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Re: Something Stirring in the Dark
« Reply #30 on: March 25, 2019, 05:54:31 AM »
He was getting a bit tired of being treated like the bad child, thrown around based on Laurent's will. The feeling of panic was lessening now, dulling into apathy due to the Leeches. The desire to obey was creeping up his throat uncomfortably, making him cough. Judas wiped away the trails of blood from his face, picking himself up from the fallout of Laurent just like he had the last time. When a cigarette was offered, he looked incredulously back at the demon, now the familiar face he had come to hate so much. To think that he had been suckered into servicing both of these men at some point.

"You want me to spy on Jake McCloud?" Judas asked weakly, with a tone of arrogance. "Why? Why can't you just do that shit yourself?" A wave of nausea hit him and something felt like it grabbed at his throat from the inside, trying to smother him.

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Re: Something Stirring in the Dark
« Reply #31 on: March 25, 2019, 06:10:05 AM »
"Because I want you to," Laurent reached forward and touseled the vampire's hair lightly.  He grinned "I promise I'll give you a treat when you're done." 

He took a step back, smoking for a moment. 

"And if you can find me something juicier that I can use I'll end your suffering even sooner."
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Re: Something Stirring in the Dark
« Reply #32 on: March 25, 2019, 06:19:04 AM »
"It'd be helpful if I knew what the fuck you are actually looking for," he spat at the demon as he stepped away. More laughing. "What do you mean 'juicier'? Juicier than what, exactly? Juicier than knowing when Jake's whole crew circle jerks?

"Hate to tell you this, you fuck," Judas said defiantly, "but Lisa-Joe already knows who the fuck I am. How the fuck do you want me to watch Jake's crew with that cunt knowing my face?" He turned towards Mitchelletto in anger. "Send this prick instead." Judas tossed his head in the other vampire's general direction. "God knows he's good at being forgettable."

Offline The Cedar Witch

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Re: Something Stirring in the Dark
« Reply #33 on: March 25, 2019, 06:26:06 AM »
Laurent rolled his eyes.

"Don't be dramatic.  I couldn't give a shit about your personal life." 

Though he did have a point, and it was a rather Unfortunate and Unforeseen thing.  But it was workable regardless.  He moved closer again, this time placing his hands on either armrest of the chair Nikolai was sitting in.

"I am looking for a Chip in the Foundation."  He spoke low with a growl "And you are going to find one for me.  How exactly you will accomplish that is your problem, now.  I know you have people that crawl like cockroaches over the streets of the city.  I want to know what cracks they can find."
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Re: Something Stirring in the Dark
« Reply #34 on: March 25, 2019, 10:06:19 AM »
Mitchelletto had felt a snap in the bond, something had switched drastically in Nikolia and not for the better. Enjoying the feeling of pain and suffering coming from the boy, this was fun for a business meeting. That thought was short lived. Mitch shook his head in disappointment as Nikolia succumbed to Laurent finally, it had been short he thought the boy had more fight in him. Solidifying the thought that he was right to abandon him that night, sure he had a mean streak but it was nothing compared to Laurent or even Mitch. He was weak and the weak did not live long among his clan, the only reason Nikolia survived this long was he escaped the clutches of Mitchelletto. Only to be thrust back into his hands at an unexpected turn of events.

"Lisa-Joe is too loyal and much older than Jake," finally joining the conversation.

"I want to know more about Jakes daughter, she can't be no more than a decade old if that,"  a cruel smile forming on his lips.

"Don't sires who give a shit come after there children regardless of their relationship?" Directing his question more at Nikolia than Laurent for his weak comment.

"Laurent my sweet," his tone malicious. "In my bloodline, we can command our fledges to obey without question. Control over their free will. He is of my blood," Nikolia would hate him now, laughing at Nikolai's eventual reaction.

"I was having so much fun watching the graceful manipulation I didn't want to stop you, " his tone devilishly sweet towards the demon.

Lauren abilities had grown over the two hundred years they had been apart, he added the information as some added insurance. If Nikolia found a way to  did break from Laurents demon hold this would ensure Nikolai would still obey, like an obedient little puppy on his way to the slaughter.

Offline Saiketsu

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Re: Something Stirring in the Dark
« Reply #35 on: March 25, 2019, 12:34:07 PM »
The same thing that repelled him was the thing that made him be inexplicably drawn in to the demon. The more he fought these Leeches, the deeper he sank under Laurent's control. When Laurent leaned into him, intimidating, he couldn't help but remember when he had been interested in him as a sexual partner. He remembered the satisfaction of having Laurent so close to his skin, breathing over him like a rough lover. It had made him hot and hard, the promise of a painful night lingering between them. No longer, not after the invasions of his body, mind, and mental peace. He would have loved to pull his head back as far as he could and crack his forehead into the face that looked at him now, but the thought dissolved into apathy that was worse than the screaming headache he received when he disobeyed.

