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Author Topic: A Little Mischief and More... Part 1  (Read 32585 times)

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Offline Idrial

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Re: A Little Mischief and More... Part 1
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2007, 08:54:28 AM »
"Biting is the least of my worry. It takes 12 minutes for the fumes of the Lakce to take hold of a victim that happens to be within 20 yards."

Idrial nodded as he spoke and clearing hearing the muttering he had just said being  a half werewolf had it\'s advantages such as acute senses, her turned towards her still rubbing his neck from where she had made the impression with the knife blade. The way she had the blade against his neck it might remain to feel weird for a time but it would soon fade. He smiled again as he spoke to her with a bit of cockiness in his voice along with some humor.

"Its been about 9 minutes, give or take. But I wouldn\'t worry. I could carry you to the Infirmary if you pass out. You know what, maybe I should just tell you. You might learn something these words."

Idrial smiled a little as he said that like he was a knight and she a princess. She reached over and grabbed his arm in a playful manner and held it up noticing they had very little muscle on them. She let her cloak slip back showing her bare arm from the elbow length shirt she was wearing and it was very muscular and spoke in a humorous tone while shaking the arm a little though not hard.

"If you can get me off the ground with those little arms of yours... And yes my bite you\'d better beware of I\'m Half Werewolf and I can infect you and before you ask what\'s the other half it\'s a Shape Shifter an Animal Shape Shifter to be exact."

She let go of it smiling as she did so while showing her canines towards him. She was eager to here what Jaq had to say, she was a knowledge seeker as she liked to call herself. Even the simplest of things could be useful. She spoke again with him stepping closer to her in the direction she was going which was towards the more solitude grounds. She spoke softly to him keeping her eyes straight only giving him a glance after she was done her sentence.

"So what will I learn from your words?"


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Re: A Little Mischief and More... Part 1
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2007, 09:14:57 AM »
His eyes widen as she compared arm sizes. His little arm verse her muscular arm. He smile as a million thoughts ran through his head at such a sight. He kinda like it in a sense.

"If you can get me off the ground with those little arms of yours... And yes my bite you\'d better beware of I\'m Half Werewolf and I can infect you and before you ask what\'s the other half it\'s a Shape Shifter an Animal Shape Shifter to be exact."

~Oh shot, she is a werewolf. Strangely interesting~ he thought. He just smiles Not at all curious what the other half was. He can deal with one half now the other half later. He nods to her words of warning, rubbing his chin roughly.

"So what will I learn from your words?" she says

"Well, that heat, and or fire... can do wonders. Like with bactria and infections. With the right temperature the viral DNA can be burned off as if a trail of dirt to a wet mop. I don\'t fear infection. But if you do say, I am sure I don\'t want to be bitten in a harmful manner." He looks down at his arm and pokes at his smaller biceps. "You work out I am guessing, you seem so strong. I have no seen a female with your figure. You do honor me with looks and... hostility. But forgive I will, I would like to ask another thing. Were you born of Wolf, or were you tainted by fangs?" That he is curious about. He looks onwards with interest, never meeting a werewolf before, or talking with one.

Offline Idrial

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Re: A Little Mischief and More... Part 1
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2007, 10:22:43 AM »
"Well, that heat, and or fire... can do wonders. Like with Bactria and infections. With the right temperature the viral DNA can be burned off as if a trail of dirt to a wet mop. I don\'t fear infection. But if you do say, I am sure I don\'t want to be bitten in a harmful manner."

Idrial nodded he was right about it heat or fire could burn off infections, she spoke in a cold kind of voice not towards him towards the curse that raced through her veins.

"Unless you wanted to boil yourself alive  ... if I bit you the curse would bind to your white and red blood cells. Trust me if it could be taken care by extreme heat I would have done that a long time ago."

She looked straight ahead only looking to the side when she saw him poke at one of his biceps to which Idrial had to smile at this because it was funny. He then spoke to her in a sort plain tone with a hint of something else.

"You work out I am guessing, you seem so strong. I have no seen a female with your figure. You do honor me with looks and... hostility. But forgive I will, I would like to ask another thing. Were you born of Wolf, or were you tainted by fangs?"

Idrial had to smile and she answered his question.

"Thank you I do try my best to keep my body in shape and I\'ll take the honor and hospitality as a compliment. Now as for your second question I was born a Shape Shifter and was tainted by the Werewolf curse ... My parents did not survive and neither did that Werewolf that night... I killed it by Shape Shifting into a bear. Now with the curse in my viens I now can Shape Shift into a Werewolf whenever I want ... Want to see?"  


