Roleplay City

Halflight => HALFLIGHT: Hiding In The Half Light => Student Quarters => Topic started by: Trillian on January 10, 2012, 03:42:28 PM

Title: Island Tour
Post by: Trillian on January 10, 2012, 03:42:28 PM
SAMUEL HAD SPENT THE FIRST fortnight orientating himself with the Academy's grounds.  He'd been given a map to use, but after looking at it for a couple of hours, he'd put it away and walked around instead.  His classes were strangely sparse, considering the specialty of his newly chosen house.  He'd expected the Librans to teach many physically-based manoeuvres, but all he'd been training with so far were stamina based positions (holding arms out for as long as possible), and repetitive exercises and stretches.  It was a disappointment, and so were most of the other students in his level.  The study they received from their other classes was laughable also, for many of the knowledge imparted on them was about things Samuel had already learned.  He was something he hadn't expected to be.


Instead of studying and revising (because there was no point, he already knew what they were trying to teach him), he spent his time reading in the library, and exploring the Academy.  He'd come across a cipher and stared at it for a long moment before realising what it actually was.  Cracking the code had proven difficult, and he'd found three other ciphers (the second one was one he'd stumbled across, the other two he'd actively looked for) before he'd even worked out the answer to the first.

The notes were all written by the same hand, on the same parchment.  Whoever was leaving these ciphers had time enough on his or her hands to select advanced books and insert notes with advanced problems in them, as well as creating the problems themselves.  It drummed up a level of excitement he hadn't felt in a long time, and spent most of his free time cracking the codes.

As it turned out, the first cryptic code he found was the last one he cracked, but all four of them had yielded the same message, with tiny variations.  He'd honestly been surprised by who the inventor of the codes was, for he'd been expecting a Master's name.

Seek out Apprentice Aarik, who will give you a reward / Find Apprentice Aarik, for a kiss / Visit Apprentice Aarik / Come see Apprentice Aarik, for an island tour

It was this last 'reward' that interested him, though he got the sense that Aarik wasn't about to hand out rewarding kisses.  It was more likely that nobody had cracked the codes (because they were extremely hard), and it had taken Samuel most of his time and effort to make sure he deciphered every single one of them before seeking out Apprentice Aarik.

He'd gone to the laboratories first, but they were locked.  He'd walked around the building, looking in windows and listening for movement inside.  After deciding that Aarik wasn't at the laboratory as was reported by several students, he then decided it was late enough that he should try for the man's personal quarters.

He knew he wasn't supposed to be on such a high floor, considering he was a lowly level one student.  There were high level students he had to hide from, or bluff his way past.  He was told, after convincing a level nine student that he had important news to relay to Apprentice Aarik, that his room was halfway down the corridor, the third door on the left.

Samuel hurried that way, hoping to enter the room before he was caught by someone who really should've known better than to point out someone wearing his uniform to an apprentice's quarters.  He slipped inside, letting the door snick behind him, moving faster than he would've liked because he didn't have time to properly assess the room's strengths and weaknesses.

He saw Aarik sitting at his desk, staring at him with disbelief, a quill held loosely in his hand, and watched him silently for a moment before approaching, the four deciphered notes held crumpled together in his hand.  He dropped them on Aarik's desk, and said why he was here.

"When can I have my tour of the island?"
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Existentially Odd on January 10, 2012, 04:51:57 PM
Aarik stared dumbly from the level one student who'd just invaded his room - doing his best to moderate the adrenaline that had shot through him the split second the door opened without a knock and he assumed an attack - down to the parchment sheets dropped on his desk.  His body, all the way down to the hand gripping the quill (as it happened, his right), hadn't moved, but his left fingers already lightly held a throwing knife down by his left side.  The door and Samuel were to his right and he'd drawn it, ready to throw, before he'd even had time to think about it.  Then he'd figured out who it was and he hadn't let fly after all.

