Ben had received a single text message from Kerr. It had come through just as the sun rose over the city that morning.
I love you. I miss you.
It was hardly complicated but the process he'd gone through to get to those six fucking words had been.
Kerr had spent the rest of the night licking his wounds, rehashing all of Ben's words, cuddling Cain in an effort to make himself feel better. It didn't work, though. Cain was an inadequate substitute for the amazing, complex, destructive man Kerr really wanted to be holding - well, he did and he didn't. With his mere presence, Ben comforted Kerr in ways that no other creature ever could but he definitely couldn't stomach the thought of touching his lover after Saraekiel had been near him. It narrowed the distance between he and the evil filth far too much for Kerr's liking, making his skin burn and his gut heave as if he were human.
Part of him wished they could be less complicated. And monogamous. But it was a very small and selfish part because he knew it would also kill Ben and make him less of what Kerr loved. This was his problem because he despised the one creature Ben was most attracted to - besides him. That qualifier was very important and, on a logical level, Kerr knew that but he couldn't stop his fragility over it. He despised the cretin with every fibre of his being and Ben didn't give a flying fuck. He couldn't care less about Kerr's view regarding his disloyal, disrespectful, disappointing return to the creature's side.
It was hard for him to believe Ben loved him when he chose to repeatedly hurt him like this. It had been the entire reason he'd felt so astoundingly guilty about Cain and walked out on him. He hadn't known how much he'd been hurting Ben with Cain and he'd been horrified enough to bolt in apology. Ben knew exactly how much he hurt Kerr with Rae and he did it anyway. Worse; he fucked him, capitalised on the opportunity by pretending he'd done some sort of magical business negotiation and then tried to rationalise his offensive actions by attempting to force Kerr to say he wouldn't be bothered by the evil cunt coming between them.
Kerr spent the better part of the night railing at Ben in his head, repeatedly expressing his fury and absolute mortification regarding his offensiveness. He tried to tell himself it had something to do with Ben's feelings about the election loss but he didn't believe it. It was just Ben being a selfish prick, stabbing him in the heart and then, effectively, yelling at him for feeling hurt by the metaphorical knife sticking out of him. There'd been quite a lot of 'fuck Ben' thoughts that'd only calmed down when he'd started convincing himself that leaving had been the right idea all along.
It had been the cold splash of realisation he'd needed because he knew that wasn't true. This night of agony was nothing compared to what he'd suffered half a country away from Ben. He wouldn't willingly go through that torture again for anything. Once his love for Ben had overcome his hatred for Saraekiel, Kerr's thoughts had evened out and his horror had abated. Then he'd just been left with an empty bed and even emptier arms with daylight fast approaching so he'd sent Ben his message. In that moment, the words had held a poignancy so sharp there'd been tears and a dull ache that'd throbbed in every joint in his body as he had surrendered to a fitful sleep.
When he woke up, he looked at his phone and lamented the fact that he hadn't even used an emoji. He should've put a heart after it. He still felt fragile and drained by the strength of the emotions Ben forced him to work through but he wanted to see his love. He'd hated sleeping alone. Though he doubted he'd have spent the day with him if Ben had come home (because Saraekiel germs... ugh), having him in a bed closer by would've soothed Kerr's anxiety. His fledge hadn't been far away, though. Just the exact distance his other fledge usually was, so he'd known he was safe, at least.
After a quick shower, Kerr pulled on jeans and a black T-shirt. Conceding that he should also wear something on his feet so he didn't look completely like a vagabond, he pulled on socks and black boots before grabbing his phone and all the keys he'd need and heading out. The Capital was a quick run away and he arrived on the penultimate floor twenty minutes after the sun had finally yielded the sky. He used his key to let him into Cub's apartment, managing to close the door behind him before the destruction registered. His mouth fell open and his body went rigid as his gaze flowed back and forth around the open space, silently cataloguing every broken bit of furniture, destroyed cabinetry and malicious damage done to a place he still felt was a home.
Pain constricted Kerr's heart and he could no longer fight the tears as he absorbed Ben's cruelty. He gaped and sobbed and wondered what the fuck this meant now. A distant part of his mind considered the fact that neither of them could catch a break, it seemed, but why the fuck were they taking it out on each other? He couldn't come up with a reasonable answer as he boggled at the wreckage surrounding him, crying like a distraught child.