After quite some time has past since he last visit he made it back to the bar. He had since been altered more, and thus may come off as more angelic to others, to the point where even sensing his aura before hand would have made him seem like he's a different person before than he was now, despite being the same otherwise. He's made a new friend at a museum, possibly getting her entangled in the mess of what his life had become. He's encountered Sam at work for the first time since Sam had stopped responding to him those many weeks ago that now almost seems longer than that.
All the stressed seemed to eat away at his stomach, making it hard for him to eat, this time him starting to lose weight again at no fault of his own. He wasn't a thin as he used to be before he met Sam, but it's apparent that he's lost weight if not still losing weight. He wanted to do something, anything to ease the stress and almost headed back to the White Rabbit, but realized that was a bad idea. They were likely to kick him out again, or worse, they would do something bad to him as Drew mentioned. Not like he could play the Piano there anymore anyway.
Thats when the idea hit him to go back to An Tsi. He remembered they did have a piano on a stage that seemed mostly untouched, and if they refused to let him play, then he would just drink. He wanted to lean away from drinking tonight given the stomach issues that have been plaguing him as of late as he didn't want to make that worse. It was bad enough that those with a keen sense of smell could probably smell blood on his breath, almost as if he was a vampire but not nearly that strong of a scent.
When he walked in, he made his way to the counter to speak to either Theo or Rohan. It had been a few weeks since their last encounter and since he was drunk for most of it, he wasn't sure who of the two he approached.
"Hey, uhhh I've noticed you have a Piano on the stage over there," he seemed a bit timid, "I've been playing since I was a toddler, would you mind if I provide some background music?" He smiled, hopeful for a positive response, but if not already had his next one in mind.