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Offline Kysis

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« on: August 10, 2007, 10:51:26 AM »
Greece: he had missed it dearly, as much as he might deny it.  His eyes roamed around the rocky pass, across beige outcroppings and dusty brown patches of soil littered with golden grasses.  The tall cliff walls on either side prevented the sun from filtering down so low, deep and cool shadows gracing their path.  Kysis had developed a quiet smile on his lips the moment they entered the pass, not talking, just staring off towards their hidden destination as Atropos calmly plotted on.

The jumpy male horse calmed considerably since the earlier legs of the journey, head held high, gait more of a prance.  It was obvious Atropos recognized the terrain, knew the routine.  As feisty as he was, he could still fake at being cultured (something Arna often criticized Kysis for).

There was a slight saltiness to the air, suddenly noticeable as they rounded a corner.  A few more snakes in the pass still awaited them ahead, Kysis keeping keen ears, eyes trying to take note of everything.  The trip had been pleasant thus far.  Kysis did not want anything to turn it sour.  Ruffians from the almost chaotic Kreos would be a nightmare, Kysis keeping a mental prayer for them to remain absent constantly in his mind despite his calm demeanor.

If he did not force that icy calm on himself, he’d been chatting excitedly the whole way and never have the chance to hear trouble if it came.

Since leaving the Frankish settlement, a little explaining had happened.  Kysis was trying to keep the contents of such discussions and the thought of his parents as far from his current mental-stream as possible.  He had explained the whole ordeal with Helen and Rico in detail: his parents told him he would be marrying her in three days; the night before the marriage he left Kreos, for the dock with every intention of getting on a ship and never coming back; Rico caught up to him and they stayed the night at the docks; Rico escorted Kysis back to the Liari Keep; Kysis and Rico “explained” to Marcos that Kysis had hired a woman at the tavern so he was no longer pure and did not want to subject Helen to tainted goods, seeing as she was high stock; Marcos actually believed the story and excuse; the engagement was called off and plans for expanding business to the far north were altered to include Kysis.  That was that.

As a safe guard, Kysis did not intend on letting Lam and Arna be in the same room alone for any amount of time, no matter how small.  Arna had a knack for telling if someone was lying, or leaving any part out of a story (which was why Kysis and Rico spun their tale for Marcos, not Arna).  He still felt guilty for leaving Lam and Alia alone in a room, and without introductions, so he would work hard not to make the same mistakes again.  There would be enough uncomfortable questions asked because of his traveling with a woman, and un-chaperoned.

The pass opened abruptly up into a quarter-bowl the northern cliff meeting the dark sea with the southern area was occupied by rolling fields.  Kysis flicked the reins, Atropos coming to a complete halt.  The land sloped down from the crest they were currently upon, forming a large valley.  In the center was the city of Kreos, buildings of beige stone and plaster and tile roofs.  From there Kysis could see the thick wall surrounding the city, the different residential areas, the long streets of marketplace, still open.

Against the northern cliff was a dark streak, an aged Roman keep perched against a pale stone backing.  The lands directly surrounding the keep were walled in, constructed in the same style as the city proper, much newer than the Keep had to be.  Kysis shielded his eyes, squinting.  Through his good eye he could see the Liari Guards making their rounds on the high walls, more than usual.  Kysis swung his gaze back towards the water, a settlement (new construction could be seen on its outskirts) directly on the coastline.  Two Ottoman ships were moored in the dock.

Trying to push back any sense of alarm he was feeling at the sight, Kysis forced his smile to remain where it had been for the last few hours, mustering up a voice as well.  He almost started out in Greek but stopped himself before the syllables could ring out, “This... this is Kreos.  As I said, just a speck of dust.” Kysis made a sweeping gesture with his right arm, encompassing the keep to the north, the valley city of Kreos, the farmlands and estates to the south.  He was nervous.  Quickly he lowered his hand, realizing it had been shaking that entire time.  Either he was extremely hungry or scared or missing Greek food or a mixture of the three, but the butterflies in his stomach were near unbearable.

He wanted Lam to say something, anything.  As long as she did not stare blankly or laugh at Kreos (which, he decided, would be as bad as someone laughing at a man’s manhood), he would be fine.  Otherwise.... he might just fall off Atropos right then and there.
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Lord Kysis Liari (Ένας πεσμένος ήρωας.),
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Re: Kreos
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2007, 04:33:40 PM »
Lam drew even with Kysis as they exited the pass, plopping her straw hat back on her head.  After the coolness and the shadows, the expanse of sun-kissed land and glinting water was dazzling; she blinked away the sudden onset of tears as her eyes struggled to cope with the brilliance.

