He thought about Sam's response for a moment. He for sure wanted to meet up, that wasn't the problem. It was the couple of boxes of Hard Drives and computers that were salvaged from the facility being there. What he hadn't combed through was in his room, and what he had, sat in a box near the door, and was mostly full due to him very systematically dismantling the hard drives and thus they took up more room than before. They had all been unscrewed, their platters all shattered with the shards being stuck to heavy duty neodymium magnets. He had done his research on how to destroy them so there was no way anyone could ever recover the data. While it still wasn't messy to a normal person, it was messy to him.
"I'm available for that, but as a warning, my apartment is a little bit of a mess."
And with that he hit send, figuring if it was too messy for Sam, they could move elsewhere. Something they could discuss when it was time to cross that bridge.