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Offline Trillian

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The First Official District Leader Meeting
« on: July 22, 2019, 10:21:00 AM »
Using the contacts list from the servers that had once belonged to the Oligarchy Chambers but was now used by the owner of the building (or more specifically, his eternal partner), an invitation was sent out to all current District Leaders.

Jake McCloud from City Central received the email. Ward officers swung by to follow it up with an official letter.

Sabrina from South District received the email. She, too, received a visit from Ward officers who spoke to her about it while handing over the official invitation.

Charon from the Sacramentum who ruled over the East District received the email. He was surprised by the Ward officers who came with the official paper because he didn't often read his emails. He liked the personal touch of a hand-delivery however.

Zeus, leader of the West district received the email. Ward officers hung around the outside of the Block discussing how they were going to be let in when the gates opened and they sheepishly handed the invite over.

Zoheret, leader of the North West district received the email. Ward officers approached her respectfully to deliver the corresponding letter.

Saraekiel, self-announced leader of the North district didn't receive an email but Ward officers made it their job to find him and deliver the invitation personally, and had a chat with him, getting as many contact details as possible to take back to their headquarters.

Nobody else was invited to the District Leader meeting. It was just for them. Bodyguards could come but not into the room itself. The meeting was supposed to be completely private. It was being held at the old Oligarchy Chambers... in the building that was now known as The Luminary.

When they arrived they were shown to a comfortable meeting room two floors above the ground. The room was panelled in wood but still had a modern flair with plush swivel chairs arranged around a table. There were seven chairs gathered there - the rest had been removed and placed in a different office.

The meeting was supposed to start at eight o'clock and everyone had arrived by then, waiting in the room. There were six of them, and the seventh chair let them know that someone else was arriving. They all thought it would be Kerr.

But it was Ben. He walked in at exactly eight o'clock. He wore a sober black suit with a light blue tie that matched his iridescent eyes perfectly. He opened the door with a tablet in his other hand. "Good evening, everyone. Thanks for coming," he bade as he shut the door behind himself and then took up a seat. "I invited you all here using the Ward because of my recent public announcement challenging the leadership of the city central district, but I think I should give you all a summary about what happened while some of you were away or didn't have access to Oligarchy and Ward records."

He looked around the room briefly and felt his stomach flop in his nervousness, seeing stares of incredulity and amusement and irritation. When his gaze landed on Saraekiel he cleared his throat and lowered his gaze to his report. Thankfully his nerves didn't show in his voice as he read the report he'd prepared but it did take him a short moment to get going as he forced Saraekiel's visage out of his mind.

"As you know, shortly preceding the Luminary's death, he'd placed Vomas in charge, who took over the South District and all the other Oligarchs followed suit, claiming different territories. Unfortunately Vomas raided the Oligarchy funds as well as the District Leader funds for setting up in the South and left the city. I inherited Kerr's... the ex-Luminary's personal funds and replenished the Ward's accounts as well as South District. A few district leaders left in the meantime and others came to fill in roles, such as Charon who took the East and temporarily held the South while waiting for an appropriate leader to fill in, which was Sabrina." He glanced up and looked at Sabrina. "Jake and Zoheret held their own districts. Recently Saraekiel has become District Leader of the North and Zeus has reclaimed the West."

Ben looked up from the tablet and addressed the small group in the room. "I don't think you've ever come together since the fall of the Oligarchy, and I propose that this happens once a year at least, or whenever something affects the whole city rather than your section of it. I shouldn't even be here. The only reason I am is because I've challenged Jake for leadership and it's because of me you're all here in the first place. So I propose, as the first piece of business, to talk about the upcoming election. Are you in favour?" he asked, though specifically turned to stare at Jake.
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Re: The First Official District Leader Meeting
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2019, 11:07:37 AM »
Jake McCloud, leader of the Central District, and holder of no other titles, honors or nicknames entered the Luminary building at 7:55PM. He'd decided to dress casually for the meeting he'd been summoned to by the ward. He was already furious that all of the election planning was happening without his input, and he despised the fact that the ward was living with Ben, but had not once approached him to promise fairness or equality. Conner would scream at what the ward had become, Ben's personal arm. He planned to bring it up tonight. The ward was supposed to stay neutral, not work for the central district. He'd been polite with the officer who delivered his message, but his eyes had showed his displeasure. Ben's name may not have been on the message, but the writing was on the wall.

