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Offline Saiketsu

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Two for Two
« on: March 16, 2011, 03:48:54 PM »
Reserved for CK

Quinn had left his boyfriend’s apartment in a huff with no hopes of continuing that stupid little game of his. He had grabbed his sweatshirt and his cell phone and pulled out of the grasp of John’s hands at his bad wrist – another deep insult to the human. Despite John’s calls to return and the constant ringing of Quinn’s cell phone, Quinn kept going, anger pushing at his feet and legs until the stripper had crossed into the nameless city. Tommy had been right. He needed to end it with this guy stat.

It was a different version of the same fight all over again; it always was. This time John had been looking into another apartment even farther from the city for the both of them to move into. It was supposed to be a surprise to the stripper that John had already put money down quite the sum of money onto a fabulous condominium three or four towns east of the nameless city. They were to move out at the beginning of July, move in together and start a whole new life. He said that Quinn could start a new job, free of the ‘reputation’ of being an exotic dancer. In fact he had gotten him an interview with a local bank, because he was such a good boyfriend. The look of fury on the other’s face must have told John that he had done a spectacular job at fucking up everything.

“Tell me this is a joke.” Quinn demanded as he wiped his eyes of sleep that he so desperately needed and that John had interrupted.

“Why would I joke about something like this, baby?”

“Tell me this is a fucking joke, John.”

And the brunette looked at him, dumbstruck, at a loss for words. Quinn, however, was not. Instead the stripper went off, exploding on his boyfriend more than he had ever done in the past. In response John offered Quinn a certain measured number of responses that were heart-felt and cliché as fuck, responses that held no merit with the younger. The banker simply said that it was for their new life, done in hopes of receiving love and fixing the problems which had been plaguing their relationship for the past months. Quinn simply stared incredulously at him as he spoke.

“Don’t talk to me, you fucking idiot. You take your money, your apartment, your perfect fucking life and go fuck yourself with it. I’m done.” And that was that.

Yet his cell phone wouldn’t stop ringing with John’s number on the screen – he almost threw the damn thing down Main Street into oncoming traffic just to let John think that he had been hit by a car -- make the fucker finally get the point.

He walked recklessly through the city, oblivious to much else around him in the setting sunlight of early June. The air was cool and smelled of the sun and pollution, something he wouldn’t give up for the world. This city was more of a home to him than just a place to live. It was where he lived after he had left Jared’s house in Bridgewater. He had gone to Watson University for a semester. The city was his sanctuary, where he was never stared at or questioned, never abused or laughed at. All of his friends lived in this city, all of his money came from this city, and some prick thought he could swoop in and simply take him from his home to make some love nest based on an imaginary feelings of a twenty-seven-year-old bitch? What was he supposed to do, just leave Jerry, Tommy, Hank, Kimberly, and everyone behind just so he could elope with some prince? What the fuck did he look like, some Disney princess?

Quinn didn’t need saving. He needed a drink, a blunt, a handful of pills, a nice, hard, anonymous fuck, a jagged piece of glass, a gun, something. He needed his friends, not these boyfriends-of-the-week like John, Mike, or Anthony. He needed a nice long walk through the city that he loved. He needed deep breaths of summer air in an immortal city. He needed to call into work and blow the night off. And for this reason alone he was happy not to have thrown his cell phone into oncoming traffic.

The human arrived home to his own apartment downtown after about a half hour of fast-paced walking. He took off his shirt which he had sweat through and collapsed on the couch, tossing his things haphazardly on the coffee table in front of him, his shirt on the arm of the couch. He sat there bent forward with his arms on his knees for a long time, trying not to mentally count the amount of pills in the bathroom, or how many shots of tequila he could take before passing out on the bed. The thought just angered him more but he sat still, knowing that he would get past it. He always got past it nowadays. After all he really wasn’t in the mood to wake up in a hospital bed with an IV in his arm again. The Pompeii didn’t pay for the psychiatric tests if he didn’t show up to strip either. Instead, the human laid himself on his back with a grunt of irritation, hoping against logic that sleep – or at least some like state – would take him before he could get up and hunt down those pills.