Everything about Greece seemd brighter and drier than her home.  Gone were the generally-green fields and lush, shadowy forests; Kysis\' homeland was brown and arid, far warmer than she was used to and so sunny she felt freshly amazed every day they travelled here.  She greatly appreciated the difference between their backgrounds but wasn\'t sure she\'d ever completely acclimatise - not that she had to, it was just that if they... well.  She could certainly put up with visiting the country for the rest of her life, should it come to that, but she wasn\'t sure she\'d survive living here.

Finally, her eyes grew accustomed to the panorama and she gasped.  "It\'s beautiful," she breathed in Greek, feeling it was appropriate to compliment the land in its correct language.  She was feeling a lot more confident with Greek altogether, since they\'d practised non stop as they travelled through the weeks (and through numerous different and exciting territories).  None of those places compared to what she was seeing now though, she felt - though she could have been somewhat biased, considering she knew how tense Kysis was about reaching his home.

His going so quiet had caused her to look at him as often as she could also, and she\'d seen what she believed was excitement in his eyes - a conclusion she drew based on the beautiful little smile that was ever-present at the corners of his mouth.  She\'d been able to tell he was preoccupied and assumed that he was either dreading or greatly anticipating their arrival.  Considering the way he\'d waxed lyrical about Kreos and told her he couldn\'t wait for her to see the place though, she knew it to be excitement.  It was rather contagious.

Shading her eyes despite her hat, Lam rose up in her stirrups to take as much of the view in as possible, knocking her right knee against Captain\'s shoulder to let him know everything was alright, because he\'d shifted edgily at her action.  They hadn\'t stopped walking for weeks now so, apart from the fact that he didn\'t understand why they had at this point in time, the act of his rider standing in her seat was generally a signal of alarm or at least alert.  Like the humans though, he was tired and a little testier than usual.

"Where your house is?" the redhead asked in imperfect Greek, too energised by the sight of their goal to stop and think too hard about her grammar at this point.  She was pretty certain she\'d got close enough.  She turned her head and gazed expectantly at her lover, a smile on her own lips and her green eyes dancing in the light.  She was tanned a deeper shade of brown than she had been when they\'d started out (she was certain her freckles had trebled to accomplish it, unfortunately) simply because of reflected light, and so her teeth shone even brighter as they flashed at him from inside the grin.

Offline Kysis

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Re: Kreos
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2007, 09:49:08 PM »
"Είναι εκεί." (It is there.) Kysis was somewhat excited just hearing her speak Greek in the view over Kreos, almost forgetting to point.  He motioned north, to the dark brown stones and ancient turrets of what had been a Roman outpost during the better days of their Empire.  During the chaos that followed Rome\'s withdrawl from those lands, the Liari family stepped forward and calmed that little settlement (at the time it was little, supposedly.  It hardly was anymore), taking the reins and leading them back to order.... somewhat.

Things had been changing in Kreos for the last two months, that was for certain.  Marcos and Kysis had both taken note of how calm Oberon had been, formulating a few possible plans, one of which Marcos instated two months prior.  Not that Kysis would tell Lam until he got to actually show her; it was meant to be a little bit of a surprise.

"Do you want to see the city first or head straight for the Keep?"  It was the afternoon, Kysis finding the sun up above.  It would be a few hours before any dinner preparations would be made, so they could look around the city if she wanted.  Either way was fine by him.
Μεταξύ λάμψη και τρέλα

Lord Kysis Liari (Ένας πεσμένος ήρωας.),
Fenwick Baldor (Song, wine, and a bit of trouble),
Calista Liari (Θραύσματα Ομορφιά)

Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Kreos
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2007, 10:43:19 PM »
Lam sat back down in her saddle and gave the proposal some thought.  She was keen to get a look at the city but knew that a decent investigation would take time and a good escort - which she believed she had in Kysis.  By the same token, he was so proud of his keep that she was equally as interested in exploring that, as long as she had him there to guide.  The negative aspect to the keep was that she\'d come face to face with people she would see every day from now until they left and in her current state of disarray...

In the end, she released her lower lip from the gnawing it was getting and gave a slight nod - reaffirming her decision for herself - as she smiled at him.  "I think the keep," she told him.  "I want to see the city but don\'t want to rush it.  Once we\'ve unpacked and settled in, I\'d love an excuse to get out of this saddle for a few days and a walk through the city would be perfect.  For the time being, though, I don\'t think we need to impress the locals with this grubby outfit or the travel grime coating everything from Atropos\' nose back to the pack horses\' tails.  If I\'m going to go out in public with you, you should at least insist I look marginally civilised," she grinned.

