Author Topic: A New Page  (Read 11209 times)

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A New Page
« on: November 28, 2007, 09:53:57 AM »
[oh, ravery....]

Galen strolled through the markets. His eyes gazed upwards towards the sky. It had been about a few days since the party where he met Dubhdara, and a week and some since he met Dee. Lips turned downwards, the doctor was deep in thought. He was dressed in his usual simple attire of a buttoned doublet and pants. Nothing too special about him except for his hair. The auburn curls stuck out in what could be considered a big fluffy ball. The cloudy overcast day caused his already wild curls to frizz. It was obvious he attempted to contain the curls with a thick ribbon, creating a rather chaotic ponytail. A couple silver-gray curls mixed in with the auburn ones had fallen to frame his face. With a bounce, some more curls escaped the confines of the ponytail to fall around Galen’s face. Galen looked away from the clouds and towards the ground. He shook his foot, and water flicked everywhere. Unfortunately, staring up in thought had caused him to step into a puddle. He reminded himself he should keep his eyes on the ground, it had already gotten him a bad knee just a couple weeks ago. Letting out a small sigh, he decided to keep his eyes on the ground when walking and thinking at the same time now.

He paused for a second to recognize his surroundings. Glancing at the shops around him, he realized he had passed his destination. Galen was shopping for some ink and parchment today. He had recently made a breakthrough with a sketch of the kidneys when one of his kittens had jumped up and spilled his ink bottle onto a stack of parchments. So alas, he went out right away to replace the ruined parchment. From his 42 years of knowledge, he knew that he needed ready parchment and ink or else he would forget ideas.

Turning towards the way he came, he headed back. This time he stepped over the puddle of water. As he walked, he nodded to a couple of recognizable townsfolk and merchants. Galen enjoyed trips to the market when he felt lonely. There was always someone he knew that waved or said hello. As one, if not the only, noble doctor, he was well-known with the merchants and their families. Of course, he didn’t know them all, just the basics which he visited frequently like the potions and lotion shop, the parchment and ink shop, the book shop, the clothing shop (where he bought large amounts of fabric for bandages), and the metalwork shop. While passing a couple of these shops, Galen remembered he had to stop by the metal shop as well to place an order for a new instrument for his surgical procedures. Galen bit his lower lip in frustration as this thought reminded him that one of the papers in the stack of parchment that was ruined was the one with the sketch of that instrument. He grumbled as he realized he would have to redo all those sketches.

Lost in his thoughts, it took him a moment before realizing someone was calling for him. At the end of the street, leaning out from a doorway was a young man waving him done, "Doctor Galen, sir!" He yelled loudly, his voice echoed through the markets, "Doctor Galen!" Galen turned, staring at the boy. He squinted trying to identify who was calling out for him. He didn\'t quite recognize the boy as he started to walk for the shop. The boy met him in the street. He was a younger boy about eleven, his cheeks smudged with ash from the ovens of the meat shop he worked at. Galen looked up and down the boy trying to place exactly where he knew the kid. The boy wiped his dirty hands on a yellowish apron he was wearing before sticking out his hand, "I want to shake your hand, Doctor Galen." He requested.

Galen raised an eyebrow at the boy before shaking the other\'s hand. The boy\'s grip was surprisingly strong. As soon as they had shook, the boy ruffled his blond hair, a large grin on his mouth showing off a few missing teeth. Galen frowned, "I apologize, but... why exactly do you want to shake my hand?" The boy gasped before nodding, "Why for saving my grandpappy." Galen was distressed at this. He glanced around the boy as if he kept staring intently at the other he would remember. The boy seemed to notice Galen\'s focus and shook his head, "Oh, Doctor Galen you won\'t remember me, I wasn\'t born when you did it. But my papa and my grandpappy talked of you so highly all the time, i knew it was you the second I saw your curls." The boy paused before nodding, "My family name is Baxter."