His mind - his best weapon by far - was stumbling for once.  Not only had a level one student invaded his room, but he'd also apparently done it because he'd solved some of his coded puzzles.  To give himself time to adjust, Aarik placed his quill neatly on the desk and gently moved the sheets so that they weren't on top of one another any more.  He silently perused them, to see which ones they were.  Further evidence of his discombobulation came when he figured out the flippant messages he'd left at the end of these and he blushed.  He'd been making the things for years, advancing them, making them more creative, and he had at least ten of the things spread throughout the library at any one time.

No-one had ever solved one.

Certainly, the pieces of parchment had been found in the past and some students had even given the codes a go, only to give up on them when logic failed them.  Generally, the feedback he ever heard about them were complaints about scraps being left in the books - as they were thrown away by the aides in the building, dismissed as odd notes taken for an exam and forgotten.  No-one had been smart enough to figure out they were purpose-written, to draw similar intellects to himself, to attract a like mind.  He hadn't got the blame for polluting the library, at least.

He couldn't quite believe, after all this time, that someone had solved not just one, but four, and followed them to him.  In under two weeks.  He was also embarrassed that, as time went on and no-one had ever seemed likely to live up to his task, he'd written increasingly flippant conclusions in his codes.  He knew that one of these even promised a kiss, for the sake of the Gods, and he was highly aware of how stupid that would look - unless Samuel hadn't read all of them.  Perhaps he'd just solved the one offering a tour of the island... the one written in a riddle so cryptic it had taken him weeks to research the plants he might be able to use - that were found on the island, of course - to create his cypher.  No, since it was the most difficult out of all of the ones on the desk, Aarik doubted it.  Likelier to assume Samuel had read them all.

His cheeks remained pink as he stood up, very obviously returning the throwing knife he'd been holding to his thigh scabbard.  "Don't you know it's both rude and dangerous to enter an assassin's room unbidden?" he asked the student haughtily, his chin held high and his brows drawn low.  The Libramen student.  Who'd solved his sophisticated puzzles.  What a waste.

Once the knife was back Aarik stood with his hands on his hips, regarding Samuel shrewdly and doing his best to moderate his body's reactions.  He was feeling completely off-centre at that moment, not only because he'd been invaded and his puzzles solved but also because he was at his most vulnerable - shoeless, shirtless, wearing just his pants and thigh knives while sitting at his desk and staring off into space.  He'd certainly been smashed out of his complicated hypothesising about a potion made to control human will, extrapolated from a truth serum.  Now, here he stood before Samuel, barely clothed, with a blush that felt like it spread from his cheeks all the way down to his rigidly-muscled abdomen (which it didn't... it only went as far as his neck and the top of his hairless chest).

His calm was further disrupted when he noticed his intruder's gaze impertinently perusing him - appreciatively, yes, but impertinently all the same!  Uncharacteristically flustered, he said the first thing that sprang to mind.  "How do you expect me to believe you can read them?" he jeered, nodding at the parchments he'd left on his desk but willing Samuel's gaze to stick with him; on his eyes, preferably.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Trillian on January 10, 2012, 05:57:50 PM
When Aarik stood and told him off while re-inserting his throwing knife, Samuel had to admit he'd made a stupid move.  He had to remember where he was; he'd become complacent in life being the one others should be wary of, and due to the nature of the other level one students in this academy, he'd gotten accustomed to the idea this was merely a trumped up school for wanna-be's and could've-been's.  Mind, the Academy had quite the reputation.  Pay for services from the Academy and they wouldn't stop coming until the mission was fulfilled.

Because Samuel had taken time to consider what was on display, taking advantage of the flustered moment Aarik was quite obviously having, he noticed the creeping blush.  It drew him away from the chagrin he felt at making such an impulsive and silly mistake that had put his life in the hands of this pleasantly-built man.  Attractive body or not, Samuel knew better than to trust others to take up the slack for his mistakes, and this was one fortunate lesson he would have to keep in mind while he was here.

Samuel's eyes lifted upward from Aarik's slender hips where his pants began and met the other's eyes with more than a hint of surprise.