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Re: A Little Mischief and More... Part 1
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2007, 11:46:32 AM »
"Thank you I do try my best to keep my body in shape and I\'ll take the honor and hospitality as a compliment. Now as for your second question I was born a Shape Shifter and was tainted by the Werewolf curse ... My parents did not survive and neither did that Werewolf that night... I killed it by Shape Shifting into a bear. Now with the curse in my viens I now can Shape Shift into a Werewolf whenever I want ... Want to see?"

He smiles and nods in excitement. "Yes I would, its such a techniques that is amazing in many ways." he watches closely, never seeing a shape shifter before. "Oh and its sad what happened to your family. But if they would have still been around would you have turned out the way you are now?" He then chuckles. "Its a silly question, you don\'t have to answer it." He sighs softly and goes back to watching her art

Offline Idrial

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Re: A Little Mischief and More... Part 1
« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2007, 09:17:49 AM »
"Yes I would, its such a techniques that is amazing in many ways. Oh and its sad what happened to your family. But if they would have still been around would you have turned out the way you are now? Its a silly question, you don\'t have to answer it."  

Jaq sighed softly before going back to watching her, this boy obviously has never seen the supernatural before for it was a dead give away of how he acted around her. Idrial spoke softly and warmly towards him.

"It was 18 years ago and I have learned to live with it. As for your second question I might not have even come to the Academy if my parents did not die but I very well would have been the same.”

Idrial kept walking making a right turn which lead outside, she couldn’t shape shift into the open and walked towards a secluded area where they wouldn’t be disturbed. It was behind the academy full of thick bush and winding trails that one could get easily lost if they did know it like the back of their hand. She spoke as they walked.

“Where I grew up Supernaturals as they called us would have been killed just for being different. It was a harsh world were I grew up and survival and secrecy is what kept us alive, If I would have stayed that night questions would have been asked and in time they would have found out what I was which then I would have met my early death. By the way there are not silly questions just silly answers.”  

Idrial smiled at the last part and soon enough they came to a clearing in the heart of the bush. It was quiet and very much secluded, she had come here may times herself. Their was a wooden bench that she had dragged her herself in the dead of night not wanting to get caught. She hung her cloak on a near by tree along with her daggers, her quiver of arrows and her prized bow. She turned towards Jaq smiling, this was going to be a treat for him as she rarely did this but she was in a good mood.

She stretched her arms and legs really quick so that she wouldn’t be sore after, that was the worst. She then smiled once more before starting to shape shift into a werewolf. Her clothes melted into her skin, she grew taller and started to bulk out, her arms and legs got bigger, her eyes stayed the same colorful blue but her head changed into that of a wolf. She was in perfect control and stepped forward to where Jaq was standing. She was smiling it to him it was more like a snarl. She stepped forward once more before changing back into a human.

“What else would you like to see me Shape Shift into and remember I can only do animals. So name off a few.”

She crossed her arms onto her chest waiting for reply.


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Re: A Little Mischief and More... Part 1
« Reply #20 on: October 24, 2007, 10:32:34 AM »
His eyes widen with fascination of such an act. He felt like a child at the Magick Fair for the first time. Seeing Idrial transform into a might beast,  then back into a human made him wish to seek this ability. "Amazing..." was all he could say, he was speechless.

“What else would you like to see me Shape Shift into and remember I can only do animals. So name off a few.”

He shrugs and just smiles. "Any animal would be fine but wow..." He looks upon his hand and curls and straightens it. "I would feel wrong if I was given a gift to see, and could not return it. Would you like to see a trick of mine? I might be abit rusty from the lack of training." He looks up to the woman curiously for an answer

Offline Idrial

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Re: A Little Mischief and More... Part 1
« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2007, 07:38:41 AM »
"Amazing... Any animal would be fine but wow .... I would feel wrong if I was given a gift to see, and could not return it. Would you like to see a trick of mine? I might be a bit rusty from the lack of training."

Idrial could see the wonder and awe in his face of what she just did, she would like to see what Jaq could do with his Magick of Fire. She smiled and answered him in a warm voice.


With that she then Shape Shifted into her favorite form the wolf. Black as night her fur was though her eyes remained blue instead of changing to yellow like most wolves. She was larger than most wolves due to her size in human form. She sat on the ground looking at him intently. In her wolf form she could talk telepathically like many wolves did in the wild. She spoke to Jaq in a daring kind of voice.

