Author Topic: Here We Are in the Present  (Read 17583 times)

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Re: Here We Are in the Present
« Reply #45 on: August 06, 2019, 11:42:25 PM »
Harm flinched as Luke became agitated again, feeling fluttery as panic ricocheted around his chest when the violence of slapping, squeezing hands began. Each sound had him clutching his towel tighter, pressing hard against the wall at his back and shifting worriedly as tears welled. He felt helpless in the face of Luke's anguish, guilty because he was surely the cause of it and also because he couldn't fix it; Luke's rage was turning inward.

The silence of the room when it finished hurt Harm's ears. Mentally, he sought the almost imperceptible hum of the air conditioning and the swish of the sheet as Luke shifted position, so as not to feel he was in a void. He was lost and boundless enough as it was.

Luke's vulnerable expression pierced Harm's heart. It was so familiar, throwing him back to the many times years ago when Luke had shared his despair over Trevor and his crumbling relationship. That face belonged to the Luke of yore, his friend and secret love. He wasn't the monster in that moment and Harm's feet moved instinctively, carrying him to the bed to sit on the edge, swivelled so that he was facing Luke and could easily place his hand upon Luke's, buried beneath the sheet.

"It's okay. I believe you, stop," he soothed, inexplicably surprised when Luke did, and fell quiet. He rushed to fill the silence, not wishing to have a chance to think too hard about where he was and how close he was to the man he'd run away from a short while ago. "Is it... always like that? Sex is always violent because of your... monster... bits?"

Offline suneater

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Re: Here We Are in the Present
« Reply #46 on: August 07, 2019, 01:36:47 AM »
Luke flinched at the contact, but didn’t pull away. He turned his head a bit, watching Harm’s fingers brushing his own with the sheet between them. He waited for whatever was lurking inside him to stir, but found that he only felt tired. Profoundly tired. The touch itself was comforting, but he couldn’t help but feel as if Harm were at risk still.

He swallowed and lifted his gaze to meet Harm’s when he responded. “There have only been two times before. The first…” He paused, eyes darkening, but forced himself to continue. “The first time, it was with a vampire and… well, he could take it. I thought maybe it was just because I was so pent up- I’d been cooped up for weeks-  but... and the second time, it wasn’t violent but it was depraved. I think about it after the fact and it just feels so wrong.” His jumbled thoughts were coming out in disarray, and he didn’t seem to realize that Harm lacked the context to make much sense of it.

“So I guess it’s always been like this, even if the sample size is small. It isn’t just sex, either. It happens when I’m fighting too. Luke sort of fades away, I guess, or is standing backstage, and there’s just this ferocity that feels so much bigger than me front and center.”

He pressed his lips together, and when he spoke again, his voice threatened to break. “I don’t want to hurt you, Harm. I don’t want you to get hurt because of me.” He choked a sob back, struggling to maintain some semblance of his usual stoicism but failing utterly. “But I… until then… everything felt so good.” His hand moved beneath the sheet, shifting so that he could hold Harm’s hand through it, gently. “I want to tell you to go, to stay away, but I can’t.”

Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Here We Are in the Present
« Reply #47 on: August 07, 2019, 10:20:46 PM »
Harm listened to Luke's explanations intently, wondering why the details hadn't made sense to him in the diner like they did now. He could've saved himself a whole lot of grief. He could've saved Luke. He was an idiot. Too optimistic, too blasé, too enamoured. He'd invited this trauma in because he hadn't taken no for an answer... and now it felt like he'd broken Luke with his pain. That was some twisted guilt.

The nurse in him was fascinated


by Luke's tale of two lovers. Depraved? What did that even mean? He couldn't separate himself from the violence he'd so nearly experienced in order to identify with something that wasn't violent but had earned the alternative descriptor. Luke had overreacted to the encounter enough to believe his machine of a body might allow in a virus of a sexual kind so the deed had been done but... had he killed the guy? Made him bleed profusely? Celebrated some sort of odd bodily fluid?? Harm's mind raced and theories abounded but it all faded with Luke's final admission.