Logic proved him wrong again, thankfully, and Quinn awoke from a light state of sleep nearly an hour after he had arrived home. Disoriented and confused he looked down at his phone to remember what time it was, only to be greeted with the notification that John had called him about ten times without his knowing. And he remembered exactly what had happened.

The time passed slowly now that he wasn’t as heated. He could still feel rage at John’s ridiculous decision, but it was nothing compared to what it used to be. Sighing, he dragged out his laptop and signed on, surfing the internet for a little while in order to get his mind off of anything that would anger him. He looked through some art web sites, read some of the latest news on his homepage before flicking over to Facebook. He had never been on at ten at night before – work had always prevented such things – so he was surprised to see most of his friends online.

Quinn Patenaude
Fuck you and your "new starts". I\'m perfectly fine where I am. If you want to move, move by yourself and leave me out of it.

He pressed the send button and his status was updated for all to see. Quinn only wished that John had a Facebook as well, but of course he didn’t. Quinn looked through his profile until he came to his relationship status which read ‘in a relationship’. The human stared at it for a long moment and changed the page to his profile, without touching his relationship status. His relationship status stayed the same.

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Re: Two for Two
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2011, 06:00:40 PM »
It went against his instinct to shuffle the drunk human out of his car without anything more than the implication that he could give him a wild night (if the human wanted it).  Quinn would have been very easy to take advantage of that night, and if he was anyone else the vampire might\'ve considered it.  Then again if he were anyone else, Jerry wouldn\'t have been driving back home with a dry cock.  But he was too fucking nice to do that to a friend, no matter how drunk his friend was.  And the next time he payed Quinn a visit at the Pompeii, Jerry didn\'t say a word about the night they had or the night they could have had.

The two weeks after their \'date\' were boring as fuck.  Mal had given him a call while he was at the club to let him know that they were no longer playing once a week at the White Rabbit, but once every two weeks.  The only thing that meant for Jerry was that he had more time to fuck around with, which he personally thought was fantastic.  He was sick of being the other vampire\'s little bitch.  Malakai didn\'t seem too happy when they spoke on the phone.  Even when he asked him what was up, he told him nothing was wrong.  Jerry knew the lead singer long enough to know when he was lying, but he had better things to do than pry the kid for an hour to get it out of him.  Knowing Mal, it was probably girl trouble again.  He would get it out of him when they got together the night before the show for practice.

Tonight was Wednesday and the vampire had woken up earlier than usual, which was fucking annoying because now he had even more hours to not know what the fuck to do with.  He already fed last night, and he had been to the Pompeii way too fucking much lately - he was starting to look desperate.  But what else was he supposed to do when Mal wasn\'t dragging him along by the neck? It was only a week and a half since their last show and the vampire was already going crazy.  

Jerry rolled over in his bed and grabbed his phone.  Zach wasn\'t home because he had spent the day at some chick\'s house.  It wasn\'t often that Zach spent the daylight hours away from his brother, much less so for the sake of some girl.  Usually Jerry and Zach would do something together on nights where neither of them had anything to do, but tonight wasn\'t the case.  Surprisingly he had found someone almost as creepy as he was and they had been almost inseparable for three weeks.  It was fucking sickening.  This was the reason he avoided anything serious at all costs.  Zero obligation, zero commitment.  

Fucking paradise.

The vampire scrolled through his contacts, deciding that he wasn\'t in the mood to hit up any girls tonight.  The only other person he could think to call was Malakai.  Without thinking about the time, Jerry dialed the number and waited until he reached the other vampire\'s voice mail before hanging up.  He called once more, and the other picked up after the second ring.

"Jerry, what the fuck do you want.  Do you know what time it is?"

"Yeah, it\'s like midnight."

"No it isn\'t, you fuck."

"Someone\'s a little irritable.  You get your period or something?"

"Did you just call me to fuck with me?  Because I am seriously not in the fucking mood."

