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Trick's Family
« on: November 05, 2019, 03:44:12 PM »
Jon's car was three years old and well-kept. The air-conditioning worked and there were vents in the back that Trick aimed at himself and at Harm. Once they got on the road, the questions started.

"So what do you do for work, Harm?" Jon asked. He listened to the reply. "A nurse, huh? That's a really tough job. Good on you. Do you work a lot of shifts?" He listened to Harm's answer and then plugged more questions, always giving Harm time to respond. "And which hospital do you work at? What about your family, any of them doctors or nurses?"

Trick sat without expression, keenly listening to Harm's replies.

Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Trick's Family
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2019, 04:01:38 PM »
Harm was unused to getting third degrees. He wasn't in the habit of meeting peoples' families except in dire work situations, not personal ones. In that case, he was the one asking all the questions. Jon's interest made him aware of just how long he'd been alone. He hadn't ever thought of himself as lonely but now he began to wonder. It was nerve-wracking but also nice to have kind people interested in him, just because he'd made a sudden appearance in their life. It made him feel significant and seen, in a way that no relationship in the last few years had.

"I'm a nurse," he answered first, grinning when Jon repeated his occupation with a new tone of respect. Honestly, if people saw how often his job meant cleaning up shit and vomit, they'd be less impressed but he was always happy to take the kudos.

"Yeah, I pretty much work all the time. I don't have much of a reason not to, work's my life. Well, some weekends my little brother comes in and stays with me so we can hang out. We're really close. But, at the extreme, I'll work two weeks on then have four days off. It varies, though. I usually do five days of eight or ten hour shifts then have a day off, rinse and repeat. I get to pick my roster. If I switch from mornings to nights, I definitely take a day in between to adjust my body clock. I don't like working tired. I'm a big fan of sleep. Huge," he exaggerated with a grin, meeting Jon's gaze in the rear view mirror.

"I work at the central Hospital full time. I deliberately schedule four days off every month though, so I can do a couple of shifts' volunteer work at the free clinic in the Brazilian Quarter. They always need qualified staff and it keeps my community accreditation relevant. It's tough down there," he imparted, his expression sobering.

"Nah, I'm the only one in the medical field. My mother, Fiona, is a teacher's aide at a local school - the school my brothers and I all went to - and my dad, Gary, is a vice principal at the same place. They go to work together every day, they're pretty cute. My older brother, Quentin, is a P.E. teacher at my younger brother's high school," Harm laughed, gleeful about revealing that he was the odd duck that had resisted the lure of the family business - education. It sounded very inbred when he laid it all out in one go like that.

"Quentin's twenty-eight. He's getting married to his girlfriend, Cassie, next month. She's a hairdresser. Joe and I are grooms but his mate, Pete is his best man," Harm offered, trying to pre-empt some of the questions he thought might come his way. He looked pretty pleased with himself, having imparted these extra tidbits and snuck in a question of his own. "What do you do for work?"

Offline Pocky

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Re: Trick's Family
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2019, 05:17:28 PM »
"I work in boat maintenance, at a shop not far from the boardwalk. Not as a mechanic or anything, but I do get to skipper them for test runs before they go back to their owners. So your family are all teachers, huh? How did you meet Trick, then? And how long ago?"

Gia giggled, swivelling in her seat so she could poke her tongue out at her big brother. Trick looked at her but didn't react.

"Want some?" Gia asked, offering the last third of her fairy floss.

"No, thanks," Trick said.

"And your boooooy-frieeeeend?" she sang, shifting her arm slightly to extend the floss to him.

Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Trick's Family
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2019, 05:38:35 PM »
Harm felt that Gia needed to be addressed first, since she was waving sweet things in his face - kindly, albeit aggravatingly. "Why, thank you!" he cried delightedly. "You should call me Harm, you know. 'Boooooooy-frieeeeeeend' is not my name," he told her, switching into a screeching mockery of her tease and smoothly back to his own voice without missing a beat.