The doctor started at the name, glancing around the street before nodding, "I see. And what is your name, lad?" The boy grinned before responding, "Jason, sir." Galen nodded, "Jason Baxter... and," He paused before speaking up softly, "Your father\'s name was Pelias... am I correct?" Jason stood up proud and tall, quite something for an poor assistant baker, "Yes, sir!" Galen smiled softly at such pride for being in one\'s family. He placed his hand on Jason\'s shoulder, "Well it\'s wonderful that you introduced yourself to me Jason. I hope... Pelias, and your grandfather are doing well still. And if you ever need a favor, please don\'t hesitate to wave me down again." Jason\'s face flushed as he couldn\'t help but continue to grin at the doctor. After his years of growing up hearing stories of Doctor Galen from his grandfather, who made it quite clear that their family was in debt to the doctor, he had finally met him and not only was he wonderfully polite but he was also just as kind as Jason had imagined him. The blond boy, filled with joy, hugged Galen around the waist, "Oh, Doctor Galen!" Jason cried out, the loud shout echoing through the crowd, "I\'ve waited my entire life to thank you for my family\'s well being." Galen blushed at the hug, placing his hands on the other\'s shoulders. Jason continued to gush, "I do hope you\'ll come by the markets often. Oh, in fact, would you like some bread or a pot pie or something to go?" Jason looked up at the other expectantly. Galen frowned gently at the offer. He wondered if he should. The whole situation was very unexpected, and Galen didn\'t know if he was quite ready to meet Pelias again. Though he had to admit he was curious to see the other man after all these years.


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Re: A New Page
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2007, 09:50:02 AM »
Winding his way through the stalls in the search of an apothecary, Julius realized that he\'d forgotten just how busy the Oberon market place could get. He didn\'t normally make it a habit of running errands- he\'d generally leave that up to the household staff- but there was something vaguely claustrophobic about the Brodwick manor lately and Julius had just been itching to get out into some clean air. Then again, clean air may have been a bit much to ask for. Pulling a face at the smoke that rose in billowing clouds from the smithies, Julius sighed, side-stepping yet another puddle and brushing off his doublet absently. He always felt faintly ridiculous, dressed in these sorts of clothes, but Dee had insisted rather vehemently that he wasn\'t to step out of the manor dressed like a \'dress-wearing, side-show freak\' and he supposed the boy did know best. Even if his hanfu robe was much more comfortable than these... Well, you could hardly call them clothes, could you? They weren\'t practical in the slightest. And the damn cotehardie or whatever it was called rubbed against the underside of his chin when he turned his head and it was driving Julius more than just a little mad.

Complaining about the latest fashions aside, he really did need to do something about Dee. He could see even from Dee\'s behaviour over the past two weeks that the boy was slowly turning feral, and to say that it was worrying would be the understatement of the century. He couldn\'t understand why he\'d never even noticed the problem before this return home, but then again, the circumstances were different now, what with his father\'s illness. It had thrown everything into perspective for Julius, even if he would have rather never known. He\'d had to dismiss the boy\'s tutor thanks to the man\'s less than honourable behaviour, and Julius and was still at a loss of where to find another to replace him. Not to mention this business with Doctor Galen.

Sighing softly, he shook his head to clear it before resuming his search for an apothecary. There was apparently a rather respectable pharmacist based towards the east of the market place, but Julius had completely forgotten the name of the street he was supposed to find. Of course, the weather wasn\'t helping either- the clouds hung thick over Oberon and Julius was almost certain they were just threatening to break open. What a dreary, Gods forsaken day.

Tightening the cord in his hair absently to keep it from falling into his face, Julius relaxed a little when the stalls and buildings around him started to become familiar. He was sure the pharmacist worked right up this street. At least something was going right today.

Keeping his eyes open for any sign of the apothecary, he blinked as someone called out Doctor Galen. He couldn\'t be too sure if he\'d heard correctly- it may have just been his imagination playing tricks on him again but- no, there was a blond boy there, all a-fluster and addressing a tallish man with a shock of frizzy, auburn hair. Narrowing his eyes, he paused for a moment. It was difficult deciding on whether he should go over and confront the man who had undoubtedly taken advantage of his squire (his squire, a voice in the back of his mind repeated with outrage), or if he should simply continue on to the apothecary. Coming to the conclusion that there was a very likely chance he would not have the opportunity to meet with the man again, Julius\'s mouth tightened, and turning, he walked over to where the boy and the auburn-haired man were standing. His errands could wait till later.