"Lets see what you can do Fire Boy."


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Re: A Little Mischief and More... Part 1
« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2007, 12:12:12 PM »
"Lets see what you can do Fire Boy."

Oh its on, Fire boy. He grins at the dare and talks a few paces back. His arms stretch out and his breathing was reduced to little or none. The air around his felt hot, and just got hotter. A red aura quickly surrounds the pyromancer. The place were his feet touch started to melt with intense heat. The leaves upon brush and tree quickly burns with haste, leaving ash instead. His eyes open wide, and were replaced with flames. His hands taking the heat, themselves transform into scolded flesh and leaks a molten fluid that punish the ground it drips upon. The vast fire is maintain in the aura, to prevent a wild fire. Soon after his whole body is consumed by flames and vanishes from sight. The Aura fades with the fire and soon both were gone. Leaving no trace of either.

After a few moments an object was thrown far infront of the Wolf. It was a stick. "Fetch." Jaq said in a tease, he was about 20 feet behind the female and just smiles.

Offline Idrial

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Re: A Little Mischief and More... Part 1
« Reply #23 on: October 26, 2007, 12:36:08 PM »
Idrial watched in her wolf form to see what the boy had learned in the talents of magick. He stepped away a few paces and she could see that he was reducing his breathing to almost nothing. She suddenly felt the air around her become hotter and saw a sort of a aura surround the boy. The earth around his feet began to melt from the fire he was producing. The leaves on the trees became nothing but ash, his eyes now became fire and his hands leaked molten lava. Then as suddenly as it came it was gone, she was impressed the boy showed great potential in the art of magick. She then saw him throw an object in front of her which looked to be like a stick. She heard a teasing kind of voice behind her.


She turned around to see him smiling. She was a wolf not some dog that could be tamed. He was about twenty feet away from her and she decided to shape shift from a wolf to a a large and sleek jaguar. She ran a little and leaped with her powerful hind legs soaring through and over Jaq changing back into her human form as she did so landing on the opposite side of him only a few feet away. She turned around and looked at him speaking warmly.

"You are good with Magick Jaq but lets see how good you are when fighting with it."

She crouched a little and held out her hands creating a fiery glow around her hands. These flames though were black and blue instead of the regular orange and red like Jaq\'s. She could control fire but she was better in her animal forms though she did not tell him that for that was going to be a surprise, she smiled warmly before speaking again.

"Lets see some more of your Fire tricks and I\'ll show you some of mine."


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Re: A Little Mischief and More... Part 1
« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2007, 01:11:49 PM »
"Lets see some more of your Fire tricks and I\'ll show you some of mine."

She could control fire, we doesn\'t it get better. She didn\'t tell him some things, and vis versa. "Gladly." He grins and gets into a stance. "Bewarn, Just because your a girl doesn\'t mean I will won\'t not hold back." he chuckles and stares onwards at her. Without a moment of hesitation, he charges fiercely. Both hands infront of his body and the molten lava turns into a cone of fire, Swirling towards the Shape-shifter. His eyes have quickly returns to flames. He smiles wide, never being in a fight for reals. Now he can experience it first hand with a worthy opponent. Losing was not in his mind.

Offline Idrial

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Re: A Little Mischief and More... Part 1
« Reply #25 on: October 27, 2007, 03:37:28 AM »
"Gladly. Bewarn, Just because your a girl doesn\'t mean I will won\'t not hold back."

Jaq chuckled after he had spoke getting into a fighting stance quite quickly. He stared at her then in swift motion her charged at her with his hands in front of his body turning into molten lava that quickly turned into cones of fire, his eyes were now nothing but flames. He smiled wide as the lava crept its way towards Idrial. She narrowed her eyes and spoke in a low voice.

"I do not expect you to hold back ... Hear me now young Jaq just because you are only a Level Five does not mean I will hold back either."

The fire in her hands doubled in size then in a quick motion she laid her hands on the ground and a thin line of fire about 12 feet across appeared on the ground, she then quickly raised her hands and as she did so the fire from the ground rose as well creating a blue and black fire wall 8 feet tall. She moved one hand behind her still keeping on hand in front and wiggled her fingers a little and her daggers that were hanging on the tree came to her and into her hand, she then quickly buckled it to her waist with her one hand something that seemed impossible but if practiced was quite easy. She then returned her hand beside her other hand.

