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Re: Rekindle
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2019, 11:05:11 PM »
Cain listened to Kerr's answer and thought about it, but he figured Kerr was only looking at it from one perspective. The vampire one.

"With respect, it's pretty simple from the mortal's viewpoint. It might be complex for you and yours but that's because you can afford it to be. If I become someone's pet, I'm not being their boyfriend or a partner or becoming one of the team, I'm there for all of the things people get pets for - and then a little something extra. Affection, loyalty, amusement, obedience, love... but it's not an equal love. Pets look at their keepers as their masters, don't they? Their owners are their world. An owner that loves their pet can just move onto a new one if their pet doesn't suit them anymore. It's not... equal. Which is why I wrote that on my Lovebite profile. I would've chosen a boyfriend category, but there wasn't that option. Just... casual, pet and wannabe vampire."

He thought that said more about them than it did him.
Digital: I drink from the poison chalice
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Cain: I am the instrument that vampires play
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Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Rekindle
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2019, 11:21:34 PM »
Kerr blinked. Cain had argued with him? 'With respect' had to be the more polite equivalent of 'no offence, but...' but Kerr didn't linger on it too long, finding himself dissecting Cain's points instead.

Technically, his viewpoint worked in their favour. He had no delusions about equality and was firm in his view that his role was to please. That filled Kerr with some apprehension, though, because complete submission wouldn't suit Ben and he wanted them both to be pleased by having Cain in their lives. He could imagine Ben's interest dwindling with every word out of Cain's mouth and - whether it was real or not - his hope was fading.

He considered just coming clean and telling Cain why they were interested in his viewpoint on pets but decided to give him one more challenge first. He wanted a spontaneous answer.

"Cain... are you always respectful? Given autonomy and encouraged to be yourself, could you be less submissive? Especially if your master wanted you to be? I mean... is there anything you'd consider refusing to do? Do you have sexual limits or hangups?" he asked hopefully.

Offline Trillian

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Re: Rekindle
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2019, 11:37:53 PM »
Ben bristled. Cain had criticised a facet of the Lovebite app and if he'd wanted to, he could've tapped the button called 'feedback' and then suggested it in writing and go through the process that way, but no, he had to throw it in his face, in his home. Besides, he'd touched on something that Ben disagreed with wholeheartedly and the reason why there was no ridiculous 'boyfriend' category. Lovebite was a hookups app, pure and simple. If a vampire wanted something equal, then they made themselves a fledge. Mortals were like rabbits; cute, harmless, food to some, pets to others.

The question Kerr asked captured Ben's attention. The outcome hung on this one.

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Offline Malkavian Riddler

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Re: Rekindle
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2019, 11:55:33 PM »
Cain thought he understood what Kerr was getting at, but it bothered him that it was coming from this direction. Obviously these two were wanting a pet, not a donor, and Cain had somehow got himself on the shortlist. His gaze flicked to Ben, who'd been glaring at him recently but his expression had changed just now. Cain had no idea what it meant.

"I am, yes. I've always been respectful to vampires. If you want me to, um, encourage abuse, I can do that too, but, it's not my first instinct." His gaze flicked from Ben to Kerr. "I was popular at Risk because I did it all, even when I obviously didn't like it. I got a reputation for it and I started attracting--"

sleazes, he thought, violent assholes, evil psychos, but he couldn't those words because they were also vampires.

"--more dominant types."

Digital: I drink from the poison chalice
Lan Bao: I reap the harvest of my people
Cain: I am the instrument that vampires play
Shan: I take what is mine and what is yours

Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Rekindle
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2019, 12:05:55 AM »
Kerr looked startled at the mention of encouraging abuse. "Oh no! I wasn't thinking that," he argued hastily, but then rethought himself. "Well, I guess unless you count consensual rough sex b-but it would all be negotiated and everybody's limits established!"

He was arguing with himself, getting flustered because he felt like Cain would only ever be obedient and that wouldn't provide any sort of challenge for Ben. Or him. Frankly, he didn't want a doormat, either. Compliant, yes, but not someone who would do things against his own wishes just to please his master. Truthfully, Kerr was feeling a little defeated. His gaze roved almost wistfully over the mortal.

"Do you like being submissive only or do you enjoy topping as well?" he asked. At this stage, it felt like he was just teasing himself, by asking questions such as these.

Offline Trillian

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Re: Rekindle
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2019, 12:14:10 AM »
Ben frowned, thoughtful over Cain's words.

Respectful. Submissive. Obedient. To the point where he would do whatever. Thing was, they would know when he didn't like it. It wasn't hard to see something like that or to look into his head. But the foundation was there. He didn't want anyone challenging him - he was constantly being challenged. It would be nice just to have... compliance.