"Do you see anybody else here?" he asked, his hands rising outward from his body for a moment to gesture minimally at the space around them (Aarik's room in general) and then they fell back at his sides, retaining Samuel's relaxed posture.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Existentially Odd on January 10, 2012, 06:18:09 PM
Still off-kilter, Aarik glowered at Samuel, wanting to argue but unable to do so.  There was no-one else there for one specific reason; no-one had ever solved his puzzles.  He doubted some masters would be able to do so.  That meant that no-one could have solved them on Samuel's behalf and then told him what they said.

As preposterous as believing this first year had managed to solve some of his best mind-tests was, it was even more implausible that anyone had done it for him and then told him the answers.  And no-one had ever seen him place the cyphers, he'd been certain of that, so no-one could have even guessed the right direction to point Samuel in, if he'd asked.  It left him with one conclusion, much as he disliked it.

"Why the fuck are you in Libramen?" he snapped derisively, lifting his right hand and running it agitatedly across the top of his head, revealing his lack of underarm hair to his visitor at the same time.  Sharply, he dropped his hand when he realised what he was doing, glancing around the room and surreptitiously trying to locate his tunic.  He was so thrown, he couldn't even remember placing it in the modest hamper beside the wardrobe standing opposite the end of his bed, but as soon as he saw the wicker basket, he remembered.

The light thrown by the lamp burning on his desk was modest but he didn't wish to be so overtly uncomfortable in Samuel's presence that he walked past him to get his clothing again; he'd just have to take comfort in the limited light.  He looked back at the first year, finding it difficult to maintain the usual emotionless equilibrium he claimed and further annoyed that his words were evidence of it.  "If you can solve my puzzles then you're wasting your time in that void of a house.  Come to Eruditio," he ordered, his tone unequivocal.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Trillian on January 10, 2012, 06:42:31 PM
Samuel watched how Aarik's muscles flexed as he raised his arm, and was aware that there was a bed handy in the room.  The idea left as soon as it came, for he doubted the other would be interested in him.  Especially with the importance he placed on the status of the houses, and he considered Libramen the lowest of the low.

If only he knew the truth.

"Why?" he challenged, when Aarik demanded Samuel change houses. "Because I'm smart?"

The only house that was interesting and appealing to him was Veneficus, but he had nothing to offer them.  The magical probe spell cast on him had given an aura so dim that they'd deemed it unworthy of pursuing.  He knew that magical artefacts gave someone without magic a way of handling it, or training with dogged persistence would yield some results.  Magic was something he'd been denied his entire life, and he was still being denied it, even here.  Being chased by the scientists seemed laughable.

"What can Eruditio teach me that I can't teach myself out of a book?" he said, making a grand dismissive gesture with his right hand, and shifted his weight so that he could frown and stare at the ceiling in consternation, liking that the ceiling was quite high.  It gave the small room a sensation of space.  By this time he was receiving an answer to his questions.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Existentially Odd on January 10, 2012, 06:52:22 PM
For a moment, Aarik was again struck dumb, Samuel's stupidity taking the ability to speak from him immediately.  "How to be less of an arrogant ass for a start," he countered scornfully. "We're the only house that can do what all the other houses can do," he then postured, folding his arms imperiously across his chest, expecting arguments.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Trillian on January 10, 2012, 06:58:30 PM
Samuel considered what Aarik was telling him, and folded his arms across his chest as he pondered it.  It sounded like a nice idea, but the execution didn't ring through.

"I don't see any amazing feats of gymnastic skill from a lot of Eruditio house, and Confuto brags they're the only house that can display mind over matter - to turn themselves invisible.  I don't see displays of magic, and even though I'm sure your house probably does understand how best to torture a man, that you wouldn't have the stomach for it."

He waited to see if Aarik would dismiss these specialties.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Existentially Odd on January 10, 2012, 07:32:39 PM
Aarik was surprised when Samuel instinctively mimicked his posture.  It registered with him immediately and a small thrill of triumph shivered through him because he was pretty sure it had ben subliminal; that meant that his intruder - despite arguing with him - was at least instinctively attuned to him.  He would listen, if Aarik could just find the right words this time.  Perhaps it was time to be more... friendly.  He could try it.