Luke didn't want to hurt him, everything had felt great and he couldn't bring himself to tell Harm to go away. Did that mean he wanted this to continue or that it was Harm's job to end this odd... whatever-this-was? Friendship? Flirtation... ? Yeah. That was more what they'd been doing. Flirting with lust and attraction and violence. All of the really fun baser instincts. Harm cleared his throat, finding it tight because he was responding to Luke's emotions; he was a bit of a sympathetic cryer and his raw emotions were barely held together with some string and wax beneath his calm exterior. He could lose it at any moment, if he wasn't careful.

"It... sounds like adrenaline is your problem," he said softly, because the medical stuff needed to be said first. "That could mean the adrenal glands are overactive but I bet it's your pituitary gland. It's the boss and it's in your head and that's the place they probably messed with the most. They likely designed it to send excessive signals to your body to amp up your responses... y'know, to turn you into the perfect weapon." He fell quiet momentarily, pulling away from Luke's sheet hand in order to slide his own inside and hold Luke's hand properly, flesh to flesh. Looking into Luke's golden eyes wasn't as hard as he'd thought it would be, especially with the tears and the pain swimming in them.

"I should go and never come back," he agreed tentatively, "but the scary stuff? It isn't you. I believe that. You're far too broken and sorry for that to be a lie. So I think it'd be pretty shortsighted to give up on a friendship that works just because the hormones take over. At times. It's just... this attraction... we're clearly into each other. So I'm wondering... is it something you want to explore with me, to figure out if we can maybe circumvent your wiring somehow and have some sex that doesn't involve you suffocating me, or do we just agree to close that part down and agree we can hang out occasionally, playing video games and getting you in touch with your old self?"

He felt a little breathless as he finished his impromptu speech, excited and terrified of how Luke would answer. Both options had pros and cons but he'd deliberately not added the third choice; the one where they parted ways and never saw each other again. Now that Luke was back in his life and in such obvious need, Harm wasn't about to let him go without at least asking for what he wanted. "I'm more keen for the former - just so you know - even after all the panic and crying," he laughed awkwardly. "But I'm happy to do what you want."

Offline suneater

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Re: Here We Are in the Present
« Reply #48 on: August 08, 2019, 08:42:06 PM »
There was something comforting in the way Harm reverted to the medical. His diagnosis made sense, and having some kind of explanation for what happened was helpful. He still didn't think that was all of it, though. There was an otherness to what he felt that wasn't just adrenaline at work. He had no idea what had been done to him. The arm was just the most obvious augmentation. For all he knew, he'd had supernatural gray matter spliced into his own.

He also had a nagging question in the back of his mind. Uncontrollable anger wasn't part of the recipe for a perfect weapon. Aggression was a component, sure, but soldiers had to be able to make decisions, to act autonomously, to achieve their orders based on ever-changing variables. If his monstrousness was intentional, what exactly had he been designed to do?

Harm's flesh against his own startled him. His pulse quickened, but there was no sudden urge for violence. He stroked the ball of Harm's hand with the pad of his thumb, meeting his gaze while he spoke. His brow furrowed as he considered the question, which boiled down, essentially, to can we make this work? He realized immediately that he wanted to, badly. He was fully aware of the unspoken choice, and knew that it was the right one. One of them could have a normal life. Harm could live in a world where danger was only in the periphery, not in his bed. He couldn't help but wonder if he was part of some kind of pattern. Harm had mentioned an abusive ex. They'd have to talk about that, at some point... which made Luke realize that he'd already made his decision.

"I think we should be really careful about sex. I... remembered something, in the middle of it. That's the only thing that stopped me. It was just the two of us sitting, studying I think. You were on one of those beanbag chairs." He shrugged; it didn't seem like an ideal time to get into the fact that past-Luke had been suppressing an attraction to Harm. "There's no guarantee that will happen again. But I do want to spend time with you. Get to know you." He gave Harm's hand a gentle squeeze. "We just have to be careful."

Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Here We Are in the Present
« Reply #49 on: August 08, 2019, 10:43:11 PM »
"Cool," Harm laughed breathily, for no reason other than it allowed the relief an exit from his body. He squeezed Luke's hand in return and then dropped it, standing up. The happiness inside him was effusive, causing him to need to move. Luke wanted to get to know him and agreed they'd cautiously try sex again. At some point. Instead of fidgeting, Harm walked.

He strode into the bathroom and hung both towels on the drying rail before he paced back out into the bedroom. He collected the pillow he'd knocked onto the floor and stepped up onto the bed with it, positioning himself between Luke and the headboard. Sitting gracefully in a cross-legged position, he tucked the pillow behind him and leant back against it, regarding Luke thoughtfully.

Some men might've been uncomfortable sitting around naked but it didn't bother Harm. They'd both just been stripped of their every emotional and physical defence and were both raw right now. Actual, physical nudity was the least of it. Besides, he rarely wore clothes when he was at home. If Luke was consenting to hanging out with him more than just now he'd see that for himself.

"That would've been early on, I think, that memory. Once things got serious with Trevor, you and I didn't hang around alone together anymore. Who'd have thought I'd owe so much to a stupid beanbag chair?" he asked, trying a laugh but it fell flat. "Too soon," he sighed, pulling a pained face as the reality of joking about a near-assault overwhelmed him.

He ran a compulsive hand through his hair, moving it around. A thought occurred and he peered curiously at Luke, his hand dropping back into his lap. "What's it like when it's just you? Does the monster take over when you're masturbating?" he enquired, visions of Luke jerking his own dick right off and a new one growing back five seconds later rising in his mind's eye.

It was more horrifying because it might even be true.

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Re: Here We Are in the Present
« Reply #50 on: August 13, 2019, 11:41:53 AM »
Luke watched Harm's trip to the bathroom. With the immediate dangers- him hurting Harm and Harm disappearing from his life- having passed, he could actually appreciate the sight of the beautiful naked man crossing the hotel room. He felt his cock stirring slightly and frowned, realizing that for all his misery, he was still something of a slave to his biology. He hadn't gotten off, and he'd been horny for the whole of the massage and beyond. It was amazing his balls weren't blue.

When Harm was back on the bed and chattering away, Luke carefully laid down. The sheet was still wrapped around him, but not so thoroughly. It was less about modesty than the fact that he didn't really trust himself to be completely naked with Harm anymore. Shifting onto his side, with his body propped up by his elbow, he listened, frowning slightly at Harm's joke. His left arm escaped the sheet and reached forward so that he could take Harm's hand. His eyes fixed briefly on their hands together. It looked so normal and so right, but Luke suddenly felt an itch at his right shoulder and cringed.

His cringing grew more acute when he suddenly found himself being questioned about jerking off of all things. It was, as he was learning, classic Harm - but it was something of a shock in the wake of what had happened. It must have been some kind of defense mechanism. He shrugged, running his thumb along Harm's knuckles. His dick stirred again. "Uh. No. That's never happened. It's just... pretty normal, I guess? I don't really do that often, but it's never been like, well, like it is with- like it was."

He decided it was time for an abrupt subject change. "So what are some harmle-" He caught himself. "-some safe things we can do next time? You mentioned video games, but... maybe it's better if we stick to public options?"

Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Here We Are in the Present
« Reply #51 on: August 14, 2019, 10:48:22 PM »
Harm chuckled at Luke's aborted attempt at 'harmless'. It wasn't as if he was a stranger to jokes about his name - his nickname at the hospital was Doono, after all - but they didn't faze him. Nor did words that had his name in them, especially when used in context. "You can say harmless, you know," he grinned.

