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Re: A Grand Entrance
« Reply #75 on: February 19, 2019, 09:56:21 AM »

"I have spent the last few months in Genoa. There is L'Oligarchia there, too. They have a human Oligarch, to represent." The curve of her lips became more pronounced. "Will you be pledging support to any of the District Leaders tonight? In your role of ex-Luminary?" She was curious about whether Kerr would support the Sacramentum or the giantess that he seemed very friendly with. Ricardo at her side tipped his head towards her and she blinked but didn't look away from Kerr.

"C'è qualcuno in questa festa che parla italiano?" he asked, wanting to know if anyone else at the party would be able to converse with him. Jenella answered quickly and softly, to not interrupt Kerr's response to her question.

"Si, vai e cercali," she dismissed, still not looking his way yet peripherally aware of the hurt she'd caused before he gave her and Kerr a small bow and left them. She kept her silence afterward, not wanting to interrupt Kerr's response with apologies.


Ben received the mental message Kerr sent him (and Ichabod, he presumed) to meet Sabrina. Instead of going straight there, he gestured a waiter with freshly filled martini glasses to come over. Ben noticed very few vampires had gone into the donor tent to drink from live donors. He'd glanced in there in passing, to see if Cain was inside, but he hadn't been able to see him. Ben was curious if Kerr would still find the mortal irresistible. "Get a drink, first," Ben said, taking two glasses off the tray and passing one to Ichabod. "It's hot," he warned, holding it from the stem. They were both young, so drinking something would help bolster them for the rest of the night.

Ben drank his quickly and a young woman on the wait-staff appeared at his side to relieve him of his glass, and taking any other empty glasses that she could see. The staff were moving efficiently through the people gathered at the party, and Ben picked them out hustling between small groups and clusters of people. He couldn't immediately see Jake or Murphy, and a knot formed in his stomach about it.

He gestured for Ichabod to join him and they moved towards Sabrina together. Ben was glad that she wasn't surrounded by too many people. Only a few who came over to give congratulations and then hurriedly moved on, perhaps intimidated by her size. As Ben and Ichabod drew closer, it became more obvious just how tall Sabrina truly was as he had to look up, and up, to see her smiling face. Because she stood at the bottom of the stairs that led from the garden to the back-doors into the mansion's foyer, Ben stepped up a few of them so he could look at her more comfortably.

"Hello, Sabrina, congratulations on your leadership." Ben's gaze quickly flicked to her other side, where he could see a bit of his sire (with his back mostly turned to him) and the fashionable lady whose date had left her side. His eyes returned to make contact with Sabrina.


"Ten sharp would be wonderful," Charon suggested, and bid Saraekiel farewell. Then he turned to face Zohoret and regarded her with interest. Her questions were direct and intelligent. He found himself respecting her quickly and wondered why she'd had such trouble as an Oligarch? Perhaps she'd worked alongside beings who weren't interested in her kind? Well, now she had a variety of constituents within her boundaries... not that this was the only reason to be respectful.

"We have hired Sabrina in the past to cast protective spells upon our business in this city, Venture, to ensure nobody within the building is hurt, and to assist our security with dispelling hostile guests. Sabrina's craft is the type that she could use to empower herself but instead, she uses it to protect others and has done so for many years. She has a longstanding reputation as a protector. Quite honourable tasks." He watched Zohoret take in his words. "Perhaps the greatest reason was that she extended an interest to me about becoming a District Leader, and spoke of her intentions to address you and Mr McCloud as well. Unfortunately you were not easy to find and before she approached Jake, I mentioned I needed help holding the South, for my resources - as grand as they are - were stretched too thin. She was willing to work alongside the people already in power instead of forcing herself upon them." He was sure Zohoret would understand the dig at Jake McCloud. "I find those qualities best in a leader I would like to work with."

And of course, he thought to himself, this is more likely to make her loyalty greater me now, than to you.
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Re: A Grand Entrance
« Reply #76 on: February 19, 2019, 01:03:40 PM »
Sabrina was glad Kerr found himself a lovely and cultured someone to talk with while she continued her parade-princess routine, shaking hands and graciously accepting congratulations. She dropped her hand to the small of Kerr's back and tuned out their conversation for now; it wasn't her business, and there were enough people to pay attention to already. It had been a long time since she'd been around this many people; this much power, and she was beginning to feel the tiniest bit overwhelmed, though none of it showed. She spared Saraekiel a rakish look as his fingertips grazed her skin.