It was as close as she could get to admitting that she was intimidated by being seen with him in a less than perfect state.  Not only would she look entirely different from everyone else in the region (her red hair had already drawn a lot of stares along the way, especially since she\'d become so blasé about tying it up, knowing it needed a cut and sticking to having it loosely braided beneath her straw hat, instead of in a tidy bun) and be taller than normal, but she would be seen with Kysis, who she assumed had quite a lot of standing in the place.  The last thing she wanted was to be an embarrassment to him in his home city.

Going to the keep to clean up would prevent her appearing in potetially humiliating circumstances and overcome the inevitable step of getting to know everyone at the keep.  Not to mention meeting his parents... she couldn\'t forget that upcoming joy.  It was probably best to get that over with as soon as possible as well (after a relaxing bath, of course).

Offline Kysis

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Re: Kreos
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2007, 10:57:21 PM »
"To the Keep, then."

Kysis was more than a little relieved by the decision.  If they went to the city, word of him returning to Kreos would spread like a wildfire and no doubt reach the southern estates by the time dinner was on the table.  That meant Helen would know before they were settled in, and would no doubt come to raise Hades.  Going straight to the Keep meant bypassing the city and delaying when she found out he was back....

Unless the runner had forgotten Kysis\' strict instructions to not tell anyone in Kreos about his coming.  Hopefully he had paid the man enough to keep him from being stupid.

Flicking his heels lightly back into Atropos, and turning the reins to lead along the trail winding around the city, Kysis started the short trek towards the keep.  He rounded close to the walls, waving up at the guards their who shouted greetings down to him and waved, friendly and informal, which Kysis was glad of.  It was like he had not left, like Ryos had not died.  The thought stung, but was a sweet one as well.

By the time they reached the front gates, large iron things, plain and effective, there were two guards and a man on horseback waiting for them.  The man looked about in his early fourties, dark brown hair short cropped, skin tanned with a few freckles showing, eyes brownish green.  He smiled and gave a little wave, "I thought I saw Atropos up on the ridge.  How are you?"  He patted the nose of the horse, Atropos biting at the hand.  The man laughed, "Same as usual."

Kysis recognized the man\'s accent finally, Ravenshom, the english from there.  He was sure of it.  "Tiberius, Atropos nearly bit your fingers off last time you tried that!"

The man shrugged with a smile, turning his attention towards Lam, "Well, hello M\'Lady.  I hope Kysis hasn\'t caused you too much trouble?"  That statement gained the \'I hate you glare\' Kysis had mastered from years of Tiberius thinking he was witty.  That was how it went, though.
Μεταξύ λάμψη και τρέλα

Lord Kysis Liari (Ένας πεσμένος ήρωας.),
Fenwick Baldor (Song, wine, and a bit of trouble),
Calista Liari (Θραύσματα Ομορφιά)

Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Kreos
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2007, 11:12:25 PM »
She laughed easily - as if thoroughly amused by the notion that Kysis might pose any sort of trouble she couldn\'t handle - and leaned forward in her saddle to shake the man\'s hand.  "Not at all, sir.  Atropos is definitely the more challenging of the two," she grinned, relieved that the first meeting she had was able to be conducted in English.

With a vague frown of consternation, she realised that although she and Kysis had talked about her addressing his parents, they\'d not discussed how she should introduce herself.  Men like Tiberius she normally would have no trouble declaring herself as Captain Wilson or just Wilson, but that wasn\'t going to do for his parents.  They would expect a first name; a pretty, girly name like Helen or Alia... not Lam (whom, she was aware, everyone initially took to be the name of a baby sheep, anyway).  The thought of Kysis\' mother using her name against her had her gritting her teeth, but there was nothing else she could do.

In light of this thought, she decided she\'d introduce herself formally to Kysis\' trainer, and see what he took from it.  It would be a good way to test the waters, so to speak.  "I\'m Captain of the Guard Lam Wilson," she extolled suavely as she grasped the older man\'s hand firmly in her gloved one and gave it a strong squeeze, "and I\'m very pleased to make your acquaintance at long last," she said, grinning as charmingly at him as she knew how (to let him know that all the stories she\'d heard from Kysis were good).