He'd taken off his hat and tossed it onto his bag when he first got in the car and raised his sunglasses when Trick's dad started speaking to him so Gia could easily read the twinkle in his eye. He held her fairy floss bag steady with his left hand and reached in with the other. Although his gestures were huge and obvious, he only took a small amount and popped it into his mouth with a grin before he turned his gaze back to the rear view mirror.

"We met at the lake about... uh, it was last Thursday, I believe," he turned to Trick for confirmation, knowing it'd been a little more than a week and pretty sure that had been the day they met. "Not this one just gone, last week," he decided, turning back and nodding in Jon's direction. He glanced at Gia. "Not really long enough to be called booooooy-frieeeeeend," he screeched again, then chuckled.

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Re: Trick's Family
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2019, 05:56:24 PM »
Gia looked terribly unimpressed. Not to be outdone, she said to Harm: "I saw a lot of penises at the carnival." Then she turned back around.

Trick lowered his head, closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. Seeing this in the rear-view mirror, Jon spoke up. "In her defense, there were a lot of unclothed demons strutting about in their natural form."

"Demons are the worst," Trick sighed, looking up.

"And vampires are a close second, I know," Jon laughed.

Trick tensed in his seat, almost looked at Harm and then decided not to.

Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Trick's Family
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2019, 06:07:48 PM »
Harm couldn't mistake it this time, especially when Trick tensed right up against him. Trick might've avoided looking at him but Harm turned and smiled at him, brushing his hand lightly with his own before pulling it back into his own lap. Trick had conceded that not all vampires were alike but obviously his default opinion was that they were the second worst species out there.

Right after penis-swinging demons. He considered making a joke about not seeing enough of them but decided to stay with the more serious topic.

"I hope you guys haven't had any bad experiences with vampires. I did read about the attacks in the papers but you guys are the first nymphs I've ever met. You know, I'm expecting something spectacular when we get back to your place. I hope you have your Fallows Family Water Act all sorted and prepped for my appreciation," he joked, clapping his hands together and rubbing them in anticipation.

Offline Pocky

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Re: Trick's Family
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2019, 06:17:58 PM »
Everyone in the car went deathly silent after Harm's jest. There was only the sound of the car's engine as it continued down the highway. After a few heartbeats Trick spoke up.

"I showed Harm how I filled up my water-pouch," he said, breaking the silence. "I might have showed off a bit."

"For your bo-" Gia began, faltered, then stuffed the last of her fairy floss into her mouth.

"I think I'll go to the carnival again tomorrow. I didn't pick up any showbags," Trick continued.

"Oh no! Neither did we!" Gia screeched, animated again and turning in her seat. "It was super busy when we went and then when we left we forgot to check! We came down the games section but I didn't win anything except a dumb pen thing. It says 'booby prize' right on it! I'm never going to use it!"

"How old are you, Harm?" Jon asked after Gia's dramatic announcement.

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Re: Trick's Family
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2019, 06:28:18 PM »
Those moments of silence were perhaps the most excruciating Harm had ever endured. His mind scrambled, testing apologies, his gaze flying from the rear view mirror to the back of Gia's head before settling on Trick's face, eyes wide and expression horrified.

All he could think was that he'd broken the rule: he'd talked about Nymph Club! It was how they were acting. He didn't get it but that didn't mean his irreverence translated into disrespect. He felt awful - but he didn't know how to apologise without mentioning what he wasn't supposed to mention!

When Trick spoke, rescuing him from that painful silence, Harm's expression melted into the most grateful one he could muster. He exhaled and swallowed, turning back to face the front again. The tension ebbed away as the conversation moved on and he even appreciated Gia's chatter. "Twenty-six," he answered Jon perfunctorily, sticking with just the information requested and offering no more. No more free styling for him. Lesson learnt.

Offline Pocky

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Re: Trick's Family
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2019, 06:34:15 PM »
"And what do you do for fun?" Jon's questions started coming faster now that Harm was only supplying the facts. He would wait until the question was answered and then fire another before Harm could flip any back on him again.

"Are you religious? Does anyone in your family know about the supernatural? How did you find out? How did you figure out about Trick being a nymph? What is it about him you like?"