Good thing something to focus her full attention on presented himself readily, "Ben!" she raised both of her hands in greeting, and beamed, "Thank you! So nice to see you again!"

Meet you, really. She'd met someone that looked just like him; inhabited his body, even. But that man was dead, and the first and last she'd seen of Ben was Kerr carrying him in great strides across the Utah desert. How long ago had that been?

"And this must be Ichabod?" Her monochrome eyes shifted to his companion, and she crouched low on the balls of her feet to get a better look at both of them, her velvet skirts pooling at her feet.

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Re: A Grand Entrance
« Reply #77 on: February 19, 2019, 06:14:58 PM »
Ichabod took the blood Ben suggested and drank it down quickly, immediately feeling somewhat better. The blood and hearing Kerr’s summoning were reassuring. With how Kerr acted at the last one, his foul mood for the past week, the general oddness of him coming back from the dead... it all made for a general feeling of unease.

That faded a little more as they approached Sabrina and she warmly greeted them. He imagined that in a different creature, or Sabrina in a different mood, her stature and those gorgeous unusual eyes would be intimidating, but he got only a feeling of comfort from her. She looked like she would give a good hug, but Ichabod wasn’t about to request one of those, tempting as it was! In those few seconds he could see why Kerr was drawn to her. 

“Yes, it’s a pleasure to meet you finally,” Ichabod said with a grin. He would have liked to follow Ben’s lead and step up higher, but the steps were starting to feel crowded so he stayed put. “Congratulations on your new position, we were just talking about whether we should start house hunting in the South after that,” he added.

“It seems odd that if Jake likes Kerr so much he would arrive with Kerr’s fledge on his arm?” Seb said questioningly. He wouldn’t have brought it up had Lisa-Joe not referenced their such close relationship. Seb didn’t know them very well, so maybe it was all a perfectly normal arrangement, but Ben’s demeanour and greeting with Kerr hadn’t given that impression. Seb had also never had a fledgling, so knew he may be missing something in the relationship, and that put him out slightly.

He was distracted from those thoughts as Lisa-Joe ran her hands over his chest and he turned slightly to open a door which lead them into a surprisingly empty room before forcefully pressing her against a wall, his left hand resting against the wall above her shoulder and the other running down her side to rest against her hip.

“That sounds like a suggestion which could take all night if there’s no end in sight,” he said with a teasing grin, before leaning down to kiss her roughly if she let him. “Do you need to wait for Jake to finish up here or are you free to leave with me?” He asked, keen to start that search but aware of where they were and not wanting to disrespect their hosts.

“You sure know how to flatter a guy,” Murphy said, raising an eyebrow with a smile at Jake’s sudden gushing speech. He wasn’t sure he believed that it was the whole truth, but it was plenty to be going on. “Not many people who were a part of the Oligarchy would be so pleased to see me. Not in pleasant situations anyway,”

Murphy glanced back towards the area of the garden where everyone else was gathered as Jake said he could return. He could only see a couple of outliers now and in a few metres they would disappear too. The part of his brain concerned with survival nudged at him, telling him to go back, but then Jake went on, expressing how he wanted to keep walking. Jake was charming, friendly (so far), gorgeous and potentially could turn nasty if antagonised. Murphy had liked what he’d seen so far, and despite Ben’s derogatory comment about Jake, his friend obviously trusted him enough to have left Murphy with him.

“Let’s go on,” he said, one hand gently toying with the end of his tie as Jake disposed of his bow tie, then he dropped his hands when he realised what he was doing and turned to continue strolling along the path, tilting his head as a gesture for Jake to join him.

“So why were you so keen to meet me before, if it wasn’t to berate me for what happened? And what was wrong with your... friend? Was it the announcement?” he added, asking about Luke, remembering Jake’s concern for him. Plus, that conversation topic was a good distracting from Jake’s compliments which Murphy was never great at taking.

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Re: A Grand Entrance
« Reply #78 on: February 19, 2019, 10:29:41 PM »
"In realtà, parlo italiano," Kerr said quickly - apparently not quickly enough, as Jenella's companion turned to move away. Perhaps she compelled him to go, so Kerr chose not to make a grand deal of the situation (though if he returned to them, Kerr would continue speaking in Italian for the mortal's benefit).