"I can refute all that; take you out to the obstacle course, complete it invisibly, blindfolded, quicker than any Libramen student can do it, recreate just about every magic spell you've seen - and probably some you haven't - with my inventions and slowly torture you at the end of it, if you want," he couldn't help but grin at the tease, the wolf in him shining in his eyes, "but would that be good enough for you?  If you're going to be looking for what I can do in the rest of Eruditio house, of course you'll find it wanting!  I'm not common!  But, out of all the houses, you're the only one who's ever solved any of my puzzles - and you did it in two weeks!" Aarik cried incredulously, unhooking his right hand and sweeping it around as he emphasised the important words - the ones that showed his genuine amazement at Samuel.

As much as he begrudged it (because Samuel's choice in houses had definitely not won him any favour with his Grand Master), the other man deserved to be complimented for his achievement.  When his arm moved, Aarik's feet did, too, carrying him closer to his intruder so that he could, on the last word, finish with the hand that he'd been gesturing with on Samuel's shoulder.  He gripped it and leaned down slightly, looking straight into the other brunette's eyes.  "I'm telling you that you belong in Eruditio because you're exceptional.  You'll look everywhere and find houses and people lacking but Eruditio is the only one where you'll find extension.  Trust me.  It's why I'm there," he said, relenting with his intense message by giving a shrug and straightening back.  Simultaneously, he released Samuel's shoulder and put his hands on his hips again.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Trillian on January 10, 2012, 09:12:51 PM
Samuel listened to everything Aarik told him.  He was beginning to understand what the other was talking about now, why he'd been the way he was in the interview.  They were a like mind, they were equals - regardless of what level Samuel was.  He relished the compliments Aarik lavished on him, allowing himself to believe their sincerity.  Aarik had tried to win him over to Eruditio, for whatever reason, because Samuel had been Samuel, not because he was 'connected'.

Aarik's touch on his shoulder was pleasant and, he thought, lingering.  He was reminded once more of the proximity of the bed, and now wondered if his first impression on how interested Aarik was in him, had been correct.  He was certainly revising.

"I've already made my choice," he said softly, certain that such things could not be undone.

He mourned the hand when it left, for his shoulder suddenly felt unnaturally cold.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Existentially Odd on January 10, 2012, 09:20:45 PM
Sensing a positive shift in Samuel's attitude, Aarik smiled (though with the light coming mostly from behind him, the genuine pleasure of it was likely lost on the newer student).  "Nothing is set in stone.  Students change houses - it's not done frequently, I admit, but it does happen.  All you have to do is approach a master and express your misgivings.  Since Eruditio offered you a position in the first place, it will be fairly simple.  I'd be happy to take you to an Eruditio master to discuss it," he offered magnanimously, shrugging in what he hoped was an offhanded yet friendly way.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Trillian on January 10, 2012, 09:33:00 PM
Samuel was quiet for a long moment, looking intently at Aarik and making calculations.  When the apprentice moved away and sat on his bed in order to give Samuel personal space, his gaze followed him and remained fixed.  His arms unfolded and he let them hang by his sides.  He was surmising the benefits and liabilities of changing his position.  It really didn't seem advantageous for him, to shift houses now, no matter what Aarik said.  After some more minutes ticked by, he approached Aarik and sat beside him, twisting a little so he could face him.

"There's no need to take me to an Eruditio master right this minute," he said quietly, his voice low but not a whisper.  He indicated his intentions by reaching over with his far hand and placing it on Aarik's leg, not on the one that had the weapons, in case the other got edgy.  Squeezing it gently and now turned in a position that left him vulnerable, his face close to Aarik's, he spoke again.  "One of my rewards was a kiss," he said, and leaned in to claim it.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Existentially Odd on January 10, 2012, 09:50:12 PM
It seemed that Samuel did still have surprises in store for him.  Not wanting to crowd the new student, he'd moved away, wanting to seem casual when he was anything but.  He realised his mistake when he was followed to the bed and those words came.  They caused Aarik's heart to sink, for they sounded dismissive; he couldn't have said why, perhaps it was the tone.  Perhaps it was that he was beginning to get a feel for how Samuel worked.