Judas leaned as far away from the demon as he could in the chair and tried his best not to show him the vulnerable space of his neck.  With the demon so close and so unpredictable, he failed to really understand Mitchelletto's meaning.

"In my bloodline, we can command our fledges to obey without question. Control over their free will. He is of my blood."

Judas' eyes widened and his stomach jumped back into his throat. Fear washed over him and he was unable to make any attempt to hide it. He looked at Mitchelletto - surely he was joking. Judas would have heard about something like this happening before, right? He would have known if that were the case, right? When Mitch had left him to die, he failed to explain any of the things that his kind was capable of. Everything Judas had to learn from scratch.

Panic surged through him again, loud, boiling over. Judas launched his good arm over to grasp Mitchelletto's throat before Laurent could stop him - if he even tried. Judas hands locked around flesh before anyone even attempted to pull him off. "Control this, you bastard!" He squeezed and tore as hard as he could, knowing that he had one chance to catch his Sire off guard. All he had to do was break Mitch's neck and then half of his problems would be solved.

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Re: Something Stirring in the Dark
« Reply #36 on: March 25, 2019, 01:25:46 PM »
"ON YOUR KNEES NOW!" Taking hold of Nikolia through the blood they shared, having no choice but to obey. He was his maker, his fucking God!

Mitchelletto was infuriated that he been touched by the pathetic bastard, his skin red and raw from Nikolia tearing at his throat. He stood in front of Nikolia for a moment, a cruel smile on his lips. Crossing his arms behind his back as he thought of the best way to punish Nikolia. Now sauntering back and forth as Nikolia remained glued in place from Mitch's command. He looked so good on his knee's, the thought crossing his mind. He should make him suck his rock hard snake in his pants, but he didn't a blessing to Nikolia in disguise.

Instead, Mitch used Quietus and altered the internal chemistry of Nikolia's blood. The poor boy began to sweat blood against his will and here came the fun part. He would dwell on the horrible shit he had done over his life, his experience his own. Mitch could not see his memories with this particular ability called Blood Sweat, but he could use the bond they shared to peer into his mind. He did not as he Laurent said earlier he could care less about his personal shit. He didn't care if the boy lived or died.

Offline Saiketsu

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Re: Something Stirring in the Dark
« Reply #37 on: March 26, 2019, 11:39:42 AM »
Judas was on his knees before he knew that he had moved, slipping out of the chair to the floor as if by gravity. Everything in his head was screaming, blinding him with sound, laughter, a roar of feedback. The younger vampire clamped his eyes shut to ward off the sound - to no avail. He tried to get up, knowing that one of these two were going to take advantage of his submission. His legs refused to move, his weight unshifting.

When Mitchelletto approached him, Judas became all too aware of how aroused this was making him, the bulge in his pants too near his mouth. Judas kept his mouth clamped shut, biting into the soft tissue of his tongue to prevent himself from snarling in rage or make a lunge to bite the damn cock off. Best to just let things happen if they were to happen. Hate oozed out of him at the older vampire and Judas' green eyes refused to acknowledge the disgusting creature who made him.

But then something turned in him, churning his insides. Images overcame him, fast, like some sick montage of his life. Needles pressing into collapsing veins, bloody noses that didn't stop, painful fucks in dirty places and dark alleys. There were the young women who cried, the men that beat him close to death, the dead eyes looking up at him. He relived his own prostitution in vivid colors, his own overdose and every scrap of pain that came with choking on his own bile. He saw Mitch there, fucking him too hard, feeding from him as he began to die.

There was the Frenchman connecting with his jaw, the crashing of the window as his head hit. There was the demon pressing himself into him, first down his throat, controlling him, then in his ass, fucking the leeches deeper into his brain. With tenacity, Judas relived his own rape, the feeling of losing all control of himself to someone else. The pain of entry. The hatred that built in his chest. The humans he had slaughtered in retribution. He didn't know that he was shouting, panicked blood leaking from his face.

Offline The Cedar Witch

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Re: Something Stirring in the Dark
« Reply #38 on: March 26, 2019, 11:52:27 AM »
Now this was Terribly Interesting and Very Useful information.  Either way, by his shadows or the blood that the vampires shared, Nikolai would obey. 

Laurent stepped back to allow the scene to unfold before him.  Watching Nikolai fight with every inch he was given was Admirable--and that was precisely what made him such a good Source.  What a surprise that he had managed to mark his sire!  He couldn't help but laugh.

And what a Reprimanding!  That was something he hadn't seen yet.  The demon studied the kneeling vampire with fascination.