He watched Luke play with his hand, finding his touch something of a curiosity but, thankfully, not a concern. He no longer felt like he was in immediate danger and his emotions were settling enough that his body was reawakening. Like Luke, he was aware that they'd begun something that remained unrequited and his question about masturbation had been a means to an end. He debated pushing his original thought but decided to let Luke distract him for the time being. He was sure they'd circle back there.

"You want to go on a date?" he scoffed. "Don't you have, I dunno, rules about being seen in public? Seen with me in public?" he teased, folding his upper body forward and resting his chin in his hand, his elbow on the mattress, demonstrating how flexible he was. "What if I get the urge to kiss your face? Just randomly, at any moment? Or hold your hand? Can I?" he murmured with a slow grin, looking from Luke's nearby lips up into his dark champagne eyes, squeezing the hand he was holding.

Admittedly, it was kind of fun thinking about the two of them on something as normal as a date, but it was also very weird. Harm didn't imagine the two of them being a long term thing, he'd expected their reunion might peak at them sleeping together a few times then Luke would get annoyed with his lack of intensity or bored by his mundane normalcy and wander off looking for someone that could match him. Luke had always been about looking for someone that could keep up with him and Harm was pretty sure he wasn't it, especially now, with all this monster business. He never had been and he'd made his peace with that. But now there was talk of dating? It was... disconcerting and he wasn't sure he should be taking it seriously.

Offline suneater

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Re: Here We Are in the Present
« Reply #52 on: August 17, 2019, 10:56:10 PM »
Luke's eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't said date, had he? His mind was something of a jumble, so he carefully reviewed the conversation. Public options did add a somewhat date-like element to their future interactions, sure, but he hadn't really meant it that way. Harm no doubt saw the sudden panic, but he'd also see it subside quickly. Luke drew a deep breath through his mouth and then released it amidst a nervous chuckle.

"I.. guess you could call it a date? I don't know." He seemed to be having some difficulty forging through his thoughts. "I want us to be able to get to know each other, uh, again, but in a setting where..." He trailed off. The end of that sentence went something like where there are plenty of witnesses, so that if I lose control you'll be safe, but he couldn't quite get the words out. "Just, someplace where we aren't alone."

He smiled a bittersweet smile. "It isn't ideal. Being seen with me is dangerous too. But until I feel like I can trust myself around you alone, I think it's our only option." He gave Harm's hand a squeeze before releasing it and carefully maneuvering himself off the bed while keeping the sheet wrapped around him. His erection had subsided enough that the imprint of his dick was only slightly obvious. "I should probably grab a shower," he said uncertainly, almost as if asking permission.

Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Here We Are in the Present
« Reply #53 on: August 18, 2019, 01:15:04 AM »
Harm quirked an eyebrow as Luke seemed to stumble over his teasing about the date - and completely ignored the bit about whether he'd be allowed to touch him. In fact, as Luke continued to speak about them not being alone, Harm only became more alarmed. He saw the potential for a night spent here, now, getting to know each other slipping away from him and panicked. When Luke started shuffling off the bed, Harm sat up, frowning at his mention of a shower.

"No. You shouldn't," he insisted, rising fluidly and bounding off the bed to stand in front of Luke. "I mean, I don't care if you shower," he amended apologetically, shaking his head dismissively before continuing to frown over at Luke, "but I think you shouldn't use it as an excuse to run away from me. We can't-- I don't want us to leave this unfinished. I want to try again. I can get my taser and have it in bed with us, if you like, and zap you if it looks like you'll get too rough, but I'd really like to have something with you. Even if we just lay beside each other and keep our hands to ourselves - you said that nothing bad happens when you use your hand, right?" he wheedled, talking faster than he ever had in an effort to convince Luke not to go.

He could still feel Luke's hands upon his body and running through his hair. Although it filled him with trepidation, his desire to fuck Luke was there, too. He wanted to kiss him again, to touch him and see if he couldn't coax him to cum without ripping him apart. That monster dick buried inside him would be amazing but he was willing to accept what Luke was willing to give. He wouldn't force it - but that didn't mean he couldn't at least ask for what he wanted. For what they both wanted. He stepped in close, pressing his body to Luke's and wrapping his arms about him. "Please?" he begged, his blue-green eyes large with appeal.