Jerry laughed.  "Sorry, I\'ll let you get your beauty sleep before you turn into fucking Medusa or something-"

Malakai hung up the phone before Jerry had the chance to finish.  Fucking Christ, what was his problem?  Sighing, he scanned the names on his contact list again.  Kim would be out drinking, not that Jerry could ever hold a conversation with that fucker.  Thor was usually way too busy to hang out, Quinn worked on Wednesdays... What the fuck!

Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, the vampire walked over to the desk in his room where he kept his laptop.  As soon as the machine booted up, he logged onto his Facebook account.  He was rarely on Facebook, usually only updating his status from his phone if he thought he had something interesting to say.  The only reason why he even had one was to keep in contact with a few people.  He wasn\'t about to spend hours on the internet like some lowlife loser with no job.

"Huh," Quinn was online.  Which meant he wasn\'t at work.  And judging by the status update, there was something up with him and Mr. Perfect.  Jerry clicked on the human\'s name and typed "Hey baby" into the box that popped up.
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Offline Saiketsu

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Re: Two for Two
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2011, 12:08:14 PM »
It was a long minute before he realized that Jerry had messaged him via Facebook. Tommy had just texted him angrily, demanding answers as to why the elder wasn\'t working. Reluctantly, the human gotten himself into an evasive explaination of the situation, knowing he was bound to get a text message stating "I told you so." Quinn put down the phone and glanced quickly at the screen before he noticed the chat window at the bottom of Jerry\'s Facebook page. Speak of the devil, the human thought amusedly.

What are you doing awake? I thought for sure that you\'d be catching your lazy ass up on beauty sleep. :)

The human continued to wander around Jerry\'s Facebook page, going through his photos, glancing over his status updates he had missed and commenting here and there. About a week prior, Quinn found that Jerry had been engaged to a Malakai Ezekias Pryce. Curious, the human clicked on the link to Malakai\'s profile.

"Huh." He was a handsome thing with brown hair and eyes that made his stupid little chest flutter a bit. No doubt he was a vampire, especially if he was that attractive and friends with Jerry. Chances are, this Malakai was someone from the band. "I wouldn\'t mind meeting him," the human murmured to himself. Quinn sighed to himself but didn\'t navigate away from looking at the other until Jerry directed his attention back to the chat box with his response.

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Re: Two for Two
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2011, 02:42:11 PM »
Jerry grinned.  

What are you doing not at work?  Thought you\'d be shaking your fine ass on stage for everyone to drool over. :)

The vampire wasn\'t stupid.  He knew something was up.  Quinn never missed work unless he was dying or absolutely had to.  The kid had even less of a life than the immortal did, and that was saying something.
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Re: Two for Two
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2011, 03:41:17 PM »
Excuse me? I don\'t shake anything. I gyrate, ok? Completely different, thank you very much. :D
John and I got into another...
Appearantly he got us an apartment all set up for us to move in together.
He wants to save me and I want to kill him.
But it\'s ok. I\'ll get him to pay me for not being able to work tonight because of his stupidity.

Quinn sat back on the couch and turned on some music, the eye of that gorgeous stranger peering around the side of the iTunes window, forcing the human to change the page quickly. Letting the redness in his face fade, the stripper stood and went to the window facing the front of the apartment building.

The windows were open and he could hear the distant rumble of cars on pavement, of the subway roaring a block away beneath the streets. The sun was down and the heat was evaporating off of the buildings, still lingering inside of his apartment. His mind wondered onto Beverly Henderson, the eighty-four-year-old woman on the first floor who had no other family -- like Quinn. The lady would have no air conditioning this summer because her son had moved away to New York, leaving his mother on her own. She was more or less Quinn\'s grandmother now, Quinn being the only person who gave a rat\'s ass about the sweet little lady. His mind hummed over concern for her for a lengthy minute or so before that fucker invaded his indifferent mood yet again. He had a familiar heaviness lingering in his body from the dread of having to deal with John again. Instead he stood watching a few cars pass by on the street below, watching people walking their dogs or going out for a jog. Outside his door, Quinn could hear the guy next door yelling at the baseball game. He exhaled and rubbed his eyes, pushing himself away from the window for a drink and something to eat. When he had sat back down, there was a response from the vampire.

