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Reviving Demons
« on: February 07, 2019, 07:01:49 AM »
As was to be expected, the library was quiet and peaceful. At this time of night there were hardly any visitors and on the top floor, after the books which had been scattered throughout the day had been tidied by the librarian, there was silence. It was far away from the computers on a lower level which were being used by frantic students trying to finish essays before 8am deadlines the following morning, and those who had no money and nowhere to go for the night generally stayed in the fiction or magazine sections on the ground floor, where there was safety in numbers and community.

Ichabod was curled up in the corner of a comfy sofa on the top floor, a book balanced on a cushion which rested half on his thighs and half on the arm of the chair. He’d come to get a copy of the book, Chuck Palahniuk’s Invisible Monsters for a class he was doing, but whilst he’d been inside the skies had opened, so Ichabod had decided to stay and make a start on it rather than get himself and the book completely soaked. If it didn’t stop before he had to go then he’d just have to get wet, but for now he was content where he was.

He’d left the apartment not long after sundown, but taken a meandering route to the library, feeding on the way from a mortal who now had only a fuzzy memory of a conversation, maybe someone asking directions? Ichabod had found the book on a lower level without needing to look up where it would be and then, having spotted the turned weather through the large glass windows, he’d made his way up here. It wasn’t like he’d feel the cold, despite wearing only a t-shirt and jeans, but it was more the concern of getting the book wet and ruining it which kept him inside. Besides, James was studying tonight and Kerr was with Ben doing… something, so it wasn’t like he had anywhere to be.

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Re: Reviving Demons
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2019, 11:26:31 AM »
The glass doors swished open and a statuesque blond vampire entered. He wasn't soaking wet in spite of the barrage of rain for he'd been outside in it for a mere second. He'd been dropped off in a limo out the front by his latest conquest and keen-worshipping-mortal, Eric. Lazarus had called him 'round for a drink and a fuck, then had Eric drop him off here. It was the third place he'd investigated so far, looking for someone extremely specific. This particular quiet boy liked very particular quiet places, and this particular quiet boy had a very familiar scent - one that he could still detect on this lower level, which meant the youth had passed through here not long ago.

Found you, Lazarus thought, and prowled through the banks of shelves filled with books, looking for a teenager who was no longer a teenager - but had been one when they'd first met. Now he was sired - but not by him. He'd thought about it, though, if only for a fleeting moment, and then Ichabod had rebelled a little too much and... well, the past was the past and there'd been nothing left for them - but now they had a future!

It took him a good ten minutes for him to pick up Ichabod's scent again, and he followed it like a hound followed its prey; nostrils flaring and smile curling and surprisingly eager to dredge up the past. There had been mostly good times. There could be good times again.

He wondered if he would be able to sneak up on Ichabod. He wasn't making a sound, but he was hardly hiding either. Would Ichabod's vampy-sense alert him to the ancient's presence? He hoped so. He was approaching from the front, seeing Ichabod's focus on a book. He wanted those eyes on him, and to see the other's reaction. He hoped it would be good.
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Re: Reviving Demons
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2019, 05:37:06 PM »
He couldn’t say exactly what it was that caught his attention, but the hairs on Ichabod’s arms prickled and his eyes lifted from the page, widening instinctively at the sight of the blonde in front of him and taking in a sharp breath. The other blonde who had caused him so much grief.

Go away, go away, go away.

His entire body has tensed up and Ichabod forced his eyes down to his book again. He couldn’t read though and his shoulders hunched up of their own accord as he drew back against the cushions. Lazarus craved attention, maybe if he pretended he wasn’t there then he would just walk on by. That look on his face though, the way he was heading right towards him. Ichabod knew he wasn’t just going to walk away.

If it had been a couple of years ago Ichabod would have been reaching out mentally to Kerr, or his hand would have gone to his phone to text him. But Kerr had been gone so long that seeking his protection wasn’t his first instinct any more. And his body hadn’t gone for fight or flight, it was definitely going for the roll over, pretend you’re dead and maybe it’ll leave you alone.

