he increased his efforts towards her peak. It was an intimate thing - no one called him that name anymore. It was a small step that took him out of his own head, away from his violent immortal nature and placed him solidly back in his body, something he had never experienced with another being since awakening from death. He wanted to wrap her in his arms and make love to her like that.

He smiled into her proffered neck and gave it sharp kisses, teeth grazing and leaving flushed red marks and nothing more. When she released his hips he put her down, understanding her desire but missing her silken warmth around him immediately. Their eyes caught with such ferocity Damien almost picked her up again. She stood there as he wrapped her up in his arms, his hands landing on the small of her back and the side of her face tenderly and planted wanton kisses on her cheek and mouth. She whispered into his ear her desire and the hair on his neck stood. He stepped away from her enough to give her breathing room and smiled into the kiss that he placed on her cheek. Her dress was ruffled and askew, one nipple threatening to peak over the low neckline. She smelled like him already and her heart was pounding so close to him.

"Get up there then," he growled playfully into her ear, suckling on her earlobe, his hands still on her frame. Damien released Rachel from his clutches quickly - in case his needy desires changed his mind - and stepped away from her. He was fully naked, having stepped out of his jeans and kicked off his shoes and socks some time since he was pulled onto the couch for his own pleasure.  Shamelessly he moved away from her and began to gather their (his) disregarded clothing, allowing her not only time to escape to their room, but to catch her breath if she needed it.