Kerr's stammering reply drew Ben's gaze and he looked over at his lover and sire, wondering why he was so anxious, suddenly. He'd just been told Cain would do whatever was asked of him, why was he asking preferences? He was pretty sure Cain wouldn't mind either position - it seemed to be the abuse he struggled with. Yes, Ben could understand that fear.

"Cain," he said, before Kerr's question was asked. "Kerr's feeling a little stressed. I want you to help him relax."

He kept it ambiguous on purpose.
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Offline Malkavian Riddler

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Re: Rekindle
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2019, 12:23:46 AM »
Cain was relieved that Kerr hadn't been angling for that kind of dynamic. But at least now it was strikingly obvious that Cain was being considered for being a pet for them.

Two vampires. He'd never considered being a pet to a couple before. And he would never have believed Kerr would have him back. It was like stepping straight into a fantasy. This fantasy was hella more awkward than he'd pictured it, but he was hoping his candid reply about being respectful would win him to the next round. He wondered if they were interviewing others.

He was thinking about what he enjoyed best when Ben said his name with a tone that begged his attention. Cain stared at him for a moment longer before standing and wiping his palms nervously on his butt. He walked around the coffee table and stood in front of Kerr while he debated sitting on Kerr's lap and kissing him, or kneeling between his legs and blowing him. Because this was Kerr and because his heart was thumping like crazy (and because he was used to being this way so why not do the most natural thing?), he lowered himself to his knees and moved between Kerr's legs. His hands moved to undo Kerr's button and fly, but as his fingers touched it, he looked up at Kerr to see if he was doing the right thing.
Digital: I drink from the poison chalice
Lan Bao: I reap the harvest of my people
Cain: I am the instrument that vampires play
Shan: I take what is mine and what is yours

Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Rekindle
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2019, 04:16:56 AM »
Kerr was surprised - no, not surprised, that was too strong a word for something he'd anticipated would happen sooner or later. He was mildly startled by Ben's instruction. Mostly, he was fucking excited. As Cain stood before him, clearly debating how to alleviate his stress, he looked the boy up and down unabashedly.

He was definitely a man now. Broader, stronger, more rugged. Those soft pink lips and huge blue eyes did give him a baby face - and a doll-like beauty that rivalled Ben's, Kerr had always thought - but his square jaw was more prominent and counteracted the prettiness. Partially. Kerr loved his thick neck and muscular arms, he wanted to feel them wrapped around him and squeezing as they kissed. His thighs looked strong and the bulge in his jeans-- was gone before he got a chance to assess fully.

When Cain knelt, Kerr was mildly disappointed so when the mortal paused to look up at him, he took advantage of it and swooped in for a kiss. He grasped his face as he'd been wanting to do since Cain stepped out of the lift, allowing the stubble of his partial beard to graze the skin of his fingers and palms. His hands pushed forward and threaded into his hair, grasping its luxurious length in his fists and using his grip to tilt Cain's head at the perfect angle. They'd never properly kissed before - well, not sober enough to remember it, and not like this. It had all been chemical attraction, lust and heated looks but very little substance until this point. They'd ground against each other, got breathless and insanely horny around each other but never consummated anything. It was definitely time.

Kerr's tongue was welcomed eagerly into Cain's mouth, the muscles sliding together as their lips undulated sweetly. Cain tasted minty. Had he brushed his teeth or popped a mint before arriving? Adorable. Kerr smiled against his mouth, finding him delightful because he was so eager to please. The other times they'd been together he'd been exactly the same, it had always been Kerr putting constraints on them. There was no guilt this time, however, for his and Ben's relationship had evolved again - hopefully to include Cain.

Previously, Kerr's kisses had been directed at Cain's throat, before the bite. He wanted to move this delicious kiss southward as well (getting closer to that lovely pulse and pounding heart energised the beast within him) but the temptation of Cain's mouth was too great. Kerr broke the kiss by degrees, drawn back for a last peck before there was enough distance between them to look into Cain's eyes. "It's so nice to see you again," he sighed, watching as his hands uncurled from Cain's hair, smoothing it back into place quickly before he slouched back on the sofa.

Because he was so large, it often took Kerr a while to get hard but the excitement of being close to Cain again and the heated kiss already had him aching with discomfort. It was a great relief to help Cain get his pants open and set his erection free - he hadn't worn underwear. As he slid his ass closer to give Cain better access, his hand fell sideways, fingers creeping beneath the hem of Ben's shirt so his hand could rub his back while Cain set to work. Kerr hissed in air and arched upward helplessly as the heat of the mortal's mouth engulfed him. So hot. It'd been a while - not since Charlie, he thought... but thinking wasn't something he was particularly focused on just then.