He'd brought Luke, who waited with the other bodyguards if there were any, and on the drive over had vented his rage to the silent soldier. Jake had wanted it out of his system before going into a room where he expected to be very unpopular. Zues, Zoheret, Ben and Saraekeil were all people Jake was in conflict with. He was angry with Charon about Murphy, and no longer felt like he could trust the leader of the east, although he felt no personal dislike as he did with the others. Sabrina was someone he was on good terms with, but he didn't think she'd give him much support against a room stacked against him. No. He was on his own tonight, and he fully expected to be attacked verbally the moment the doors were shut. He took a seat near the back, trying to minimize his presence, but almost seeming to spite his intentions Zeus sat right next to him.

Jake wore blue jeans and high top chucks, black biker gloves and a half buttoned flannel. His hair was in a beanie, and his grey eyes looked light blue. Beneath the black glove on his right hand, an indent of a ring could be seen through the leather. Jake wore Halen's creation, his mind still not used to being so closed off from the world. He'd practiced taking it off and on, and was testing it tonight to keep his thoughts his own. Luke held his sword for him in the other room. He thought it might send the wrong message if he brought it inside.

He made no attempts to small talk with anyone, and thanked all the various types of God for smartphones. He buried himself in work emails, looking up only when directly spoken to. He wasn't sure what this was about exactly, but he was sure it would be about the election. Was Ben going to ask all of them for endorsements? No. He didn't need Jake here for that. He assumed like most things the truth would play out in time, and waited silently.

When Ben entered, Jake wasn't shocked to see him instead of Kerr and squashed a sneer that tried to form. He looked like a Camarilla prince, and already had the air of one. He looked like an arrogant sock puppet up there, recounting he and Kerr's failures with some unearned pride. Jake had never liked Vomas, nor trusted him, and yet Kerr had chosen him over Jake. Ben's stupidity had brought the Oligarchy down in the first place. He didn't blame Murphy because Murphy had just been a human at the time. Even the way he used Kerr's title like it still belonged to him was difficult to hear, and Jake actually checked his phone during that moment to avoid from frowning. He noticed the digs at him regarding Charon and Zeus, but Ben had thrown better barbs, and so Jake continued to look bored and uninterested, despite listening closely.

When Ben said that he shouldn't even be here, Jake gave a tiny nod of agreement, keeping everything else perfectly frozen. When Ben addressed him so suddenly, Jake made no attempts to answer on the spot. He slowly moved his eyes back to his rival, and after a few seconds answered.

"I'm in favor of discussing the election for the position of Central District Leader," Jake confirmed, his tone quiet, and his words spoken slowly.
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Offline Trillian

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Re: The First Official District Leader Meeting
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2019, 11:32:21 AM »
"I propose that we do things a certain way to make this run smoothly? And once a decision is made about the challenge of leadership, I'll leave this room so all of you can discuss other things." Ben stated just as quietly, surprised that Jake so readily agreed. If Ben was still mortal, his heart would be pounding. He was in a room with genuinely powerful people, people that held territories, all of them much, much older than himself. He felt like a gnat in their face, buzzing an annoyance.

"Um." Damnit, he hadn't wanted to falter. He continued in a voice that was a lot more humble than when he'd first walked in. "Being the current leader of the City Central, Jake McCloud should have the opportunity to speak his piece first about the election, and also have the final word. Challengers upset the status quo of the city so it should be more difficult for me to... to unseat him. You all should have a say about whether you would want to work with me, if my challenge is successful because... there's no point going ahead into election if none of you are willing to accept me in the role. And you all should decide if the city as a whole should vote for a district leader or if only those residents of City Central will. Jake... McCloud, do you want to say anything before the discussion is opened?"

He looked mostly at Jake but kept an eye on everyone else, to see if they had anything to say or if their body language or expressions gave anything away.
INFUSCO : Ben : Hugh : Lan Bao : Mick : Todd : Vincent : Win :
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Offline Black Philip

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Re: The First Official District Leader Meeting
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2019, 11:53:52 AM »
There it was, what this meeting was all about. Ben wanted the whole city to vote, and Jake could not let that happen. He knew Charon knew the real Ben, but was unsure how much the others knew of him. He'd thrown it into a longer list, but that had to be his real goal. The whole city voting meant the west could vote, and that meant Jake would likely lose. Zeus had to be loving this, and his mind darkened with violent images of what he wanted to do to Ben. The ring was already earning it's merit. He would not want Charon to pick up a thought like this by accident, and Jake knew he was powerful enough to do so. He needed to breath, or figure out some vampire equivalent. He'd boil over quickly if he started this hot. Pissing him off had to be a part of Ben's little plan. He managed to hold his face, more from being in his head than practice, and waited until Ben directed him to speak.