He raised an eyebrow as the boy gave the man a rather enthusiastic hug, and waited till there was a break in the conversation before clearing his throat quietly. He was fairly sure this had to be the doctor Dee had told him about- after all, how many Doctor Galens could their be in Oberon?- but it couldn\'t hurt to make sure.

“I do apologise for interrupting,” he said, smiling slightly at the blond boy and the man he took to be the Doctor. “But are you Doctor Galen?”


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Re: A New Page
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2007, 10:11:09 AM »
As Galen considered whether or not he wanted to go in the shop, a small cough caught his attention. The doctor glanced over to see a man standing there obviously expecting to speak to one of them. Galen was unsure if this man wanted to talk to him or the boy. Waiting for the other to speak, he looked over the man’s muscular build. By the clean clothing, Galen could tell that this wasn’t just some market place man but someone of higher position. He kept his hands on Jason’s shoulders. The boy still hugged Galen’s waist, looking up at the doctor happily. Jason noticed that Galen’s attention was somewhere else and soon also brought his gaze to be on Julius.

When Julius spoke and made it clear that it was the doctor that he was looking forward, Galen raised an eyebrow. He gently pushed Jason away from him, breaking the hug. His clothing now had white baking powder that had rubbed off from the boy’s apron. As soon as Jason saw the powder on Galen’s clothing, he blushed a bright red. It was obvious he wanted to apologize, but he kept quiet. He knew when grown-ups had to talk about business. So Jason continued to stand there, silent and looking between the two men.

“Yes, I am.” Galen responded lightly, “And whom am I speaking to?” He brushed the powder off from his clothing as he watched the other man. His mind whirred once more trying to remember if he knew Julius. He didn’t look at all familiar and Galen quickly gave up the search in his thoughts.


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Re: A New Page
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2007, 10:42:40 AM »
Something in Julius chest tightened as the man confirmed who he was. Straightening his shoulders absently, Julius\'s did his best to keep  from outright punching the man, instead concentrating on the fact that Galen seemed, well. Nothing at all like Julius had expected, now that he thought about it. Then again, he wasn\'t too sure what he thought the doctor might look like, but the clean-cut man standing in front of him came as a surprise. His clothes were well kept despite the white hand-prints that the blond boy had left, and the humid weather, which was most likely a sign of a fastidiously neat personality, Julius decided. He also had exceptionally fine features. Damn it, his nose was straighter than Julius\'s too. Ignoring the small, familiar twinge of self-consciousness, Julius resisted the urge to rub at the crooked bridge of his own nose. Everything about Galen seemed absolutely refined, except for his hair. His hair was... well, the word spectacular came to mind. It frizzed out every which way, auburn curls falling around to frame the man\'s face, making his features seem all the more elegant. It was all more than a little surprising, and it took Julius a few moments to remember that he was there to confront the man, not just stare at him.

Clearing his throat again, Julius gave a short bow out of formality to both the boy and the doctor before straightening again. “Sir Julius Brodwick,” he said as he brushed off his doublet absently. “If you\'re not busy at the moment, I would very much like to have a word with you, Doctor Galen. I do believe you know my squire, Dubhdara Pencawr?”


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Re: A New Page
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2007, 11:02:35 AM »
Galen frowned a bit as Julius stood there. The other seemed to be lost in thoughts and the doctor took the time to wonder what the man wanted. He seemed to know that Galen was a doctor, so Galen figured that it was a medical issue that he was approached. It was often that random strangers would introduce themselves having been told that Galen was willing to perform surgeries for odd payments such as large amounts of trecles or a painting. He patted the white hand-prints off, a light dust appearing around him as he did. Once Julius gave a bow, Galen nodded his head politely. Jason glanced between the two before hastily bowing very low.

Galen’s assumption that Julius was in a higher standing position than most in the markets was confirmed by his bow and introduction. He didn’t expect the next name said however. Dubhdara? Galen thought to himself, squire…. It connected very quickly and it explained why Julius seemed like nobility. This was Dee’s knight. His eyes widened just a tad before he looked at Jason then back at Julius. He felt that the conversation that was about to come wasn’t one that the boy should listen in on. Galen turned towards Jason, “I’m going to have to pass up on those pies today but I assure you I will be back to say hello.” His lips turned up in a soft smile as Jason nodded before running back into the bakery.

