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Offline Idrial

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No More Sorrow
« on: August 30, 2012, 12:38:51 PM »
(Reserved for Billiam)

Sam’s mood was one of sadness and sorrow as she had found out that her beloved Mimic’s had vanished without a trace. Levinia had kept Sam entertained most of the night before Sam had to excuse herself even though she was having a wonderful time with her new found friend. Jake had told Sam to go home hours ago and she wanted to get home before Jake did which would save the shit from hitting the fan. She took a cab straight home as the sun would be up in a few hours; she was somewhat tired and let out a small yawn.

Sam paid her fare and had walked into Dante’s Inferno with a slow pace as her body was shutting down; she was even too tired to even think about taking the stairs at the moment. She pushed elevator button which lead Sam to the penthouse suite that Jake and Sam had been living for the past two years. She was already hoping that Jake wouldn’t be home as of yet as she really didn’t want to get yelled at again for somewhat disobeying him.

She couldn’t feel Jake anywhere in the building, even as she approached the door she knew for sure he wasn’t home. She gave a great sigh of relief before quickly entering the room as if he would pop up right behind her catching her in the act. Sam closed the door, she was still quite disheartened by the grave news but until Jake got home she wouldn’t have much for answers.

She decided to take a hot shower; she stripped down and turned on the hot water as she wanted the stress of things to just wash away. Wrapping a towel around herself she had noticed that her skin was bright pink but at this point she didn’t care and proceeded to brush out her hair. Once the mass of knots was out of her hair she disrobed the towel before putting on a tank top and some shorts before hopping into bed with a groan and she was out like a light.

Offline Black Philip

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Re: No More Sorrow
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2012, 01:30:25 PM »
Jake stumbled into his penthouse and almost fell down with exhaust. He was still dressed in his fancy clothes from the meeting and stripped them off vulgarly and tossed them about. He took the time to put on shorts, but not a shirt before collapsing on the couch. He put his hands to his temples and stayed there with his eyes closed for a moment, lost in reflection. Daylight would come soon, and Jake knew he had only minutes before the natural cycle of his body took him under. He was not hungry. He was not bored. He was only broken down. He'd lost and potentially gained everything all in one short night.

He rose from the couch and headed towards Sam's room. His first thought was only to check if she was home, but then he felt himself entering her bedchamber. She was sleeping, although Jake admitted it didn't look peaceful. He sat for a minute or two, debating if she needed to be woken up and told what had transpired. On the one hand, nothing he could tell her tonight would change that nothing could be done till next duck. On the other hand, when they rose they needed to act fast, and Sam being in the know would be a huge asset. There was a more selfish reason as well. Jake needed to talk, and the only person he trusted lately was his progeny.

He shook her lightly, saying soft words such as "Sam wake up please," and "I need to speak with you." He would keep this type of behavior going until Sam was awake and alert. 
Be a sadist. Now matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them — in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Jake Benny Kyle Lisa-Joe James/Jimmy Tess Tyler Apep Ari Lacy Mithras

Offline Idrial

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Re: No More Sorrow
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2012, 04:22:05 PM »
Samantha's light slumber was interrupted when Jake had walked through the front door, but it wasn't from him staggering about in the living room. She felt his extreme weariness and in turn it had made her sleep even more unbearable, something was wrong. She wanted to wake up and comfort him but Sam still was unsure of her relationship with Jake, she felt as if she had only been asleep for an hour at the most and she had still disobeyed him even though she was in her bed and at home. Her whole vampire system seem to shut off at this point putting her back into a deep sleep; she really didn't want to think about the grand news of the night.

Sam didn't feel the movement from Jake sitting on her bed, she had fallen into REM sleep for a few enjoyable moments. Her eye's weren't open but Jake's hand rocked her body while he spoke soft words, she knew this couldn't be a happening as she really didn't want to have this conversation so close to dawn. Although she wanted rest she couldn't ignore the feelings that she could sense coming from Jake, her eye's opened to slits as she looked at him. He didn't have a shirt on and it took her by surprise, she had to get up and she didn't care how she was just going to get up.

She turned over from laying on her side stretching out in the bed, her arms coming above the blanket stretching far and wide as a few bones cracked, "Yes Jaaakkkke." Sam shook her head as the gut retching yawn escaped her lips, she was focused on Jake but she was somewhat intent on not getting out of Jake's guest room bed. She still wasn't keen about the conversation that was about to come but in small and satisfying sense she would finally have answers as to where and why the demons had just picked up and left the city.

