Apep looked like a young man, and by Scarei standards he was still a youth. However, being over a hundred had it's advantages, particularity the amount of time one get's to read. Apep had chosen this line of work, because he loved history. As a boy he read countless books on ancient treasures, some real and some pure fantasy. His parents had been avid art collectors, and treasure seekers themselves, and it was from them Apep learned the tools of his trade. He looked a fool, but that was the idea. Most people liked a fool as their opposite in a deal, but Mitch was another type, and Apep had just noticed.
Mitch loved power. It was clear from his whole persona. He wanted Apep to be the man, to fill in for the role a Sabbat ancient once filled. Death and destruction were only his trades, and with no soul he could never really have passion. He'd filled that void with lust and gluttony, but it was domination and submission that drove him, and Apep seemed to be moving towards a dominant position.
"I may have heard of it," he hinted, never really confirming or denying anything if he didn't have to. "I may have also heard that it's in the city. Something that large makes a pretty decent splash. I'd considered snatching it myself, but didn't see the potential pay off to me personally. Half a job is the buyer, and oh, look, here you are."
Apep tapped Mitch's exposed abdomen with his finger tips, sliding them down just a touch, and then pulling back into a comfortable looking position. His aura begged him to join. He'd wondered if Mitch had hit the bong as a courtesy. Vampires needed laced blood to get high, unless it was Venom. That he could inject straight into the bloodstream. "As for your venom," he said, smiling and revealing pretty white fangs. "Come get some."