Author Topic: The Bracelet of the Heroic Limb  (Read 5174 times)

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The Bracelet of the Heroic Limb
« on: May 16, 2020, 07:15:50 PM »
Name: The Bracelet of the Heroic Limb

Creator: Aelfdene, an unknown species of fae, had a hobby crafting various items with a twist. This particular piece is known to be among Aelfdene's earlier creations. Aelfdene has crafted numerous magical pieces throughout her lifetime. It is not known which same works have survived or where they have ended up.

Owner: None at the moment. It can be taken.

Creation: Created from magical leather acquired from one of the astral planes. This high-quality black leather bracelet is adorned with silver and gold charms. A perfect combination to make it appealing to all sexes.

A gift given to a dear friend as a sick and twisted joke. Aelfdene always had a playful but dark sense of humour. The gift served her colleague nicely to warn a gullible rival in the long run. Aelfdene's comrade came up with a misleading name. Her opponent threw it into the material plane in disgust. Aelfdene found their outburst brilliant, pleased it now travels the material plane.

Right now, it washed up on Glitter Beach three years back, and no one has found it. It could be in the bare sand, the tall dunes, or the gnarled scrub. It is not in or near the cliffs, or near the lighthouse.

Properties: When the unsuspecting sap wears this bracelet on their wrist or their ankle, the entire arm or leg will disappear into the astral plane. The affected limb will return after twenty-four hours have passed. The bracelet needs twenty-four to recharge.

After twenty-four hours have elapsed, one of three things could happen when your limb returns. A tattoo on your limb, an injured limb, or gaining an extra bracelet on your wrist or ankle with no magical effects when the limb returns.

It has no particular circumstances to be passed from one owner to the next. Just put it on. Simple.

Alignment: Neutral

Competing Magic: Unknown

Enhancing Magic: Unknown