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Re: Here We Are in the Present
« Reply #54 on: August 19, 2019, 02:28:40 PM »
Luke started when Harm moved off the bed to stand before him. Neither his beauty or nakedness were lost on the soldier; all the fear and reservations in the world weren't going to change that. He swallowed as Harm spouted his rapid-fire appeal. It was a bit awkward keeping the sheet in place when Harm came in to embrace him, but Luke wasn't quite ready for them both to be exposed again. Worry and muted desire battled within him, and his features no doubt betrayed that internal struggle as he looked into Harm's pleading puppy-dog eyes.

Wasn't this the same mistake they had just made? He had just made? Letting his interest in Harm supplant his instincts had almost resulted in something horrible, something he could never take back. Harm's blatant need was disarming though. Could he really say no? Just pull out of his arms and head to the bathroom? If he did, Harm would be hurt, hurt enough that it might jeopardize the tentative future he was imagining. It didn't seem like he could get Harm to buy-in to that vision of a slow, proscribed series of interactions, not if things ended like this.

At least one part of him was on-board for Harm's plan. The feel of the other man's body against his was enticing, and he began to firm up again. The echoes of his earlier desire were powerful. He sighed and let the sheet fall, then slipped his arms around the small of Harm's waist and pulled him into a crushing hug. He settled his chin on the slighter man's shoulder and pressed a gentle kiss to his neck. "We keep our hands to ourselves. And if... if I feel myself starting to lose control, we abort. I can't risk hurting you. I don't know what I would do."

He released Harm and stepped back. His cock was fully engorged again now, bobbing obscenely from his movements. He reached down and wrapped his left hand around it, squeezing slightly. "Deal?" His eyes met Harm's for the question, but then dipped down to rake over his body.

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Re: Here We Are in the Present
« Reply #55 on: August 20, 2019, 12:17:37 AM »
Harm watched what Luke was doing with his hand, a dreamy smile on his face. Realisation that he'd been prompted for compliance was slow to come with the distracting sight before him holding all his attention. He muttered a negligent, "Mmm?" before Luke's words properly registered. He looked up into honeyed eyes, smiling mischievously. "Deal. Or ten-four. Or affirmative. Or whatever it is you military types say instead of 'yes'," he grinned, whetting his lips as he looked at Luke's mouth.

He'd just agreed to keeping his own hands on his own body and all he wanted to do was touch Luke's. He was a fucking idiot. Or a masochist. Still, the rule excited him because he felt comfortable with it and it would show him what Luke liked - and how he looked when he came. That would be enough to carry away with him, Harm thought. He hoped. It was sexy and less likely to end in pain or tears again, at the very least.

"I appreciate you doing this," he told Luke huskily, steadying himself with a hand on Luke's chest as he went up onto his toes (the one he'd kicked earlier got extra throbby with the sudden pressure, causing him to regret the move instantly) to place a chaste kiss upon his beautiful lips. "I think we'll learn lots about each other," he announced as he lowered himself back down and walked past Luke, heading for his bag again. "I want to know what you think about. And do you like toys? I like toys, because it's usually just me," he grinned as he withdrew a bright blue gel-like vibrator from his bag and headed back towards the bed with it. It was a humble, slim penis shape, no frilly ticklers or extra doodads on it.

He scooped up the errant lube bottle and held both items in his hands like a priest might hold a prayer candle. A very naughty, naked priest, anyway. "And which side of the bed do you like?" he enquired, standing beside it and wondering if they'd be compatible. He liked to be on the right side of the bed as he was looking at it (the left side when he was in it) but he thought Luke might want him on his right side for this. He wasn't about to use his grey arm for anything intimate (crazily, in Harm's opinion), after all.

