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Offline Trillian

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A Public Private Moment
« on: March 03, 2019, 09:52:47 AM »
Jenella leant further forward as the wind threatened to rip her off her motorcycle. Strong arms around her middle squeezed a little tighter as Ricardo hugged her from behind. She could feel his excitement pressed against the small of her back, even through her leathers. She grinned and twisted the throttle open all the way, letting the bike roar dangerously down the straight towards a tight corner. She wound off and moved to the opposite side of the road to take the corner as wide as possible. When rounding it and tightening up to get to her own side of the road, she was still close to the line when headlights splashed into her vision and a large truck blasted its horn. She pushed harder on the handlebars, forcing the bike lower, turning tighter. Hopefully, no scattering of gravel or leaves would interfere with the tyres.

She made it, of course. Ricardo's knees were squeezing her as well - no doubt he'd thought he was going to lose his leg on that side. She heard him yelling her name through their helmets. Without her sensitive hearing, she would've missed it, but knowing he'd told her off only made her laugh.

They rode up the winding road and their death scare emboldened her Italian lover, for his gloved hands roamed her front, running over her breasts and between her legs. The sensation was pleasant but unsatisfying - it wasn't enough. She raced them to the top, where nobody was in the carpark. Who else would come to a lookout at nighttime? Pulling up close to the rail, she shut the bike off and kicked down the stand. Instead of getting off the machine she took off her helmet and sat up, giving Ricardo better access to her body.

He pulled off his gloves and threw them down before his talented hands unbuttoned her leather pants and unzipped just enough that he could slide his fingers into her. She gasped and rested her head on his shoulder as he worked on her jacket as well, opening it up to get to, play with and tweak her nipple. In her position all she could do was writhe against him, giving him no satisfaction. That was alright with her - she'd already given him a thrill.

Even as Ricardo worked her body, expertly taking her down a path towards orgasm, Jenella was aware of someone watching. She opened her eyes but mostly let her senses drift, to find out who they were and where they were.
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Re: A Public Private Moment
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2019, 09:14:53 PM »
Well. The last thing the tall redheaded vampire had expected was a show when he arrived back at his bike. Apparently it was his lucky night - his and this biker chick's.

He'd ridden the mountain for his own pleasure an hour or so before, concealing his bike in the shrubbery at the top while he went exploring. He'd walked the bit of the mountain that hadn't been tamed by the road, travelling the ridgeline looking for anywhere decent he could climb or abseil. He hadn't explored this part of the city (that he could remember) and he was always up for new experiences. Satisfied that there was potential to be had - on a night he had gear with him - he'd retraced his steps.

The whine and growl of another bike conquering the ascending bitumen had encouraged him to hurry his return; his 2011 Yamaha YZF-R1 might be hidden but the concealment wasn't perfect and he hadn't wanted anything to happen to his precious ride. By the time he rolled his bike out of the bushes, the live action adult show had begun.

She was fucking gorgeous. Watching intently, he pushed his bike into a better viewing position, about twenty metres from where the horny pair were. He absently kicked down his stand and leant against his bike. Crossing his jeans-clad legs at the ankle and folding his leather-covered arms over his chest, he grinned when she mentally sought to know him.

Rude. He'd learnt a thing or two from his last lover about blocks, though, and her prodding mind didn't feel much older than his two hundred-something years. She didn't get the answers she wanted and he grinned, dimples showing in his cheeks. The heartbeat with her hadn't noticed him but the male vampire was interested to know what she'd do next. In most of the stories he'd read, the randy couple invited the handsome stranger to drop trou and get his cock wet in a spontaneous three way that nobody ever got an itchy party favour or raw deal from.

He was so there for that role.

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Re: A Public Private Moment
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2019, 08:55:31 AM »
She didn't recognise whoever the watcher was, but they were definitely vampire. She didn't press enough to know how old he was. Was he a he? Yes, there'd been something masculine about him - excessively so. A shame, because Ricardo would've played with another woman and Jenella would've had the most indulgent experience. She'd been on good behaviour for too long - she needed to break free of her social constraints and rebel a little.

She'd thought Pierre would be good for that, but he seemed caught up in his own escapades for now. She wouldn't interfere with his new relationship with Lisa-Jo, it seemed to need tending because neither had approached the other at the party. She wanted to meet this Lisa-Joe, however.