"All I have to say is that I am running for the leadership of the central district and since only constituents of the center district will live under the elected leader's jurisdiction, subject to their laws and protection, then only those individuals should be allowed to vote. A city wide election would look like the city was selecting a new luminary, not the holder of a single domain. If the goal is to democratize the system of choosing a leader, then it makes little sense to let people who will never gain the benefits or suffer the drawbacks of the people's choice have a say. It's power without responsibility."

He knew the irony of how his words might be heard. He knew what this room thought of him. It didn't make him any less right though, and he was banking on the other leader's not liking the idea of their citizens voting in an election. It might make them want ones for their districts. For once he hoped Zoheret's pride would make her spiteful at the idea. Saraekeil had basically crowned himself. Would he really want to risk Domink Lowe or Keynigh challenging him? The others were wild cars. Zeus had been absent and had proved clever. Sabrina had just been appointed and Charon was a master of neutrality.

He'd spoken slowly, deliberately, and from a reserved position. It was politically poised, and sounded practiced but not rehearsed. He wasn't going to lie down and die for Ben. If it came to it, he'd go out kicking and screaming.
Be a sadist. Now matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them — in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

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Re: The First Official District Leader Meeting
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2019, 12:37:36 PM »
Chtahzus’aak made his way through the city toward the Luminary accompanied only by Brael.  He disliked having to leave the demon out of the meeting itself but complied with a slight frown.  It wasn’t as though he felt threatened by anyone, but rather Zeus felt as though he should be present.  Admittedly, it was an understandable request.  A bodyguard could be interpreted as a show of aggression.  He would be catching Brael up to speed on the details after regardless, and silently communicated as much to the other demon before leaving him. 

Tonight was dressed in a casual suit, greys and charcoals, comfortable but still professional.  He arrived shortly after McCloud and took the seat beside him with a straight face.  Really he wanted to see him squirm.  Would the move set him on edge?  Hands in his pockets, he leaned back into the chair, watching as others filtered in and greeting them with a simple nod of the head.

No Lan Bao, though.  Not that any had officially recognized her rule. 

Ben’s entrance came as little surprise to the demon, considering the publically announced election.  His suspicion was confirmed as the boy began to speak.  He found the summary of political events unabrasive and maintained a neutral expression as he watched Ben say his piece.  Interesting that, while Ben was not a District Leader he was already making suggestions on how others should run things.

Not that he disagreed with regular meetings, of course.

There was the slightest twitch of a smile on the demon’s lips as the question was finally presented.  A bit overdue, in all honesty, considering Ben had already announced there would be an election in front of an audience.  He wondered how much McCloud would be seething but didn’t dare spare a glance at him until he began to speak.

Zeus was surprised to hear such a composed and thoughtful response.  So the Brat Prince could learn.  It was equally if not more surprising that McCloud agreed to discuss it instead of explosively dismissing it.

Ben’s “Uh” drew the demon’s attention back, and he studied his face while he continued.  Now to the meat of the issue.  The acknowledgment of how the upcoming election had the potential to affect the whole city was appreciated and noted.  Again, he looked to McCloud as the question was posed in his direction again.  He watched with a neutral expression, maintaining the same level composure and body language.

“I agree with McCloud,”  Zeus spoke quickly and simply following the conclusion of his statement.  The hand in his pocket gripped a coin and he watched McCloud’s reaction before turning his attention back to Ben.  He supposed he should make an apologetic face, but it remained just as unreadable as it always had been.  He offered no follow up for now, interested in hearing what others would say.
Anna/Odessa/Sonya || Astrid || Chtahzus'aak/Zeus || Extasis || Fler || Jeremiah || Laurent/Va'tamal || Malakai || Rachel || Vai
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Re: The First Official District Leader Meeting
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2019, 01:36:13 PM »
Zoheret had arrived only moments after Zeus, as it turned out. She spotted him with some other man she only vaguely recognized in the hallway before he entered the chamber. As it were, she made no effort to call any attention to herself, knowing well that she didn't need to. They would all be drawn together soon enough, discussing, once again, the fate of the city.