Harm was interested in taking this slowly; savouring it. He doubted either of them would manage anything close but if it took all night because he was learning about Luke, he wouldn't object.

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Re: Here We Are in the Present
« Reply #56 on: August 21, 2019, 01:33:55 PM »
Luke tensed slightly when Harm drew in for the kiss, but he didn't resist. He didn't exactly participate either, though, and his expression grew a bit stormy until Harm withdrew. He was still holding himself, but his hand had stopped. Of course Harm would want to talk about it and learn everything he could. He wouldn't have been Harm if he hadn't, but Luke wasn't exactly an expert at expressing himself in this arena. He watched Harm retrieve the toy and lube and blinked slowly.

"You uhh, came prepared," he murmured. His eyes moved to the toy, and then back up along Harm's body to his face. His brow furrowed. "I... haven't really used any. At least not that I remember." His monstrous arm hung inert at his side as he rubbed himself slowly. He shrugged in response to the final question. "It doesn't really matter to me. Maybe..." He frowned uncertainly. "Maybe it's better if we keep a little distance? If you're on the bed, and I stand?"

As he gave voice to the suggestion, he realized that it wasn't only born of his hesitation. He wanted to see Harm splayed out, pleasuring himself. "Actually, yeah. Let's do that." His voice was laden with desire, emerging from low in his throat. "I want to see all of you." He brought his hand to his mouth, worked up some saliva, and then transferred it to his palm. "To answer one of your million questions, I don't jerk off with lube." Despite being cut, his dick had a good amount of give to it- as he ran his hand up and down its length, he didn't seem to be having much issue with just spit."

Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Here We Are in the Present
« Reply #57 on: August 22, 2019, 01:54:00 AM »
Harm blushed, embarrassed by the 'one of your one million questions' comment because it told him that Luke thought he was talking too much. He didn't love feeling ashamed of his chattering tendencies because he knew he couldn't change it - besides, in his line of work, regular and uninterrupted patter tended to put people at ease. It was a professional advantage because it often gave people having the shittiest time of their life something to focus on other than their pain. He couldn't help that it made Luke uneasy... but, in that moment, he felt like he should try to be different. Less himself, to put his companion at ease as well.

He also didn't love the sensation of Luke's disapproval. It directly contradicted the thrill he'd received when told in that lusty way that Luke wanted to see all of him, which had made him feel special and sexy.

"Okayyy," he drawled, climbing forward onto the pristine expanse of the bed and deliberately keeping his back to Luke. He needed a few moments to divest himself of the negative feelings, to tell himself that Luke hadn't meant to hurt him, it had merely been a flippant comment. He really did have a lot of questions - because he wanted to know Luke the way he was now - and that had to be annoying to someone as uptight as the muscular blond. Yes, that was it; it was Luke's problem, not his.

Absolving himself of solo responsibility for his sudden tentativeness and silence, Harm crawled up the bed to the pillows he'd arranged against the headboard and turned over, slouching back against them with his knees raised and his hands upon his stomach. As part of his recovery from his sensitive reaction to Luke's criticism, he merely watched his companion for a couple of minutes, a small smile lifting the corner of his mouth.

Even if he was unintentionally cruel and judgemental, Luke was astoundingly beautiful. The light coming into the room was older now as the day marched on, bathing the ridged muscles of his chest and abs and his glistening cock golden. He looked even more impossible, like a tanned model in a magazine, a statue, a dream made reality. Harm's breath caught as he watched him stroke himself, allowing Luke's beauty to revive his flagging confidence, watching his hand and his eyes, the way he looked at Harm hungrily. It was flattering, suffusing Harm with a different blush of confidence and the desire to perform for him, to please him, to tease and tempt him. They probably were best kept apart for the time being but he didn't want that to be an easy thing for Luke, when it was so agonising for him.