Ricardo pinched the sensitive nub inside of her and began gently rolling it between his thumb and index finger. She spasmed, unable to think, now. Her body rocketed shivers up her spine and delicious warmth radiated throughout. Orgasm number one. His fingers were still working her, making it last as he caressed her torso and kissed her neck. Not always a loud lover, Jenella allowed soft moans and sighs to escape her lips. For the other man watching, this should serve to titillate.

Ricardo pressed his lips against her ear and said on barely a breath: "Un altro uomo ci sta guardando."

"Lascia che guardi e mi voglia," she replied softly.

Ricardo's fingers pressed a little harder and she gasped at the mixture of pleasure and pain. Ricardo's jealousy had obviously flared. He proved it further by extracting himself from her and hopping off the back of the bike. Jenella moved off as well and zipped her leathers back up, unsatisfied with her lover's reaction.

"Il mio aereo parte domani mattina. Non posso averti per me?" he said over his shoulder.

"Prendi la moto. Sono già un ricordo," she replied flippantly, keeping her eyes averted to not see the hurt that was certainly on his face. He would hate her for a while, and then the memories would soften over time and he would treasure his memories of her. He stood in the middle of the carpark for a long moment, staring at her. She walked away, the keys in the ignition of her motorcycle for him to use to get back to the hotel he was staying at. She could see him peripherally, and as she climbed the fence that separated the carpark from the grass that led to the edge of the cliff, she heard her motorbike start up and Ricardo roaring away.

She wondered if the watcher would follow her.
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Re: A Public Private Moment
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2019, 03:48:20 PM »
The watcher was rather wary of following her, but he did it anyway. The couple had broken up before anything really good had been bared to the night and, since he didn't understand the language they'd spoken, the redhead couldn't be sure it wasn't just some ploy between the two of them to best him or steal his bike (or exactly what it had looked like: a breakup). She could've walked away in apparent nonchalance while the guy rode off on the bike, only to circle back and provide her with backup...

Nah. That was a dumb idea. The chick had the only chance against him in a fight and the mortal would get hurt if he tried to intervene. Plus, her bike's noise diminished obviously as it sped back down the mountain, retracing the route it had travelled to get here. That dude was not coming back.

"Nice night for it," he announced as he caught up with the chick. He kept a couple of metres between them, just in case she decided to turn around and attack him. He was totally up for the woman hurling herself into his arms but he didn't fancy a fight right now so he wanted a little warning if things were going go that way. He kept his fists in his jacket pockets as he looked her over very obviously, hoping she spoke English.

Offline Trillian

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Re: A Public Private Moment
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2019, 04:21:35 PM »
As if she'd read his mind - because what else would he be thinking after standing there staring at them - Jenella turned and walked backwards so she could talk while looking at him.

"I'm sorry you didn't get a show," she said in slightly tinged English. "He was jealous of you watching and I cannot stand jealous men." Now she turned back around and unzipped her leather jacket, dropping it onto the grass and walking away in just her lacy blue bra. Near the edge of the cliff she raised her arms high above her head and closed her eyes, letting the wind envelop her, feeling it toying with her hair.
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Re: A Public Private Moment
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2019, 06:31:27 PM »
At least she spoke English. He raised his eyebrows and grinned when she dropped her jacket. Didn't give him a show then but she was ready to now? He approached cautiously, wanting to reach out and touch but recognising the enjoyment in her expression. She looked anything but needy; she was strong and defiant, holding herself open to the elements and giving no fucks that he was there. It was just a coincidence. Her brazen disregard for him made him want her all the more.

"Jealousy's a cunt," he said offhandedly, having fallen victim to it a time or two himself. They were never proud moments and so he couldn't blame her heartbeat for the feelings he'd experienced. Especially when he'd had this chick between his fingers and in his lap. What male wouldn't get territorial over her? "But he's just a man. We're weak. Don't hold it against us, it's a genetic flaw," he murmured, moving behind her.

He was close to her, so close, but maintaining a breath of distance between his rigidity and her blissful curves. He was tall enough to see over her shoulder to the beautiful globes of her breasts, the delicious line of her throat, the secretive hollow of her collar bone. The moonlight kissed her where he longed to and his hands itched to get into her leathers next. She smelt of crisp air and moist pussy, her musk floating to him on the errant tendrils of wind flowing around them, teasing him.