"I hadn't intended on pledging anything to anyone," he admitted, wondering if he was being naive. There were no doubt numerous political affiliations being formed and broken here tonight and he had no idea with whom Jenella was associated. She might be connected to Jake (though he doubted it, she was far too discerning) so he thought his best response was something neutral. "I feel a position I held a couple of years ago has no relevance in the current political climate, therefore my current role is merely that of a law-abiding supernatural citizen. As such, it's my duty to support all those in power and abide by their, er, doctrines now - so long as I'm not morally opposed," he smiled without showing his teeth.

Yes, it was an answer without substance but until he knew more about his audience, he wasn't about to reveal his true thoughts. Sabrina's hand at his back was a comfort so when she crouched to speak with Ichabod, its absence was almost as noteworthy as his family's presence. He stepped and pivoted smoothly, turning his body so that he was closer to Jenella and able to observe his loves meeting his old friend. "Might I introduce you to my fledglings?" he asked the glittery-hooded beauty conspiratorially, gaze remaining on her as Ichabod's words about house hunting in the south registered and caused him to blink in surprise. Whether they should what now?

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Re: A Grand Entrance
« Reply #79 on: February 20, 2019, 03:28:39 AM »
Ari was impressed by the young girl. She had manners and grace her sire seemed not to have, and wondered how the apple had fallen so far from the tree. Then again, he often felt like the different one in his family. Even now he wondered where was Jeanne. This socializing thing was more her bit, and she was so good at it. She must've still been with the naked vampire.

The almost ancient made a wise decision to address his host instead of running off after the "brat" prince. Ari never understood what was sensible about chasing after folks who didn't want to talk to you. Ari liked the people who came right up to him. He had no interest in putting his time where it wasn't wanted. The books called it "protecting your personal energy." As he, and his family, were complimented he affirmed the statements with nods, eye contact, and showing them he was listening.

"Thank you all for your kind words," he intoned. "My family only wishes to provide a neutral space for our kind to meet. I'm glad it is appreciated. "

He stroked his short, blond beard with a free hand, and waved over a waiter with fresh glasses. He saw a table of vampires who were unserved and quickly dispatched the waiter over to the group, scolding him for not seeing the gap. If Damien spoke Swedish he'd hear, "Correct this error quickly."

He turned back to the assembled group and thought what next to ask them. His recycling question seemed tempting but decided to ask something more probing instead. "So what cause or reason brings you to this event? I understand it's primary purpose is to network."

Lisa-Joe rolled her eyes at the mention of Ben. She felt fortunate Jake didn't pawn the little upstart off on her. She wanted no part of this little twink drama. We get it. You're both pretty, she'd thought when Ben arrived, and she didn't understand why Charon wanted him around. Her first guess was that he was a spy. However, that wasn't the most likely. It almost seemed like Jake was being punished too, although she knew Charon hadn't phrased it that way. Ever since Ben arrived Jake had been short, more violent, and bitter. The sooner he was gone the better.

"I don't know the details, but apparently Charon felt Ben needed to learn some kind of lesson after offending Jake somehow. It feels like a very old school punishment to me. I don't get why Jake couldn't just get a few licks to the face in and call it day."

When Seb did his grand gesture, and threw Lisa up against the wall, her first impulse was to break his nose. She hadn't had a man do something like this to her in a long while, and it caught her off guard. Normally she was the one who pushed people up against walls. Well, she wouldn't let him be the only one who showed his strength. As he went to kiss her, she took her free hand and grabbed Seb around the back and pulled him into her. The kiss was wet, and passionate and she let a bit of her aggression show there as well, biting his lip sensually and letting her tongue flick the inside of his cheek. There was a bit of silence between them as Lisa-Joe considered if she could up and leave. She wanted to blow this joint and go get her rocks off, but no. She knew she couldn't do that.

"Half the people at this diddy want Jake's head, so I'm afraid I got to stay close enough to grab him and run if shit get's heated." She wanted him to know that she wanted him though and moved her hand down south as if to hint. "But we can start that exploration here, and finish the rest at the end of the night if you think I'm worth waiting a few." Now the ball was in his court.