Harm took a breath, feeling the thrill of Luke's gaze tingle through him, warming his skin and curling his toes momentarily. He wriggled a little farther downward, fussing with his hair, whetting his lips and then pressing his teeth into his lower one as he watched Luke's hand move and imagined it on him. He squeezed a generous amount of lube on his fingers and along the top of his vibe then put the lube down, holding the toy in his left hand. With his right, he reached down to curl a hand around his cock. It was shorter than Luke's but thick and quickly coaxed to life with his touch, having been desperately hard without relief earlier.

He swallowed and licked his lips again, his breath pushing faster over them as his heart sped up, pumping blood into his dick and around his extremities. He rolled from one side to the other, spreading his legs so that Luke could see what he was doing clearly, finding he enjoyed being watched by those intense golden eyes. He sighed throatily as his fingers slid back and forth across the head of his dick, collecting precum to smear it along his length as well, the gentle squelch of it and the lube being squeezed by his stroking hand quite loud in the otherwise-silent room. Well, he could hear Luke's breathing and his own, both of them getting louder as they stared at each other.

The intensity kept rising as Harm reached down to finger his hole. He let out an involuntary grunt as he greased it up, smearing fingertips across the puckered orifice before he lifted his right leg and reached around the side instead, sliding the tips of two fingers into his ass. He closed his eyes and arched his back, moaning his pleasure as his thumb and arm held his cheek back and he tilted his body to give Luke an excellent view of his fingers dipping in and out of his ass. It didn't take long before his other hand brought the vibrator down from the front and he nudged it in slowly, working it in and out with a much louder squelching sound than his hand had generated before. Normally, he got to this part much faster and didn't fuck around but he was putting on a show for Luke today and he dragged it out.

Harm settled himself back on the bed after a while, his feet bracing him but his knees dropped towards the mattress for the best showing. His right hand returned to his cock, reviving it with a wanton sigh of happiness as his left hand slid the tip of the vibe in and out of his ass. He played with the angle of its entry, spearing it towards where it would feel best, sending intense bursts of pleasure through him every time it grazed the buried nub. It was difficult to resist, to keep playing and pretending those waves weren't addictive and building like a hot ball inside his belly and balls.

He was teasing himself as much as Luke now, shuddering and whimpering loudly as he fucked his ass harder, squeezing his dick and angling it away or towards himself, the duality of pleasure causing him to writhe erratically, his heels digging into the mattress and sliding around. It was harder to remain still and ensure he was showing the best angle, there was a sheen of sweat all over his lithe body and his muscles were clenching with the repeated waves of pleasure rolling through him. He called out louder, words and phrases interspersed with his noises, begging to be fucked or calling upon a deity.

When he switched the vibrator on, it only took a few more hard strokes before the intensity of the vibrations caused a cascade of pleasure to wash through him. He jabbed himself wildly with the toy, his hips jerking upward and his ass clenching as if he was trying to dispel it, crying out in a primal rhythm of release. He pumped his cock furiously, spraying his stomach and chest with milky globs of cum. A wayward spurt landed on his mouth and his tongue collected it, his eyes squeezed shut. Once he was past the initial waves of overpowering joy, he switched the vibrator off, finding it too much to endure in his hypersensitive state. He opened his eyes then, revealing that they were a blazing green thanks to his orgasm, stroking himself with less fervour as he struggled to regain his breath and looked to see what Luke was doing.

Disappointment flooded him when he realised he'd missed it. Luke's cheeks were flushed and he was nursing a handful of cum as he looked at Harm with an intensity that made him quiver. Grinning, Harm followed Luke into the bathroom, where they cleaned up. The tension was less but not entirely gone because Luke went still every time Harm brushed him in the shower. He was determined to change that.

Once they were clean, they ordered room service and ate companionably at the dining settee. Harm tried not to talk too much nonsense, managing to make Luke laugh when he recounted some of the funnier memories he had from college - mostly from when they were all new friends and nobody had paired off yet.