Either way, he'd begun formulating counter-arguments when his companion leaned in for a kiss.  Two things went through his mind: 'Oh?' and 'He's testing me'.  Aarik was a swift decision maker and he calculated the possibilities in the back of his mind even as he reacted; he came to the conclusion that Samuel had an equal probability of being genuine as he did of trying to throw him offguard, so he followed his gut.

His eyebrows likely flickered his surprise as he leaned in and met Samuel's lips.  Treating the student's actions at face value (for the time being), he kissed him like he was rewarding him, unabashedly and dominantly, his tongue curious and encouraging as it tasted its way along Samuel's lips and then slid between them.  He held the younger man's face in his left hand, his touch assured yet gentle, and leaned towards the first year like he was burning with a passion he was barely managing to hold back.  He kissed him like he'd been needing an excuse, even while his mind was busy assessing the other's every reaction.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Trillian on January 10, 2012, 09:59:56 PM
Samuel wasn't anywhere near as calculating, though he'd certainly manipulated events to turn in this direction by joining Aarik on the bed, he'd believed he hadn't been the first one to send a signal that this outcome would be desirable.

He'd been confident but not aggressive when going in for the kiss, most of his instincts telling him it would be a welcome dalliance, but he hadn't expected the passionate response he'd received.  He liked it very much and responded in kind, growing more demanding and letting the passion rise between them as they meshed lips and tongues together.

Thinking went out the window.  What was there to think about when this was happening?  Thinking could take place after, should Aarik make noises about wanting to take him to an Eruditio master again.  Samuel wasn't even trying to think up excuses, for he surrendered everything into experiencing this gratification.  Aarik was an exceptional kisser.

It felt natural, to touch his chest, following the curves of muscles with his fingers; to move them around his sides and to stroke Aarik's back.  He was happy enough to consume himself in this moment.  Enjoying the present was what he did best.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Existentially Odd on January 10, 2012, 10:35:29 PM
Attuned for Samuel's response as he was, Aarik was surprised when it appeared genuine.  Either Samuel was a much better manipulator than he'd credited or he really seemed keen to take the kiss further... and it felt a great deal like the latter.  Aarik's brain rarely shut off, he was always thinking, but the pliant and sensual responses and touches he was getting from the younger student made him wish he could.

Surrender would be unexpected... but was there more to be gained from it than there was through the open means he'd been using up until now?  He couldn't be sure and since his vial of truth serum - which he suddenly wondered about making into a lip salve to deliver slyly - was at the end of his bed, in the chest he'd had since he was a first year, he'd have to find out by more mundane means.

He broke the kiss suddenly, when their lips just happened to be closed, and pulled back sharply.  Ensuring that the lamplight across the room on his desk would show his expression, he smiled a devilish half smile that didn't quite reach his eyes (but the light wasn't good enough to show that).  He exaggerated his breathing ever so slightly, indicating that he'd been getting carried away and even if that wasn't seen, Samuel would sense it.

"One kiss - that's your reward for one puzzle," he said huskily.  "Any more than that and you might accuse me of trying to bribe you into Eruditio with sex," he declared with mock coyness, tilting his head in an ever-so-innocent manner, even while his expressive eyebrows danced contrarily.  His hand was still cupping Samuel's cheek firmly.

Internally he was happy with the nuances he felt he was achieving, playing his tentative rejection with the perfect amount of reluctance and honesty; implying clearly that he didn't want to stop, but it wouldn't be ethical while he was still trying to woo Samuel into his house.  What a dilemma.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Trillian on January 10, 2012, 10:47:18 PM
Even if you were trying to bribe me, Samuel thought but did not say;

"I won't accuse you," he promised huskily, his eyes half-lidded and looking at Aarik's lips.

He was fooled, for Aarik had played his part well.  Samuel truly believed that the apprentice wanted this, but he had been reading imaginary signs since the moment he'd found Aarik to be shirtless and physically attractive.  In wanting such signs to appear, he'd seen them, so there was no chance of him seeing anything in-genuine as Aarik made a comment in tune with Samuel's conclusions.