Offline Kysis

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Re: Kreos
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2007, 11:22:31 PM »
"Oh really?"  Tiberius gave a long glance towards Kysis before smiling again, "Tiberius Everard, the Master of Arms to the previous and present Lord Liari.  I feel terribly underdressed..."  He was wearing a simple tunic, dark green with brown pants and matching brown boots, a sword hanging at his side.  The guards were staring, though Kysis could not tell what at. "Ah, I almost forgot.  Helen is at her family\'s estate.  I won\'t tell anyone you came,  alright?"

"Thank you." Kysis breathed a sigh of relief.  Though the bitch was bound to show up eventually, Kysis would prefer it was not on the first night.  Lam introducing herself was good confirmation as well.  Now he knew how to do it when they happened upon his parents.  He was glad it was Tiberius who spotted them first, not anyone else.  He was a welcome face to see again. "Did you come out here just to greet us?"

"Of course!  I plan on escourting you to the Keep as well, if the Lady does not mind?"
Μεταξύ λάμψη και τρέλα

Lord Kysis Liari (Ένας πεσμένος ήρωας.),
Fenwick Baldor (Song, wine, and a bit of trouble),
Calista Liari (Θραύσματα Ομορφιά)

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Re: Kreos
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2007, 11:43:35 PM »
Lam chuckled and steered Captain to the side, so that she would ride on one side of Tiberius and Kysis on the other (she glanced back at the pack horses as she completed this manoeuvre, to be sure they weren\'t tangled or agitated in any way).  It would be odd not to ride at Kysis\' flank after so long in that position but she figured it would be best to separate herself from him somewhat.

Apart from the fact that she didn\'t wish to appear some dependent, weak-willed female, having some distance between them might keep their relationship a little more ambiguous.  There was no way Kysis was likely to interrupt that plan by being physically demonstrative in public, so she was fairly determined in her decision.  The less people knew for certain about her (and him), the less ammunition they would have, as far as she could tell.

"Not at all," she encouraged, with a wave of her arm that showed she was ready to follow as soon as Master Byron was ready to lead.  "I\'m very keen to see the inside of this place - and if you think you\'re underdressed, try presenting to a bunch of strangers in clothing that looks like you\'ve been dragged behind your horse for weeks, rather than on it," she joked, dropping the Master of Arms a conspiratorial wink.

Really, her brown pants and loose white shirt weren\'t all that tattered (though they hadn\'t acquainted themselves with \'clean\' in a good long while, either), but she was attempting to make Tiberius feel at ease.

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Re: Kreos
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2007, 11:58:23 PM »
Tiberius allowed himself a chuckle as well, that last statement really making his eyes light up. "I thought Kysis always looked like that."  He was grinning quite visibly, leading the way up the cobbled path to the Keep.  They passed by a large manor on the way there, Tiberius explaining how that was where all the servants lived and slept.  He was sure Kysis would give a better description sometime, so he left it at that, up to the old Keep.

The two mounted guards jumped from their horses, running to open the front doors while two other guards took care of everyone\'s horses, asking for them to dismount in Greek.  Kysis translated before Tiberius could, cutting him off actually.  The young lord had forgotten how much of a pain Tiberius could be if he wanted to.  There were a lot of embarrassing childhood stories he was sure Tiberius had no conscience qualms over sharing.

"Here we are." Kysis hopped of his horse, dusting off his pants and straightening his tunic a little.  He was sure Lam wanted to wash up before getting a tour, quickly going inside the entrance hall.  It was a dark room for the most part, slitted windows doing little to brighten it.  There was a large staircase climbing the opposite wall, to the upper floors.  That was where the people lived, so that would be a first stop.

And then something suddenly struck him.  They would probably have to sleep in seperate rooms, perhaps even distanced from one another.  The thought was a bit... weird after having spent so much time with Lam.  That issue would have to be dealt with later.  First he would show her where she could clean up before meeting anyone else.

"Um.... the Keep?"  That was the most introduction he could think of at the moment.  His brain was not exactly working, with the sensory overload of being back home again.
Μεταξύ λάμψη και τρέλα

Lord Kysis Liari (Ένας πεσμένος ήρωας.),
Fenwick Baldor (Song, wine, and a bit of trouble),
Calista Liari (Θραύσματα Ομορφιά)

Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Kreos
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2007, 12:10:51 AM »
Lam quirked a single eyebrow at Kysis\' ludicrous statement of where they were, hefting her bag - the one she\'d been able to insist she\'d carry, anyway, with all her personal effects in it - onto her shoulder as she performed a small twirl in the entrance hall.