Once Jason was gone, Galen brought his attention back to Julius. He made a hand movement, gesturing to the road ahead, “Why don’t we walk and converse, it’s better for your health.” The doctor continued to smile politely as he started down the market place once more. “Yes, I know your squire.” He held back from saying ‘Dee’ after the sustenance. Perhaps not the best to use the boy’s nickname with the knight. Galen brought his gaze to the ground as he watched it move underneath his feet, “Is there something you would like to ask me about him?”


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Re: A New Page
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2007, 11:27:13 AM »
Watching the boy who had been talking to Galen prior to their introduction take his leave, Julius then turned his attention back to the doctor, eyes narrowing slightly at the flicker of surprise on the other man\'s face. Obviously the doctor had not expected his actions to be followed up.  Mouth tightening, Julius nodded as the doctor gestured towards the street, biting back a small smile at the man\'s mention of his health. How very peculiar, this Doctor Galen was. And how very professional. He didn\'t at all match the image of the man Julius had painted for himself before meeting him.

“After you,” he said, doing his best to retain some form of civility. “And yes, there was.” He paused for a moment as he walked beside the other man, trying to gather his thoughts into some form of order. It was very, very hard to keep from just frogmarching the doctor up to the closest guard to have him arrested for... whatever it was that Galen had done to Dee.

“How exactly do you know my squire, Doctor Galen?” he asked, a little colder than he was intending.


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Re: A New Page
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2007, 11:39:11 AM »
Galen continued to walk. Julius seemed so far to be a fine gentleman even though he was a knight. Galen didn’t have the highest regards for knights but he was still polite and professional towards them. He wasn’t one that would take out his personal opinions and force them upon someone who’s whole life was about fighting. It helped that the previous meeting a week or so back of a kind mercenary had eased his attitude towards the whole military, at least so far.

The doctor’s walk was slow and made sure that Julius could keep up. Galen didn’t want to get separated in the crowd which was easy to do in the markets. He glanced back at the knight, wondering exactly what the man planned to speak about. When Julius spoke up in a rather harsh tone of voice, Galen paused.

He stared at Julius, a surprised expression on his face. It stayed there for only a second before he continued to walk. His thoughts whirled about. Had Dee told this knight about them? Why else would Julius had sought Galen out? Perhaps this was a conversation of jealousy. At the thought, Galen felt a constriction in his chest. It was highly possible that Dee had also seduced his knight. While Galen liked Dee, he had to admit the other was quite promiscuous and he wouldn’t put it behind the boy to also be committing acts with the knight he spent all his time with. As these ideas raced through his mind, he tried to focus on answering the question.

“I met him,” Galen started out cautiously, “about a week ago in the stables, while he was doing his work. We had a rather,” He paused again obviously trying to think of a right word, “lovely chat.” Galen glanced towards Julius, “Now, is there something wrong with Dee or did you have a question for me?” He hadn’t meant to make the question sound blunt but he wanted to move the spotlight to Julius instead of himself. Galen feared that if it stayed on him, the conversation would not end well. Through his worries, the doctor hadn’t noticed that he had used Dee’s nickname instead of the boy’s actual name.


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Re: A New Page
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2007, 12:05:43 PM »
Julius settled into an amicable pace next to the doctor, adjusting the cuffs of his doublet absently. Whilst he certainly didn\'t want to make a scene in the middle of the market place, the thought of the doctor forcing himself on Dee, abusing his position of power... it made something in his stomach turn, as if acid was eating its way into his chest.

Shaking his head to try and clear his mind of those thoughts, Julius\'s expression hardened as the other man spoke. He\'d been taken by surprise by the other man\'s appearance, but his words sent something strangely akin to jealousy crackling up his spine. A lovely chat? Julius knew he wasn\'t the brightest person in all of Elaria, but did the doctor really think he was that stupid?

He slowed a little and watched the other man, mouth set in a hard line and fists clenching slightly as the doctor continued to speak. How dare he use his squire\'s nickname like that? As if they were friends?
“Is there something wrong with Dee?” he repeated, trying to keep the edge from his voice and failing quite spectacularly. “Yes, I guess you could say that.”

Finally slowing to a stop, Julius reached a hand over to grab the back of the doctor\'s doublet. “Exactly how old are you, Doctor?” he asked coldly, tightening his grip on the pristine material, “because the last time I checked, it was against all morality and common sense for a grown man to force himself onto a child.”