Jake was relieved and happy when Murphy agreed to stay, and allowed him to see those happy feelings as they walked and he talked. They'd reached the gardens properly now and they did not disappoint. Now covered by trees and plants, Jake risked extending a hand that Murphy might hold should he wish it. He couldn't help but peek at the mans' neckline, feeling his hunger rise as he did. Maybe Murphy would be up for a donation. The feeding would feel nice for them both. He dared not suggest it yet, wanting to let more conversation develop. He noticed a humbleness about Murphy that reminded him of Sam. Jake needed more people like that in his life to keep him grounded. He heard both questions and quickly thought of how to answer.

"Well, I want to thank you if you can believe it." He wasn't sure how Murphy might take this. "At the time the Oligarchy disbanded I wouldn't have had the same feelings I do now, but the district system has given the people of the city more freedom, choices, and authenticity from it's government. I don't like Zoheret for example, but I'm happy the people who wish to follow her have the choice. You may not have meant to do what you did, but I think you helped a lot of people. The Mimics were powerful protectors, but now we must police ourselves. That is better."

"And Luke? Oh, he's just new to this world. It caught him off guard is all."

The second statement was a lie, but as much as he liked Murphy, he didn't want to expose or risk Luke just for a man's attention. Luke deserved better than that.
Be a sadist. Now matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them — in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

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Offline Seragil

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Re: A Grand Entrance
« Reply #80 on: February 20, 2019, 04:25:19 AM »
Saraekiel stood for a bit and watched all the glittery vampires move and maneuver around the garden grounds as he tried to decide to which group, he would move to. His eyes perked up as the delicious yummy one from earlier approached but then continued past him to Sabrina, dragging his companion with him but still exuding that intoxicating chaotic mix of emotions, which only got stronger when they joined the demon giantess. He watched them with his head tilted slightly in curiosity and contemplation, their emotions where just there hanging out begging to be played with but when his eyes moved over Sabrina again, her silvery orbs bored straight back into him and so he decided to leave them to their chitchat. Everyone seemed to be friends with Sabrina, and he had been right, she was most interesting indeed, there was something about her he just couldn’t place and that intrigued him. She was something new and something old and all enigma, maybe he should try and wrangle a date from her too, but later. Now was for fun.

He flicked his eyes over the crowd again and spotted the blond younger ancient that had brought the wolf over to Charon earlier and so with a small smile he started to saunter his way in that direction

Offline Trillian

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Re: A Grand Entrance
« Reply #81 on: February 20, 2019, 08:34:27 AM »

Kerr's quick Italian impressed her, and she felt almost sorry that she'd made Ricardo believe he was unwelcome to stay. Though even without the language barrier, she doubted he would've understood their conversation.

Jenella didn't believe Kerr had no allegiance. She believed he didn't want to make waves. He seemed in the thick of political crossings, having had a previous working relationship with Jake McCloud - handing him position as Vampire Oligarch for instance - and he knew this Sabrina woman, who Jenella had only heard rumours about and never met, and the ancient clan had considered him important enough to invite. Plus wasn't one of his fledglings responsible for the supernatural academy in the city? Did that not mean he was allied with McCloud? Just because she'd been away didn't mean she didn't remember what had been going on before she left. A little over two months had been enough to secure Ricardo's loyalty, but certainly it would be nothing for an immortal.

"It is wiser to have many powerful acquaintances than one powerful enemy," she commended before he suggested she meet his fledglings. She was curious as to their relationships - if Damien or Pierre disappeared, thought dead, for almost two years and then returned, she considered nothing much would change. They mostly had separate interests, and though she could not imagine being apart from her sire for longer than a brief holiday, they weren't dependant on one another either.

"I would be delighted," she said. It was amusing, therefore, to hear one of his fledges speak about moving South. The fledge had no qualms about sharing his preferences. She gave Kerr a brief look, wondering if he would try and cover up the faux pas.


She was seeing him again, Sabrina said, though she'd actually met and seen Jakra. After spending many nights watching the movie-memories in his head and seeing how he'd become crueller and more depraved, repeating the abuse he'd suffered at Declan's and Lazarus' hands and aiming it at Ichabod, he was grateful that those three years of memories had been wiped away. It was like pressing reset on a course his life had taken, and this version was so much better. He could still identify his own cruelty, usually in the form of sniping comments, but nothing like what he'd used to do. Ichabod got on his nerves because he was a constant reminder that Ben had fallen that far, had become someone he'd thought he never would be; a bully, a monster. It was in every look Ichabod had cast his way, with eyes that had seen what he could be, what he might become.