"I solved four puzzles," he reminded Aarik, figuring the other just needed an excuse (no matter how flimsy, to continue on this path of physical exploration.  He was anticipating sex, and felt that his counterpart viewed it in much the same way he did; as a session of entertainment that meant nothing beyond the act itself.  "That should get me a lot," he whispered, his hands stroking Aarik's body and one hand crept to Aarik's groin, to attend to him.

Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Existentially Odd on January 10, 2012, 11:09:22 PM
Masking his disappointment that he still couldn't be sure one way or the other whether he'd gain or lose Samuel's favour by continuing to discuss his house choices (though that hand on his cock had certainly hinted this was to be an irreverant act, in the name of fun, separate from such serious decisions), Aarik employed his superior years of assassin training to alter their positions.  In little more than the blink of an eye, he'd captured Samuel's hands in his own, spun so that he was up on one knee and pressed the other brunette back onto his bed with his body, hands clasped above his head.  Their chests were touching, Aarik's face hovering barely above Samuel's.  He knew his expression was in shadow when he spoke, for he could see his companion's fairly well.

"To meet me, a coin reward, a kiss and a tour of the island," he laughed good-naturedly as he rolled Samuel back, knowing exactly what his intruder was owed from the cyphers he'd solved.  "You haven't even found the puzzle that gets you into my bed, yet, let alone solved it.  Besides, I rarely sleep with first years... and never with anyone not in Eruditio," he declared, his voice light and airy, as if he was either not telling the truth or wanted to be convinced otherwise.  He knew his words contradicted what his body was doing, chest to chest with Samuel (the awkward position he was forced to maintain with his legs thankfully kept their groins apart), but he needed to send some mixed signals to get something from his companion besides mindless compliance.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Trillian on January 10, 2012, 11:18:47 PM
Because Samuel had surrendered himself so completely, he was dominated and moved as Aarik wished it.  It hadn't been entirely easy, for instinctively he'd fought it, but he'd been in a supplicating position, one that was easy to take advantage of.  At first he liked where this turnabout was headed (though he much preferred being the dominant partner because it was more familiar to him, he certainly didn't wish to object this new position), but as Aarik explained that Samuel would not be experiencing anything with him beyond what he already had, because of some ridiculous status he'd placed on the other houses and levels, he felt their intensity dwindle away.  His eager, desirous expression turned into a schooled unreadable stare.  Of course due to the nature of a dropped smile and the vanquishing of lust, the blank expression likely looked sour in comparison.

"Then get off me.  I have no desire to solve any more of your riddles," he said, indicating the mixed messaging that he was receiving.  Mouth saying one thing, body another.

He waited for Aarik to do as he said, for he knew struggling in this position - though not exactly futile, would lose him face because it would be an uphill battle to get away.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Existentially Odd on January 10, 2012, 11:37:35 PM
Before he did as Samuel asked, Aarik had a trump card to play and he did it unabashedly, his manner of speaking still mild.  "Here's something plain and easy to understand, then: come to Eruditio and I can guarantee you won't be a first year beyond the next two full moons.  Sooner, if I can help it.  With your past and your intelligence, you're wasted at that rank."

He lingered a moment longer, staring into Samuel's eyes in order to guage what he thought of the compliments and that offer before he complied with the other man's wishes.  To show that there were no hard feelings - and to limit any possibly retaliation he'd garner from sticking with business over pleasure - he used his hold on Samuel's hands to help pull them both into a standing position beside the bed.

As it happened, once they were both upright, they were still pressed close enough together that Aarik could feel Samuel's breath on his bare chest and it was only then that he allowed disappointment to register.  Silently he stood, staring intently at Samuel, waiting.  His forearms were crossed like swords between them (so that Samuel's were straight) and he held his companion's hands authoritatively within his battleworn own, wanting the lesser student to break contact and move out of his personal space.  He wouldn't be the one to let go first.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Trillian on January 11, 2012, 08:25:23 AM
Samuel was surprised that Aarik would make such a large promise.  Surely these things were at the whims of a master?  But why would Aarik pursue him so eagerly if not directed by his master in the first place?  He was fairly certain that the promise would be made good on, should he accept.