"Enough--we don't want to break him, Christ."  The demon smiled despite the words--he had been enjoying the display of suffering but they needed The Boy intact.
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Re: Something Stirring in the Dark
« Reply #39 on: March 26, 2019, 12:27:29 PM »
Mitch let out a bellow of a laugh, his bastard child must have had a hellish life. That pleased him greatly and he almost didn't hear Laurent over his infectious laughter at the boy's misery.

"Oh no this ability won't kill him," talking over Nikolia's screaming. "It just makes him sweat blood and relive all the horrible shit he's done in his lifetime." Finally letting of Nikolia's blood his skin slick with blood from sweating.

Nikolai would recover slowly as the internal chemistry of his blood balanced out, he was such a weak boy no fun at all. He had better fledglings made by accident stronger than this bastard. Nikolia would remain on his knee's. Mitch would not reverse the command unless Laurent wanted him in the chair. It was so much more humiliating to the boy, but Mitch understood this was his show.

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Re: Something Stirring in the Dark
« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2019, 03:26:26 AM »
Death was not the only way to break a mind.  But Laurent said no more on the subject.

"Now," He lept suddenly forward to the kneeling, blood-sweat slick Nikolai.  The demon crouched down to meet him at eye level.  "I want you to see what your roaches can find in the dirt and grime.  Anything about this fledge and where to find her alone, the names and locations of anyone Jake has been seen fawning over or otherwise."  His smile was mischievous, playful if not for the context.

"And let's not forget your payment, for I am nothing but fair."  The grin widened, "I do have a piece of information for you that feels..."  with a deep inhale the shadows inside of Nikolai began to squirm "Close to the heart."  He poked roughly at Nikolai's chest.

"But remember to keep an eye out for anything juicy--and no, I'm not explaining this because you are smart."  Laurent emphasized the last three words with more rough pokes in the same spot.  He straightened now and stretched.

"Before I send you on your merry way, do you have any further questions?"  The query dripped with a warning.
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Offline Saiketsu

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Re: Something Stirring in the Dark
« Reply #41 on: March 28, 2019, 10:51:26 AM »
The churning, squeezing, squelching under his skin and his gut stopped and he could hear himself again. He could feel himself making noise before he heard himself screaming, Laurent's silk voice in his head, Mitchelletto's excitement filling his chest. The lurching momentum of stopping his ravaged mind sent him mentally spinning as he was given relief from the blood torture. Coughing, retching, and spasms wracked him for too long a time after it had all stopped. He looked weak. He felt weak. Judas - no, he was gone now, replaced with a war-torn Nikolai - put his hands out to prevent himself from falling onto his face. Judas, for all his love, couldn't save him from this fate.

And then the strange thing happened. Nikolai could feel his body, filled with Leeches and that strong pulling that he had now recognized as that so-called Sire-bond, drifting away from his control. He was floating and everything was grey.

Nikolai, absorbed in his own shock, sat Still. The muscles stopped twitching, the retching ceased pushing, and the lungs stopped desperately pulling in air. He became still, unmoving, unseeing, unaware, hands and knees on the floor at Laurent's feet. So as Laurent offered a consolitary prize for being a good puppet, neither Nikolai nor Judas heard the words. Stiffness of the limbs and mind, as if he were dead - fully dead. If only that were the case.

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Re: Something Stirring in the Dark
« Reply #42 on: March 28, 2019, 10:37:32 PM »
"Huh."  Laurent leaned in again, noticing the change in demeanor.  Feeling it.  He gave Nikolai a swift sharp kick to test.  There was no reaction.

"Curious,"  he reached out, gripping a hand around Nikolai's throat.  Still nothing.  The demon lifted him into the air by the throat, peering directly into his vacant eyes before placing him down in the chair again.  He turned to Mitch.

"See, I told you.  Broken."  An irritated sigh, though his expression was amused.  He crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at the younger vampire, thinking.  Maybe a bucket of ice would do the trick?  Maybe he should just toss him out into the street to find his way.  Surely he'll be coming to.  This all must've been a great shock for the Poor Boy.
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Re: Something Stirring in the Dark
« Reply #43 on: March 29, 2019, 04:24:41 AM »
"You can still stick your dick up his ass and use him as a puppet," not joking his tone was serious. Looking Nikolia up and down with disgust, such a weak boy. He still had uses broken.

Mitch reached through the bond to see what he could feel, there was no emotion. As his psyche froze itself to protect Nikolia, tipping his head slightly and crossing his arms. This was interesting! What did people call it these days? Traumatized? No it was a different word. Catatonic! It had been so long since he had someone so weak going into that state.

"I believe he is catatonic. What they call it these days," a small grin on his lips. "He'll come out of it sooner or later. Not like we killed the poor whelp." He shrugged in disappointment still looking at the boy.

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Re: Something Stirring in the Dark
« Reply #44 on: March 29, 2019, 08:13:18 AM »
Splintery underpinnings of pain somewhere in the dark, more sensation than placement. Greyness, buzzing.