He had little to say when Sabrina turned her attention next to Ichabod, and his brother complimented her with the suggestion they would become her constituents. Because Kerr had moved to one side, Ben saw the way his eyes widened and the peculiar look the fashionable woman was giving him. Was there something wrong in moving south?


Charon listened to Zohoret's response.
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Re: A Grand Entrance
« Reply #82 on: February 20, 2019, 12:40:18 PM »
"Fascinating, indeed!" Zoheret said genuinely, looking over to the witch demon. "So she is powerful enough of a creature to perform such feats? Then I believe she will be a fantastic addition to the leadership dynamic." And yet Zoheret couldn't help but feel slightly troubled by this news. Something about the witch didn't sit right with her, though perhaps it was only the way in which Charon had constructed this narrative of her. Charon was pulling these strings here, granting part of his landwealth to this demoness while maintaining some kind of control over her. Certainly Saraekiel would have something to say about this when she met with him herself, alone later on.

She didn't miss the prod at Jake McCloud's aggressive maneuvers, smirking at them without much other response. This gruesome creature couldn't yet be trusted, though she suspected that out of all the mongrels who played out their sins in this dirty little city, Charon had at the very least lived long enough to earn his position as a city elder. There would be time to handle Jake McCloud soon - she fanticized briefly about sending electric currents through his chest, digging out that undead heart with sheer willpower - she sighed quietly enough, though she anticipated the other vampire to notice it.

"Our dear Mr. McCloud seems to be the life of the party tonight, despite Sabrina's own promotion," she said, gesturing over at where his bastards sat, looking both dumbfounded and utterly ridiculous in their costume garb. "Sabrina's graceful acceptance is certainly a change of pace I am interested in seeing more of."


Damien knew little Swedish, only enough to recognize inflection and any Germanic base that the words would have had to recognize the language as being Scandinavian. From the context, he surmised that Ari had told the waiter something with urgency and command. The rest was, well, Swedish to him. He would let the others - Samantha or Luke - respond first as decorum would demand, but would eventually respond in his most convincing small-talk voice, "I do business in the Northern and Southern Districts, and I live in the East. So when my District Leader, who also happens to be the oldest vampire in the city, asks for my attendance at a social event, I usually like to respond favorably."


He had been truly tempted to put a hand on Damien's shoulder and reel him back into himself if such a thing were necessary. Pierre, however, knew enough to not do such blatant shows of affection to Damien in public. His Sire rarely flew off the handle in rage, much preferring to brood and plot than to retaliate or lash out. But Jake's insolence, Pierre was also tempted to grab the little shit by his collar. Instead he allowed his Sire to absorb the affront with clenched jaw, determined not to allow this little punk to have the satisfaction of a reaction. Pierre instead smiled tightly as the District Leader turned himself a way.

While Damien spoke to Ari, Samantha, and Luke, Pierre looked around the party again. The players and their positions had all changed since he had last examined the event from the stairs. No longer was McCloud here, but his entourage had clustered here still - with the exception of Lisa-Joe. Where had she gone off to with that Ancient? Nevermind. He didn't want to know.

His eyes fell once again on Saint Sabrina and her party. In between the swarming party guests, he could see his daughter enjoying a conversation with Ricardo and...

Pierre smiled. Without informing Damien as to his departure, Pierre made his way over to Jenella, Ricardo, Sabrina and -

"Mr. Galvin," Pierre said at an appropriate distance from the party and gap in their conversation. He strolled casually, confidently up to the side of his fledgling and kissed her hand in greeting. "District Leader," he nodded up at Sabrina with a slightly nervous nod. To Ben and Ichabod, whom he didn't know despite them both seeming familiar and smelling of Kerr like Jenella smelled of him.

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Re: A Grand Entrance
« Reply #83 on: February 20, 2019, 01:52:00 PM »
Luke peeled away from his position near Jake's erstwhile table a solid five-count after the vampire had embarked on his garden tour.

Pushing his hands partially into the pockets of his tuxedo pants, he followed after the vampire and what he had to assume would be the newest addition to his little menagerie. He himself had only recently been roped in (heh), with that Lazarus fellow coming just before, and now Ben, albeit he was apparently only on loan. He would hardly be surprised to run into Murphy coming out of Jake's chambers sometime in the next week or so. If he and Lisa-Joe were on better terms, he might have started a pool on it.