Before he could reply, he was pulled into a standing position.  He went with it, for he saw it as his release, but narrowed his eyes specutively when he was standing and still held firm.  Mixed messages indeed.  He didn't like the games Aarik was playing, but he thought he understood why the other believed there was a need for them.  He'd given his word not to accuse Aarik of using sex as a bribe to get him into Eruditio house, but the implication of such was certainly in the air, and Samuel had finally decided that was what it was anyway.

"Then get your grand master to speak with mine, for I will move for no less," he challenged.  "And I want my tour tomorrow."

He remained as he was, not pulling away, enjoying their closeness even though he knew it was devisive.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Existentially Odd on January 11, 2012, 09:02:40 AM
"I will," he said to the first demand, already anticipating his Grand Master retracting the very simple - yet devastating - expression of disappointment he'd received when last they spoke (when Samuel had selected Libramen). This was much better news to be taking to his superior.

At the second demand, he hesitated, anticipating it would take him most of the day to bring two Grand Masters together. It would be a very sweet thing indeed if he could meet with Samuel at the end of it as an Eruditio colleague.  He would aim for that.  "At the end of the day.  Just before the sun sinks," he agreed and named the place he would meet Samuel - near a path that would take them deep into the forest immediately.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Trillian on January 11, 2012, 09:36:52 AM
Samuel assumed Aarik was planning on organising his change of house tomorrow, and it might also be likely that once the wheel started turning, he might not get a chance for his tour.

"No," he said, pulling out of Aarik's hold in order to take a step back.  "In the morning.  My first class is not until after breakfast.  We can begin the tour at sunrise, leaving us many hours to explore."

He hoped Aarik wouldn't insist otherwise.
Title: Re: Island Tour
Post by: Existentially Odd on January 11, 2012, 11:10:50 AM
Aarik frowned lightly, sensing that Samuel wouldn't brook any argument on this - and he was keen to appease the other.  The advancement of his career was riding on it, after all.  "Alright," he agreed after a few moments of silent contemplation.  For his trouble, he received a startlingly lovely smile from his invader and some words of approval that he didn't pay a whole lot of attention to.  He was too busy staring at those lips.  Realising silence had fallen, he looked up into Samuel's eyes, feeling another, surprising pull.  Rationally, he justified that he'd been kissing the man, so of course he was more likely to find him appealing; irrationally he couldn't explain being this interested in someone he'd just met.  Perhaps it was also because he'd never met anyone who could solve his puzzles before.

No matter what it was, the air was suddenly thick with tension and he was aware that Samuel's expression was expectant.  Damn.  Realising he'd let his guard down, Aarik broke the eye contact and told the other man that he'd see him at the break of dawn, at the place he'd already named, his tone dismissive.  He stepped over to his desk and retook his position, lifting the quill and hearing Samuel make appropriate noises about letting him sleep.  When the door closed behin the other, Aarik was inexplicably relieved.  He stared at the codes still spread across the surface of his work area and was again drawn into deep thought about the solution of them, before he realised he needed to act.

Abruptly, he got up and dressed properly, intending to request an audience with his Grand Master.  Hopefully it wasn't too late.  He took the solved codes as proof of Samuel's intelligence - though he left the one that mentioned a kiss behind.

As it turned out, the Grand Master wasn't interested in seeing him that night.  The closest he could get was the aide, to whom Aarik gave the solved codes and told his tale, insisting that the sooner the GM considered what he was bringing to the table, the sooner they might score themselves the most intelligent student to enter the academy for a very long time.  The aide seemed marginally sympathetic - at least, he took the parchment sleeves and listened to Aarik talk - so he walked away feeling that it was possible the Grand Master would be given his message in a fairly timely manner.  Not soon enough to avoid his 'date' with Samuel, though.

(continued in 'Island Tour Part II' (