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Re: Two for Two
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2011, 04:20:01 PM »
The vampire waited for a few minutes for the human to elaborate, but he did not.  Typical...  Jerry rolled his eyes.

First of all.
No way in hell are you moving anywhere.  
You are not telling me everything.
I\'m not that stupid.  I know it was more than some \'tiff.\'

After waiting for a response without much success, Jerry sighed irritably.  There was no reason for Quinn to be this hard to crack.  Usually, his charm could get the human to spill almost instantly.  Well, something like that anyway.  Still, there was no reason for him to have to wait for more than fifteen seconds.  It wasn\'t like the kid couldn\'t read.

Come on.
I know you\'re upset.  What aren\'t you telling me.

Now, if all went according to plan, Jerry would get Quinn to tell him enough so that it would be easy enough to get the human out of the house for the night.  Obviously he needed some help to relax.  Then, maybe, he could convince the human to ditch his loser Mr. Fucking-Perfect-Prince for a much better ride for the night.  Or week.  Or however long it took for him to get some ass.

Most importantly, Jerry knew that Quinn could do better--even if it wasn\'t the stunning vampire himself.
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Re: Two for Two
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2011, 02:57:41 AM »
I\'m just tired of talking about it, thats all. Tommy\'s already giving me the third degree.
It\'s over. I\'m not going back to him, no matter how many fucking times he calls me.
Done. :)

He really didn\'t want to go into detail with Jerry about all the details of what happened. This kind of thing happened so often with John that it was getting boring and he felt horrible for constantly telling other people about it. He knew he was an idiot for continually going back, he wasn\'t doubting that. The last thing that he needed now was for anyone, including Jerry, to jump on his case about anything that Quinn decided to do with his partner.

His phone rang with a text message. Thinking it was from Tommy again, Quinn picked it up without a second thought, only to see John\'s name on the screen.

Can we talk about this please?

Why? Did I not make it clear enough?

I want to talk about it, Quinn. You didn\'t even give me the chance to explain...

You\'re right. I didn\'t. BC theres nothing to explain.

Can we talk about this? Please?

"God, I hate you, sometimes." Quinn groaned and shut his phone, taking everything he had not to throw his phone across the room. Quickly, he switched over to the computer, seeing that Jerry was typing.

Appearantly I didn\'t make it clear enough that I don\'t want to talk to him again.
*sigh* And I was actually getting out of my bad mood, too.

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Re: Two for Two
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2011, 09:52:12 AM »
Alright.  Tell you what.

He paused for dramatic effect.

You need to get out of the house.
I want you to get off the computer and get dressed.

No, the vampire didn\'t have a specific plan in mind.  He preferred it that way on most days.  All he knew was that he was going to get Quinn\'s mind off of that John somehow.  Whether it be with alcohol, sex, or both didn\'t matter much.  After all, the human was single now - right?

I am going to pick you up in a half an hour.

Whether you like it or not.

And don\'t tell me no, cuz it\'s obvious that you need it.
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Re: Two for Two
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2011, 02:12:13 PM »
Quinn sighed, running his fingers over the keys of the laptop.

Ugh, no I\'ll be fine. Last thing I want is a fucking pitty party.
I just want to go to sleep tonight and forget about this.
Save your money.

His curtesy was flattering but Quinn didn\'t particularly want to be the center of attention tonight -- he had called out of work for that particular reason. On any other night he would have taken Jerry up on his offer, but he wasn\'t exactly in the mood to go through every painful detail so that he could paint Jerry a picture. His bitterness towards this entire situation was getting the best of him. Purposely, he changed the subject as quickly as possible.

By the way, who the hell is Malakai and why didn\'t you tell me you were getting married? :P I\'d like to be in on that action, you know...

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Re: Two for Two
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2011, 11:15:27 AM »
Human reflexes were nothing compared to how fast a vampire could type.  So changing the subject came a little slower than Quinn could have anticipated.