Trick stayed quiet throughout all of the questioning, his expression betraying his interest in all of Harm's answers. Even Gia didn't interrupt.

Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Trick's Family
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2019, 07:04:52 PM »
Harm blinked when Jon continued the questions, comfortable though a little flabbergasted answering them at first, seriously wondering how the fuck far away these people lived as they continued and became more complex. And personal. He leant over and peered through the windscreen, like their house might appear in the middle of the road to save him from answering. And Trick didn't seem keen to rescue him this time - when Harm glanced at him, expecting him to be looking at him like he was apologising for his dad's interrogation, he just looked like he wanted the answers, too. There was no recourse but to answer.

"Well, I mentioned before that I like to sleep. I do that a lot. Play video games, watch TV and hang out with my brother, pretty much. When he comes to stay with me we go play pool at Sticks and Stakes, go bowling, to the movies, sometimes swimming. We're not religious at all, my parents raised me to respect other peoples' beliefs and let me develop my own. None of them know about the supernatural, though I've come close to telling Joe stuff a few times. I dunno if they'd be into it - my family - but it's against the rules anyway, so," he shrugged.

"I found out when a young vampire brought his near-dead boyfriend into the Quarter clinic and I had to pump him full of blood to save his life. The boyfriend, not the vampire. The vampire was distraught and he basically just confessed everything in front of the entire emergency room. A lot of my colleagues down there weren't surprised, so I started asking questions. Met some beat-up werewolves, too, learnt that there was more than vampires out there then and have just been asking lots of questions since."

He chuckled when asked how he'd figured out Trick was a nymph. "Well, we were texting and he asked me out and I mentioned I'd got an invitation to the carnival and asked if he did too, and he said he did so I knew he was something. I told him I was an ally so he knew I was just human. He told me and showed me today, when we got to the carnival."

The last question was a doozy and it made Harm's heart flip over and beat a little faster just thinking about all Trick's good qualities. He couldn't help but turn and smile gently at Trick as he answered that one, his gaze roaming his face as he answered thoughtfully. "We were only just talking about that a little while ago, actually. I like that we have a similar ridiculous sense of humour - he makes me laugh. A lot. I like the way he blushes when I compliment him and that cute little smile he does when he likes what he hears but doesn't know quite how to respond. And I especially like that he can express his feelings. That's pretty damn rare," Harm murmured.

He realised his voice had dropped to something husky and a little too admiring while he talked about Trick, his expression giving away just how much he liked the guy beside him. He gave a soft laugh and cleared his throat, forcing his gaze away from Trick's and to the back of Gia's headrest instead. He was afraid to look down at the little gap. He didn't really want her peering back at him just then.

Harm knew he only had himself to blame. Fucking hell. Why'd Trick's dad have to go and ask him that? Why'd he have to be so honest?? His cheeks were burning and he was practically squirming, threading his fingers together and squeezing his own hands as he tried to breathe the embarrassment away.

Offline Pocky

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Re: Trick's Family
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2019, 07:17:21 PM »
"He can express his feelings?" Jon repeated with a large dose of incredulity. "Are you still talking about Trick?"

Trick frowned at his dad in the mirror. "I tell you about my feelings," he said, his tone defensive.

"Yes, I suppose that's true, once I manage to get you talking," Jon admitted. "Here we are. I hope you like slow-cooked beef, Harm, because that's what you're getting for dinner."

Trick grinned and reached out to squeeze Harm's leg high up on his thigh before retracting his hand.

"Dad's the best cook," Gia gushed. "He makes the best cheese mash!"

"I wasn't going to make cheese mash tonight but I suppose I have to whirl some up," Jon declared, turning into the driveway of the house. He hit the remote for the single garage door but didn't drive in. "It's a bit tight. Out we go," he prompted.

Gia was out quickly, Trick unclipping his seatbelt and then the unicorns before getting out the same side Harm did. He held Harm's hand once they were out.