She had chosen another striking white dress, one designed as an asymmetrical wrap, clasped with a golden buckle. The stiff but narrow shoulders squared off the look and gave her a seemingly larger presence, though tastefully so. Complete with long fitted sleeves, a plunging neckline, and hemmed at her mid-thighs, the dress remained tasteful, professional, and just alluring enough. Perfect. The District Leader of the North West had made sure to complete with open-toed platform heels that matched her skin tone perfectly.

Upon entering the room, the corners of her painted lips turned upwards, quite amused to see Zeus seated directly next to McCloud. The two were a satisfactory sight - Chtahzus'aak dressed as a city leader in a suit of charcoal and grey, and McCloud dressed as... well, himself, she supposed. Opposites as far as she was concerned; she couldn't have planned it better herself. Zoheret slid into the chair besides Zeus, keeping him in between McCloud and herself in order to provide herself the privilege of not having to watch McCloud react. She wanted to make sure he knew that the odds were stacked against him. She gazed around wordlessly at the others - would any of them support McCloud, now that the day of reckoning had come for him? Zoheret smiled privately and put her cell phone on vibrate in her bag. As she took her place, her hazel eyes found Zeus's knowingly with a subtle raise of an eyebrow before looking away from him. Hadn't they just recently spoken about this exact scenario?

As soon as Ben Samson opened his mouth to speak, she noticed an interesting version of the truth come out that made her pause in her consideration of him. Luminary, he referred to his lover, not Ex-Luminary, for Kerr Galvin had given up his title in front of her, well before his supposed death. And he claimed too, that the old vampire had only 'temporarily' held the South District, when in fact he held it as anyone else held onto their districts - with money, influence, and perhaps fear. It was all so very interesting to hear the young one speak. Zoheret remained silent, disliking the air of command that this boy was taking. Perhaps that was why Galvin was infatuated by him.

"As do I." She set her jaw rigid and her expression statue-esque.

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Re: The First Official District Leader Meeting
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2019, 02:03:25 PM »
Ben was shocked by Zeus' agreement with Jake and it was apparent in his face. He'd thought the Shadow Demon had wanted to rid himself of Jake and that it would be sweet revenge to have the demons of the west do it with a vote. But now Ben could see his votes crumbling away, especially when Zoheret agreed that voting should remain in the city central. He knew she loathed Jake McCloud, everyone who spent longer than ten minutes in the Oligarchy Chambers could figure that out, and yet here they were, agreeing with him. Ben's gaze moved to Jake, wondering what the fuck he'd given these two to have them working with him.

With three of them stating that there should be a district only vote, he now relied on Charon, Sabrina and Saraekiel to vote the other way to keep the idea alive that he could at least argue for it.

Charon spoke up next, as they were moving around the table in a fashion putting him next. He spoke his words slowly but firmly. "I might live in the East but I do business in the city heart. When I, my family or my network move from one district to another, we do not stamp passports or modify our behaviour and I want a say as to who rules what and I wish that respect to pass to the people I care about as well. Jake might be the leader of City Central but his district is a portion of our city."

Ben was grateful Charon had spoken next. Otherwise, the circle of agreement might never have broken. He looked next to Sabrina and Saraekiel, wishing he'd made the time to visit with both of them independently.
INFUSCO : Ben : Hugh : Lan Bao : Mick : Todd : Vincent : Win :
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Re: The First Official District Leader Meeting
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2019, 04:28:46 PM »
Jake remained silent and stoic as the first three replies were given. He'd been wrong across the board, and despite the overall count leaning towards him he remained wary and suspicious. Zeus and Zoheret's immediate agreement had him questioning their motivations. Occam's Razor suggested that it truly was as simple as it looked. Zeus had just consolidated his power. Why would he want to risk it being challenged? Zoheret didn't like to share, and that was a trait she and Jake had in common. Perhaps she didn't like Ben's little attitude. She hated Jake's with gusto. Despite the appetizing idea that Jake might possibly have real allies in this conversation, he suspected treachery would come from one or both. He'd underestimated Zeus last time, and wouldn't again. Zoheret may have been predictable sometimes in her wants, but now she was truly mercurial. When Zeus turned to see Jake's reaction, he saw only relaxed focus. Jake caught his eye though, and for once Jake wished someone could hear his thought.

Like what you see daddy, he said with his eyes, subtle hints of something buried in them. Thankfully, Zoheret didn't look at him, which was mostly because he didn't want to look at her face. As usual he loved her dress. He'd be sure to tell her by the end. It was only right.