He matched their pace, moving all but silently along the garden path at a distance that would permit the pair some privacy provided that they kept their voices low. He was more preoccupied with keeping an eye out. While some might see the curated and landscaped shrubs, flowers, and trees as beautiful, Luke found them to be a bit of a nuisance. They cast a lot of strange shadows and broke line of sight more than he would have preferred. If Jake actually had any concerns about his safety, this little stroll was a profoundly stupid idea. If he didn't have those concerns, why the hell had even brought Luke in the first place?

Luke decided not to proceed any further down that particular line of inquiry. Instead, he focused on the task at hand.

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Re: A Grand Entrance
« Reply #84 on: February 20, 2019, 03:13:53 PM »
Samantha was going to wait for either Pierre, Luke or Damien to answer first to keep being polite. There was a lot of waiting, listening, minding her manners and it was stressful on Sam. She seemed to impressed Ari and hoped that trend would continue, it seemed Jake had fallen from grace. Luckily it reinforced the fact Sam was not like Jake, at least one of them was keeping favour. However, Pierre's sudden departure along with Luke's changed her plans. Taking her cue to speak while gazing gently at both gentlemen, answering Ari's question in a modest tone.

"I am a teacher at the Academy. My goal is to talk with others and take suggestions to broaden our curriculum for the near future." Currently, they mostly had vampire teachers. She hoped to intrigue other species to inquire about being a teacher.

Admiring Damien when he spoke, she did not know he had business in so many districts. He was accomplished and obviously well respected to be personally invited by Charon. Making a mental note to visit him and soon; she felt guilty not seeing him yet. He had been so kind as to put her name on the invitation, not just bring a plus one type deal. Jake should be with her but she had no idea when he would be back with Murphy. Charon seemed busy now, but the first opportune moment she would go to him; Jake or no Jake.

Awaiting for any questions that the two might have for Samantha. Her stance relaxed and engaging if they so chose to ask anything. This was a topic Samantha enjoyed talking about, she loved what Ben was doing and was grateful to be a part of this journey. She wondered how he was fairing considering the circumstances.

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Re: A Grand Entrance
« Reply #85 on: February 20, 2019, 10:44:21 PM »
"Wouldn't that be a treat?" Sabrina winked at the young vampire, eyes a-glitter. If Ichabod had made an error, she either didn't notice or didn't feel it worth addressing. As Kerr rounded on them, bringing with him his companion's attention, she straightened back up to her full height, providing the opening he needed to introduce Jenella to his children -- and to Sabrina, finally.

Before that could happen, however, there was a new set of eyes in front of her. She smiled graciously down at Pierre when addressed by her new title (and her face was starting to hurt from all this gracious smiling). A smell like cooked meat wafted off the vampire, causing her nostrils to flare above the smile.

More introductions made, more hands shaken. Another Little vampire family to remember. "So how long have you been in the city, Pierre?" she asked benignly, wanting to know more about him, without asking out and out why he smelled like that, "You'll have to forgive me, I haven't gotten out much, recently.".

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Re: A Grand Entrance
« Reply #86 on: February 21, 2019, 08:44:56 AM »
Ichabod returned Sabrina’s warm smile, missing Kerr’s look of surprise at his passing comment. As she straightened up Ichabod met all of the sudden influx of introductions, starting to feel a little overwhelmed and he wasn’t anywhere near the centre of attention. Usually at events like this he stayed near the edges, disliking large crowds. He’d expected they’d come here, get Ben and then go home, but now they were right in the middle of everything.

He took in a deep breath, focusing on what those around him were saying rather than trying to start anything himself when he was surrounded by people with so many years on him.

Seb let a growl rumble in the back of his throat as Lisa-Joe bit at his lip and he gave back as good as he got until he gave her time to consider his offer.

“You think Jake can’t look after himself?” he asked with a smirk, interesting. “I would be willing to wait for you, for a while,” Seb added, pressing his hips closer against hers. His fingers curled against her hip, digging into the latex of her dress. “I wouldn’t want to distract you from your… duties,” he added, dropping his head to run his cold lips against her throat, his other hand dropping from above her shoulder to brush her volumous hair away from her smooth neck.

As Jake reached out his hand, Murphy glanced down. He didn’t feel quite comfortable enough to take it, but he let the back of his fingers brush against the back of Jake’s, acknowledging the offer without leaping in completely.