Fuck you.
You\'re coming out with me.  You need a distraction.
I will come to your apartment and drag you out kicking and screaming.
You know I will.
You know I can.

He sighed and waited for Quinn to finish typing.  It wasn\'t like Jerry was going to milk a detailed story out of the human.  Not until he was plastered.  

Oh.  Malakai.  You don\'t want to meet him.
He\'s a fucking asshole.

It was a complete lie, but Quinn didn\'t need to know that.  The vampire grinned.
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Re: Two for Two
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2011, 02:05:06 PM »
For whatever reason the human blushed a bit and smirked down at the computer. He loved flirting with the vampire, as empty as it was. He played along too well to stop.

Kicking and screaming? Sounds hot. <3
Thanks, but no thanks. You spend enough money on me in the club. God knows you don\'t need to worry about it outside of the club.
I\'m fine, now shut up.
And I like fucking assholes. =D
Tell me more about him. Now.
I command you to.
No but seriously. If I deal with you on a regular basis, I doubt anyone would be that bad.

His name was familiar, but he couldn\'t figure out from where. Quinn knew enough about Jerry to know that he didn\'t have that many friends, and he had the habit of bringing those friends to the club. Yet this Malakai he was sure that he had never seen before. The human assumed that he was simply another guy from the band. After all he didn\'t know everyone in the band. In fact, all he knew was his friend Kim, the crazy Asian guy that Quinn couldn\'t understand for the life of him. But the name Malakai sounded familiar, sounded old.

Quinn tried to sound out the name on the page, but stumbled at the middle name. Ezekias.

"That\'s weird. Must be a vampire," he murmured to himself, hunting through the profile a bit more, enjoying what he was seeing.

From Plymouth, Massachusetts. Plymouth was only a few miles outside of Bridgewater.
Born on September 2. No year. Figures.
Interested in Men and Women. Also figures.

But before he could look any further, Jerry had responded.

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Re: Two for Two
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2011, 11:34:35 AM »
Fine, he would let that subject rest for the moment.  Maybe when Quinn was a little more comfortable talking to him, Jerry would be able to finally convince him to go out.

He\'s the fucking lead singer.
I must have told you this a million times.

Jerry could have sworn that the human didn\'t remember anything he told him.  But who could blame him?  With his blindingly good looks distracting all around him, who could pay any attention to the words he said?

What else is there to know?
Can\'t you just look at his Facebook profile?
(you fucking stalker)
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Re: Two for Two
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2011, 12:44:37 PM »
"Fuck you," Quinn murmured to himself, smirking. Like Quinn had nothing else to do but memorize the names of all of Jerry\'s friends. The human stretched a bit before responding, spinning his torso until his vertibrae cracked satisfyingly. He turned on some music on his computer, wanting something to fill the air of the apartment.

Psh, I don\'t listen to you, you know that. <3
And don\'t worry, I already have stalked him.
He\'s fucking hot.
And don\'t you dare say that I said that.
I\'ll castrate you,
then you\'ll have nothing to brag about.

Is he single? lol

The human\'s face filled with color when he realized that he had pressed send on that entire portion of the conversation. He was three hours out of a relationship and looking at another guy\'s profile. The human sighed to himself, his color fading as quickly as it had come.

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Re: Two for Two
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2011, 01:07:04 PM »
I\'ll make sure he knows, don\'t worry.  

Jerry smirked.  He was just waiting for Quinn to ask him that question.  Everyone fucking wanted to get in Mal\'s pants.  Its was annoying as hell.  They guy didn\'t even take advantage of it half of the time.  

We\'re fucking engaged.
So back off.

No way was Mal going to bone this kid until Jerry had the chance.
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Re: Two for Two
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2011, 01:41:56 PM »
Quinn sat back down with a glass of coke and rum, and noticed that the vampire had responded. Scoffing at the response on the screen, Quinn grabbed a coaster, put the drink down and shook the condensation from his hands before responding.

I\'d still fuck him. =0 Why should you two being engaged matter to me?
And besides
If that\'s the case, why haven\'t you brought him down to the club? Does he even know where you go all the time, spending money on other guys?