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Re: Reviving Demons
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2019, 06:48:35 PM »
The library had clusters of chairs gathered for reading, yet Ichabod had managed to find a chair that didn't have any beside. On the way over, while watching Ichabod's reaction, Lazarus picked up one of the low-backed metal framed chairs one-handed and took it with him as he strolled to the young man who'd once been his lover. He set the chair down slightly at an angle to Ichabod, close enough that their knees would touch when Lazarus sat. When he did lower himself onto the cushioned seat, he shifted to the side so his legs extended past Ichabod's feet and he could lean on the arm towards the young vampire who was doing a bad job of pretending not to know him.

"I wonder what would've become of us if not for Kerr and Ben?" he asked. Melancholy wasn't his usual flavour, but he wanted to be on Ichabod's good side right now. "If I'd kept you around a bit longer. I probably would have fledged you myself."

And that was about where the reminiscing would end, because it was very likely they'd still be here right now, with Lazarus fondly looking at Ichabod, and Ichabod pretending not to know him. He and his many, many fledges had never parted on good terms.
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Re: Reviving Demons
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2019, 04:21:25 AM »
Ichabod firmly kept his eyes on his book as Lazarus positioned himself, but they flickered towards those long legs as they stretched out in front of him, suddenly making him feel claustrophobic. He should have moved straight away, now he was trapped. Maybe long by a couple of legs, but Ichabod knew the strength behind them and the rest of the slender figure.

He finally lifted his gaze to meet Lazarus’ at the blonde’s final comment, raising an eyebrow in surprise. What the fuck was Lazarus talking about?

You probably would have killed me.

“I doubt it. You were bored of me well before any of that.” It had been obvious Lazarus had been sleeping around before Ichabod had anything to do with Kerr. He’d been there, a faithful puppy, besotted and knowing he was being used, but unwilling to lose the little attention he did get. He’d been so swept up in everything.

If Lazarus had sired him, it would have been a spur of the moment thing, all Lazarus’ decision and Ichabod had no doubt it would have been terrible. No proper teacher. No one to make sure he was safe against the new dangers he would face. He’d be a wreck now, or dead.

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Re: Reviving Demons
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2019, 07:25:03 AM »
Lazarus didn't argue, Ichabod's words had the ring of truth to them. He didn't remember being bored, he only remembered being jealous that Ichabod had snuck away to have sex with Kerr. He couldn't recall why Ichabod would do such a thing but his whimsy for reminiscing was past.

"And look at you now, you're flourishing. You always did have a bit of chatback, that's what I like about you."

He had faint memories of a surly, rebellious boy. Had that been Ichabod? He thought so... but if Lazarus had got bored with him, that meant Ichabod must have always given in.

"I hear your sire's done a Lazarus," he said, then laughed. He'd been saving that joke.

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Re: Reviving Demons
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2019, 07:54:36 AM »
Flourishing? Not really. It made Ichabod uncomfortable that Lazarus was talking about him in a way that made it seem like he knew anything about him though. It wasn’t like he’d paid much attention to anything Ichabod had been interested in when they’d been together, so why the sudden interest? But, that comment made it pretty obvious he was just taking a stab in the dark and didn’t really know much at all.

Ichabod didn’t laugh at Lazarus’ attempt at humour, but watched his steadily. If his heart still beat he knew it would be pounding in his chest with fear, but he hoped it wasn’t showing too much. He slowly closed his book and clasped it on his lap so that hijs hands would have something to grip onto, just in case they shook.

He wanted to tell him not to talk about Kerr. Kerr was a hundred times more caring, more appreciative, more loyal. Kerr really cared about the people he surrounded himself with and they’d thought he was dead. It wasn’t something to joke about. Ichabod wanted to get up and leave, but he wasn’t brave enough to try to escape from Lazarus by just standing and walking away. If Lazarus wanted something then he wouldn’t allow that.

“What do you want?” he asked quietly, scared of what the answer might be.

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Re: Reviving Demons
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2019, 09:34:01 AM »
"I wanted to talk to you, love," he said. "I miss how we used to chat."