Charon's reply was also a surprise, although his made the most sense as Jake examined it. Ben was his little golden boy. He would let Charon have an arm in the central district and was more predictable than Jake. A thin layer of ice seemed to grow between them, and Jake turned his face to the next district leader. He didn't dare look at Ben. The full hand of cards hadn't played out and Jake feared he could still end up the loser.
Be a sadist. Now matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them — in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

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Re: The First Official District Leader Meeting
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2019, 09:50:43 PM »
Sabrina arrived around the same time as the other district leaders, though ran into none of them in the lobby or elevator ride up. A pity, in her opinion; since her position forced her to get out more, she'd been working on her small talk. She would have liked an opportunity to try it out on her peers.

The black Witch of the south was dressed simply, for her; a long, sleeveless emerald dress buttoned up to the throat, belted with black leather at the waist. She padded quietly through the lobby in flat black shoes. Her hair was braided in a white-blonde crown around her head, twined with pink rosebuds and laurel leaves; a stark counterpoint to her long, pointed fingernails, which were painted a deep crimson.

She looked at those voicing their support of a district-only election and took stock: Zoheret and Zeus were both dressed to a T, their attitudes guarded and stiff. Her time at The Block had shown her that Zeus's rule was total, if not iron-fisted, and what she knew of Zoheret could only lead her to believe similar things. Jake, while well-intentioned, had been known to lose himself in quests for power (though she was impressed with the way he was handling himself today). The District divisions as they stood were useful in terms of governance, but dangerous if allowed to be further segregated. Sabrina had a brief vision of the city devolving into fiefdoms, warring amongst themselves while their populations suffered.  She wouldn't have it.

Noting the conspiratorial look shared by Zeus and Zoheret, the giantess averted her eyes. Knowing what they knew now, it seemed an inappropriate thing for her to see. Christ, she hoped that wouldn't come up.

Though perhaps it was better to get ahead of it.

Pushing this thought aside, Sabrina spoke up from her seat beside Charon. Even leaned back in her chair, a woman her size couldn’t help but loom. Despite this, the set of her shoulders was open, her expression mild. "I see sense in both strategies, but ultimately I agree with Charon. I think cutting ourselves off too much sets a...potentially disastrous precedent."

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Re: The First Official District Leader Meeting
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2019, 10:27:55 PM »
Saraekiel closed the door of the tin can he traveled here in with relish and a sigh of relief. He had opted for this mode of transport for propriety's sake rather then his preferred option, but as the driver pulled the coffin like monstrosity away from the curb he swore that although he had arrived that way, he, dark angel that he was, would not be leaving in such.

He entered the hallway just as the door closed behind Zoheret. He had only caught a glimpse but what he had seen gave him no doubt she was dressed to perfection as usual. he on the other hand had dressed causally and wore a simple cobalt blue silk long sleeved shirt with the three top buttons left undone, black trousers, dress shoes and belt. his hair was left undone and tumbled down around his shoulders.

He gave a nod of his head and a smile in greeting to Zoheret first, then Zeus, Charon then Sabrina. Jake he ignored but he did take the seat on the other side of him . Sitting beside Zoheret and Zeus would have been predictable and a little too telling. Sitting on this side of Jake allowed him to keep his back to the wall and allowed him to see the whole room and those sitting in it without any problem. His eyes however where drawn instantly to Ben when he entered the room, what was it about this vampire, this guy, that drew him so? It wasn't his looks, as lovely as they were, his energy maybe? After his disastrous encounter with him and his sire outside the theater after Jake's faux trial he had made sure to stay away from them both as much as possible and had expected this...thing...he felt to have dissipated on the winds of time but no, the pull was just a strong and as unnerving.

As Ben started the meeting he pushed his fascination with the vampire aside and focused on what was being said and more importantly unsaid.. He found himself smiling slightly as Ben portrayed the image of drowning puppy in a sea of sharks, or was it a lost lamb in the middle of a wolves den? It was cute and well played and deserving of applause but Saraekiel doubted anyone there believed the facade for beneath the act his aura of command and power was more then tangible. Saraekiel flicked his eyes around the room as the byplay unfolded around him, Zues' and Zoheret's  backing of Jake wasn't surprising, the Oligarchy was well and truly dead and Saraekiel had no doubt that no one wanted to be once again ruled by the Luminary, what really intrigued him however was Jake's reaction to them siding with him or his lack of reaction forebye. The others in the room also portrayed nothing, it was true but with them, you could sense the mental walls they were hiding behind, their walls were tangible and real, Jake on the other hand came across as an emptiness, a void a complete and utter nothingness and it reeked of something unnatural and something that needed to be investigated at a later date; sooner rather then later however.