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Re: Trick's Family
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2019, 07:54:46 PM »
"I like all food," Harm inserted when told what he was going to get for dinner. It flustered him, that he'd be included in their mealtime, making him feel so comfortable and welcome with such ease. It reminded him of being at home and he felt a sudden pang of homesickness, which only added to his discombobulation. He might've said more but that was when Trick chose to squeeze his thigh and he was thoroughly distracted by that, looking down at his leg in time to see Trick's hand disappear.

Once they got out of the car, Harm took the opportunity to lift his glasses and fluff and swoop his hair before replacing them into an artful position, then accepted his bag and hat from Trick before he climbed out with the unicorn. Harm put the bag strap over his head and shoved his hat into its already-bulging belly, surprised when Trick took his hand the second he stopped fussing with his gear.

He sighed happily, feeling instantly better. His hand in Trick's already felt natural after a day of hanging onto him. He hadn't expected it after Trick's coldness getting in to the car. Now he felt approved of again. Because of his honesty? Maybe it had had a positive effect after all, but he was still traumatised by the silence he'd inadvertently created.

Using Trick's hand as a pivot, Harm levered himself close, pressing his face against his shoulder and giving a quiet groan that only he would hear. He tipped his face up so that his lips were close to Trick's ear. "I'm really sorry about the water nymph act, thing. I was mortified! I didn't mean to offend them! I don't know if I should apologise to your dad or not?" he entreated, obviously pained by his faux pas. He leant back, watching Trick's face for some sort of indication as to whether or not an apology was a good idea or too awkward to broach.

He was struck, as he did, by just how handsome Trick was. The afternoon was growing long, the light changing and giving the water nymph an ethereal quality as it danced over his bronzed muscles and wrist trinkets. It did amazing things for his blue-water eyes, too. "You should take a selfie right now," Harm advised, his worried expression changing into a distracted grin. "You look amazing in this light." He knew Trick had to post to keep his followers thirsty. They'd be parched by what he was seeing right now.

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Re: Trick's Family
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2019, 08:07:53 PM »
Trick didn't have to be told twice. He took out his phone and had it on the camera setting in one fluid movement, holding it out and twisting around so Harm was in the background. He took some shots before Harm could pose.

"I'll take one of you both for your unicorn," Gia offered.

"It's Harm's unicorn," Trick replied. "It's up to him."

Gia pulled herself up from her slouch and stuck her tongue out at Harm before turning and flouncing for the front door. She had to wait there for her father to leave the garage, close and lock it and then move around to unlock the door for them. In the meantime Trick was trying various poses, some with Harm, some without.

"Harm, would you like to come in? He might be a while," he said with a growing smile. He and Gia entered. The front door closed gently behind them.

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Re: Trick's Family
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2019, 08:16:58 PM »
Harm stood by, holding the unicorn, his attention divided between it and Trick. He laughed at Jon when he invited him in but didn't follow, looking back at Trick and absently stroking the unicorn's mane. He didn't mind how long Trick took, the view was spectacular - though he had to keep dodging out of the way. Every time he looked up from the unicorn he could see Trick was angling the phone towards him.

"You can't post any photos with me in it. All your fanboys will get jealous and unfollow you," he teased, having trawled through a lot of lascivious - and sometimes downright perverted - comments, whenever Trick chose to post a pic of himself in amongst the nature shots that dominated his feed. They didn't even understand that Trick was an artful work of nature, too. The realisation travelled over Harm like water being poured on him from a bucket.

"You want me to keep the unicorn, don't you?"

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Re: Trick's Family
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2019, 09:07:38 PM »
Trick tipped his head to one side and regarded Harm after being told not to post him to Instagram. Trick had posted some photos of the carnival while they'd been there, careful to take shots of only things and inspecting each one closely before posting. He'd posted one of himself with the ferris wheel in the background, zooming in to make sure no riders had extra appendages. It would've been considered carnival makeup anyway but he was trying to be thorough. Harm had watched the process patiently.

As Trick stood in the driveway in the dying light--and it was too dark to take good shots anymore--he looked from Harm to the unicorn when it was mentioned.

"It's up to you," he said. "It's huge and inconvenient and was good for one joke. You don't have to keep it. Really."