Kerr murmured soft encouragements, telling Cain how good it was, how amazing and beautiful he was, how nice everything felt as his other hand moved to the mortal's head. He ran his fingers through his hair, cupped his face just to feel that stubbled jaw working on his cock, trailed down his throat to caress and squeeze. Cain was extremely skilled at what he did and Kerr was amazed by how rapidly he was building. He'd cum hard in Ben the night before and his body didn't tend to remake semen quickly so there wouldn't be much for Cain to swallow.

He looked at Ben, waves of love, gratitude and desire flowing towards him. "Kiss me?" he requested, knowing it would make him peak quickly if his lover joined in - though it would be okay if he wanted to observe the effect of his order, too. Kerr's hand wound from his back towards Ben's front, wanting to fondle him while they kissed and he was serviced by a truly divine mortal mouth, swept up by the power of the moment and by finally having something concrete with Cain.

Offline Trillian

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Re: Rekindle
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2019, 07:07:01 AM »
Ben was intrigued by what Cain would do. He thought he'd just get on his knees for the simplest and most unimaginative approach. When Cain stood in front of Kerr for a moment, Ben's interest was piqued as he thought maybe Cain would do something different... then no, he got on his knees. Boring, if maybe effective. Ben's gaze lifted from Cain to Kerr, to see if he was pleased, and he watched as Kerr pulled him into a kiss.

He watched the kiss until it ended and then the blow got going. Ben shifted, wanting to go for a kiss, but Kerr's other hand that wasn't touching him was playing with Cain's hair and he thought getting in there and kissing would take away from the Kerr/Cain experience. When he was requested, Ben moved to Kerr immediately and captured his mouth. Their kiss was slow and deep and sexy because of what was going on with Cain.

He didn't know if the mortal would be right for them. Maybe he could stay with them for a couple of nights and days and see what happened there. If it just became a huge orgy and nothing more, then maybe he wouldn't want Cain around.

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Offline Malkavian Riddler

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Re: Rekindle
« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2019, 09:05:38 AM »
Cain looked up when there was movement and watched the two of them kiss. He stayed around the tip of Kerr's cock for a while so he could watch before plunging as far as he could, which was only about three quarters down at his deepest. Kerr was immense and Cain couldn't take all of him down his throat no matter how he tried. He used a hand for the rest, gripping Kerr at the hilt while he engulfed and plunged, scraped teeth and pressed hard with lips, pulling out every trick he had to bring Kerr to his finish.

When Kerr's orgasm came, Cain swallowed, expecting a huge gush but it was an amount he could easily deal with. He held Kerr in his mouth until he finished shuddering and then pulled away with suction, licking the head clean before sitting back on his haunches. He waited for a little bit for the kiss to end and once it broke off, he looked at Ben.

"You now?"
Digital: I drink from the poison chalice
Lan Bao: I reap the harvest of my people
Cain: I am the instrument that vampires play
Shan: I take what is mine and what is yours

Offline Existentially Odd

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Re: Rekindle
« Reply #25 on: October 03, 2019, 10:02:58 AM »
Kerr found Cain’s performance expectedly lovely. He’d never compare to what Ben could do for him but that was true in all things and the servicing just reinforced that point for Kerr. He recalled Cain as larger than life, in a way. The romance of his lust-but-abstinence for the mortal had happened more in his own head than in reality, he saw now. Cain had been a wicked temptation he’d stubbornly denied himself (both because of circumstances and an imaginary sense of honour, he supposed) for no good reason but the reality was that he was just delightfully adequate.

Was it because he’d wanted more than simple acquiescence? Ben’s ridiculously slow kisses were delicious counterpoints to Cain’s hungry service, tantalising, bewitching and capturing Kerr’s imagination, effortlessly multiplying the intensity of the experience. Cain made him feel spoilt by being a three dimensional enhancement of the kiss. It was decadent, yes but he’d thought there’d be more. Perhaps he was putting too much emphasis on things, though. It would take time to find what he did want out of this relationship.

It wasn’t like what he was getting was bad - and he felt beautifully smug when he finished in an intoxicatingly warm mouth, with his beloved on his lips and in his hands - it just hadn’t blown his mind. Yet. He pouted playfully as Ben broke the kiss but he was keen to watch what happened. He’d always enjoyed Ben’s pleasure more than his own so perhaps this was the fireworks moment he’d been anticipating.

Offline Trillian

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Re: Rekindle
« Reply #26 on: October 03, 2019, 10:16:30 AM »
Ben was pleased by the offer. The last time they'd been together, Cain had asked and Ben refused, then after talking about Kerr a bunch, he'd tried kissing Cain and touched him, trying to get himself another offer that he wouldn't refuse next time, but it never came. Of course he could've just ordered Cain to, but it hadn't seemed right at the time.