His eyebrow rose in amusement at Charon's response, he suspected it was the potential power over and extra ability to manipulate others such a so called democratic approach Ben's suggestion would allow him to play with was the true reasoning behind the ancient, wily, web spinning spider's support and his words of altruism and collective togetherness being absolute bullshit of course.

There was only Sabrina and himself left to respond, he smiled and waited for Sabrina to speak before he gave his five cents worth, he could guess what Sabrina's answer would be and her response had a small smile curling the corners of his mouth upwards.

" If the results of this meeting would effect only Central and if this were a once only scenario then I would vote yes, but alas it won't and isn't therefore I agree with Jake." He smiled softly and offered Ben an apologetic shrug of his shoulders.

"However, Ben is right that this is an official meeting of the District Leaders and so I ask the question to my fellow Leaders. Why put the selection of the leadership of central to a public election at all?" He looked around the table and captured each persons eyes with his own before leaning back into his chair. " I put forward that we settle this here and now with a vote amongst ourselves."

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Re: The First Official District Leader Meeting
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2019, 03:35:36 AM »
For about half a second Jake believed the matter was settled. Sabrina's response had been puzzling, and Jake decided not to examine what her motivations might be. He knew Charon had placed her in her seat of power, but surely she wasn't really his pawn.

Stop thinking now, he told himself. He loved Sabrina too much to let his paranoid brain taint his image of her. Perhaps it was foolish to not question the leader of the south, the way he was questioning everyone else, but he just couldn't. Luckily the "leader" of the north helped by supporting his position and uttering the words, "I agree with Jake." That was the half a second where Jake considered letting his guard down. Perhaps he'd even thank the table, and Ben of course. However, that moment would be delayed or never come at all. Jake's mask relaxed around the eyes, and briefly there was something like icy rage behind them. He looked at no one as he seethed, but his internal wrath was currently directed towards the pretty boy angel sitting across from him.

Saraekiel had never met Jake, and was probably working under the information of people like Zeus and Zoheret. The play book would be getting Jake to shout, foam at the mouth, and make veiled threats. He wouldn't crack, and he'd show this political novice why he'd ended up with a district in the first place. He made sure to speak before Ben did. After all, Saraekiel had asked for leaders, and Ben wasn't one.

"The only potential transfer of power that I will consent to is a fair and democratic election, and since the leader of the north provided me with my fourth agreement that it should take place in the central district, I see no reason why the election can't proceed on those terms. A simple up or down vote by the city's leaders, in a room where the citizens have no input, is the exact opposite of what I hoped to achieve by consenting to Mr. Samson's request for a contest. Additionally, I didn't vote for any of you, but I don't question your hold on your district. Only your citizens can do that. But if this is the precedent we'd like to set, then I think everyone should be voted on by everyone. Anything else would look like singling out the metropolis."

In truth, Jake didn't want to vote on each leader. It would get ugly and be terrible for the city. However, it was a natural extension of what Sara was suggesting, and he hoped that idea unnerved the others who's power was won with muscle, fear and money. Nobody in this room had seen Jake negotiate so composed. Damien and he had run drills to help control his temper and reactions, and he had to admit the ancient caught every flippant eye, or condescending change in tone. He looked engaged and like he was taking everyone's opinions seriously, but he spoke soft and slow just as he'd done the whole time. There was something strangely chilling about it. 
Be a sadist. Now matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them — in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

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Re: The First Official District Leader Meeting
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2019, 05:27:16 AM »
Sabrina's opinion was aligned with Ben's interests and he visibly relaxed at her statement. He tensed again when Saraekiel needs to speak. He risked looking at the dark angel, feeling hi,self get that familiar reaction to him, a physical response of tingling skin and a strange fluttery feeling in his stomach.

As Saeaekiel spoke, Ben felt elated. He said the magic words "if it would only affect central" which had Ben believing that he would vote for the whole city taking part. If this was the case then Ben would surely get in because he had more support in the east and the west. The city centre had a higher population but multiple surrounding districts could clinch it for him.

And then his heart fell. No. He saw it slip away. Jake had his loyalists and Ben didn’t even know if he had the Kuei Jin. LAN Bao had promised him nothing.