God, he wanted to stick his face in there and taste it for himself. He wondered if she'd let him, if he'd have to make promises to get her to that point. She didn't smell done for the night, there was restlessness in the muscles of her arms and shoulders, need in her stiff nipples, desire still in her pants. She was like a thoroughbred, high-strung and beautiful - but ready to run if she didn't like what came at her. If he came on too strong, he'd spook her.

He leant down, his face beside hers, his lips hovering over her shoulder without making contact. He inhaled, savouring her. "You need a ride anywhere?" he queried bluntly. She'd know what he was asking.

Offline Trillian

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Re: A Public Private Moment
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2019, 06:46:02 PM »
She moved her head slightly towards him at his words, her arms lowering as she stood facing the ocean. One step further would put her right at the edge, perfect for going over. He was in her space and she couldn't disrobe unless he moved back.

"I could go for a ride," she murmured, and turned on the spot, her hand going to his chest and pushing back - firmly but not shoving. When he yielded, she sat down and unzipped her boots, pulling them off and throwing them towards her jacket. She stood again to unzip her restrictive leather pants, wiggling out of them and revealing matching lacy blue underwear - with a moist patch proving that Ricardo had done an excellent job before being sent away forever. They were thrown towards the rest of her outfit as well.

Grinning at him, she gestured for him to disrobe as well. "My turn to watch."
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Re: A Public Private Moment
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2019, 07:18:00 PM »
He grinned and tilted his head towards his shoulder, covering his mouth with a coy hand like he was shocked by her forwardness, the other arm wrapped around his body like he was shy and trying to cover himself. Continuing his theme, he then swivelled his body away, watching her over his shoulder and unzipping his leather jacket with as much noise and as little speed as he was able. He gasped, as if he could barely believe what was happening.

When the zip was down, he shrugged the garment off, one shoulder at a time, allowing it to drop and drape around his butt before he threw it towards hers. With a playful shimmy, he toed off his boots, yanked off his socks and tossed his shirt onto the growing pile as well. His hands went to his belt, his shoulders wriggling as he flexed his back muscles and shook his ass a little. With a sudden leap and twirl, he was then facing her again, his mouth wide and grinning in an, 'Oh, no he didn't..!' kind of way.

Waggling his eyebrows suggestively, he undid his belt, hips swaying and abdominal muscles dancing in the moonlight. With practised flair, he whipped his belt out of his jeans and discarded it. His jeans dropped on his narrow hips immediately and his crotch was thrust towards her as he began undoing the button then the zip. Before he let them drop, he held the two sides together with one hand and slid the other in, mimicking what he'd seen happen with her earlier. Leaning his shoulders back, he closed his eyes and smiled, taking his time rubbing his neglected cock through his underwear, his fist flashing at her through his open zip as he brushed and stroked himself teasingly.

"Damn I'm good," he sighed after he was nice and hard (truthfully, she'd started it and he'd barely had to touch it to encourage his dick to harden for her), then he dropped his jeans. He kicked them aside and his underwear followed straight after. He lay on his back on the cool grass, his tongue sticking up in the air and waggling, mimicking his erection, before he looked along his body at her. "Come and find out for yourself," he invited, hoping she sat on his face first - not that he'd dream of telling her what to do.

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Re: A Public Private Moment
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2019, 07:37:23 PM »
She watched the show he was performing for her, thinking he was a bit too confident and very much a lout. She wasn't turned off by him, but it was a big change from what she'd experienced. It was time for a change though, she'd thought it herself, but that didn't mean jumping on this stranger's face.

She'd never intended on riding him - not yet, anyway. Her eyes glassy with mirth and giggling at his prone form, she turned and stepped to the edge of the cliff. Peering down, Jenella checked that the ocean came all the way to the cliff's edge and then she threw herself off.
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Re: A Public Private Moment
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2019, 08:29:41 PM »
Motherfucking... the redhead sat up, his mouth open in disbelief as the vampire chick just jumped off the cliff. To get away from him? Or was that her come-hither move?? The bitch was fucking crazy!

The thing was... he had a healthy respect for crazy and knew the thrill of throwing himself off something high and potentially fatal. She'd followed her heart and he couldn't hold it against her. Muttering a string of curses, he scrambled to his feet and pulled on his underwear. They wouldn't offer a great deal of protection but at least he could use them to tuck himself in tighter.

Cupping his shrinking dick with both hands, he ran at the edge of the cliff and hurled himself after her, only attempting to select where he'd land by twisting his body into a diving position at the end. He'd figure out where she was once he was in the water.