“Lucky for me you had to wait a while to meet me then, I guess,” he said, giving a small smile at Jake’s explanation. “I’m glad it’s not all been shit. It was kind of scary at first when it happened. Obviously it’s calmed down now, but the ripples are still there.”

As Murphy glanced towards the young looking vampire a movement behind them caught his eye and he spotted Luke lurking.

“You sure he’s ok? He doesn’t seem to want to let you out of his sight,” he said, before realising what he’d said and remembering how Luke had been hovering before. “Oh, he’s not going to let you out of his sight. Is that always, or just here?” he asked. Jake was handsome, cute, charming, and it wasn’t like Murphy hadn’t been fed from in Risk where it wasn’t exactly private. But that was a crowded room, this was one person staring at them whilst they… whatever this was.

Or maybe he was being presumptuous. Maybe Jake didn’t have anything planned for this stroll other than just a walk through the flowers.

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Re: A Grand Entrance
« Reply #87 on: February 21, 2019, 10:59:47 AM »

Her smile shifted from fixed politeness to something more natural when Pierre joined her side. She made softly spoken introductions between them, informing Kerr officially that Pierre was her sire. Then Sabrina cast her eyes their way. Jenella felt the appraisal before she saw it, and turned her face up towards the large woman, awed rather than intimidated by her size. Sabrina's expression was too warm for Jenella to be concerned about her. Zohoret was more beautiful, but cooler, and while she didn't personally know either, if Jenella had to pick which one would be more ruthless and self-serving, she would choose the dark angel rather than the saint.

What is she a saint of? Does she represent her own church or another? Her scent is like an infusion of multiple incense sticks.

 Jenella's thoughts remained within, and because Pierre was being addressed, she kept her silence.


From his vantage point, Ben had seen Murphy and Jake disappearing farther into the garden, out of sight. Jake's pet soldier followed them at a slight distance. Ben knew he was loyal to Jake, not Murphy, so if something happened between the two...

And there his thought process stopped as he realised that Jake was either chasing information or interested in Murphy. Ben's friend was attractive, and while they'd been terribly close and Ben had drunk from him many times, they'd never consummated their friendship into a sexual level.

He moved down the stairs, passing Ichabod and not saying anything, intending to follow where the couple had disappeared to. He moved across the grass instead of following the path, taking the most direct route around people milling together, chatting and laughing. He ended up catching up to the golden-skinned man who was very close and heading for Jake's little group, and Ben's steps slowed, not wanting to get caught into their conversation.


Charon was pleased to get Zohoret's approval. No doubt she would want to make connections beyond him, and Charon was fielding more starers now that the estate was full. Standing by someone so beautiful only made him more hideous. It dispelled the self-confidence he'd gained from Ben, and he excused himself.

"I hope you will enjoy the party. I will not monopolise your time any further, when I am seeing you tomorrow night."

He glided into the foyer to escape prying eyes, and moved effortlessly around groups of people much more gracefully than Ben was doing outside. He had time and a mental blanket upon him. He moved upstairs, intending on finding out what had happened to the naked Malkavian and Jeanne.
INFUSCO : Ben : Hugh : Lan Bao : Mick : Todd : Vincent : Win :
HALFLIGHT : Graille Min Sayer :

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Re: A Grand Entrance
« Reply #88 on: February 21, 2019, 01:54:17 PM »
Ari smiled as Damien spoke, pleased with his answer. Sam was endearing, if a little bit wooden, and he suspected her sire had prescribed her behavior for the evening, making her his pretty little doll. Well, who was he to judge? Every family had their oddities, the blonde's included. It was too bad Damien was known to have a female companion. He was not a bad looking man. Between his grace, pretty face and respectful words, Charon would be getting a good report about this one. The tall Swede clasped him on the shoulder. It was an intrusion true, but his words were friendly ones, and he showed a bit of brotherhood.

"You are a very clever man, Mr. Evans," he complimented, removing his hand and placing it back down at this side. His tone was rather light for him. To the others they'd see the statue move a bit, hinting at more underneath. "I can see now why my grandsire invited you."

He didn't ask a follow up. Let's see how two sided this conversation could be. He turned to the babe, in her nice outfit. It seemed half her, half someone else. Her earnestness to do well was visible on her face, and since her sire was neglecting to praise her, Ari decided to fill the gap. 