"Right.  That much... I\'d gathered," she told him wryly.  "Care to show me where there might be a bath or... a room I could leave my things in?" she hinted, really wanting the bath first, in spite of whatever Kysis might have planned for their itinerary.

Offline Kysis

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Re: Kreos
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2007, 12:18:13 AM »
Kysis suddenly felt stupid. "Oh.... Here, let me take that."  Making her carry the bag when he was carrying nothing was outlandish to say the least, Kysis moving to take the bag before getting a responce.  He let his blue eyes roam around the room, seeing no one around.  They could go straight to where he was thinking.

Shouldering the bag himself, Kysis lead the way up the stairs, taking a sharp left.  It was a guest bath he was taking her to, more to avoid his parents than anything.  He was not exactly sure what rooms they had taken up residence in, so it was better being safe that sorry.  Those were the last people he wanted to run into at the moment.

Down three seperate halls and up a smaller staircase, Kysis found the first servant, speaking quickly to her in Greek, the girl running off.  He told her to get a bath ready for the Lady, immediately, the girl staring at Kysis a moment in surprise before going to do so.  Arriving unannounced was.... he would not say risky, just awkward.  That was how it went, though.

"Should I put this somewhere safe while you freshen up?"  In all honesty, Kysis did not want to leave her side at all, but knew he would have to, if only for a little while.  He stopped before a thick wooden door, opening with his left hand (which he was using more and more lately) to reveal a washing room, complete with a deep tub and other sorts of things.  Kysis hoped that would do for Lam.
Μεταξύ λάμψη και τρέλα

Lord Kysis Liari (Ένας πεσμένος ήρωας.),
Fenwick Baldor (Song, wine, and a bit of trouble),
Calista Liari (Θραύσματα Ομορφιά)

Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Kreos
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2007, 12:42:10 AM »
Although she\'d tried to object to him taking the bag off her, he was obviously not in a mood to listen and she gave up arguing almost before she began, following obediently after him instead.  She exclaimed over the beautiful house every now and then, as they travelled through it, looking around eagerly.  The rapidly-delivered order to the serving girl was too fast for her to understand more than \'water\' in, but she gathered that the servant had been instructed to draw a bath for her.  Arriving at the bathing room confirmed the suspicion.

Peering into the room, Lam glanced up and down the hall they were standing in and then - when she was sure there was no-one around - she stepped in to lean against him, her hands on his hips and her head leaned down to rest on his shoulder, faze nuzzling his throat.  "It can stay with me - it has my soaps, hair stuff and a clean set of clothes in it.  Don\'t you want a bath, too?" she murmured hopefully.  "You\'re no cleaner than me... couldn\'t we share?"

It felt like too long since they\'d been intimate; her moonflow had put a rapid halt to it for a while and things had never really righted, since.  They\'d always been too tired from travelling, or got caught up in discussions about Kysis\' history that inevitably led to misunderstandings - because he was so awkward about it and she was so curious that they eventually came to a head - and a lot of energy had had to go into smoothing his ruffled feathers over.  A relaxing bath together seemed the perfect way for them to make a break from travelling and become attuned to the rhythms of a house, rather than a horse.

Plus, she really didn\'t want to be left alone to that process, while he wandered off and got settled into his room, a familiar place to him.  She had no idea where she\'d end up staying - she assumed it wouldn\'t be with him, but definitely close enough for sneaking into and out of by night, at least until the truth about their relationship came out - and knew she\'d likely get lost finding it for the first day or two.  Kysis being away from her just compounded the feelings of panic and loneliness she already had over being in a huge house in a foreign country where she didn\'t know anyone else.

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Re: Kreos
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2007, 01:00:48 AM »
That gesture snapped Kysis out of his fog, his blinking for a few moments before glancing around the empty hall, and giving a soft nibbling kiss at her ear.  It sounded like a great idea, Kysis\' eyes tracing to the door\'s handle and noting that indeed, there was a lock.  Wonderful. "Sounds like a great idea."

"Με συγχωρήστε, Λόρδος?"

Kysis jumped a little, head snapping in the direction of the voice.  The girl was back, an older servant following with a two large kettles of hot water, put on wooden planks with wheels to roll.  They were both staring, the older servant whispering something to the younger before getting elbowed.

"Oh, Βάλτε το ύδωρ εκεί."  He and Lam would have to move for them take the water in and prepair the bath, but that was alright, Kysis also telling them to keep quiet about his being there.  The last thing he would want is to open the bathing room door to find his mother standing outside it.  That would just...