They'd had some wild clubbing nights and crazy parties and even if Luke had spent a good portion of them seeking meaningful conversations, he'd also known how to have fun. It had been the main reason Harm had fallen in love with him and he was glad to rekindle that memory as well. After Trevor, it had all begun to feel like a sickness or an addiction that he couldn't quit because it had soured. Loving someone else's man will do that to you. But now, here, tonight, he remembered that he'd loved a boy that was sexy and smart and a joy to be around because of all his best qualities. Harm told Luke about those and it seemed like they both appreciated it.

Cocooned in fond memories of easier times and sweeter dispositions, Luke didn't object when Harm re-made the bed - until he realised it was so they could sleep in it together. He tried to warn Harm of how dangerous he was and what a bad idea it was for them to sleep in the same bed but it was getting late and they were both tired and so emotionally drained that Luke just shut up once Harm pulled him down, curled around him and brushed his hand repeatedly over his hair. With Harm's other hand tracing random patterns across his back and his head resting in the crook of Harm's shoulder, the gentleness and the darkness seemed to ease Luke's fretting. Eventually, their soft murmurs and sleepy giggles devolved into a sweet kiss goodnight and an unexpectedly good night's sleep.

In the morning, there was breakfast and wry smiles as Harm crawled into Luke's lap to eat in bed. He adored that Luke indulged him, even though he could tell the altered human was exasperated with his efforts to feed him. Conceding that it was probably too cute even for him, Harm laughed and gave Luke his space to eat before they eventually dressed and left. Little touches and soft kisses were also indulged, which saw Harm checking out of the hotel, kissing Luke goodbye and heading for the bus stop with the hugest grin on his face. Maybe their next rendezvous would be in public but Harm doubted it, after the night they'd spent. He was cautiously optimistic about all of it now, and why wouldn't he be?

Luke Kingston was back in his life.

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Re: Here We Are in the Present
« Reply #58 on: August 28, 2019, 12:28:51 PM »
Sleep hadn't come easily to Luke. It had barely come at all. Once Harm had stilled, with no small talk to anchor it, his mind went reeling. He lay in the dark with his left arm curled around the man who was apparently his oldest friend. What he was now, well, that was harder to say. He surged through the past, unpacking everything that had happened in the hotel room, which was now silent save for the pleasant him of the air conditioning and Harm's rhythmic breathing. The talk, the seduction, the aborted sex, Harm's flight, the conciliatory jerk off session... he scoured all of it for every ounce of meaning he could find. The task made his chest feel tight and full. He had to abandon it.

He tried to calm himself. He timed his breathing to Harm's and closed his eyes. The future in all its uncertainty tumbled him free of that fleeting piece after only a moment. How could this possibly work? It seemed like the height of hubris to imagine that he could somehow be what he was and hold onto this normalcy. He could imagine more nights like this, but at what cost? More likely, the normalcy would drain away. Luke's supernatural life would begin to intrude on Harm's existence. There were untold legions of danger waiting in the darkness, so many that he couldn't hope to predict even a fraction.

Eventually sleep did come, but morning was hot on its heels. Luke ceded a grumpy kiss and let Harm manage ordering room service. He hadn't planned to spend the whole night away, but it wasn't as if Jake's empire would collapse in on itself in a single evening. Probably. He was distracted as Harm crawled about, but there were warm moments, small smiles, touches intentional or otherwise.

He had his hands shoved in his pockets as he watched Harm finally get on the bus. He'd followed him at a slight distance, urged along by a thread of paranoia. Nothing had happened, though. Once the bus rolled away, he went to grab a taxi. He didn't have a walk in him. He wanted to get back to the Rabbit. It would be quiet like it always does during the day, replete with much-needed seclusion.

Luke climbed into the back of the cab and slumped back. He was completely spent, as far as emotional output went. A faint smile tugged at his lips, though, when he imagined Harm leaning against a bus window, grinning like an idiot, like he almost certainly was. He shook his head and closed his eyes, trying to fix that image in his mind.