'So young to teach! You must be very smart and well informed." He then caught the eye of the man who'd been with his father. He was approaching. Ari didn't know what to expect, and watching Charon's public words told his grandchild nothing of his opinion. Ari would speak with him, but he would not address him first. Let's see what he wanted.

Lisa-Joe moaned, as he dug into her. This tension was too much. She needed him and didn't want to wait. She felt a pang of guilt at the thought of leaving her boss, and her urge to screw was played against her duty. She had to make a decision.

"Alright, let me send parting texts, and then we can get out of here." Jake would be pissed! But she'd been a good Keeper for a long time. Tonight was about her needs. She pulled out her phone and Jake and Sam would both get a message indicating her departure. When ready, she'd make herself presentable and leave with Seb.

Jake was disappointed that Murphy didn't take his hand, but chose to feel content that their hands had touched at all. He took it as a positive sign that the idea didn't repulse him, and let his hand brush along the human's. Jake listened to Murphy's perspective on the fall of the Oligarchy. The ripples were still there, and Jake knew he was one of them. He was glad Murphy hadn't brought up the west, or Ben, or that he'd hired Lazarus. It felt nice to have a normal conversation. He felt tempted to respond with a stock political line, something about the central district putting the work in. But he didn't want to be that kind of Jake to Murphy.

"It was scary. I thought I might get killed or run out of town." His face grew worried, and wave of anxiety crept in. He hadn't spoken that fear out loud to anyone, not even Lisa. Why had he just said it to Murphy? As uncomfortable as it was to say it, he felt a certain relief afterwords. He'd been internal for much of Murphy's comments about Luke, but heard enough to know what he was talking about.

"Oh, yes he's fine. He's my bodyguard tonight. I haven't hired a proper Sheriff yet, and so Luke is so graciously filling in, and you should know he has excellent hearing." His tone was playful and light. He waved to Luke, letting him know he wasn't trying to talk about him in front of him. He sent Murphy a telepathic message, the temptation to speak to him too great to ignore.

I can't stop staring at your neck. He let his desire be felt in the message. It was curious, attracted, horny and most of all interested.
Be a sadist. Now matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them — in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Jake Benny Kyle Lisa-Joe James/Jimmy Tess Tyler Apep Ari Lacy Mithras

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Re: A Grand Entrance
« Reply #89 on: February 21, 2019, 05:29:18 PM »
“Perfect,” Seb said, bouncing slightly on his toes in a pleased manner as he won Lisa-Joe around. As she texted he vaguely considered stretching an invitation to a couple of the mortals in the tent outside so they could feed before, during, or after the first round (for he had no doubt there would be more than one) but he didn’t need to feed and if Lisa-Joe did there was plenty of blood stored in his home. He didn’t want any distraction from her.

“Let’s go,” Seb said, offering her his arm once she was ready and then escorting her away, skirting around the groups (and using some mental tricky to stave off anyone who did consider getting in there way).

It felt weird, having someone like Jake admit something like that to him. It wasn’t fitting with the all-powerful Leader persona Jake had been fostering. Murphy gingerly reached out to put a reassuring hand on Jake’s back, resting it there for a few seconds before it dropped again. “At least you have your family around you, they’d do anything for you, that’s obvious.”

Murphy’s cheeks flushed slightly as Jake pointed out Luke had great hearing – the explanation confirmed what Murphy had come to realise, but that didn’t make it feel less awkward. Ben had asked him to stay a few nights a couple of weeks ago when he was worried about Lazarus for some reason, but Murphy hadn’t felt comfortable there. It had been like being guarded, but with the tension between Kerr and Ben, and Kerr never having really liked him, it hadn’t lasted long before Murphy had gone home again.

There was no doubt in what he was hearing and feeling this time as Jake’s voice smoothly caressed his mind and the breath caught in his throat.

You don’t have to just look, he thought, responding in kind although he wasn’t sure whether Jake would pick up on it – hopefully since he’d sent a mental message he’d be expecting a response in kind.

Trying not to rush, wanting it to look casual, Murphy loosened then pulled off his tie, shoving it into his jacket pocket. He hadn’t been fed from in a while – Ben had been distracted with the Academy and then Kerr returning. He was suddenly regretting having had that drink earlier – it had been a weak one, but Murphy knew after drinking alcohol he became a lot more... excitable… during feeding that when he hadn’t. Maybe it hadn’t been enough to make a difference.