Kysis pushed the terrifying image from his mind, laughing a little. "These are... Lysa and Telia.  They and their two older sisters tend to this section of the Keep."  Exploring to find out what happened to his old room would have to wait until later, which he had no problem with.  He had later to settle in, when he was clean and comfortable and not mind-clouded with excitement/fear.
Μεταξύ λάμψη και τρέλα

Lord Kysis Liari (Ένας πεσμένος ήρωας.),
Fenwick Baldor (Song, wine, and a bit of trouble),
Calista Liari (Θραύσματα Ομορφιά)

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Re: Kreos
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2007, 01:23:49 AM »
Lam pulled back abruptly at the sound of a foreign voice asking her master\'s forgiveness, taking a large step backwards - her heart leapt into her mouth, too, as if she\'d been doing something truly heinous, rather than merely luxuriating in the shivers his little kiss was sending through her body.  The feeling of naughtiness wouldn\'t be denied, however, and she blushed even while she giggled, lowering her eyes to the floor and tucking a non-existant errant hair behind her ear.

When they were introduced, she smiled and mumbled a polite greeting to the two girls, greatly relieved when they took their water contraption into the room and set to work.  She exchanged shy, conspiratorial smiles with Kysis while they both stood awkwardly outside the bathing room, switching her hat to the opposite underarm so she could pull the ribbon out of her plait and run fingers through her hair, in preparation for washing it.  She had nothing to say that might be overheard and wondered if the girls really would keep their presence in the house a secret or whether they\'d gossip.  They seemed interested in gossip, to Lam.

Eventually, the bath was filled with hot water and Lam and Kysis were left alone. They stood in the hall until there was complete silence, just to be sure of the fact, then ducked into the small room like sneaking thieves, causing Lam to giggle once more.  She turned to find Kysis locking the bathroom door and admired his ingenuity, rewarding him with a kiss as she took her bag off him, then set it on the floor to kneel beside while she dug some soap out.

Once she\'d found what she needed - she placed two cakes on the side of the bath, ready - she stood and began undressing as quickly as she could.  The large container of steaming water had invigorated her no end; she was too busy getting naked so she could submerge herself in the water to even bother conversing just yet (though she was not so busy that she completely ignored what stage her lover was at, in his disrobing process).

Because she didn\'t care what happened to her filthy clothes once they were off, she was the first in the water and, true to her intentions, used the emptiness to her advantage, squeezing her tall self completely underwater, surfacing only when her lungs were screaming for air.  She sighed as she did, sitting up straighter and running her hands over the thick red strands to tame them over her head and down her back, looking for Kysis with a smile.

"This water is hot," she told him, "and it\'s divine.  I don\'t think I ever want to get out - assuming you\'re in here with me, of course," she giggled, watching him intently.  The thought led to another and she cocked her head, sobering somewhat.  "We\'re not... going to get to be together... like this, or in bed... much... are we?" she mused.

Offline Kysis

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Re: Kreos
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2007, 11:31:36 AM »
He had his own suspicions about the servants gossiping, but decided he would leave fate to fate (he still hated the idea).  If they did... hopefully his mother would be locked in her office and not hear anything until dinner at least.  That would be nice.  In fact, Kysis would even count it a blessing.

A knock sounded while Lam was submerged, a thin bag slid under the door.  Kysis opened the bag, finding that one of the girls realized he did not have any clothing.  It was good she had noticed, since Kysis had not.  He did not bother with a thank you, hearing the steps going away already.  With that he finished removing his boots (they took too damn long.  He needed new ones), the rest of his musty clothing as well.

Kysis slid into the tub across from Lam, a devious grin on his lips.  Sneaking around had a certain thrill about it, even if he was dying to have some public knowledge that they were atleast courting one another.  Perhaps he was just being territorial.

"Divine indeed.  Mmmmm...." He ducked his head into the water, smoothing back all the sodden platinum strands when he came back up.  He was glad the tubs were so damn big in the keep.  It was comfortable but still intimate. "Just some time to us, to relax before dinner.  I don\'t know how close we will be able to be while here... but I\'ll try.  If it offends Arna, well, I honestly don\'t care.  I did not bring you here just to abandon you."
Μεταξύ λάμψη και τρέλα

Lord Kysis Liari (Ένας πεσμένος ήρωας.),
Fenwick Baldor (Song, wine, and a bit of trouble),
Calista Liari (Θραύσματα Ομορφιά)