Now he could make him do whatever he liked. It was Cain's audition after all.

"Yes," Ben said, and settled back down on the couch, slouching a little and unbuttoning and unfastening his jeans. Instead of pulling himself out, he shoved them down, underwear and all, until the clothing was around his ankles. He was already fully hard from watching the show and kissing Kerr, and being touched by Kerr through his jeans.

He wasn't going to let Cain have all the control; he intended on driving what happened with a number of commands, to go fast or slow when he wanted, to do certain things with his tongue or lips or mouth, whatever struck his fancy.
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Re: Rekindle
« Reply #27 on: October 03, 2019, 10:27:41 AM »
Cain crawled over to kneel between Ben's legs next. Ben was a decent size but manageable. Cain was relieved that he could lower his mouth all the way down to the base and really show off, twisting his head and using his hands to massage Ben's inner thighs, stroking fingers and feathery touches. When Ben started giving him orders, he followed them as best he could, wanting to do a good job. He was also learning a lot about what Ben liked, which was cool. He'd thought about the blond a few times after their trysts but nothing had ever happened and he didn't think Ben was really that much into him. Kerr had been what brought them together and Kerr's memory hadn't been enough to keep them entwined.

But here he was, on his knees again, pleasing vampires at the sacrifice of his own self-worth, and he was hot for it. If he'd known Ben considered him a junkie, he had to agree. He'd thought it about himself countless times when he thought about going to Venture again. He missed it.

Digital: I drink from the poison chalice
Lan Bao: I reap the harvest of my people
Cain: I am the instrument that vampires play
Shan: I take what is mine and what is yours

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Re: Rekindle
« Reply #28 on: October 03, 2019, 11:13:21 AM »
Kerr quietly zipped himself back into his pants as Ben got mostly out of his, his gaze riveted by the proceedings. He was going to return the favour of kissing but Ben gave Cain feedback so Kerr held his position, body twisted on the couch so his arm was along the back and the knee closest to Ben was bent under his other leg. If Ben looked at him, he’d move forward willingly, otherwise he held back.

He enjoyed watching immensely. Seeing Ben’s face was so much easier when it wasn’t his mouth working between Ben’s legs. The interplay between Ben giving directives and Cain visibly adjusting his efforts accordingly was surprisingly satisfying, too. Kerr knew he liked watching but hadn’t expected to feel a little thrill via Ben’s commanding presence. He was so sexy with that greedy/happy look on his face, watching his dick get gobbled enthusiastically.

Kerr was ashamed that he’d ever feared for Ben. He was nothing like Sawyl, who would’ve had the mortal doing it tied up or sobbing for their lives or because someone they loved was in immediate peril (thanks to Wyl). He’d ordered people to do things specifically because they didn’t want to do them. Ben just wanted subservience and his pleasure was derived from pure, unadulterated compliance. He had an ‘Aha!’ moment as he realised that, understanding he’d been looking at this whole pet situation incorrectly, too.

He had once feared what Ben had learnt under the tutelage of Lazarus, with his lavish, selfish, indulgent ways. Kerr saw now that the only thing the ancient had bestowed on Ben permanently was a hedonistic bearing. Ben wasn’t about punishing - like Sawyl - and he wasn’t selfish to the point of murder - like Lazarus - he was himself, seeking pleasure. Consentually and greedily. It was empowering and delightful, not terrifying (but he’d be keeping the observation about Lazarus to himself, all the same).

When Ben finished, he was keen to see what Cain would do. Would he ask for release? Kerr doubted it and he liked the thought that he wouldn’t expect anything more than what he got. He had questions ready to ask him, though, because he’d surely figured out what was going on here by now; did Cain know about Ben’s campaign and understand that he would need to be discreet about his inclusion and, most of all, how did he see himself fitting into their lives? Was it something he wanted?

Offline Trillian

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Re: Rekindle
« Reply #29 on: October 03, 2019, 11:26:55 AM »
Ben held his orgasm at bay for as long as possible, at times instructing Cain to slow down just to help him last. Eventually, his orders had Cain off his dick and licking a path to his ass, working his tongue in as far as he could. That was when Ben's instructions stopped. He was almost fully off the sofa, his upper back on the cushion, his thighs hooked over Cain's shoulders. He grabbed his length and pumped with his own hand, reaching his peak sooner than he'd wanted because he'd been keen for Cain to stay where he was a lot longer. Ben used his hand to stop himself from gushing all over his shirt.

When Cain pulled away and Ben was set down, he wriggled back a little, then gave his last command on a sigh. "Lick it off."
INFUSCO : Ben : Hugh : Lan Bao : Mick : Todd : Vincent : Win :
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