Offline Black Philip

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Re: No More Sorrow
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2012, 03:08:34 PM »
Jake turned away from his progeny, with a blank stare. Sam knew about the demons, but he knew she hadn't heard about the oligarchy. He was silent for what seemed like an eternity. His mind was so drained that he barley knew how to start. He turned back to Sam, wanting to lay down on the bed and lie next to her an awful lot more than he should have. He decided the suspense was enough.

"The Oligarchy is no more," he stated without emotion. "We're on our own now."

He looked at Sam with hurt, tired eyes. He was waiting for a response that would make him feel better. Although he doubted Sam would be able to do that in just this moment.
Be a sadist. Now matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them — in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Jake Benny Kyle Lisa-Joe James/Jimmy Tess Tyler Apep Ari Lacy Mithras

Offline Idrial

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Re: No More Sorrow
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2012, 06:20:54 AM »
Sam could see that Jake was wounded from the events that had transpired overnight and she was somewhat surprised that the Oligarchy has disbanded. It made her sad to see her sire in such a state, no longer laying down she sat up placing her back against the head board. She wasn't sure how to comfort him so she took his hand placing it in her own hands, she didn't look at him at first but she lightly rubbed his hand trying to comfort him as best as she could for the moment. Still staying silent as she tried to muster up some words that would sooth him and maybe bring a smile to his face.

"Jake the Oligarchy maybe gone but you still have me. We maybe be on our own but at least were together in all this." She gave him a small smile, she wasn't sure if this would make him feel better. At least he would know that his fledge would be with him no matter where he went; even if their relationship was still a little rocky.

Offline Black Philip

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Re: No More Sorrow
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2012, 05:15:21 AM »
The touch of the hand was reassuring as were Sam's words. He turned to see his progeny and liked her more than he ever had before. He considered for a moment loving her beyond the confines of the blood bond that linked them. He considered loving her for her. He squeezed the hand and moved closer to her.

"I know," he said gently. "We have been made district leaders in the wake of the collapse. Vomas has claimed the south district. I have claimed the central district. We're moving."

Jake turned away, his brain crazy with all the things that had to occur in the next few nights. The work had just begun.
Be a sadist. Now matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them — in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Jake Benny Kyle Lisa-Joe James/Jimmy Tess Tyler Apep Ari Lacy Mithras

Offline Idrial

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Re: No More Sorrow
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2012, 08:16:43 AM »
Sam was pleased with the response she got from Jake and she started to play with his fingers just a little as she tried to soothe his mind. She was filled with a sort of tranquility letting it flow into Jake as she was very much calm about the situation. Sam wanted to stay quiet which would allow her to mill things over in her head but she knew silence wasn't really an option right now. 

"Maybe moving isn't such a bad thing as it'll give us a fresh start." Sam had very few good memories in this place and it wasn't just all Jake's fault. "This whole Oligarchy ending might not be a bad thing and you having your own district should be good for us." Her voice was chipper and she was also feeling optimistic about the situation.   

Offline Black Philip

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Re: No More Sorrow
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2012, 02:00:01 PM »
Jake loved how optimistic Sam was being. It was a nice change for her. It suited her well. He smiled at her, but his eyes betrayed his fear and sadness.

"Sam I;m not as powerful as I look or you might think," he admitted with a bit of embarrassment. "I'm only going on three-hundred. I'm not strong enough to run a district."

He hung his head. He was ashamed to admit his fear to his progeny. 
Be a sadist. Now matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them — in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Jake Benny Kyle Lisa-Joe James/Jimmy Tess Tyler Apep Ari Lacy Mithras

Offline Idrial

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Re: No More Sorrow
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2012, 12:16:34 PM »
Sam could feel the shame that was emitting through the bond and she squeezed his hand tightly. Living for almost three hundred years was a long time in Sam's books and she had seen Jake's power even if it was in violence. He was tired but she believed that he could make his own district and for the first time she wanted to help Jake achieve that goal.

"You don't need to be powerful to lead your district," her voice came out quite softly. Her words seemed to be jumbled up in her mind at the moment as she was unsure of her own words that would be coming out of her mouth. She was silent for a moment still playing with his hands as she took a small breath in to steady the thoughts that would soon become words.

"Jake you have a once in a lifetime opportunity and for the first time I want to be involved in your work." Jake knew that Sam had a fear of the Oligarchy but that feeling had longed passed. She just never told Jake because she really didn't want to visit him at his workplace that had now fallen. She took her right hand and gently placed it under Jake's chin making him lift his head to meet her silver eyes. 

"I have a vision for when I get older and get the chance too lead. I know you have one. Ill tell you mine if you tell me yours." Her eye's glittered with excitement, not only that she knew how low Jake was feeling and she only wanted him too see the bright side.