Lazarus poured it on thick, but was there any other way? By Ichabod's instant reaction to his words, he knew he was losing him. They both knew Lazarus didn't miss talking to him. Fucking him, maybe. He barely remembered what it had been like to bed the boy, it was so long ago.

"Alright, I'll cut the shit," Lazarus shifted from grandiose charmer to serious predator in a second. He twisted in his chair some more so he was practically sitting on his hip, clutching the chair arm closest to Ichabod and leaning all the way over, so that his face hovered roughly over Ichabod's lap. "You live in the Capital, still. I know it because you're on the Central District records. I'm...

a Harpy

...second in line to the leadership, so you come under my rule now. Put the past in the past and show me some respect."

He flicked his hair.

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Re: Reviving Demons
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2019, 05:12:26 PM »
Ichabod couldn’t help but roll his eyes at Lazarus’ declaration that he missed their talking. Bullshit, complete and utter bullshit. If Lazarus was just going to make up shit about their past maybe he didn’t really have any other aim than to harass him. And as scary as he was, this was starting to feel less dangerous.

Until it suddenly did.

Ichabod drew back against the sofa as Lazarus’ face was suddenly much closer. He pressed his lips together, watching him warily.

Ichabod hadn’t ever really paid much attention to the politics of the city. He’d known what Kerr did, knew the basics, but after Kerr had died none of it had seemed important. He hadn’t gone out breaking any rules, he’d barely even spoken to other vampires.

Fuck, he wouldn’t be having this conversation now if he had the choice.

There would probably be some permission needed for the Academy, but Ben was always better at that kind of thing, knowing who did what and how to get things out of people. Maybe there was something about it in the paperwork Ben had emailed him, but Ichabod despite making progress Ichabod hadn’t read all of it yet.

So he wasn’t sure who was first in charge, who the fuck would give Lazarus any kind of position of power. Why would anyone do that? He was an overgrown child, and a demanding one at that.

“What’s this, third time now? And you still don’t know how respect works?”

You couldn’t just demand respect and expect it, it had to be earned. No, Ichabod didn’t respect Lazarus. He was terrified of him, but there was no respect. Maybe it hadn’t been wise to point that out though.

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Re: Reviving Demons
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2019, 07:12:31 PM »
Lazarus snatched the collar of Ichabod's shirt, twisted his hand in it and pulled him forward so they could be nose to nose. The book on Ichabod's lap fell harmlessly to the floor.

"I can still drain you dry," he hissed, "only difference is it wouldn't be pleasurable for either of us."

He shoved Ichabod back onto his chair and moved off his own, kneeling before Ichabod on one bended knee like a lover about to propose - except his hands stiffly gripped the younger vampire by the thighs.

"Is there anything you want to say to me?" he challenged. "Because you only got a fucking glimmer of my rage last time. I recall the way we met - you threw yourself at me without a clue who I was, because that's what they all do. Since you don't want to fall for my lover routine, you can deal with the asshole instead. Is this better?"
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Re: Reviving Demons
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2019, 06:47:06 AM »
Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Ichabod let go of the book he was using as a crutch as Lazarus suddenly grabbed hold of him and the book fell to the floor with a quiet thump which no one but he and Lazarus could hear.

Ichabod could feel Lazarus’ words against his skin despite no contact being made and a shiver ran through his body. His dark eyes squeezed shut until Lazarus shoved him backwards. As the blonde rearranged himself before him, Ichabod’s hands dropped to claw at those clutching at his legs, fruitlessly trying to pull them off and failing miserably, until they dropped to just rest on top of Lazarus’, poised and ready to feel for any hint of a lessened grip. If he had longer nails they would have been digging into Lazarus’s cool skin.

A part of him knew that Lazarus’ threats had to be an empty. Surely, they had to be. Lazarus had come looking for him, found him here and approached him – what would be the point if he then just wanted to kill him? What would have been the point of the “lover routine”? Hurting Kerr? Taking him in with a stupid act or killing him would have the same effect.