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Re: A New Page
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2007, 12:52:43 PM »
Galen was taken aback by the sudden grip on his doublet. He glanced over his shoulder to look at Julius. This was the very reason he had little respect for knights and their kind. They couldn’t do anything without getting violent or physical. Galen didn’t move away from the other though, unsure of how Julius would by the movement. The last thing the doctor wanted was to get into a brawl in the marketplace.

It was obvious by Julius’s expression that the man was mad. Galen could only guess that Dee had told the knight. He took a deep sigh, closing his eyes. Once his eyes flickered back open, he listened to Julius’s question. Galen was actually going to answer the question politely with his age in an attempt to save the conversation, but Julius had already cut him off.

He glanced around at the crowd around them. Galen only prayed no one would hear this conversation. Unlike some, he had a reputation of being a kind doctor and he didn’t want to wreck that. Galen turned a bit to place his hand on Julius’s. He gripped the other’s hand. He knew he would be no match in a fight, a doctor versus a knight. But he also knew that the court would look in favor of him in the aftermath, and knowing this brought him courage.

Galen frowned a bit as he heard Julius’s cold statement. What exactly did Dee tell the knight? The shock at this idea, Galen conveyed out loud, “Forced?” He frowned, glancing down at the man’s hand, “Please let go of me. I can’t speak to you if you’re going to take actions such as these.” He left it at there, not wanting to delve into the conversation about Dee for fear that he may say something wrong.


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Re: A New Page
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2007, 01:38:13 PM »
Blinking as the other man gripped onto his own hand, Julius\'s glare deepened slightly. It was so ridiculously tempting just to smack that look off the other man\'s face. Talon save him, where was Julius\'s diplomacy when he needed it? It wouldn\'t do to have an altercation right here in the middle of the market place, regardless of how much the knight wanted to. That and, well, Dee had seemed rather worried when they were discussing the good doctor before. He didn\'t want to upset the boy if he could help it.

Clenching his jaw at the look of shock on the other man\'s face, Julius glowered darkly, refusing to let go of the doctor\'s doublet. He had absolutely no doubts that Dee had told him the truth. “Forced,” he repeated, taking a step closer. The very least the other man could do was look contrite, for Talon\'s sake, and there he was, acting all bewildered as if he\'d done absolutely nothing wrong in his entire life. The bastard.

 “And if you come anywhere near my squire again,” he continued, “I\'ll have you hanged. Do we have an understanding here, Doctor?”


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Re: A New Page
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2007, 01:56:35 PM »
Galen continued to frown as he saw Julius apparently restrain himself. The clenching of the jaw made Galen a tad worried. Especially when the knight refused to let go of his doublet. When Julius took a step closer, Galen straightened his posture a bit. He wasn’t about to cower in front of the taller man. He wouldn’t give the knight that kind of satisfaction.

Galen stared up at the knight at the threat. He knew the man was entirely serious. The doctor couldn’t help but feel a tad betrayed by Dee. Is this what Dee had told the knight? Galen hoped that wasn’t how Dee truly felt about the situation. At this thought, shame gripped Galen’s heart.

“Brodwick,” He began neither calling the knight by his title or first name. Galen wasn’t about to give this man any respect beyond politeness and even that was beginning to wane, “I’m unsure of what Dee told you,” He paused trying to think out what he was going to say before he said it so he wouldn’t get himself into further trouble, “But I think your jealousy has twisted it to be something worse than it is.” His grip on Julius’s hand tightened a little bit, not in hopes of starting a fight but rather the tension that was growing in his muscles from the words being exchanged, “And I highly doubt a knight such as yourself would be able to have a highly esteemed doctor hanged.” Galen hadn’t realized how snobbish and truly insulting his words had been until after he spoke.


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Re: A New Page
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2007, 09:41:42 PM »
(Hey! I\'m sorry about the late reply- the family pretty much ambushed me with Christmas parties and stuff)

Whatever doubts Julius held about Dee\'s honesty quickly crumbled at the look on the other man\'s face. Jealousy? Talon help him, he hadn\'t come back from the bloody Middle East just so some kiddy-diddling, self righteous doctor could accuse him of being jealous. Tightening his hold on the doctor\'s doublet for a moment before letting him go and pushing him back a little, Julius\'s mouth twisted into a scowl at Galen\'s words, clenching his fists a little tighter. “A highly esteemed doctor?” the knight repeated, barely able to keep the edge out of his voice. “You know, I\'m sure your patients would just love to decide that for themselves after hearing about your choice of bed partners.”