Offline Trillian

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Re: A Public Private Moment
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2019, 09:18:52 PM »
The roar of air in her ears was better without the helmet, without the leathers, without the bike. She was free. Then came the plunge into the ocean and she sank a fair distance before swimming upwards. The waves tossed her around like a doll and more than once she had to dive under to not be thrown against the rocks. She swam out further and that was when she heard him splash into the water.

Her impression of him rose rapidly. Certainly she could've guessed that he wouldn't be frightened to jump after her, but not fearing death and jumping off a cliff were two different things. She waited for him to surface, laughed when he did, and started swimming around the jutting rock. She knew of a small beach that they could relax on after roughly ten minutes of swimming.

More like fifteen, she thought as she finally walked out of the ocean and onto the sand. It was cool and soft, blue and sparkling in the moon's light, thanks to her superior vision. Beaches had taken on a mystical, magical quality since her siring. No longer gold and bright, the sands had become iridescent.

Jenella moved further up the beach and then lowered herself onto the sand, letting it stick to her body as she rolled around on it and relishing the gritty, uncomfortable feel. She'd spent far too long being comfortable. It had made her complacent.
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Re: A Public Private Moment
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2019, 11:00:22 PM »
He flopped beside her, leaning on an elbow and his hip. He pulled a face when he saw her rolling around so that the sand stuck to her. He didn't have nearly as much opportunity for grit to get in and irritate his sensitive places as she did and he was glad for his layer of underwear. What the fuck was she doing, hoping to make a pearl?

The knowledge blindsided him and his expression became one of surprise as his faulty memory threw up a fact he didn't know it had. Pearls were created from grains of sand being tossed around and polished inside oyster shells. How weird, when would he have even learnt that?? It distracted him from mentioning her crusty coating.

"So what's your story, lady?" he asked, wanting to know more about her. He wanted to understand why she'd led him on and then jumped off a cliff; was he not meant to have followed her?

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Re: A Public Private Moment
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2019, 06:57:06 AM »
She wasn't ready to stop when he arrived, but as he thought about pearls, he felt complete in her task and lay on her back to look over at him. There was a thoughtful expression on his face and she preferred it to his bluster. He looked more... sinister, somehow.

What did she know of him? He was about as old as her. He was the type of man to watch her and Ricardo together (but she would have watched, too). He hadn't yet touched her but obviously wanted to. He'd been ready to have sex with her. He'd jumped off the cliff. He'd followed her here.

Not so sinister, but certainly confident. He could be wild. He could be what she needed. She thought of Pierre and decided that this man wasn't going to challenge her relationship with him. This man was for her to challenge herself.

She sat up, leaning back on her hands and assessing him and his question.

"I'm Jenella. I've been a good girl for over a decade, and I'm bored of that."
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Re: A Public Private Moment
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2019, 10:57:03 PM »
His eyebrows lifted and his mouth turned downward at the edges, lips pooched as he considered her statement. Over a decade? It'd taken her that long to get sick of behaving? She had more stamina for it than he did.

"What made you such a good girl?" he challenged, wondering if it was her own assessment or somebody else's. Was she beholden to someone that had labelled her thus? Was it that which had inspired her to change or had she come to the decision by herself? "And how do you plan to change it?"

His gaze drifted along her statuesque body consideringly before it returned to her hypnotic eyes.

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Re: A Public Private Moment
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2019, 09:10:46 AM »
Jenella contemplated his question, not liking that he hadn't given her a name after she'd given hers. Uncouth. Anti-social. He really was perfect. It was strange how he'd shown up at just the right time. A happy coincidence.

She looked at the waves in front of her and wiggled her toes. Grains of sand were stuck between them. She shrugged but answered anyway. "Immersion into a culturally-elite world. Appreciation of art and beauty. Not wanting to spoil it." Then she looked over at the stranger and gave a tiny smile. "Now, I will do whatever strikes me."

She stood up and brushed sand off her belly and thighs before giving up and walking towards the ocean instead. The waves would clean her off. She waded until she was thigh-deep and shimmied out of her underwear, letting the waves take it from her fingers. She unhooked her bra and flung that further into the ocean too. Maybe they would be washed ashore, maybe they would add to the pollution. At least the pollution would be prettier now.

She dropped beneath the surface and came back up soon after, and looked for where her strange vampire was. She was keen for him to get close, now.
INFUSCO : Ben : Hugh : Lan Bao : Mick : Todd : Vincent : Win :
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