Author Topic: Erosion Mark  (Read 2927 times)

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Erosion Mark
« on: July 26, 2019, 10:17:22 PM »
For Billiam

Today was the day, or night rather, when Drew would follow him to the facility. He was told to try and get it pushed back, and when having asked Hofflan, he was straight up told no. He figured Drew was nearby somewhere but not sure where. Likely for the best, after all the less Dreki knew about this plan, the better this would be for Drew to be successful. He stood near the front doors to the Target messing around on his phone, turning off the volume on it totally for vibrations only and without the necklace the witch gave him, but not close enough that if a car was to park in front of him, that it would be in the way of anyone existing or entering the store. Sure enough, a minute before the requested time, a plain black 4 door sedan pulled out from a nearby parking spot, and drove up to Dreki, allowing him in. It was clear they were even watching him before they picked him up. Mostly to make sure no one else was watching him to possibly follow along.

Once they got on the road it was clear that they were going in an obtuse path. Lots of rather large circles that spanned blocks, some back roads, some main roads, it was clear they were trying to not be followed, and possibly even to throw off Dreki's ability to trace back to the facility on his own. They weren't making it easy for any follows, thats for sure. Once out of the city, this time they seemed to take a pretty straight forward path to the facility. It was in a fairly decent sized unmarked business type building that was roughly about 3 stories tall, but it was nothing but a front. The car stopped at the front door, letting out Dreki, and someone else, who escorted him inside.

Once inside, they hit a security checkpoint. Dreki handed over his phone, keys, and wallet into a little bowl, handed it to the guard, and walked through to no beeps. The guard had turned Dreki's phone off before handing the bowl of the 3 items back to him. He walked to the elevator with his escort as he put the items back in his pockets, making sure that he turned his phone back on as he did. He felt it softly vibrate in his pocket. Once in and going down, he leaned against a wall in the elevator, with his hands in his pockets. It wasn't that unusual for him to take that pose, while going down, he navigated his phone in his pocket to start recording. Being blind had it's perks, as if he could see then he wouldn't have been able to do that as smoothly or as easily. He turned off the screen, but not the recording program, that would just run in the background, and removed his hand from his pockets and rested them on the arm bar in the elevator until it made it's stop several floors down.

He was then escorted to his room for the visit, where he sat down on the patient bed as he waited and his escort left him in that room. There was a gown on the bed, with a braille written note asking him to get changed into it. He sighed as he did so, not exactly happy that his phone wouldn't be directly on him. He put his stuff in the nearby chair making sure his pants were on top, with the pocket with his phone in it closest to the bed without it being suspicious. It wasn't long until a nurse came, put her hand on his chest, and pushed him back onto the bed to make him lay down. He didn't go against her and complied. She prepped his right arm with an IV, injected something into the line, then hooked it up to the bag, Dreki looked a little bit confused and concerned.

"An IV? What have I done to deserve that?" He asked, beginning to feel a bit drowsy, a little worried about what was in store if they needed to sedate him given what happened last time.

"Dr. Hofflan has something special for you planned today, just relax, ok? Otherwise it may be more painful than it needs to be, there is some pain meds in there, but I can't promise they will fully cover the pain." She spoke in a cheerful tone and smiled at him. After that she left him there, waiting. He began to feel the affects of whatever she gave him a bit more, felt a bit woozy and floaty, not long after that Hofflan himself comes in with a wheely tray. On it was quite a number of prefilled syringes.

"What are those for?" He asked trying to push through the feelings of the drugs already in his system. Hofflan looked at him with a devilish smile.

"Oh the nurse didn't tell you what you were in for today? Oh goodie," He spoke in a smarmy yet happy tone, "You know you were one of my greatest achievements, and failures, right?" He lifted the gown up a bit, and started to inject something into Dreki. Seems as if one syringe was for a particular muscle as he wouldn't reuse any of them, and injected the full thing into one muscle before continuing to the next. Dreki certainly found it uncomfortable, but not terribly painful, likely thanks in part due to the medicine the nurse gave him before hand.

"I want to fix that, so I'm altering you a bit more. Still same DNA as I did the last time, so it shouldn't be as hard on you. This should help you keep up with vampires and other such creatures and at least have a chance at fighting back. Even if they can't kill you so easily, it's pointless to go against them if you can't fight them off either." Dreki noted Hofflan didn't specifically mention his fugue state. He knew Hofflan knew about it, and wondered if it would affect that, and how, but of course he wouldn't be given the answers he shouldn't even know the questions for to begin with.

"W-what can I, expect?" he asked, fighting against the medicine still. He couldn't finish a complete thought, but Hofflan seemed to get what he was trying to get at. In places where he was injected, he felt incredibly hot and tingly. It was uncomfortable, he wanted it to stop, but he could barely move. He guessed a muscle relaxer was likely in the cocktail he was given.

"Probably pain, and not feeling so great on and off for a while, it's not going to be physically easy on you. If you experience anything beyond that you need to tell me, same if you call off of any of your jobs as I can provide you a doctor's note at the very least, ok?"

Dreki simply made a small grunt of a noise to acknowledge the request. Hofflan smiled. After some time passed, he finished up with all the syringes and removed the IV, and Dreki had slept through a decent chunk of it. Hofflan shook Dreki to wake him up, when Dreki had opened his eyes, Hofflan put his hand over them, erased most of Dreki's memory on what had been done to him, he just vaguely remembered to let Hofflan know if something was more than him just feeling pain and sick, or if he called off of work.

"Get dressed, the escort will be here to help you to the car in about 10 minutes." Hofflan said and left. Dreki stood up, and went to get his clothes. He felt like he was underwater as he managed to get dressed back in his normal clothes and wait. The Escort came back in, and helped him back to the elevator. While in the elevator, he put his hands back in his pockets as he leaned against a corner of the elevator. He managed to turn off his phone before they got back up and hit security again. They went through security again, security had manually turned his phone back on, and handed him back his stuff. He put them back into his pockets and was taken back to the car. Overall, he was roughly in there for about an hour and a half.

They drove him back to the same Target parking lot, waited for him to get out of the car, then once he closed the door, they drove off. He still felt like he was walking underwater and his arms and legs felt incredible sore, since he had been using them more than the other muscles in his torso. He sat against the side of the building, waiting for Drew to meet back up with him.