So what would he want with him alive? An apology might be what Lazarus wanted, but Ichabod knew he couldn’t play along with that sort of act for long enough to make it believable. He wasn’t that good at acting, or using people. Not like Ben. So there was no point trying to soothe him.

But Lazarus wanted something enough to do the whole act. That meant he didn’t want him dead. He tried to ignore the comment about their past – Ichabod had been so much younger, more naïve. He had grown up since then.

“I don’t have anything to say to you. You came to me. You want something, what is it?” he said, repeating his earlier question. Any pink in his skin from feeding earlier had drained away. If he killed him here, what would it achieve? It would hurt Kerr, James, probably Ben would feel some relief despite them starting gradually to work together.

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Re: Reviving Demons
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2019, 07:19:40 AM »
He expected a quivering, apologetic mess. What he got was a rebellious, (albeit trembling) verbal smack in the face. He was starting to remember now, what his brief time with Ichabod had been like. Tendrils of regret clawed at him the same way Ichabod clawed at his hands - finding no real purchase and not strong enough to change what was happening, but still making its presence felt. He should've hung onto Ichabod a little longer, got to know him a little better.

"You got balls," Lazarus told him. He admired it, but at the same time Ichabod needed to suffer for it. Humiliation would do. Quickly, because the youngling wouldn't be able to keep up, Lazarus lifted a hand and struck him with an open palm across the face. It made a sharp 'smack' and wouldn't hurt Ichabod in the slightest, though would force his face to the right, then he gripped Ichabod's leg again.

Out of the corner of his eye he could see a few people looking up at that sound, wondering what was going on between the two men - except Lazarus' bended-knee pose gave them doubts about what they thought they'd heard.

"An apology was obviously too much to ask for," he crooned, and in his jeans he could feel the starting twitch of an erection. Was he enjoying this? Why yes, yes he was. "How long has Kerr been back?" he asked conversationally.
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Re: Reviving Demons
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2019, 07:38:25 AM »
Ichabod gasped at the feel of the smack across his face, more of surprise than from pain. But then he was surprised at himself for not expecting some kind of reciprocation for his question.

Lazarus’ mood seemed to have changed though, now he’d got that out of his system. The obvious threats were gone… for a moment at least.

Then back to Kerr. He must be something to do with Lazarus’ end goal here. Was it a week? Time seemed to have lost meaning. The last eighteen months were a blur of mourning and now, that had been pointless.

“I’d’ve thought you’d’ve known, you being so important and all,” Ichabod snapped, his instincts for self-protection disappearing at the questioning about Kerr. He didn’t want to play Lazarus’ games, but he had little choice in the position he was in. It was all a game to him.

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Re: Reviving Demons
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2019, 08:10:48 AM »
Lazarus pulled a face at Ichabod's continuing rebellion. C'mon, seriously?

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Lazarus hissed. "Do you want me to kill you? Is your existence so dreary?"

The position he was in was surprisingly comfortable. He could stay here all night with Ichabod pinned to the chair. Of course he would want to move soon, but not while this pup barked at him. He moved his face closer, risking the chance Ichabod might clock him with his head.

"Why so angry?" Lazarus asked, his voice dropping to something gentle. "You were hostile to me when I played nice. You were hostile to me when I didn't. Do I trigger you, love? Is there something about me that you can't get over?" he smiled wolfishly.
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Re: Reviving Demons
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2019, 05:11:15 PM »
No, he didn’t want to die, but even though he was worried Lazarus could do him serious damage, Ichabod was fairly confident he wouldn’t actually kill him.

And Lazarus’ change of tone implied he was right, but the soothing tone did nothing to help Ichabod’s nerves.

“You don’t give a shit about me, you just want something,” Ichabod said, frustrated that Lazarus could so easily play these games, refusing to tell him what he needed, and there was nothing Ichabod could do about it. Just like he’d been so helpless when Kerr had gone, and now he was back. Fuck, he hadn’t even seen him without Ben hanging around nearby.

Maybe if Lazarus did actually do something to him Kerr would pay a bit more attention.