What many did not know was this was called a cold fire, a type of fire that was not hot at all but rather cold to the touch instead of warm or hot. Sure she could make the fire hot but that took more energy and she only did that as a finishing move. She waited for his cones of fire to hit her wall for a nasty surprise, finally they had hit and that is where they had stopped, cooling rapidly and remaining in their fire cone shape. Idrial had dropped the wall a little to about five feet and smiled as she did so talking in a sort of low tone.

"That was a neat trick but you will have to do better ... Now here’s mine."

With a swift push of her arms the fire wall began to move towards Jaq at a fast pace obliterating the cooled Fire cones in it path heading straight for Jaq.


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Re: A Little Mischief and More... Part 1
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2007, 04:27:00 AM »
"That was a neat trick but you will have to do better ... Now here’s mine."

First off, It was odd how his fire cone was quenched by the wall. It then quickly came to him that it was not hot but a rather cold fire. Secondly it came at him at a quick pace. He grins and jumps headlong at the Black wall. Before he connects, Jaq was engulf in red flames and vanishes. It became quiet. But shortly after the air grew hot with intense heat and a ball of fierce fire explodes from nothingness. He reappears from this ball and lands on the other side of the wall unharmed. Hitting the floor and rolling to his feet. He stares at the female and smiles. Raising his hand he quickly snaps his fingers and ingites all that was infront of his path.

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Re: A Little Mischief and More... Part 1
« Reply #27 on: October 27, 2007, 04:50:14 AM »
He had jumped towards the wall of fire tha was coming his way, the fire may not have been a hot but the intense cold from it could cause severe frost bite. Just before it connected Jaq had engulfed himself into what looked like to be a fire ball then only seconds later reappeared on the other side of the firewall, hitting the floor and quickly getting back onto his feet. He smiled at Idrial as he stared at her then snapped his fingers and everything that she had extinguished with her fire wall had come back to life, he was good she had to admit but now she had to think fast.

She took her daggers out of their sheaths the ones that she had gotten in the Fae Realm with November. They had so many magical properties she had learned for they were infused with Fae Magick and she was only beginning to understand and discover their uses. She made the flames flow form her hands to her daggers quickly swooping them around her body head to toe as she did the fire transferred form the daggers to her body making a protective cocoon around her.

She then quickly created five fire balls. Only one would hit though the other four were for a distraction, she didn\'t feel the Fire cones when they had hit her and that is when she had sent her cold fire balls at him.


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Re: A Little Mischief and More... Part 1
« Reply #28 on: October 27, 2007, 11:29:54 AM »
Jaq sense a cocoon within the fire he has created. ~She is good~ But he had no time for thought, 5 fireballs came at him. He side steps 4 of them, due to the lack of Accuracy in them, but he was alittle over confident and a 5th one came straight at him. Rapidly, his hands in great molten power caught the 5th ball of fire. The Black fire began to freeze his hands without hesitation. He growls as he loses feelings in his hands. But the ball had only a limit of power, while his hands a fueled to the max. He crushes the ball and regains heat within his fingers. He looks on to the cocoon and ponders. He then falls on his knees and starts to channel his Magick into a circle before him. This art was known to many as a summoning circle. From the size it was going to be big.

Offline Idrial

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Re: A Little Mischief and More... Part 1
« Reply #29 on: October 30, 2007, 09:14:53 AM »
Idrial had seen that the first four of her fire balls had missed her target, she could see that he was a getting a little cocky as each of the first four missed him. She smiled when she saw the fifth on came straight at him when he in a panic caught it with his molten power and started to freeze his hands. She heard a low growl come from him but saw that the ball was soon crushed out by his molten heat.

Jaq had looked at her for a moment before falling to his knees channeling his Magick into the circle that was being created, Idrial did not know how big this circle would become nor what he would do with it once it was complete. She flipped through her mind very quickly trying to figure out what the best course of action.

Then it hit her Beltyn’s Freezing Blood, it was a spell that she had learned in the Highlands when she left the Academy as a High Apprentice. It was a spell that would slowly freeze the blood of someone while causing excruciating pain but not death.

She quickly increased the volume of fire in her hands till it was almost as big as her head. Then slowly let the fire come out of her finger tips in long but thin weaves. She let the fire that was protecting her body disappear and the weaves became brighter.

 She then in lighting speed directed the weaves to his chest hitting them his chest square on. She smiled as she let the weaves of the fire go deeper into his body; she waited to see what he would do now that the weaves had successfully entered his body.