Trying his level best to keep from just hitting that smug look off Galen\'s face, Julius growled slightly, tugging his hand back and flexing his fingers, glowering darkly at the other man. “I  have to admit, I am curious as to how the hell you justified it, though,” he continued, finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate on the market place around them, or to even care about it. “Dee is, what. Half your age? Do you make a habit out of this sort of thing?”


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Re: A New Page
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2007, 10:01:14 PM »
Galen watched as the grip on his doublet loosened and let go. The push caused him to take a few stumbling steps backwards due to his bad knee. He winced before glancing down at the knight’s clenched fists. The doctor hoped those fists weren’t going to touch him at any point in the conversation. He raised an eyebrow as he listened to Julius’s retort.

“First off,” Galen began to answer the man. He glanced around before lowering his voice a bit, “my noble patients wouldn’t care due to they have just as many secrets in their lives as well and my poor patients will take any help they can get. You may forget that a doctor is not a profession you can cast someone out of easily. It is one that is actually essential for society, unlike some.” At the last sentence, his tone and a quick scan of his gaze made it quite clear that the doctor was insulting Julius’s profession. He did another glance around the market place. He did not want anyone listening in to this conversation.

“Secondly, what makes you think I justified it?” Galen responded. A twinge of bitterness in his voice, “And, no. I do not make a habit out of this. In fact,” He leaned in a bit closer, “If you must know, your beloved squire was the one who sought me out.” He instantly leaned back out once it was said, not wanting to get hit by a knee-jerk blow. While it had to be said because it was true, Galen did not know if the knight would appreciate hearing such a thing about his squire.


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Re: A New Page
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2007, 10:56:58 PM »
Ignoring the burning of his ears as best he was able and inwardly cursing the readiness that his skin flushed when he was angry, Julius\'s expression hardened as Galen lowered his voice. It was absolutely pathetic the way he was able to talk about himself and his patients like that, as if they were either scum-bags or idiots.  Or both. He wondered if that\'s why that blond boy was there before. He\'d certainly seemed happy to see the doctor, and the longer Julius talked to Galen, the more he was convinced that the only reason why someone would willingly engage with the other man was to thank him for whatever cure he\'d produced.

Rubbing at his knuckles absently, Julius raised an eyebrow at the stab the doctor made about his profession. Well, there was irony for you, he supposed. So much for the highly esteemed doctor, then.  “Well, I\'ll be damned,” he said flatly, "that has certainly put my job in perspective.”

Blinking at the second point the doctor made about Dee, Julius felt something in his chest just snap, and before he realized what he was doing or had time to think about the consequences, he\'d thrown a punch at the other man.


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Re: A New Page
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2007, 11:14:48 PM »
Galen watched as Julius seemed to seethe in anger and wondered for a second if that was healthy for the other man’s blood pressure. He didn’t have very long to think about it when a fist flew right at him. The doctor attempted to dodge, but the differences in skills was obvious when the blow landed on the side of Galen’s head. He stumbled this time to the side and almost fell but was able to save himself from the ground as he walked backwards. Placing a hand to his throbbing temple, he stared at the knight with wide eyes.

After a few seconds of shocked staring, Galen’s eyes went into a rather dirty glare. “Well, then.” He spoke up. His voice was now loud, not bothering to keep quiet anymore. A couple people in the crowd had stopped to watch the fight. “I’m sure you’ve solved everything with that punch, did you not, knight?” He gulped before shaking off his glare. The doctor replaced the expression with a rather softened look with just a hint of arrogance.

Straightening his posture, he continued to hold his hand on his temple as if applying pressure to the swelling wound, “It seems we both selfishly indulge in satisfying ourselves. Yours in forced violence, mine in consenting pleasure.” Galen began to walk backwards down the street a bit, retreating from the knight. He knew if a full-on fight began he would stand no chance, “And if punches are all you have because you have limited supply of words, this conversation has ended.”