He was just as shocked by Saraekiel's next statement as Jake but Jake spoke first while Ben formed a mental reply. He didn’t think the District Leaders would’ve consented to some random person challenging for their spot.

“Uh,” he spoke quietly to Saraekiel and the rest of the table of leaders because now he had to admit that he’d gone ahead and started the ball rolling without asking them first. “I apologise but the public already know about an upcoming election because I’ve already challenged Jake and he accepted. There’s been articles written about it in the supe newspapers and magazines and there’s already been meetings with some groups throughout the city by Jake and myself. If we shut it down without giving them the chance to have the say they expect, there might be... civil unrest. I have been saying that this election is a trial run in case none of you wish to go through the... the process. I didn’t want to jeopardise everyone's positions here.”

Just Jake’s.

“Now that it's been decided only central will vote,” he said numbly, a lot of his confidence melted away with that decision, “the only decision left is to set a date for voting. I propose three months time from now so we don’t make a circus out of it but it gives Jake and myself time to get our messages out. Does anyone disagree?”

He looked at them, his leaders, a few of them being Oligarchs but others taking the mantle when the other Oligarchs fled. These were the real leaders, the ones who stayed behind and looked after the city instead of being leader in name only and soaking up the benefits of the title.

He waited out the longest pause. It felt like hours passed as everyone stared at him and Jake and said nothing. "Alright. So I guess the last thing before I leave you all is to offer myself for questions."
INFUSCO : Ben : Hugh : Lan Bao : Mick : Todd : Vincent : Win :
HALFLIGHT : Graille Min Sayer :

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Re: The First Official District Leader Meeting
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2019, 12:34:36 PM »
Zeus' eyes moved back and forth as each individual said their piece.  His mind was blank to more adequately take in and process the information presented before formulating an opinion.  Specifically, he noted who chose to speak and when, as well as the respective reactions.  Including Ben's reaction immediately following Zeus' own declaration of siding with McCloud in regards to who would be allowed to vote in the election.  He expected that to catch the young vampire off guard, but was it really all that surprising given the implications it could have? 

Reflexively, he liked Saraekiel's proposal of keeping the vote within the District Leaders, if only for the fact that it would expedite the entire process.  But McCloud's response to that held a nugget of wisdom--not that the demon would admit as much out loud.  Ben's reasoning for keeping the election public for the sake of preventing civil unrest had sense as well. 

When Ben turned the discussion toward an abrupt conclusion, Chtahzus'aak blinked in surprise.  They'd scarcely discussed anything at all!  Initial opinions with no real back-and-forth--not that he wanted to argue--could hardly be called a discussion.  Perhaps Ben wanted to wrap this up as quickly as possible as soon as he realized it wasn't going precisely as he expected it to.  Disappointing, to say the least.

He found himself at such a loss for words as a result that he remained silent when Ben offered a campaign timeline of just three months (which he personally found too short).

And then Ben went and pushed ahead before anyone had the chance to object.  Fascinating. 

Chtahzus'aak remained silent and glanced around at the others.

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Re: The First Official District Leader Meeting
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2019, 01:53:25 PM »
"But you have, in fact, jeopardized all of our positions once again, Mr. Samson." She drummed her nails on the table before her, sitting tall and otherwise still. "Just as you did before the Oligarchy fell." Zoheret reminded the table calmly, her tone soft but her words leaving no room for debate. There was an obvious fire in her eyes as she stared the boy down. Why were these vampires so incompetent?

"I remind you that at least for the time being, you stand before us as a citizen. A powerful, persuasive one, but a citizen nonetheless. As your leaders - and yes, we are still your leaders until such time as you are..." she paused at the word, finding it terribly annoying to say, "...elected - we shall have the final say in determining the fate of this city as best we can." She eyed him sharply, her fingers having stopped moving. Her skin was electric with her anger and whoa befall those that graced her skin as Zoheret made her point slow and clear.

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Re: The First Official District Leader Meeting
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2019, 03:02:19 PM »
Ben pulled in breath to reply but Charon interrupted him silently.


Ben followed the instruction, his gaze flicking to Charon momentarily. The single mental command was picked up by Jake’s ring which Vibrated to signal someone had communicated telepathically.

INFUSCO : Ben : Hugh : Lan Bao : Mick : Todd : Vincent : Win :
HALFLIGHT : Graille Min Sayer :